Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy Page 31

by Lilly Purdon

  “We could take this back to my room and I'll show you.” I wiggled my eyebrows at her gaining a smack in the arm.


  “I'm not the one who watches box turtle porn-”

  “Oh don't even start with that Prince Bad Ass.” Yep, she definitely remembered the story I told her. “Or should I call you Prince Boner?” she smirked evilly at me.

  I was speechless.

  No one ever left Axel speechless.

  Some people sitting at tables near us turned to stare at us in shock.

  “What are you looking at?” I called out the people staring.

  That was all it took to get them to look away. Rose laughed silently at me glaring at everyone. “What's so funny?” I huffed at her.

  “Your face.”

  “I thought you like my face,” I raised my eyebrows at her.

  She didn’t reply. Instead, she stared at me with her corner of her lips slightly curved up. I truly couldn’t read her emotions.

  “It’s done,” I shut the laptop off, “Let's get out of here.”

  “Why, so you can force yourself upon me?” she asked while getting up.

  “Don't tempt me, Rosie." I said in her ear before walking out of the shop.

  I saw her gulp nervously through the corner of my eye before following me out of the shop. “You wouldn’t.”

  “You're right I wouldn't,” I replied. She visibly relaxed. “I wouldn’t have to force myself upon you if you enjoyed it.” I smirked at her. I took a moment to think about us. Her against my skin-

  “Pervert!” she swatted my arm once again. “And don't even think of the box turtle porn comeback,” she glared at me with bright red cheeks.

  I walked over to my baby and slid my laptop into the compartment under the seat. “I wasn't thinking of that comeback.”

  She looked surprised. “You weren't?”

  I shook my head.

  “T-then what comeback were you thinking of?” I loved it when she stuttered.

  “I wasn't thinking of a comeback,” I replied simply while she looked at me suspiciously.

  “Then what were you thinking of?”

  I shrugged. “How amazing it would be to have you pressed up against a wall-”

  She cut me off with a smack on my arm. When would she learn that she wasn’t capable of physically injuring me? “I'm surprised you don't have a boner yet,” she looked down at my pants.

  “Hey, the real man is up here,” I pointed at my face.

  “Sorry, hard to tell the difference because you’re both small.”

  My mouth hung open in shock. Out of all the insults she could've come up with, she had to use the one that hurt a man's pride most. “My little man is not small,” I said in a strong voice.

  She looked up at me. “How would I know?”

  I could tell she was doing this to distract me from asking more questions about what she remembered.

  “You're smart,” I commented, “but not smart enough.”

  The smirk fell from her face. “What do you mean?”

  “You're avoiding the subject. Tell me, what do you remember?”

  “I don't have to answer that,” she replied shortly before getting on my baby.

  I leaned into her ear. “Don't forget Princess, we are alone now.”

  Her eyes scanned the parking lot with only a few cars parked here and there before looking up at me.

  “Now tell me, or we'll have to do this the hard way.”

  “You wouldn't do anything to me,” she sounded unsure.

  ---Rose's POV---

  “You can't be so sure of that,” he cocked his head to the side.

  I was about to wet my pants and let him do whatever he wanted to me- because I desperately desired his touch, but the other part of me screamed for me to be confident, otherwise he’d think I was a wimp. “You wouldn't hurt a helpless girl in an empty parking lot.”

  He leaned into me until our noses were touching. “You don't know that.”

  I couldn't help it when his green eyes swallowed me in. There was a glint of something in there, but I couldn't tell what it was. All I know was I had never it in his eyes before. “Y-yes I do.” I replied, trying to sound as confident as I could.

  He leaned in closer until our mouths were inches apart.

  “Princess, you barely know me,” he whispered.

  I felt a stab in my chest from his words. I barely knew him? All the years I spent watching him, every move I observed, the amount of information I dug up about him… and he claimed I barely knew him?

  I went to all the trouble… the stupid dance, pretending to be someone else to even catch his eye, hell- I did things for him I’d never do for anyone. I thought the deep conversations we had meant something.

