Two Hearts Christmas Wish

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Two Hearts Christmas Wish Page 11

by Tamara Ferguson

  “Need some help?”

  “Yeah,” Jason growled laying the case on the bed. Pulling out the mechanical hand, he hoisted the device over his shoulder before Luke stepped over to securely fasten the straps.

  “Thanks. It takes me forever to adjust the darn thing myself.”

  After a quick check of the mechanism, Jason reached out and tweaked Luke’s nose.

  “Hey,” Luke said, backing away. “I know you’re pretty damned good at manipulating the fingers on that thing, but stay away from my pretty face.” Luke smirked. “Kelly would probably come after you if you did any damage.”

  “What pretty face?” Jason snorted and began to laugh. “But I’d sure hate to tangle with Kelly.”

  Luke grinned wryly. “Yeah, same here.”

  A few minutes later, Jason was nearly dressed when he sighed. All that was left to do was to slip into his uniform jacket. Now it was time to open the box.

  Ripping open the letter first, Jason quickly skimmed over its contents and his mouth dropped open.

  “What?” Luke asked, and Jason silently handed over the letter before reaching for the box that he’d dropped onto the bed before changing clothes.

  Luke began laughing loudly reading the letter. “Someone must’ve pulled some strings. Wow, Jas. Aren’t you supposed to have in over twenty years for something like this?”

  Staring dazedly inside the box that had accompanied the letter, Jason nodded dumbly. Feeling oddly humbled yet proud, he pulled out the silver eagle that had been nestled inside. After pinning the provisional insignia at the appropriate place, he slipped into his jacket and tugged his cap onto his head.

  Standing at attention, Luke grinned, lifting his hand and giving Jason a salute. “Congratulations, Colonel.”

  * * * * *

  Kat stood before the full-length mirror in her suite studying her reflection critically.

  Kelly’s mom’s salon wasn’t any back of the woods establishment. It was a spa, and the place had been packed, even with people from the inn. Along with the hair salon, they offered a range of services including manicures, tanning and massage. She’d had her nails done while she’d been there too, but Kelly’s mom wouldn’t allow Kat to pay for anything.

  And her hair looked fantastic. It had always been Kat’s pride and joy and she rarely had it cut. Maybe she was getting a little too old to keep it so long? But it still hung nearly to her waist. Kat had laughed when the hairdresser at the salon had oohed and aahed over it as she’d begun working with it. After the length had being twisted into a French braid, Kat’s hair had been swept from her face and piled high on top of her head.

  “Not so bad, if I do say so myself,” she muttered out loud as she stared in the mirror. Although the gauzy golden gown had a modest neckline, it slid daringly low in the back with the fabric hugging every one of her curves in all the right places.

  There was a knock on the door and Kat went to answer.

  “Oh, Kelly.” Kat said, when she opened the door. “You look beautiful.”

  Kelly grinned and spun around, looking like a princess. She was wearing a sparkling gown in a shade of blue that matched her eyes and showed off her white-blonde hair.

  “You’re looking pretty sweet yourself, Kat. I love what they did with your hair. I don’t think I’d have the patience to take care of mine if it ever grew so long.”

  Kat grimaced. “Some days, the idea of having it cut shorter keeps running through my mind.”

  “Don’t you dare. It’s too beautiful to have cut.”

  Kat picked up her purse and took a final glance at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a little more makeup than usual, but it somehow seemed fitting because the golden shadow brought out the green of her eyes while the liner and mascara made her eyes look enormous.

  Kelly looked at her quizzically. “Ready?”

  Taking in a deep breath, Kat smiled and nodded. “Ready.”

  * * * * *

  As Luke blew out a long loud whistle, Jason spun around when the elevator doors opened wide.

  Jason’s jaw dropped. This was Kat? When she stepped out from the elevator dressed in a glittering gown of gold, Jason realized he hadn’t comprehended just how lovely she actually was.

