Taming the Highlander

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Taming the Highlander Page 20

by May McGoldrick

  She propped herself on an elbow, so she could look into his face. She was mindful of not touching him.

  “We moved south into England. They were waiting for us between two rivers with their cavalry and their cannons. Other Scots troops were supposed to join us, but none came. Without the king there, his commanders wouldn’t support each other. When the battle started, the English outnumbered us three to one. In the first encounter, they gunned us down and then threw their cavalry at us. We found ourselves penned in between the river and the Moss. That’s where the fiercest fighting took place.”

  He paused and looked into her face, as if assuring himself that she was not suffering. Innes said nothing, fighting the urge to comfort him. She knew what would come next.

  “The riverbanks and the field all about were painted with Scots blood. We were no match for the English Border Horse. They rode over us time and again. Hundreds of my men were cut down and left to die in the marshes and the river.” He paused again. “You drew that scene.”

  She did. Innes remembered the sorrow she felt as only an outside observer. She couldn’t imagine the extent of Conall’s loss at his position.

  “And then you were taken prisoner,” she said.

  “I should have died on that field with my men.”

  “You fought bravely and honorably,” she said softly, unable to stop the tears that sprang into her eyes. “You didn’t surrender. You were taken from that field by force. Fate had other plans for you.”

  He kissed her lips. He kissed each of her eyes and brushed away her tears.

  “Tell me what happened after,” she said.

  “The English captured so many after that battle. They were to be bargaining tokens to break down the Scottish crown. Others were part of vast ransoms,” he told her. “While I lay in prison, I heard that King James died not long after, humiliated by our loss and ill with fever. Even the birth of our infant queen could not rally him. He was too distraught. He died lamenting the death of his Sinclairs, they say.”

  “And that only added to your unwarranted guilt.”

  “Not unwarranted. I was their commander. It was under my direction that so many lost their lives.”

  She propped herself up. “If there is anyone who should harbor guilt, it is those villains who did not arrive, those supposedly loyal Scots who left you unsupported while you fought a larger army alone. This shame—this guilt you feel—it’s only right that they should bear it, not you.”

  A smile tugged at a corner of his lip. “You’re angry on my behalf.”

  “Aye, and who wouldn’t be,” she said, shaking her head. “And while you languished in captivity, you wouldn’t reveal your identity. That’s why it was a year before anyone knew you were alive.”

  “I knew what gold we as a clan had in our vaults. And I knew that those English bastards would take every bit of it. It was just bad luck that I was discovered.”

  “Your life was worth it. Bryce knew it. Your clan wanted you back. You were needed here,” she told him, not wanting to imagine how empty everyone’s life would have been if Conall had never returned. How purposeless her own life would be now. “But that is in the past. Now is the start of a new chapter for you and Bryce and the Sinclairs.”

  “My little warrior.” He traced her bottom lip. “Now you also understand why I care so much about Bryce’s happiness.”

  “It’s because of what you saw as your brother’s sacrifices.”

  “There were sacrifices, to be sure. He married Shona because I failed to do it sooner. He impoverished the Sinclairs to save me. And there was a time when I thought he was sacrificing himself again by marrying Ailein, just because of the size of her dowry.”

  And he’d not been the only one thinking that. Innes remembered her sister’s doubts even on her wedding day.

  She kissed him. “When it comes to those two, I’m actually glad that their marital difficulties started on their wedding night . . . before I left for Folais Castle with my kin.”

  “Not as glad as I am,” he said. “You’ve been my undoing and my salvation.”

  His fingers caressed the column of her neck and gently squeezed her breast before moving down over her stomach. She gasped with excitement when he touched her wet folds with his fingertips, parting her, teasing her. A moment later, she was moaning with pleasure.

  She opened her legs to receive him, but he smiled and moved his lips down her body. He tasted her breasts and still continued downward, lifting her hips and kissing the inside of her leg. His gaze met hers, challenging her silently to watch.

