Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy Page 25

by Lilly Purdon

  I got up from the motorcycle quickly and followed him into his mansion like a lost puppy. Surprisingly the whole mansion was clean, considering there was a huge party Thursday night. “How'd you get it so clean?” I asked.

  “This magical thing called maids.”

  I ignored his sarcasm. “But there weren't any maids here on Thursday night from what I remember.”I scratched the back of my head.

  He spun around quickly, making me walk right into him. My nose hit his hard rock chest. I looked up to meet his amazing emerald green eyes.

  “What happened to little miss goodie two shoes?”

  “I mean, I heard about the party and how big it was-”

  He smirked down at me before cocking his head to the side. I felt like a deer caught in headlights. “There's no point in lying, Princess.”

  “I'm not lying,” I lied again.

  “And I'm not as stupid as you think I am.”

  “I don’t think you’re stupid.”

  “Obviously you think I am,” he narrowed his eyes at me in a playful way.

  “Fine, I was here Thursday night,” I confessed avoiding his eye contact, “happy?”

  He nodded, before turning around and going up the staircase.

  “Who throws a party Thursday night anyway,” I followed him up the stairs, “it’s a school night.”

  “Who hits someone who was defending themselves because they got jumped and were outnumbered?” He shot back.

  That shut me up.

  After climbing up a bunch of stairs, Axel finally stopped in front of a dark door with a sigh that read 'Do Not Disturb’. He put his hand on door handle before twisting it opening the door. He stepped aside and gestured for me to go in first.

  I observed the room as I walked in slowly. Dark brown wallpaper decorated the room and all the furniture in the room was hard wood. There was a large office desk beside some shelves and two chairs in front of the desk.

  I stood there awkwardly just staring at different pieces of furniture in the room as Axel walked to one of the bookshelves and started setting up the camera we got earlier. He turned to me and handed me a cord.

  “Charge my laptop,” he said before walking out of the room.

  He gave me the easiest job.

  Once I was done with the simple task, I walked over to the large desk and looked at some of the picture frames on the desk. Most pictures were of an older balding man with a large beard with an older female version of Axel.

  “You done?” Axel asked walking into the room.

  I turned around so that I was facing him then nodded. He set his shiny black laptop on his step dad's desk before plugging another cable into the camera and hooking it to his laptop. He started installing something on his laptop. It was the camera’s program.

  Since the camera was wireless, he had to hook it up to his computer to install the software, so all the footage would be automatically saved to his laptop.

  5% downloading...

  We both stared at the screen with our fingers crossed behind our backs. If this didn't work, I would be grounded for a year. I kind of had an idea of what he was planning to do, but I was still not completely sure.

  Both our heads snapped up when we heard voices from the other side of the door. We both turned and stared at each other with worried expressions.

  “Okay, here's the plan. I'll distract him from here as long as I can, you just make sure it completes the loading process and when it's done meet me by my bike,” he said frantically.

  “I thought you said she wasn't a bike,” I teased.

  He smirked before shaking his head. “You never fail to make me-”

  He got interrupted from the door knob twisting. “Shit!” he muttered before he got up and sprinted for the door. Axel left to room to confront his step dad. I grabbed the laptop from the table and set it carefully on the carpeted floor before looking back at the screen.

  15% downloading...

  I glared at the laptop screen. Couldn't it load any faster? And it was seriously getting hot in here. A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead.

  “Axel Storm Spencer! Step away from my office door right this instance!” a deep voice yelled from the other side of the door.

  ---Axel's P.O.V---

  “Axel Storm Spencer! Step away from my office door right this instance!” my asshole step dad in front of me yelled at me.

  “Eager?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

  For some reason I just loved getting on his nerves. I liked to see him on the edge and I would push him as far as I could to see if he would ever attempt to throw a punch at me again. Because if he did dare raise his fist, he was getting sent to the ER again.

  “What do you want?” my step dad glared at me. “Money? I just transferred $50,000 in your account yesterday.”

  I shook my head before laughing humorously. “You know what I want.”

  He kept his glare on me. “I'm not sure what you want this time, Axel.”

  I decided to use the argument I used countless times, “I want you to leave my mom the fuck alone.”

  “Well, that's one thing I can't give you,” Satan smirked at me. “Open your eyes and see child, your mother is in love with me and you can do nothing about it.”

  I growled at him while clenching my fists to my sides.

  “I wouldn't attempt to hit me again if I were you. You don't want me calling the cops on you again, would you?” he laughed.

  He's just trying to get under your skin.

  “Motherfucker!” I yelled angrily.

  “Now, now, that isn't how you show respect to your father.”

  “You are not my father,” I glared at him.

  His face was going to be my new favorite punching bag if he didn't shut up.

  “Oh, but I am. Accept that kid.”

  I laughed, humorlessly, “What does mom even see in you?”

  “Obviously everything she didn't see in your biological father.”

  “Like pussy.”

  “Get out of my way, I’m in no mood.”

  I laughed.

  “I’ll cut off all your credit cards, see if you’ll be laughing then-”

  “Not so fast, old man,” I held up an index finger. “You wouldn’t want to do that,” I sang.

  “Why not,” he narrowed his eyes at me.

  I checked my nails. Wow, my middle finger had a bit of dried blood under there. Was it from Ricky, Jaxon, Jaxon’s buddies, or Matt? I looked up at the bastard.

  “Because you can’t risk me spilling.”


  ---Rosie's P.O.V---

  How do programs take to install?! I pushed the laptop so I was hiding under the desk. I wiped some more sweat off my forehead before glancing back at the screen.

  63% downloading...

  The yelling from outside was suddenly replaced by angry footsteps and the door slamming open.