  Staring down at the high heeled sandals she was wearing first, his eyes moved upward and Jason swallowed, noticing the long length of shapely leg that was exposed by a slit that ran up along the side of the gown. As she walked gracefully through the lobby towards him and Luke, the gown draped lovingly over every single curve of Kat’s amazing figure.

  And then Jason noticed her face. Her eyes seemed huge. Deep dark and mysterious, the jade green color of her eyes really did remind of a cat, he thought as he began to smile. And her hair? He’d always admired its silky texture—plus there was so much of it. How he’d love to be able to run his hands through it.

  Or rather his hand, he thought somewhat wryly.

  “Oh, Kat,” he breathed out softly reaching for her hand. “You look beautiful.”

  Seemingly nervous, she smiled a little hesitantly staring at him in his uniform.

  That’s right, she’d never seen him dressed like this before.

  Jason was aware that when he put on his uniform there were times that his manor would change along with it. He could sometimes be a little intimidating. It was the nature of being in charge, and his father had acted the same way too. Jason suddenly remembered he’d even pointed it out to his dad in his naivety when he’d been a kid.

  Aware that they were getting a lot of attention, he walked beside Kat towards the ballroom.

  Jason nearly groaned out load when he noticed the setup of the tables. Oh, no, he realized he’d completely forgotten how the seating arrangements would work tonight. Everyone here representing the military would be up front and on display.

  He hated the idea of being separated from Kat. He’d try to get away for some dancing as soon as they were through with dinner, he decided.

  Jason stared outside through the window. So far, so good. There wasn’t any snow yet. His overnight bag was stashed in Kelly’s office because Luke and Kelly would drive him home later today.

  He’d actually tried to book his room for an additional night but the inn was full. And besides, he didn’t have another change of clothes. Stupidly, he hadn’t thought about that yesterday.

  But Kat would be here for another week, and then there was Luke and Kelly’s Christmas Eve party tomorrow night. Jason had no doubt the party would be on no matter what the weather. Emergency road crews were pretty good at getting out here to Dragonfly Pointe to clear the snow, and Luke and Kelly lived right down the road.

  Too bad they weren’t as good about clearing the roads around his cottage. He’d gotten stuck once in his car a few weeks ago, and as inconvenient as it was always having to hitch a ride, being stuck that one time and feeling totally helpless had been enough.

  Looking at Kat, he took in a deep breath and stuck out his arm.

  * * * * *

  Although she was still feeling dazed, Kat hooked her arm within Jason’s.

  Seeing the look in his eyes when he’d devoured nearly every inch of her had definitely made it worth every penny of the money she’d spent on this gown.

  They began to walk through the ballroom. Kat was kind of at a loss for words when she turned to Jason. Untouchable, harder and so much more distant than the Jason she was falling in love with again, he looked like a stranger. Seeing him in his uniform seemed to change him somehow.

  What a silly thought, she realized frowning. She needed to relax. She was feeling different somehow about Jason tonight after seeing him dressed like this. That was all. Maybe she was a little scared thinking about the future. What did she even know about the military?

  Moments later, when she was finally ready to accept him for what he was and enjoy the evening, the worst thing that could happen did. She found out she wouldn’t be spending the evening with him like she’d thought. This was an exclusiv
e event and the seating had been arranged beforehand. Jason would be speaking, and Kat was disappointed to learn he would be sitting at the head table far away from her and Luke and Kelly. He was swept away from her side at that moment by a group of officers who had apparently arrived to represent other branches of the military for the benefit of the wounded warrior home.

  She knew it was stupid, but Kat felt like she was going to cry.

  She made small talk with Luke and Kelly when they were seated and had a few glasses of wine. The auction was going on behind them, and many guests were wandering back and forth and having drinks while they mingled.

  Kat kept trying to see Jason, but he was busy in an intense conversation with the other military officers which even included a female captain representing the army. Jake Loughlin and his wife were seated with their group nearby.

