Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy Page 17

by Lilly Purdon

  I nodded and tried smiling, “thanks…”

  She gripped Matt's arm and pulled him away from me.

  “I'll see you around!” she said before pulling Matt away from us.

  Kasay turned to me, completely shocked by what just happened. “I don’t get it. Why is she so nice to you when you look like this, but she fucking hates you when you’re Rosaline?”

  I had already asked myself all those questions, so I just shrugged.

  We both walked into the living room, which had literally, no furniture. All the furniture was pushed out of the way leaving a big dance floor for people to grind up against each other. Kasay grabbed me by the shoulders.

  “Find Axel!” she mouthed.

  I couldn't hear what she was saying because the music was so loud. They were playing Right Round by Flo-rida. There was a girl on a large speaker screaming the lyrics as she started to strip live. I quickly looked away and covered my mouth so that I wouldn't puke.


  I closed my eyes and let the music get into me. I heard nothing but the music. The only thing I could feel was the beat getting to me. I started to sway my hips from left to right. And before I knew it, my body was moving to the beat of the song.

  "Can you put on a little show for me?" Ricky whispered huskily in my ear.

  I immediately shook my head, but he placed his hands on my waist.

  Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. Ricky started to slide his hands up my shirt slowly. No, no, no, this isn’t happening.

  His hands crawled up my stomach slowly as he nibbled on my earlobe softly. He placed his lips on my neck and started to kiss his way up to my jaw. Everything felt so… blurry… and just plain wrong… I wonder what he put in my sprite earlier.

  He suddenly lifted my shirt off. I was hit with a wave of cool wind on my stomach. I felt cold without my shirt on, but my arms felt too heavy grab it back.

  I looked around us. It was a pool party after all… so it wasn’t that embarrassing.

  Ricky pressed his lips against mine roughly and smirked against my lips.

  He parted my lips with his tongue quickly and took over the kiss. His tongue which tasted of alcohol and cigarettes invaded my mouth, exploring every inch of it. I felt like puking. I was feeling too tipsy to do anything, even though I didn’t drink alcohol.

  He tried going under my swim suit, but I groaned in protest.

  His body seemed too big for me, like it was built for someone else, but I accepted it for the moment. I searched for someone to take away the pain of my current life… why wasn’t he enough for me?

  He said he loved me, it couldn’t have been wrong…

  Why would he want to hurt me?

  The party was his choice for a date… how could I say no?

  Ricky tried going under my swimsuit again, but was suddenly pulled away from me.

  “Please, just let her go home.” Jaxon said.

  “Fuck you! Why are you here?!” Ricky growled, shoving Jaxon into the crowd.

  Jaxon wrapped a towel around my body. “Her stepmom’s looking for her.”

  “That’s her problem, not yours.”

  “I’m sorry for interrupting you guys man,” Jaxon held onto me, “I’m just tryna’ help. I don’t want her to get grounded from going out again.”

  “Fucking take her then!”

  ---End of Flashback---

  Jaxon never fully defended me… he never stopped Ricky from doing half the things he did like Axel did. Axel beat Ricky for even stepping near me. Yet, Jaxon still respected the poor excuse of guy.

  “Rose! You’re spacing out!” Kasay pulled me out of my thoughts.

  “Sorry, sorry,” I shook my head, coming back to reality.

  She pulled me into the kitchen and got me a drink. I instantly shook my head. I didn’t drink. She pushed the ice cold beer for me to take once again, but I still refused.

  “I don't drink.”

  She rolled her eyes, “just take it.”

  I sighed and grabbed it from her. The beer can froze my hand almost immediately. I looked down at the beer can.

  “Hey Rose, I think I’m gonna’ give that twin a chance. I’ll go dancing with him and see where we’ll end up. You go looking for your guy, okay?”

  I nodded numbly as Kasay disappeared out of the kitchen. I sighed as I opened the beer can. I never planned on drinking, but I just needed something in my system to get me confident enough to face Axel.

  I lifted the beer can up to my lips and let the bitter liquid flow through my throat. I started coughing immediately; to me, it tasted terrible. How were people able to consume so much of it? After finishing my first can, I grabbed a small bottle from one of the refrigerators. It looked like water, but the bottle said ‘VODKA’.

