Alien General's Baby: BBW Human - Alien Surprise Pregnancy SciFi Romance (Brion Brides)

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Alien General's Baby: BBW Human - Alien Surprise Pregnancy SciFi Romance (Brion Brides) Page 19

by Vi Voxley

  "You are here by fate," Braen argued, seeing the way Naima's eyes snapped up to meet his burning gaze. "You were meant to pick up the stone. I have seen the feeds. Janey saw the glow as well but it was you who it called to, who it wanted as its conduit. And there is no world, no possible eventuality where I would have left you. With or without the lifestone, you are everything."

  The general could see that she was about to reply, but Fosh came back and there was a wide smile on his thin lips.

  “We’ll continue this later,” he said in a hushed tone, flicking his attention to the healer.

  "I bring good news, Miss Jones," he said. "No more tests are needed. The cause for your illness is very simple and your symptoms are entirely natural.”

  Braen sat up a little straighter, seeing the confusion on Naima’s beautiful face.

  “Weren't you aware that you were pregnant?"

  His heart nearly stopped. The absolutely stupefied look his gesha gave him told Braen that she had, in fact, not known that either.



  Naima's mind was giving her the flatline signal.

  The healer Fosh had come to the room with such excitement, clearly believing he was the bearer of good news. Now, she watched as the joy slowly washed away from his features.

  It was almost funny to watch a Palian thinking he'd fucked up. Or it would have been more amusing if Naima wasn't fighting the strongest urge to scream. Either from joy or despair, she wasn't sure yet.

  Joy, of course joy, her heart finally made itself heard over the panicking mind. Yes. Okay. We've established that. Now fucking what?

  "Forgive me, Miss Jones," Fosh was saying. "I was certain you knew already. You are experiencing morning sickness. Combining that with your body still recuperating from the attack of the Fearless explains your weakness and the symptoms that General Braen described to us before your arrival. We have been given to understand that morning sickness is quite common with Terran females."

  "Yes," Naima heard her voice replying. "It is. I simply didn't think to assume that."

  Apparently Fosh had caught a bad case of blabbermouth, very uncommon with the Palians, since he went on: "I would still like to congratulate you, Miss Naima. We were informed the general is your gerion. This joyous occasion is truly –"

  "Uh-uh," Naima stopped him, her voice completely devoid of emotion. "I think you should give us a moment before we get to discussing how joyous this really is."

  I thought healers were supposed to read the room well, she mused, watching with passive interest as Fosh took one look at Braen somewhere behind her and took off as fast as he could without actually running.

  Naima turned on her seat to find the general looking at her with an unreadable expression. The valor squares on his neck were pulsing a quiet, soothing tune and the room was painted in light blue. As someone who didn't speak the complicated language of the Brion crystals, Naima had no idea whether it was a good or a bad blue.

  Probably good, right?

  She chose to believe the softness of the palette was a positive sign.

  All thoughts were wiped from her head. At the moment when she registered what the healer was saying, Naima had expected an array of emotions. There were so many valid ones to choose from, after all. From the positive "babies are so cute" to the negative "this is going to complicate matters even more" to the rational "contraceptives were invented, like, several centuries ago".

  In all fairness, though, that last one probably doesn't count. As much as I've seen, Brion guys would have to have their condoms custom made.

  She hadn’t been on any variant of the pill in years because of her off-planet work. And for some reason, even though she knew that Brions and Terrans were… compatible, she’d never really thought of that. After all, none of the other Terran geshas of Brion generals were pregnant yet!

  Of all of those warring emotions, only one emerged. It felt like being buried in the warmth and softness of pure love. The sickness that had bothered her only moments ago was now nothing, less than nothing. For the life growing inside her, Naima would have suffered a lot more.

  It was amazing what simple knowledge could do. Her baby made her stronger than any discomfort. Her hand went instinctively to her belly and she frowned slightly.

  How didn’t I know I had a life growing inside of me? My baby… Our baby, Naima reminded herself. It's our baby.

  Neither one of them had said anything for a long and increasingly awkward moment. Naima had literally no clue what the general was thinking, but her own mind was clear enough. She just needed Braen to speak first. It seemed all of their fights either began or ended up with her spurting accusations at the general which she knew herself weren't true.

  Considering the topic was their child, Naima held her tongue.

  Suddenly, the tables had been turned on her. As much as she’d actively fought the notion that she might need Braen as much as he claimed to need her… Well, now, she definitely did. If for no other reason than the keep the delicate, tiny life that was growing within her safe and warm.

  When the general moved closer to her, she expected him to kiss her, like he'd done before in similar situations, but Braen didn't touch her. The regret was immediate and painful. She had to bite her tongue not to take back her refusal right then.

  I’ve done too much to break this before it ever had a chance…

  She’d have plenty of time to consider her choices soon enough, but right now, she couldn’t do anything but curse herself for being… What? A coward.

  A coward sounds about right. He never had doubts and yet here I am, having put our child’s life in danger by not trusting him. Had I calmed down and let Braen closer, the Fearless might have never gotten so deep in my mind.

  "What does the blue mean?" she asked at last when the general merely looked at her with eyes full of devotion.