  Dinner was finally served, and Kat barely tasted the chicken cordon bleu she’d ordered, excellent as it was.

  The event officially began with Jake Loughlin introducing the members representing the military who were seated at one end at the head table, along with the administrators of both Crystal Visions and the wounded warrior home seated at the other end.

  Words were spoken by pretty much everyone at the head table, Kat noticed until finally it was time for Jason to stand up and talk.

  Kelly grinned and whispered, “You’re probably going to be surprised at how good Jason is at this.”

  Jason arose and made a few jokes about some of the military personnel sitting at the table, and then he got right to the point by talking about how much the facility would benefit wounded veterans, and detailing the need of funding as well as the shortage of treatment centers across the country.

  Jason was a fantastic public speaker and Kat was so impressed. Nothing seemed to faze him and his presentation was smooth, natural, and obviously unrehearsed.

  When he finally got personal, she listened attentively.

  “After I became an amputee, I found it interesting to learn that even the army is allowing wounded soldiers to remain enlisted.”

  Jason waited for the laughter to subside.

  “And many of these soldiers are currently seeing action in combat overseas.” He turned his eyes on his fellow officers. “It will be a different kind of battle for me with the loss of my hand, but just in these past six months, the Air Force has cleared two amputees who’ve lost their legs to return to the air.” He hesitated as his eyes searched the room and landed on Kat. “That’s why I’ve volunteered for the latest experimental surgery in hopes that someday, despite their disabilities, many of our heroic servicemen and women will have the opportunity to resume their military careers even in the air.”

  Applause echoed through the room. Kat had no idea that Jason was such an inspiring public speaker, and his message brought tears to her eyes.

  “I want to personally thank everyone for helping us here today with their contributions,” Jason said before sitting back down in his chair.

  Luke gave Kat a nudge with his elbow and grinned. “See? Even though he’s a pretty boy, there’s a whole lot more to Jason than just his good looks.”

  Kat couldn’t help but laugh. Luke’s comment was so silly and she had a feeling Luke was trying to reassure her somehow.

  A band was set up on the opposite side of the room, and music began trickling through the air.

  Kat was surprised when she heard a popular rock ballad playing from a well-known band.

  Kelly grinned. “Only the latest and greatest. You do know Danielle Loughlin used to be a pretty famous vocalist not so long ago?”

  Kat blinked, shaking her head. “No, I didn’t.”

  Kelly began running through a list of songs, and Kat recognized almost every one of them.

  Luke grinned. “Sometimes, I think that there isn’t a single celebrity that either she or Jake doesn’t know.”

  Everyone sitting at their table laughed.

  Conversation surrounded her as Kat sat waiting for Jason to hopefully appear at their table. But after about a half an hour listening to the laughter at the table, Kat was feeling a little lost. She left Kelly and Luke sitting at the table with a few of their friends once she’d finished her dessert.

  Why not just go find Jason, she decided? Surely he would make it easy for her to join in with whomever he was with. He was probably busy and just hadn’t had a chance to seek her out after dinner.

  When she finally saw Jason, she was thrown a little off balance seeing him surrounded by a group of women. A redhead clung tightly to his arm while a very young blonde was obviously flirting, laughing at something he said.

  Why was she surprised? Jason was even better looking now than he’d been when she’d known him as a teenager. And now that he was wearing that uniform? Girls probably chased after him like crazy. Kat had even read something somewhere about the female groupies who targeted military men.

  She was suddenly feeling jealous as well as dismayed. This wasn’t the kind of night she’d been expecting and it was becoming more disappointing by the minute. After basically being left on her own all night, Kat didn’t have the energy to go over there and pull Jason away from the women’s claws.


  Kat spun around at the sound of the familiar voice, and her mouth dropped open.

  Wow was she surprised, but she finally got her thoughts together. “Mark? What are you doing here?”

  His look was quizzical. “You invited me,” he answered wryly. “Remember?”

