Book Read Free

Leather & Lace

Page 3

by J. A. Fredericks

  It’s practically empty.

  “Fuck!” I yell, bursting forward to rifle through the remaining half-empty boxes. My heart sinks further and further as I survey the sparse contents.

  The small lock-box containing the remaining cash from my grandparents is gone.

  Not only that, but all my clothes—including my Harley gear and my helmet—are nowhere in sight. I can’t find a single item that’s mine. The only things left belonged to my father, like old picture albums and a few of his vinyl records.

  “Where’s my fucking money?” I yell. “How could she do this to me?”

  “Someone took your stuff?” Colt asks, moving in at my side.

  Suddenly I see a note card with my name in neat print. I snatch it up, throwing the ripped envelope to the floor.

  Had to sell some things to pay for the funeral. Surely you understand. Auntie M

  When I drop the note at my feet, I’m shaking with red-hot rage. Why in the hell wouldn’t Jimmy have mentioned my things were gone when I called him last week to arrange for my bike to be delivered? I know my aunt did it to get back at me for inheriting the bulk of her parents’ estate, but that doesn’t make it any easier to swallow. I’m grateful she didn’t get her hands on my bike, though I’m guessing the only reason is because she couldn’t find a way to legally sell it.

  Releasing a primal scream, I knock the nearest set of boxes to the floor. The stuff inside scatters across the concrete floor, landing at Colt’s feet. “Fucking bitch!” I scream, fisting my hair by its roots. I run after the next set of boxes and kick them until my boot punctures the side. Then I go after a box of memorabilia my father saved from trips on the road, stomping the glass trinkets and tin containers into oblivion. That shit only mattered to him and means absolutely nothing now.

  “Whoa, darlin,’ take it easy,” Colt coos, wrapping his arms around me from behind. When I struggle against him, his hold only becomes tighter, so I eventually give in and slump against his hard chest.

  It’s shocking how good it feels to be held by someone—something I’ve avoided at all costs since getting locked up. I’ve tried so hard to keep people an arm’s length away to prove I’m tough and to keep myself from getting hurt again. But in this moment I feel like I’m made of glass and will shatter at any moment.

  “She took everything,” I mutter. “I officially have nothing.”

  “Who did?” Colt whispers.

  “Tell us who and we’ll make things right,” Ranger says in a hard tone.

  I draw my eyes up to meet his. “It won’t solve anything. She won’t give me the money back. My aunt’s a bitter old bitch. Nothing you can do will change that.”

  Ranger’s brown eyes harden. “Don’t make it right, especially comin’ from family.”

  “Let’s get the fuck outta here,” I say, breaking free of Colt’s hold. “I could use a drink.”

  Twenty minutes later, we’re on the far end of town, pounding shots inside a dumpy little biker bar offering two-for-one specials. To think I had almost forgotten how much I enjoy getting the kind of shit-faced drunk where the world is spinning and I don’t give two shits about anything or anyone. Guess I also forgot that I’m a lightweight when it comes to the hard stuff, because it’s becoming increasingly difficult to hold my head upright.

  With my fourth shot of Jack held in the air, I salute the guys. The brown liquid sloshes over the side. “I hope you boys like what I’m wearing because I’ll be wearing it for a looong fucking time. I’m brokety-broke.”

  “We’ll get you new clothes,” Colt growls, prying the shot glass from my hand. “Whatever you need, darlin.’ You let us know and we’ll take care of it.”

  I ogle him for a long moment, wondering how he’s even sexier when I’m fueled with booze. Now that I have liquid courage, it’d be easier to finally get a taste of his splendid mouth and run my tongue all over his giant muscles, especially the large and long one down below.

  Shaking the scandalous thoughts from my head, I release a nasally laugh. “Could you get me a new life? ‘Cause I fucked mine up. Royally.” Swiping the shot back from Colt, I slurp it down in one swallow. “More shots!” I call to the bartender, slamming the empty glass on the wooden bar top.

  “No, we’re good, Christine,” Colt tells the surly old woman behind the bar. She shakes her head and leaves us to attend to the only other patron drinking before noon.