  "Joy," Braen replied, his voice a little hoarse from emotion. "Absolute joy. Not any kind that can be achieved in a good battle. Much more special and intimate than that."

  "Figures," Naima said carefully. "It's why most people don't associate this color with Brions."

  "It's because they don't see it," Braen corrected, his deep voice caressing her skin. "That kind of happiness is only shared between fated couples, no others."

  She nodded. Braen was so close to her it was hard to consider any other option than to be his forever, but Naima wasn't about to say anything rash in her very emotional state.

  She wanted to, though. There were a thousand words in her head, each more unlikely than the next, every last one of them exactly as over-the-top as the general's confessions of love. The words were in her mouth, on her tongue, beating at her teeth and needing to be heard.

  It was all Naima could do not to submit to him then and there, let herself be free and safe in his strong arms, but she suddenly had two lives to think about and consider.

  It made sense for her to agree to the bond now when there was a baby in play, but she didn't think of it like that. Her child deserved the best possible life and until Naima wasn't sure it was with Braen, she didn't want to spoil the fragile peace between them. She needed to digest the situation a little, see if she could really bring herself to trust in herself first. Her trust in Braen by now was… well, it was a scary kind of certainty, actually.

  The answer was there, however, in all of those words in her heart.

  "How are you feeling?" the general asked.

  "Good, I think," Naima said, glancing at the man she suddenly found herself falling for without hope of ever escaping him. "Happy."

  Braen's voice had been rougher than usual, saying that and Naima noticed the blue had faded away, replaced by something a little darker.

  "If you want me to take you back to Matthos IV, I will," the general said then to her utter surprise. "Or to Terra, wherever you'll feel safe. I can leave you with the Palians or fly you to Briolina. Wherever you go, you'd have my protection and warriors to defend you with
their lives. If the Palians manage to make the bracelet you envisioned, you shouldn't be in any danger."

  "What about – what about the Fearless?" Naima asked, the shock of that offer so strong it made her shake a little.

  "Audrey Price and I can handle it," Braen said, his voice hollow and emotionless. "It would be harder, but you know she would agree to it. With your condition, she wouldn't hesitate to take your place. Perhaps I'll find someone else to create the connection, a young warrior who doesn't know too much to give away to the enemy."

  "I can't ask Audrey to do that," Naima argued, remembering how tired and worn down the woman had looked.

  "I can," Braen said. "For the safety of you and our baby."

  Endless possibilities were rushing through Naima's head with such speed she felt dizzy. It all sounded great in theory. To leave the dark and gloomy Benevolent behind. To be safe under the protection of the new and improved bracelet, to never actually have to face the Fearless. It was supposed to be a dream come true.

  It wasn't.

  Nothing of the sort, in fact. All Naima could think about was that it meant she'd have to leave Braen. Even with all their fighting and the general's maddening bravado and his cursed thick-headed approach to everything... faced with the choice, she didn't want to go anywhere.

  The gigantic flagship didn't feel so dark lately, not when Braen was there with her.

  They were sailing to meet the most dangerous creature in the galaxy and every approaching inch put Naima in greater danger, but she didn't care. With the general, she felt safe against all reason.

  Braen's offer sounded like the logical choice, but it couldn't compete with the feeling in Naima's heart that she wasn't able to deny. That she and their baby belonged with the general, come what may.

  "No," she said. "I will stay until the mission is over. Audrey is too far. She can’t get you close enough to the Fearless and you know it."

  I will stay with you, her heart corrected.

  The light blue flash of happiness that brightened up Braen's otherwise stern face didn't go unnoticed by Naima.

  "Are you sure?" the general asked, barely able to hide his gladness. "The closer we get to the Darnetta system, the more likely it is that the Fearless can get to you, even with the bracelet."

  "I know," Naima said, holding her hand protectively over her belly, although she knew there wasn't anything to protect yet but a promise of life. "After everything I've been through and seen, I don't think distance or warriors are going to make a difference. I wouldn't be safe anywhere and besides...

  “I'd worry. At least while I'm with you, I know you're alive."

  This time, Braen couldn't resist leaning in closer and placing a soft kiss on her lips. A moan escaped Naima's mouth and in the next moment, she found herself pulled from the seat into the general's lap. His hands were wrapped around her, holding her gently and surely, his lips demanding and hungry for hers.

  Responding to him wasn't even a question. Naima had grown so used to fighting everyone that it just felt so good to give in, to let the general kiss her lovingly and passionately.

  Maybe it will work out, her mind helpfully added. Maybe I can be better… all that he deserves…

  Every last bit of Braen was driving her out of her mind faster than she could cope. The general's arms were firmly holding her against him, his lips drawing moan after moan from Naima. When he pulled her hair, she whimpered in need, desire quickly overrunning her body and will.

  She knew in that moment she'd fallen too hopelessly and too far.

  It just so happened that Palians had one of those days when they were bound to keep doing everything wrong. A surprised cough brought Naima back to the real world after she'd been lost in Braen's scent and strength and power.

  In her heart, she was starting to suspect it was like a drug to be with the general. And she wasn't strong enough to even pretend to want to get off of it.