  “I….” She noticed he was dressed for the occasion in a crisp black tux, and was looking awfully sexy with his wavy brown hair combed neatly back. “Where did you get dressed?” she asked abruptly.

  He hesitated, staring at her intently. “In our suite. But I put my things in the other room.”

  “Oh.” They’d taken a few trips in the past, and Kat had been lucky enough to book a two-bedroom suite here at the inn. She’d learned from experience that Mark still spent more time working on his computer than he did with her.

  “You look lovely, Kat.”

  Grinning wryly, she sighed looking into Mark’s warm brown eyes. “Thank you.”

  “Would you like to dance?”

  “I’d love to,” she answered quickly, glancing over at Jason, who apparently still hadn’t looked her way.

  A slow ballad was playing as Mark swept her across the floor. They were quiet as they moved in sync with the music and continued to dance through another song.

  When Danielle Loughlin eventually made her way onto the stage and began to sing, Mark escorted Kat over to the bar so they could each get a glass of wine.

  For the next few minutes they sat at an empty table and just listened to the music.

  Finally, Mark spoke. “I was thinking Kat after you left. Maybe you should come along with me to California? We could even get married.”

  Kat almost snorted out loud. How romantic.


  But for a moment she was actually thinking about it. She’d invested a lot of time into their relationship. Kat quietly continued to study Mark. He’d be a good provider as well as a good father, she knew that for sure. There wasn’t a single doubt in her mind that he’d always remain faithful. Overall, Mark was a really great guy. Kat would never have been dating him for so long if he wasn’t.

  She was suddenly curious thinking about their relationship from his point of view. “Why have you been going out with me for so long, Mark?” she asked gently.

  Mark appeared to be taken aback. “Because you’re great Kat, and of course you’re beautiful too. You’ve always been ready to change your plans at the drop of a hat if I have to work. You’re someone I can always talk to about anything.” He gave her a wry smile. “And my parents absolutely love you.”

  “But the question here is this—do you love me?”

  His mouth began to twitch. “Ah, of course I love you Kat.”

  “And I love you too Mark,” she answered softly. “But as
a friend; exactly the same way that I think you love me too.”

  Mark’s jaw dropped. He appeared to be stunned. “But…” He swallowed. “You’re telling me no?”

  “Come on, admit it. You weren’t originally planning on asking me to move with you to California and marry you, were you?”

  He looked sheepish. “Nah.” He cleared his throat. “But then after I talked to you the other day I imagined my life without you, and I didn’t like the idea of never being with you again.”

  She smiled tenderly. “Of course we’ll see each other again. That’s what friends do.” Moving closer, she laid a hand over the side of his face and lightly kissed his lips.

  Mark groaned. “Oh, Kat. I’m really going to miss you. I’ve just really needed a change. All I do is work, and it’s so cutthroat in Chicago anymore with the economy. This transfer seemed like the perfect opportunity when it came along”.

  She answered wryly, “If it’s any consolation, I’ve been thinking about starting over somewhere new, too.”

  He wrapped an arm over her shoulders and they just sat and listened to the music.

  * * * * *

  “Did you need a ride home Jason? The snow’s definitely arriving in the next few hours according to the weather channel, so we’re ready to take off. Kelly and I have to pick up the rest of the food and drinks we need for the Christmas Eve party tomorrow night in case we get snowed in tomorrow morning.”

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” Jason answered looking over at Kat. Wearing a smile on her face, she was dancing with the guy who Luke and Kelly had decided was probably the boyfriend Jason had told them about.

  Looking in the direction of Jason’s gaze, Luke winced. “Are you sure, Jas? You’re kind of leaving everything up in the air here.”

  “I’m sure,” Jason answered grimly. “She hasn’t even talked to me since before dinner.” He watched for a few more minutes as Kat and the guy she was dancing with quit, and walked over to the bar before sitting down at a table with their drinks. They spend a few minutes talking.

  And then she kissed him.

  He wanted to go over there and punch the guy in the face.


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