  Innes’s heart sang in her chest, her skin tingled, her body shook with erotic anticipation.

  He moved his mouth to the juncture of her thighs. She cried out with a startled gasp at the shock of the intimacy, and her entire body lifted upward toward the ceiling. But he pushed her back and continued his sweet torment.

  The sky opened overhead. She could muster no control. Her body shuddered in wild spasms of release and waves of pleasure that continued to roll through her. Moments later, her hands clutched desperately at his hair, pulling him back up to her.

  She could no longer hold back. She needed to feel him, touch him the same way. She pushed him and he rolled on his back, bringing her with him. She straddled his hips and flattened her palms against his chest.

  His gaze was drawn to her hands, then to her breasts.

  She smiled. “You have to realize that there are rewards in me reading your thoughts.”

  “Are there now?” He tried to touch her breast, but she pushed his arms above his head.

  She started with his mouth, leaning over him and kissing him with the same thoroughness that he’d kissed her. Her breasts brushed against his chest, her hips teased him where she touched his stomach.

  His eyes lost focus, strain showed in his face, but he was bound to her wishes.

  Innes let her mouth travel down the hard planes of his chest, her fingers tracing down to his powerful thighs. They flexed under her touch.

  Innes’s breath caught in her chest at the sight and the feel of his full manhood rising so intimately between her breasts.

  Her fingers moved down slowly and encircled the smooth flesh. Placing her mouth again on his stomach, she followed the path he showed her in his mind, descending slowly until her lips caressed the pulsing shaft.

  She heard him draw in a deep breath and hold it. Building her courage, she let the tip of her tongue trace the length of him. Fiercely, he thrust his hand into her hair.

  “Innes, I cannot take much of this.” His voice was hoarse. Glancing up, she could see the sweat glistening on his brow.

  She wanted him to be undone the way she’d been undone. She opened her mouth and took him in.

  Innes heard him call her name as he pulled her roughly up and turned her facedown on the bed.

  She spread her palms flat against the bedclothes, lifting herself to receive him as he searched for the moist opening. She gasped softly with the urgency of his penetration.

  Conall leaned forward over her back, his mouth kissing her neck, the sensitive spot beneath her ear. His hand caressed her breasts, teasing her erect nipples, before moving lower to stroke her very center with expert fingers.

  Now it was she who would lose control again, and she panted for breath, rocking back into him, hardly realizing that she lifted off her knees as he drove into her with fast and powerful thrusts.

  A growling sound vibrated in his chest as he took hold of her writhing hips, plunging into her over and over.

  As the heavens burst open before her eyes with a million dazzling shocks of reds and golds, Innes did not know if she cried out. Vaguely, she felt him grip her shoulder, toppling her forward as he convulsed with a loud cry. Instinctively, she clutched his arms as he wrapped them around her, pressing her into the bed.

  How long they stayed that way, Innes had no way of knowing. She gradually became conscious of their fast and uneven breathing, relishing the sensation of their heated
bodies molded together both inside and out.

  Eventually, he stirred, gently withdrawing from her and placing tender kisses on her spine, on her neck. He rolled to the side and turned her, drawing her against his chest and kissing her lips.

  His mouth slipped to her ear. “I apologize for the audience.”

  She looked down at the foot of the bed. Thunder had his paws on the blankets, waiting for the invitation to jump up.

  Chapter 25

  “This is more like my Ailein,” Innes teased as her sister wiped away the tears racing down her cheeks.

  “What do you expect? My sister is getting married. I’m the one responsible for it. I arranged it.” She beamed through her tears. “Bryce says Conall insists on leaving for Folais Castle the day after tomorrow to speak with Father.”

  “Aye, he’s trying to give Fingal three weeks for posting the banns. They’ll do the same thing at home.” Innes smiled, still dazed from everything that was happening. She was going to marry Conall Sinclair. Their betrothal would take place in private tomorrow night, before he left. Even though he hadn’t met with her father to settle any arrangements regarding dowry, the two of them were capable of making their own decisions.