  “You’re young, Harley,” Ranger says from Colt’s other side, drinking from his glass of whiskey. “Whatever happened, there’s time to bounce back.”

  “Bounce back?” I ask with a hiccup. “Kinda hard to bounce back without a cent to my name and a record.” I study the two hunks with the only eye that will stay open. They’re collectively so damn hot that I’m ready to take them both on the bar-top right fucking now. “Either of you boys have a record? And I don’t mean the kind that goes round and round.”

  Ranger’s eyebrows knit together. “You’ve done time?”

  “Three years, just got out yesterday.” They may as well know the whole truth about me if Remmy hasn’t told them already. “It’s the reason I’m homeless and family-less and completely without anyone who could give a fuck about me.” I turn to rest my elbow on the bar, but miss and about topple off the stool while laughing my ass off. “And now I don’t even have any underwear! Can you fuckin’ believe that?”

  Colt rises and hooks his arm around my waist. “Time to get you out of here.” He hoists me over his shoulder so my jean-clad ass is in the air.

  “Put me the fuck down!” I yell, beating my fists against the back of his leather coat and kicking my legs into the air. “You can’t just man-handle people like this!”

  Ignoring my best efforts, Colt laughs as he slaps a hand-full of bills on the bar. “Thanks, Christine. Ranger, let’s roll.”

  “Be there in a minute, hoss,” Ranger answers, chuckling.

  I fight Colt the whole way to the pickup where he dumps my ass on the seat like a sack of potatoes before sliding in next to me. When I swing my fist at him, he wrestles me down onto my back, pinning my arms at my sides with one arm braced across my body. His beautiful eyes are hard as he hovers over me, using his free hand to flip his hair behind an ear. “Stop fightin’ me, darlin,’” he breaths heavily, our lips enticingly close. “You may think nobody gives a fuck, but I do and I’m here for you.”

  Frozen by the heated look he’s giving me, I become limp beneath him and inhale his enticing scent. Then the exquisite cock I got a preview of earlier stirs to life between us, locking my breath in my chest. His grip around my wrists loosens as the expression on his face morphs into something raw and primal that does unexplainable things to my insides.

  Oh god. I’ve never wanted someone this way.

  Just as I bite my lip with the thought of bringing my mouth up to meet his, the driver’s door creaks opens behind me. “You two need alone time?” Ranger asks, his voice wavering with amusement.

  The kind of phenomenal sexy smile that could impregnate a virgin spreads across Colt’s lips and he laughs, sky-blue eyes still staring down on me. “Let’s go get this girl some new panties.”


  The touch of a warm, large hard on the small of my bare back wakes me. Before my eyes open I already know I’m hung over as hell. Head heavy and pounding, I twist around to find a shirtless Colt grinning beside me, eyes sparkling. “Mornin,’ beautiful. Figured you’d want one of these to start your day.”

  When I wiggle upright, he hands me a glass filled with red liquid, then a handful of blue pills.

  I sniff the drink. “Bloody Mary?”

  “Should knock you back to your senses.” He laughs in a low rumble. “Though I’m beginnin’ to think you might not have any after last night. You drank your way through my liquor cabinet.”

  Taking the pills, I gulp down half the drink, cringing. Tomato was never my favorite, but I’m willing to do anything to escape the pain radiating through my skull. I can’t rememb
er much of anything after we left the bar. I know the day involved shopping and more drinking, but beyond that the details are pretty sketchy.

  One thing I remember clearly is having a throbbing ache for Colt that refused to dissipate and only grew stronger with each drink. As soon as I realize I’m in nothing more than my bra and underwear, my eyes widen on him. “Did we…”

  His smile stretches wide until his dimples appear. “No way. You were completely loaded. When I put you to bed, you tried like hell to strip down to nothin,’ but I stopped you right before you passed out.”

  I’d be lying if I said I’m not disappointed, though I can’t imagine doing anything sexual with Colt would be something I could forget, no matter how drunk.

  “I shouldn’t have stayed another night.” I lace my hands on top of my head. “I’ll be out by the end of the day. Once I sell my bike—”

  “That’s not gonna happen,” he growls. “We’ll figure something else out. You can stay as long as you need. Hell, I don’t care if it’s for a year. I said I’d take care of you and I meant it.”