  It was hard being pissed at him when he was this close.

  His hot breath was mixing with mine and heat was radiating from his body. My heart was beating harder than ever before. If I just leaned forward, our lips would touch. His lips looked so soft and inviting.

  What if I leaned in and kissed him?

  How would he react?

  Did he just see me as a toy? Was he pissed off and going to get revenge because he knew I lied to him about being Rose? Well technically I didn't lie to him... I could barely concentrate on thinking with his lips so close to mine.

  “But we should change that,” he whispered.

  He kissed me.

  His lips were so soft and warm against mine. I was so shocked I didn't know how to react at first, but Axel didn't pull away. He just kept his lips pressed against mine. I came to my senses and brought my hands up to his hair and pulled him closer. He snaked his arms around my waist and pressed my body against his.

  I felt his hard toned chest against mine. I felt different emotions explode inside me. Excitement, thrill, love... I felt like I hadn’t really lived until now. Our lips waltz together. We were like two puzzle pieces that were finally put together.

  I had no idea where my confidence came from; I bit his lip playfully. Our tongues danced together in our mouths and that moment everything felt perfect. My life had never felt as perfect and complete before.

  I was Rosaline.

  The nerd who was too afraid to do anything.

  He liked me...

  Well I assumed he did, because most people don’t kiss strangers unless they’re fond of them.

  Everything was buzzing inside of me; unknown sensations were taking over me. Was it just me or were there fireworks? My lips tingled with joy. The kiss was slow, yet so passionate. I don't know how long we were there, but when he pulled away I felt disappointed.

  He leaned his forehead against mine and grinned at me. “I think we both know how we feel towards each other now, right?” I didn't trust my voice to speak, so I just nodded in reply.

  “Rose, Rosie, Rosaline,” he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. He was trying to figure something out. I shivered under his touch. “Let’s get going,” he pulled his hand away and got onto his ‘baby’.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, getting on his bike.

  He shrugged, “My step dad is out to dinner with my mom so we can't pay them a visit yet. Want to invite your dad to their anniversary dinner?”

  “Not in the mood yet,” I replied coldly. He turned back. I felt bad for taking the anger I felt towards my father and stepmother on him out on him. He did nothing wrong, hell- he helped me! Yet I was being a complete bitch to him. “Hey, I'm sorry-”

  “It's cool,” he interrupted me. “I get it.”

  He didn’t seem angry. Huh, what a sweet bad boy. Tough and threatening on the outside, but internally he was softer than jello- and I wasn’t talking about his organs either.

  I think we both know how we feel towards each other now, right?

  I kept replaying that question in my head. I know how he feels? Did he kiss me because he pitied me and how I've been betrayed? Betrayed by my childhood best friend and my stepmother?

�You wanna’ go anywhere in particular?” he asked.

  I shook my head in reply.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket so he pulled it out and checked it. He raised both his eyebrows before looking up at me. “The annoying kid’s throwing a Halloween party, you interested?”

  “Isn’t Halloween on a weekday?”

  He smirked, “Wednesday. I mean, if you don’t want to then I get it-”

  “Which annoying kid?”

  “The one who’s got a mouth louder than a megaphone.”


  “That’s his name?”

  “I think so,” I shrugged. “And sure, I’ve got nothing to lose now,” I chuckled. If it were Rosaline from before, I would’ve declined the minute I knew it was on a school night. But I had missed out on so much on previous years. It was time to enjoy my Halloween this year.

  I thought about it in my head. I wanted to party and get wasted like there was no tomorrow. I didn’t have to care about my stepmother, or worry about maintaining a reputation- since I didn’t have one to start with.

  “I've got to show you something,” he said, sliding his phone back into his pocket. “Hop on.”

  I got onto the motorbike and put on the helmet he gave me.

  “Why do you have two helmets if you ride alone?”

  “To confuse the fuck out of security at night.”

  He was far cleverer than others gave him credit for. He knew how to keep out of trouble when he wanted to.

  “Hold on tight Princess, this will be a long ride.”