  “You do know that Bryce is going with him,” Ailein told her with a smile. “Like me, he is taking all the credit for your romance. He wants to make certain everything goes smoothly with Father and that the wedding date is set and that the ceremony will be here at Castle Girnigoe.”

  “I don’t believe Father will object to any of that,” Innes said. “Besides, I’m going with them, so there shouldn’t be any prob—”

  “You can’t go!” Ailein cried out in dismay.

  “What’s wrong?” Innes immediately jumped to her feet, went to her sister, and took her in her arms. As soon as she touched her, she knew.

  Ailein burst out laughing.

  “Is it true?” Innes asked.

  Ailein smiled, wiping her cheeks at the same time. “Jinny thinks so. And I saw the Sinclair midwife this morning. They both say I’m expecting.”

  Innes hugged her sister again, this time not letting her go. Years of memories rushed into Innes’s thoughts. Memories of the toddler she used to hold in her lap after their mother passed on. The child that followed Innes every moment of the day and crawled into bed with her every night. The one who wouldn’t allow anyone else to soothe or comfort her. And now Ailein was going to be a mother herself.

  “Have you told Bryce?” Innes asked, pulling away.

  “I did this morning. He’s quite excited. But he also wants to make sure I’m not left here alone. He asked . . . I’m asking that you stay.”

  Innes rattled off in her mind all the reasons why she was going back to Folais, and they all had to do with Conall. She wanted to make certain he was well received and well treated. Most importantly, she wanted to be with him while he traveled.

  “Please, Innes?” Ailein begged.

  “Of course.” She took her sister in her arms again. “Of course I’ll stay.”

  Innes stared at her reflection in the mirror, not recognizing the woman looking back. The underskirt of heavy ivory-colored silk, with its low square neckline and elegantly embroidered sleeves, swept to the floor. Ivory lined her gown of deep blue silk, edged with intricately stitched beads of silver and laced in front beneath her breast. The blue gloves matched the gown perfectly.

  Her loosely braided locks fell to her waist over one shoulder. The silver edging on the gown accented the blaze of white in her hair.

  “Thank you, Jinny. You’ve wrought a miracle, and I’m struck speechless.”

  “Nay. It’s you, mistress. It’s your beauty shining through,” the old woman said happily. “You look bonnier than any princess, I’d wager. Just wait until the earl sees you. He asked you to marry him, seeing you only in those black dresses. Wait until he sees you without them.”

  Oh, Conall had seen her without them, Innes thought, walking away from the mirror so Jinny wouldn’t see her blush. After that first day when she followed him to his chambers, they had tried to be discreet. When Conall came to her late at night, he used the passageway under the castle. She burned, thinking of the things that he did to her body. How he made her soar every time they made love, leaving her breathless and spent . . . and still wanting more.

  “Please remember to tell no one of tonight’s betrothal,” she said, turning to Jinny. “The earl wants just the two of us there—with Bryce and Ailein and Wynda as witnesses—when we exchange our promises before the priest.”

  Conall and his brother would leave for Folais Castle tomorrow. He knew their wedding plans were out of his control; Ailein and Bryce had already taken charge of it. But for tonight, he wanted their affair to be private. And Innes would do anything for him. She’d run off with him, if that’s what he wanted.

  The knock on the door told her that he was here for her. Jinny hurried to the door and opened it.

  For a long moment, there was absolute silence. From where she stood, Innes could only see Jinny. She appeared to be frozen in the middle of a curtsy.

  “Jinny, is your mistress ready?” The very sound of Conall’s voice resonated in her heart. She went to the door and, like her servant, all she could do was stare.

  If not for his eyes, his voice, and the portrait of him she’d admired the first night they’d arrived at Castle Girnigoe, she would not have immediately recognized him.

  “You’ve shaved,” she said.