  "Excuse me for interrupting," Gelo said, edging into the room. "I understand congratulations are in order, General. Miss Jones."

  Braen growled. Naima smiled.

  "I came to tell you of my success immediately," the Palian went on. "I thought you'd be excited to know that Miss Jones was right."

  Gods be good, can it be? Can I actually get some peace?

  She dashed from Braen's arms to the scientist who held a weird contraption. It didn't resemble her bracelet at all, more like a... glove. Just what she'd imagined. Her face lit up as she looked at it, admiring the craftsmanship.

  "Does it work?" Naima asked, unable to contain her excitement.

  "All the diagnostics show that it does, but I thought we could try and see if it needs some tinkering," Gelo said. "Will you give me your hand?"

  Naima reached out her left arm, the one without the bracelet. As the Palian slipped the thin glove on, she was astonished. Even the general came closer to see.

  It was truly something to behold. Thin and silvery, so flexible it was almost like a cloth, but sturdy like metal. It crisscrossed over her skin like a floral pattern. The surface was pleasantly warm, pulsing very lightly from the lifestone embedded above her wrist. Naima noticed they'd only used a piece of it, but considering the power of the stone, it was more than enough.

  "I followed your instructions to the point, as you may see," Gelo said as Naima pulled the glove slightly over her elbow. "The glove is made of nanobots that will conform to your movements, so it shouldn't be in the way. It weighs practically nothing and is so thin you almost can't see it under fabric."

  "It really doesn't feel like I'm wearing anything," Naima agreed, moving her hand a little. "I mean, look at the way it presses against my skin. It looks like I have a silver tattoo."

  "Something of the sort," the Palians agreed, clearly proud of his work. "And this is merely the prototype. If I had more time, I might perfect it, but you insisted on speed."

  "I did," Naima said, exchanging a look with Braen. "We need to find the Fearless. Will you send one of your better prototypes to Audrey Price on Verien? With my greetings."

  "Of course," Gelo assured her and took a step back. "Are you ready to turn it on? General, join us, please."

  Braen frowned.

  "Must she endure the Fearless' attacks again?" he asked.

  "Not at all, General," Gelo said. "Miss Jones asked for another thing in her proposal for this device. We've understood that the Fearless has been able to access her mind at more unguarded moments. To ensure that doesn't happen again, I've added a safety measure.

  “The glove can't be turned off without you, General. If you would give the nanobots your fingerprint there... yes, that's good. Now, only you will be able to remove or turn off the glove."

  Braen pressed his thumb to where Gelo showed. As the Palian talked on about the specific mechanisms of opening the new device, Braen was looking at Naima with such intensity that she felt herself blushing.

  "This is brilliant," he finally said.

  "Thank you," Naima smiled. "I thought since I can't be trusted with the bracelet, there should be a way I didn't have to be. Now, the Fearless can't make me take the bracelet off and since it won't be able to access your mind, I should be as safe as I can be."

  "Shall we turn it on?" Gelo repeated and Naima nodded eagerly.

  With a small touch, the glove came to life, emanating a very dim glow. Naima gasped, causing both men to tense up in alarm. It was like she’d stepped out of a box of nails into cotton.

  "Naima?" Braen asked, concern plain in his deep voice.

  "I'm fine," she whispered, moving her hand with the wondrous glove in front of her. "It's gone. The Fearless, the lifestone. I can't feel any of it, not even a little. There's only silence. By gods, I'd forgotten what it's like to be alone in my mind."

  As soon as she'd said that, Naima felt an unease she hadn't expected.

  The silence she'd never noticed and always taken for granted was suddenly back, but she'd gotten used to the constant silent call of the lifesto
ne. Even to the occasional glimpses of dark red eyes, hearing someone's raspy breathing when there was no one close. The cold, too.

  With all of it taken away, Naima felt deaf to the galaxy. The glove didn't take the Fearless away, it simply dulled her senses. She hoped it did the same to the monster, but there was no way to be sure.

  As Braen took her back to the Benevolent and they resumed their mission, Naima couldn't shake an ominous feeling. Audrey had warned her that the Fearless would use every weakness she had and Naima had just found out about the baby.

  The question was, had the Fearless?



  The reinforced glove was an immense relief, especially when taking the same dropship back to the Benevolent. Still, the silence and the serenity bothered Naima. She never thought it would.

  Of course she didn't miss the looming presence of the Fearless, but there had been something comforting about always feeling the monster at the back of her mind. She'd known it was out there, looking for a way in, preparing. Growing stronger, but that it wasn’t strong enough yet. Now Naima felt blind and deaf and it wasn't the peace and quiet she'd hoped for.

  Guess I’m not right about everything, she mused, stealing a glance at Braen.

  Yet nothing could diminish the elation she felt when she thought of her baby. Knowing she was going to be a mother changed everything for Naima.

  All her life, she'd been a team of one. Now, suddenly, she was fighting for two and like a lioness, she was prepared to do anything to make sure the threat hanging over her would never bear down on her child.

  Braen's presence was comforting, naturally. There was something inherently reassuring about six feet tall space hunks with an army and a flying fortress.


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