  “No more arguin,’ darlin.’ You’re stayin’ with me.” He stands from the bed, a sweet little smirk pressed to his lips. “When you’re feelin’ better, Kandi, Buzz’s old lady, is dyin’ to meet you. Said she’ll swing by and take you shoppin’ for more stuff. I told her the things we got you yesterday would be no good.”

  Rubbing my head, I moan. “What the fuck did we buy?”

  “Let’s just say you were real excited to shop with me an’ Ranger.” He leaves the room laughing loudly in a beautiful sound that rumbles through my belly and settles between my legs.

  Shit. I must’ve really made an ass of myself.

  Once he’s gone, I spot a pile of bags near the closet and scramble over to them. The bag from the local Harley-Davidson contains rhinestone jeans and the kind of detailed tank tops that I would’ve picked out when sober. They’re even the right size. Exhaling with relief, I move to the bag with the name of a lingerie shop on the side and discover what Colt must’ve been referring to.

  Someone among us must’ve decided it was necessary to stop at some kind of fetish store because it’s filled with outrageous things like pearl thongs, lace corsets, leather bustiers and fishnet stockings. Definitely not anything I would choose if I had been sober and sane.

  Cursing under my breath, I’m at least pleased to discover in a third bag that we stopped by a pharmacy to get the basics I need to take a long shower and feel human again. I almost squeal like some dip-shit with the sight of my favorite brands of eyeliner and mascara.

  An hour later, long after Colt has left for the club, it’s as if I’ve washed away the three years I lost of my life. My hair is bouncy and my eyes are smoky as I answer the door to a tall, stunning woman with dark eyes and beautiful, black hair that’s straight and down to her elbows.

  “Harley, finally!” she cheers in a voice as smooth as honey. As she steps past me to enter the apartment, a dizzying cloud of leather and lilacs follow. She spins around after I’ve closed the door behind her, her face lit with a wicked smile.

  In a small leather coat over a lacy bustier paired with skin-tight blue jeans and high-heeled boots, she fits every stereo type of the biker bitches I grew up hanging around. Though she can’t be too much older than me, there’s a hardness in her eyes from life experiences that I immediately respect. With perfectly tanned skin that’s smooth without a single flaw to be seen and generous curves in all the right places, she’s undeniably hot.

  “I’m sure Ranger and Colt didn’t want to share you because they were afraid I’d slip back into my bisexual tendencies.” Her brown eyes light when they take in my new outfit. “Although I can’t say I blame them for thinking that. Damn. Do you have any clue how gorgeous you are?”

  Suddenly uncomfortable with her compliment, I cross my arms over my chest and draw my lips tight. Plenty of women told me similar things in prison and it always made my skin crawl, especially when half of them were ready to force themselves on me. “I don’t swing that way.”

  She laughs with a bright, tingling sound and sets her thin fingers on my arm. “Honey, I didn’t figure you did. Knowing the boys, they think every woman who spends time on the inside eventually switches sides. Those two are idiots, trust me.”

  Humiliation sinks down to my toes. Not only did they tell this woman something I’d rather the rest of the MC didn’t know, but Colt and Ranger think I’m a lesbian. Suddenly the strange looks Colt has been giving me when I thought we were about to kiss make total sense.

  “Don’t worry,” she says, squeezing my arm before releasing it, “once I’m through with you, both their tongues will be hanging outta their mouths. Colt will be beggin’ for you to have your way with him.”

  “But I’m not…I mean I don’t…” I stutter on how to tell her I’m not interested, even though I truly would like to hook up with Colt. I simply don’t like the feeling of becoming this woman’s charity case.

  Kandi tosses her head back and forth as she laughs, causing her smooth, long hair to dance over her shoulders. “No need for modesty, sweetheart. The way Colt was goin’ on about you last night, it’s obvious he has it bad. He never would’ve told you that you could crash here if he wasn’t interested. He’s not the type to get involved with a woman’s problems unless he means business. Colt’s only been with us for a year, but he’s the club’s golden boy. If I weren’t already Buzz’s old lady, I’d be after him too.” Her sculpted eyebrows wiggle up and down. “That man is sex on a stick.”