  “You should be grateful I actually gave your mother a second glance!” his step father yelled.

  “You have no right to say that!” Axel yelled back.

  “No man would ever take your mother seriously! Your mother did have quite a reputation-”

  Axel's father was interrupted from finishing his sentence. I heard a loud crack before everything went silent. My eyes widened in fear. I really didn't want to peek from behind this desk and found out what that was.

  “Y-y-you!” he was panicking, “I’m calling the cops!” The old man announced.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my ears with my hands. I hated violence, I just couldn't stand it! I couldn't stand seeing blood, bruises or anything or anything of that sort. I could just imagine Axel's stone cold emerald green eyes glaring down at his step father.

  The image gave me shivers to the bone. Emotionless Axel scared me at times. He didn't care about anything and didn't give a damn about the whole world, all he wanted to do was hurt or kill.

  After what seemed like an hour but probably was about 5 minutes, I slowly opened
my eyes and uncovered my ears. The first thing I saw was the computer screen.

  92% downloading...

  I took in a deep breath and peeked from behind the desk. Axel's step dad got up from the floor slowly while wiping the blood off his nose with the back of his hand. He limped over to the table I was hiding under.

  I bit my lip and crossed my fingers hoping that he wouldn't see me. He snatched his phone off his desk and dialed a number. It rang once before the person on the other line answered.

  “Hello?” an annoying perky voice answered.

  My eyes widened when realization hit me. Cleo?

  “Darling, are you free?”


  “Not at the moment, but I will be tomorrow.” She replied in such a seductive tone, I almost puked.

  “It’s urgent; I need to see you as soon as possible.”

  “I will come tomorrow at...” she paused, “precisely 10AM.”

  “Thank you.”

  “See you, my love.”


  The call left me feeling confused and betrayed. Why were they talking to each other like that? It was obvious that they had a little affair going on, but my step mother with Axel's step dad?! That was just a no-no.

  Axel's step father placed his cell phone back on his desk and slowly made his way to sit at his desk where I was hiding. Oh god, this was not going to be pretty!



  --Axel's P.O.V---

  What was taking her so long? I bought her enough time to download the whole disk, stop by the bathroom on the way and come out here. But still, she wasn't here yet. I leaned against my baby. Maybe I should’ve bought her a little more time.

  That girl has never failed to surprise me. I sighed and picked up a rock from the ground and aimed at my step dad's office window. Of course with my great aim, I missed it by a foot or two. Rosaline didn’t know we had that in common, terrible aim. I huffed and grabbed another rock on the ground before aiming it for the window.

  Karma was on my side this time, the rock crashed through the window and landed on something or someone with a thud. Oops. A few minutes later Rosaline came running like an insane person out of the house.

  “You asshole!” she yelled at me running towards me with my laptop in one hand and a cable in the other.

  I put both my hands up in the air in surrender and backed away from her.

  “Did you throw the rock into that window?!” she asked, her eyes narrowed in slits.

  “Did you set the camera on the shelf with a clear view?”

  “Yes,” she hissed, “I don’t know how but I did!”

  I sighed in relief.

  “Did you throw the rock at the window?” she repeated her question.

  Even though she was short, she sure knew how to intimidate people. I nodded slowly with both my eyebrows raised up. She set the laptop on the ground slowly before taking in a deep breath.

  “You threw a rock!” she yelled angrily.


  “Look at that poor window!”

  I glanced at the broken window, then looked back at her and shrugged.

  “Do you have no conscience?!”

  I flinched at her tone.

  “What's wrong with throwing a rock at a window?” I asked.

  “You could've hurt someone!”

  “But I didn't.”

  “Actually, you did.”


  “The window.”

  I thought I had issues…

  “The window isn't a living thing.”

  “It still has feelings!”

  “How do you know?” I cocked an eyebrow at her. She was acting very odd.

  “Because I've talked to it.”

  “You’ve talked to a window?”

  “No, a wall,” she replied sarcastically. “Windows have feelings, they get mad when people throw rocks at them and can get revenge sometimes.”

  She was really acting strange it was almost like she was on some kind of drug or something…

  “Are you ok?” I asked worriedly.

  She shook her head before wiping some sweat away from her forehead. “I'm perfectly fine, Prince Charming.”

  “Prince Charming?”

  “Sometimes you act like a total jerk while other times you act like you care when you probably don't!” she said bitterly.

  My eyes widened a little from her sudden outburst.

  “I'm sorry, whatever I did, I'm sorry!” I apologized.

  Why was I even apologizing?

  I had no idea why. But she looked really cute when she was angry... She huffed and covered her eyes with her hands.

  “Why do you have to be so cute? I can't stay mad when you're looking that cute!” she whined.

  Did the seriously say I look cute?

  I've been called hot and sexy before, but I've never been called cute. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead. It wasn't even that warm out here, how could she be sweating?

  I slowly reached over and felt her forehead. Her forehead was burning hot like a pavement on a hot summer day.

  “You've got a fever,” I told her gently.

  “No I don't.”

  “You've got to get some rest.”

  “I already slept last night.”

  “Obviously not enough.”

  No wonder she wasn’t thinking too straight, she had a fever. It explained her change in behavior.

  “What’s this funny business with your stepdad and my stepmom?!”

  I ignored her, “where are your clothes?”

  “Kasays, why-”

  I stored the laptop in my baby’s compartment. Everything was set, the program was installed, the camera was in the room, but....

  “Did my step dad call your step mother up here?”

  “She’s coming tomorrow 10AM.”

  “Good. I'm taking you home.”

  “Cleo’s there.”

  I cursed, “Hop on.” I handed her a helmet.


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