  The engine roared to life. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my body against his warm back before we sped off. Everything flew passed us as we sped down different roads.

  The wind was blowing crazily around us. The sky was dark and filled with stormy clouds. I really hated rain. I leaned my head against his back and just took the time to think. My life had changed so much in a couple weeks.

  My conclusion?

  Every mind held secrets. Some were just far more extreme than others. Some kept them because they were afraid, and others kept them to protect others. I held mine because of fear… fear of rejection, humiliation, and heartbreak.

  But once I faced my fears, it wasn’t bad. I was truly lucky Axel wasn’t upset about it, because he knew I only did it because I was shy. He accepted it, and played along. I believed that was mainly for entertainment purposes, and to see how far I’d go to hide the fact it was me.

  I don't know how long we were riding, but it didn't seem long enough with my head pressed against his back.

  He took off his helmet. “We're here!” he announced.

  I took off the helmet and looked up. We were facing a beat up metal gate that read:


  “You’re not going to hurt me… are you?” I chuckled nervously.

  He turned to face me and stared intensely into my eyes. “Are you scared of me?” he asked seriously.


  “Like I said, I can see right through you,” his emerald green eyes bore into mine. “I'm going to ask you again. Are you scared of me?”

  I quickly looked away from him, “no.”

  I lied.

  Why was I scared of him?

  He held my heart in his hand and I didn't know what he was going to do with it. I didn't know whether he was going to shatter it into a million pieces or treasure it.

  “Rosie, look at me,” he ordered.

  “You can't make me,” I said stubbornly.

  He hooked his fingers underneath my chin and tilted my head up. “Oh really?” he cocked an eyebrow at me while smirking. “Answer my question,” his face was back to serious again.

  I couldn’t.

  “Why?” he let go of my chin. “Why are you scared of me?”

  He had the ability to shatter me into a million pieces, he was violent, he had a terrible temper… though I was afraid of him, I was drawn to him at the same time.

  “I guess I understand why you’re scared,” he tossed his helmet onto his seat.

  I stayed quiet.

  “I wouldn’t hurt you.”

  A moment of silence passed between us.

  “At least not intentionally,” he added.

  “Should I be scared of you?” I questioned.

  He turned back to me. He looked so genuine… so vulnerable, “I think I have a better reason to be scared of you.”

  I walked towards him, “and what might that reason be?”

  He smirked playfully, “kneeing me in the balls.”

  “Oh shut up,” I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I started walking towards the gate.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “To see what's behind this old rusty gate,” I yelled over my shoulder, not bothering to turn around. I heard his footsteps catch up with me until we were walking right next to each other.

  “What's this place anyway?” I asked as we approached the beat up gate.

  “A dumpster,” he replied.

  I stopped walking immediately and looked at him. “You brought me to a dumpster?!” I started panicking. Rosaline was back in action.

  “Calm down-”

  “Do you know how many hobos or thugs live in dumpsters?!”


  “You’re really going to murder me in a dumpster?” I backed away from him slowly. “At least kill me in a more hygienic place!” I was crushing on a killer?!

  Lord, he had my heart, now he was going to get my body too.


  “Please don't kill me! I can't die without getting revenge-”


  “I haven’t done so many things! I’ve missed out on so much in life-”

  He sighed.

  “I can’t die yet! I can’t die a virgin!”

  “You’re a virgin?” he sounded shocked.

  Shit...time to panic about something else.

  Whenever I went into Rosaline panic mode, I’d blurt out random shit that came to my head. The paranoia was triggered by Cleo to be honest, ever since I was a kid. Due to my big mouth, the bad boy now knew I was a virgin.

  What if he preferred virgins?!

  I quickly tried changing the subject, “that’s a nice trash bag over there.” I pointed at a random toilet seat. I mentally slapped myself.

  Get it together, Rosaline.

  “Are you alright?”

  I nodded quickly.

  He went back to the topic I dreaded, “you’re really a virgin?” His eyebrows furrowed like he was thinking about something. That question hit me off guard. At Axel's party I woke up in Axel's bed with no clear memory of that night...


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