  “Yeah and sticks can poke your eye out,” I say, pushing my hands through my hair. “I’m not interested in starting a relationship. I have to get my life back together and decide where I want to live, what I want to do. I have to find a way to make money.”

  Getting involved with someone from the MC isn’t high on my list of priorities. I know what club life is like and I’m not ready to go back there with Remmy hating my guts.

  Shrugging, Kandi adds, “I’m not sayin’ you have to settle down and become his old lady. I’m just sayin’ you deserve to celebrate now that you’re out. Have a little fun.” She motions to the doorway. “Let’s get a move on. Colt wants me to bring you to the club tonight for a party and I have big plans before then. Shopping, lunch with the girls, mani-pedis at one, hair at three, and Colt told me to get you a phone on the club account.”

  The idea of returning to the clubhouse and facing Remmy again unsettles my stomach as much as the rest of her girls’ day. “Did you include time for a pillow fight?”

  Kandi tilts her head back and laughs heartily. “Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it sounds. You’ll love the other club old ladies and they’ll adore you. I already know you’re going to fit right in.”

  The day becomes one big blur of following Kandi around town to stores and shops where everyone seems to know and respect her. The other old ladies are just as beautiful and personable and charm me into thinking I belong with them by the end of the meal. After a salon trim and ombre coloring of golden blond, I feel like a real woman again and I’ll admit being pampered is good for my soul. Still, I mentally add up the cost of everything and know it’s going to be a long time before I can repay Kandi.

  By the time I’m given a smart phone and a new number, it’s like I’ve transformed back into the person I was when I left for college, before I started hanging around with the bitch who ruined my life.

  “You look fucking amazing,” Kandi tells me as she pulls up in front of Colt’s apartment.

  “I feel fucking amazing,” I answer with a tight laugh. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to pay you back for all this.”

  She shakes her head. “No need. You’re family, Harley. Comes with the territory. But I’m sure you already know that.” Her brown eyes glow with excitement once I’ve gathered the bags from the backseat. “I’ll send the boys back to get you in a little while. Make sure you set them straight on who you are
and whatever it is you want from them.”

  There’s a pang between my legs when I consider what exactly I do want.

  I take my time unpacking the day’s purchases, my favorite being a leather coat and helmet from the H-D dealership to replace my old ones. By the time I hear the front door open and the scuffing of boots against the tiled floor, I’m stoked and ready to take charge.

  Hearing the low rumble of Colt and Ranger’s voices before I see them, my stomach flips over itself with excitement. It’s been a few hours since the shots at lunch and I suddenly wish I’d had a few more for added courage.

  When I step into the living room, the two gorgeous men each drink in the slinky dress I bought with Kandi like they’ve never seen a woman before. Being locked in a cell with nothing better to do gave me time to take care of my body, and it’s paid off. Never have I felt so wanted as I do now with a slim waist and smooth muscles. Even my breasts appear bigger with all the muscle beneath them.

  “Holy shit,” Colt mutters, struggling to swallow. Guess he appreciates Kandi’s pampering as much as I do.

  “Kandi said you wanted us to stop by early so we could talk,” Ranger says, narrowing his wandering eyes.

  Colt gives me the same narrow-eyed stare. “Where you think you’re goin’ dressed like that?”

  “None of your fucking business,” I retort, stopping in front of them. The strappy heels Kandi insisted that I buy bring me closer to Colt’s eye level, though I’m still several inches shorter than Ranger. I fold my arms at my waist and put on my best hardened expression. “I heard the cat’s out of the bag. Kandi said you told her I spent time in prison.”

  “Wasn’t me, if that where you’re fucking goin’ with this,” Ranger growls. His tattooed arms cross over his solid chest. “Ain’t my business where you’ve been.”

  “Well she made it sound like you guys also think I’m a lesbian,” I say, sliding my cynical gaze to Colt. I take a step closer, brushing my fingertips against his bare arm. “Do you think just because I was locked up with a bunch of women I must’ve changed sides, or is it because I could keep up with you on my bike?” I press my hips into his legs and drag a strand of his soft hair behind his ear. “Is there something about me that says I like to eat pussy?”


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