  His gaze swept over her before returning to her face. “You’re wearing blue.”

  He looked handsome, incredibly so. She let her gaze move over his strong chin and the chiseled jawline, the straight nose and piercing blue eyes. His scar was more noticeable with the beard gone. But she loved him, regardless of how he looked.

  She smiled. “And you cut your hair.” It was still long, but he now tucked it behind his ears. It barely reached his shoulders.

  He looked from Ailein to Jinny and back and then stretched out his hand. “Ready?”

  Innes nodded, still flustered by his new looks. She put her hand in his, and he led her down the steps. He said nothing as they descended. At the bottom landing, he didn’t step out into the courtyard, but instead opened the heavy door to the tunnels.

  She giggled when, a moment later, the darkness of the cavern enveloped them and he began kissing her senseless.

  “What have you done with my beloved?”

  “I could ask you the same thing.” She laughed, caressing his cheek and kissing him back. She leaned into his touch as he traced the neckline of the dress and cupped her breast. “I was getting so accustomed to having your beard marks on my skin.”

  “I can’t wait to take this thing off your body. I plan to run my smooth face all over you.”

  “I’ll get rid of Jinny as soon as we get back. I know you and Bryce want to get an early start.”

  “After the betrothal, we’re as good as married. I’m spending the night in your room.” He kissed her lips again. “And I don’t care who knows.”

  Before leaving the passageway, he pulled off her gloves and handed them to her.

  “We’re about to exchange our promises of marriage,” he told her, looking into eyes. “I want you to know what’s in my mind and in my heart.”

  When she thought she could not love him more, he surprised her even more.

  “I love you, Innes,” he whispered.

  “And I love you, Conall, more than life and eternity and everything that may lay in between.”

  His lips claimed hers in a kiss that thrilled her to the depths of her soul. He held her in his arms for few moments longer before taking her by the hand. They moved down the tunnels and climbed the steps into the North Tower.

  She was excited, and she knew he was, as well. They’d decided to make their promises to each other after the supper in the Great Hall was long over and the inhabitants of the castle had retired. They had made appearances for the past two nights, but Conall had been re
served, as always. He remained on the fringe of the crowd. He didn’t want to be at the center of attention. Innes respected his wishes. She understood it would take time before he realized that his clan did not harbor any ill will against him. But she couldn’t tell him. Words were not enough. Conall had to see it and recognize their love on his own.

  The Great Hall was empty and in near darkness as they walked through it. Only a low fire burned in the hearth. All was quiet. The two hurried to the door of the laird’s reception room, which stood open. Inside, Ailein, Bryce, and Wynda waited with Fingal.

  Candles were lit in every corner. Sprigs of rosemary and rosebuds had been woven into a wreath, and Ailein placed it on Innes’s head as she kissed her cheeks. Bryce held a strip of Sinclair tartan to be used for their handfasting.

  The two faced each other, and Fingal began.

  Innes looked up into Conall’s eyes as his left hand took her right. Her heart joined with his. She saw in his thoughts more than the words repeated after the priest. She saw the eternity of love—the passion, the promise to cherish and protect her to his last breath. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she gave her consent. Bryce wrapped the tartan around their hands, joining them in the promise of matrimony.

  Conall kissed her and for those few moments, no one else existed. It was just the two of them and their love and their promise of a future.

  Bryce and Ailein burst in, congratulating them. A smiling Wynda kissed Innes, but then tears rolled down the old woman’s cheeks when Conall enfolded her in his arms. Innes knew of Wynda’s love, of the loss of her own child, and of how much this man meant to her.

  A moment later, they turned to go. But as Bryce swung the door open, a sudden roar erupted and cheers enveloped them. Out in the corridor, all the way to the Great Hall, a crowd of people waved and cheered. For as far as Innes could see, jubilant Highlanders were waiting.

  The Sinclairs had arrived to congratulate their earl.

  Clan Sinclair finally had the opportunity to celebrate their returned warrior.


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