  I almost died.

  It burned my throat, and gave me chest pain. I got a few odd looks from the few alcoholics that stuck around in the kitchen, but I recovered. I squeezed my nose shut and forced the liquid down my throat.

  My eyes scanned the place for Axel, but still, no luck. Every time I went looking for him and didn’t see him, I went straight back to the kitchen to get myself a new drink. I tried almost everything there.

  It made me feel kind of funny after a while.

  I decided to mix the whiskey with Mountain Dew. It tasted really odd, but satisfying to me. I drank it, and tried throwing the glass into the sink. With my terrible aim, I hit the only person left in the kitchen with me; someone wearing a hoodie. It hit the back of his head and shattered against his hoodie.

  The guy groaned in pain.

  “I’m so, so, so, so sorry!” I apologized.

  The guy didn’t reply.

  I pulled off his hoodie, and put my hand on his head, “is it bleeding?! I’m so sorry- I should’ve known my aim was terrible! I always miss everything anyway-”

  I stopped midsentence when I saw his face.

  Holy mother of unicorn shits!

  His blonde hair was slightly messed up. He looked tired and worn out. His lip was busted from earlier today, still giving him that badass look.

  He pulled his hoodie back up, “don’t let anyone know I’m here. I just came down to get a bottle.”

  I was speechless.

  His voice came out soft this time. It sounded so sweet, like it was laced with honey. His amazing emerald green eyes shone with happiness and another emotion I couldn't tell.


  “Your aim sucks, please don’t ever play beer pong. You’ll die of alcohol poisoning,” he joked.

  I felt like we were the only two in the world in that moment. It was probably the alcohol kicking in. He flashed me a breathtaking smile showing off his dimples. My heart stopped at that moment. There was no one but him in the world.

  He smirked, “I didn’t know Cinderella wore red.

  I don’t know why I found that statement so funny. I started laughing nonstop. I didn't notice he was standing in front of the refrigerator until he closed the refrigerator door with his foot. He had a bottle of vodka in his hand. All the alcohol was definitely kicking in.

  He looked at me oddly before tilting his head to the right. It looked like an action a curious little puppy would do.

  “Are you drunk?” he laughed.

  I shook my head furiously before I hiccupped.

  “Nope!” I answered popping the 'p'.

  He laughed and shook his head. His Wizard of Oz emerald city green eyes shown with amusement as a smirk played at his perfect lips.

  “You are.”

  “No I'm not,” I denied with a hiccup.

  He laughed and shook his head. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. At his touch, my whole hand felt tingly. My heart raced at this little action. With a bottle of vodka in one hand, and my hand in the other, he led me out of the kitchen and up a large marble staircase.

  “Axel?!” someone gasped, “Oh my god, you’re here! Where are you going?” an annoying blonde who was wearing a
bikini asked.

  Who wears a bikini in late October?! I heard Axel curse under his breath. Oh, she must’ve been bad if he doesn't like her. Not today, bitch.

  “Fuck off!” I told her, giving her the finger.

  The blonde's mouth dropped. I recognized her with that facial expression! She was a cheerleader at our school, one of Layla’s sidekicks. I heard Axel chuckle behind me.

  “Did you hear what she just said to me?!” the annoying blonde cheerleader asked in her incredibly high pitched voice as we tried getting away from her.

  “Yes, so please fuck off, Mindy.” Axel said pulling me up the staircase.

  The blonde who he called Mindy stomped her foot childishly and rushed off. We went up a flight of stairs and after a few moments of me stumbling up stares with heels, I couldn't do it anymore. My legs gave up and I sat on one of the steps.

  We were on one of the upper floors and there was no one up here.

  “Why aren’t people here?”

  “All the doors are locked.”


  He was so patient with answering my questions, “so things don’t get destroyed.”

  “Why?” I took off my heels.

  “When things get destroyed, they have to get replaced. So I make sure stuff on the second and third floor doesn’t get destroyed, so moving guys don’t have to bother me.”

  Woah, complicated.

  “Where are we going?” I asked him in a whiny voice.

  “Just a few more flights to go.”

  “Where are we going?” I repeated myself.

  He sighed, seeming embarrassed, “my room.”



  “Your room?” I parroted.

  He nodded. His room, why was he taking me to his room? Maybe he wanted to show me his dollies. Yay! Dolls! But I've always hated dolls though. I frowned.

  “But I don't like dolls,” I whined.

  “Uh…” he looked utterly confused.

  “But I do like remote control cars though,” I said with a hiccup. “Cleo never let me play with any since she moved in. She said those are for boys!”

  “How much had you have to drink?” he questioned, grabbing my waist to support me.

  How much did I have to drink? The beer, the bottle, the second bottle, the third bottle.... uh… I gave up.

  “I hate math!’ I yelled.

  Axel chuckled. I looked up at his face. He was so hot.

  “For real, I actually hate math! It’s so annoying, I prefer drawing.”

  “You are really drunk.”

  “No! No I am not!” I protested as he lifted me off the ground, so that I was standing on my two feet.

  Aye, why do we have two feet anyway? I mean, we could all have one foot and hop around like kangaroos. But kangaroos have two feet too, why don't they just have one? And why do dogs have four feet… except they’re not feet- they’re paws. Why though?

  Why don't dogs just have two feet and piss like normal people do? And why don't dogs wear shoes so their paws don't get dirty?

  Why are humans so complicated? Why can’t we just sniff each other’s butts to show the other person we want to make babies with them? Why are emotions so complicated?

  I didn't realize I had said everything out loud until Axel started laughing. “Come on, let's go,” Axel said lifting me up off my feet.

  Wow, he was acting nice to me today. My heart fluttered as he carried me up the stairs bridal style. My love, carrying me bridal style up to his bedroom- my dreams were coming true! All the stalking was finally paying off.

  Except, why was he taking me to his bedroom? Did he want to frickle frackle with a girl like me? A small giggle escaped my mouth. One could only dream… oh naughty Rosie! I would like it if he threw me onto his bed and-

  “Shut up!” I said to myself, “no, no! No one would approve of such a thing!”

  I definitely wanted him to do naughty things to me.

  ---Unknown P.O.V---

  Hiding in his walk-in closet wasn't the brightest idea, but I just had to see her. I saw him talking to her in the kitchen, and I knew immediately that he wouldn’t be able to resist bringing her up to his bedroom. It was the perfect opportunity.

  Axel was so down from getting hit by the nerd, that he even left the key in the bedroom door. It would be a waste if I didn’t come inside. I heard some giggling from outside of the room, and I knew who it was immediately.

  The girl had me wrapped around her finger the first time I saw her. She was so stunningly beautiful; I couldn't get her out of her head! I met her only once. I remembered her dark angel costume, her bright blue eyes, and her body…

  She had me obsessed with her from that moment on. I couldn't concentrate on any of my studies (I never did anyway), and I couldn't even concentrate of having sex with any other girl. She wasn't my usual type.

  But I wanted her, bad.

  I usually liked big boobs, nice ass and the experienced type. But I could tell that Rose wasn't experienced at all. She was pure innocence, ready to be corrupted. She was shy, yet confident at the same time.

  It was a combination I had never seen in someone before. No girl had rejected me like that and get away with it. But with her, it was special. She had a special charm to her. Something else no other girl had. She could get away with setting my car on fire.

  The only other girl who's ever blown me off was Rosaline Winnefred. That bitch had caused Layla so much pain. I still didn’t understand why Layla didn’t give me the green light to gather a few guys to get our way with her. A quick gang bang couldn’t have been too traumatizing, especially if we let Ricky spike her drink again.

  I felt so… gay… hiding in a guy's closet.

  Axel kicked his bedroom door open revealing him and Rose. He was carrying her in his arms as if she was his bride. Through the little crack in the closet door, I couldn't see very well. He closed the door with his foot behind him.

  She giggled as he carried her over to his bed. Before he could drop her on his bed, she hooked her arms around his neck and brought him down with her. She hiccupped and giggled like it was the funniest thing ever. Why was she even like a guy like him?

  I was far better in every way.

  She was either incredibly drunk, or someone put something in her drink. You could just tell by the way she was acting, she was wasted. Axel landed right on top of her. She pressed her small boobs against his chest while giggling.


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