Our Last Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 3)

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Our Last Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 3) Page 13

by K. B. Andrews

  “I’m hungry,” I said sitting down across the desk from Mason.

  “Already? You just ate.”

  “I can’t help it. Have you seen how huge I am?” I motioned toward my massive stomach.

  A little grin pulled across his face. “I’m almost done and we can go to the bar.”

  “Joe, these are done.” Mason handed off the papers as we made our way out.

  “Thank you, honey.” She smiled sweetly. She was just as happy as we were that she was back to work. Mason thanked her for coming back with a raise and promised weekends off, but that was nothing compared to going on without her.

  “Please don’t eat that nasty shit in front of me again,” Dane said when we sat down at the bar to eat.

  “I won’t.” I hung my head.

  “I’m sorry, but last time I couldn’t look at fried chicken again for weeks.” He was referring to the time that I ate friend chicken dipped in pickle juice and ketchup. I admit, that did seem nasty, but at the time, it was amazing.

  “I can’t believe how huge you are getting.” Alissa sat down across from me.

  “Thanks, bitch.”

  Mason wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his side.

  “Be nice,” he warned.

  “Seriously, is the baby coming anytime soon? You’re as big as a house.” She felt the need to point out.

  Tears stung my eyes.

  Other than being huge and eating stuff that made people look at me like I was a freak, I was also sensitive and cried at the drop of a hat.

  “I wish this baby would come out,” I cried into Mason’s shoulder.

  “Great, now see what you did?” He smoothed down my hair.

  “I’m sorry,” Alissa and Dane both said in unison. They’ve had to do that a lot.

  I wiped my tears away and started in on the plate of fried pickles Wendy had just sat down.

  “So I’ve been doing some research for you and I found a list of things that can help to induce labor.” She pulled out her phone, ready to read off the list.

  “Let’s hear it.” I swallowed my food before rinsing it down with a drink of my sweet tea.

  She looked at the phone in her hand. “They say pineapple, raspberry tea, and sex can help induce labor.”

  “Really? Why didn’t I know about this?”

  “Yeah, nipple stimulation is one too.”

  I looked down at my full chest.

  “Not in public, Lennox,” she said flatly.

  “Fine, looks like you have some work to do when we get home.” I smiled up at Mason.

  “It’s a date.” He shot me a wink.

  “So anything new with you guys?” I asked looking from Alissa to Dane.

  “No, why do you ask?” Her eyes fell to her plate.

  “What are you not telling me?” I leaned forward, knowing she wasn’t telling me something.

  “Nothing. Eat your food.”

  “Alissa, tell me right now or I will start doing some of those things you just mentioned about inducing labor.”

  She looked up at Dane, he gave her a nod.

  “Okay, well we didn’t want to say anything so soon but, I’m pregnant.”

  I couldn’t think, I couldn’t process what she had just told me.

  She’s pregnant? We get to raise our kids together?

  I felt so much happiness I couldn’t do anything with it but cry.

  “What? Are you mad? We weren’t trying to steal your thunder.” She started to panic.

  “No. I’m happy. Like really, really happy,” I said in between sobs.

  Mason wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me to his side like he always did when I started to cry.

  “Really? You’re happy?” Her brows were raised up high while she leaned toward me, watching me with wide eyes.

  “Of course,” I said trying to stand. I couldn’t, but Alissa got the hint and stood up to hug me.

  “Our kids get to grow up together,” I cried again.

  “Okay, stop the crying before you make me start,” Alissa warned.

  After eating, Mason and I made our way home and cuddled up in bed.

  “Are you excited about being an uncle?”

  “Yeah, I’m more excited about being a daddy though.” He gave me a light squeeze.

  “Ow.” I grabbed the side of my swollen belly.

  “What? What’s wrong?” He froze, watching me.

  “This kid keeps kicking me in the ribs.” I placed my hand over my ribs and rubbed the spot, trying to get the baby to move its foot. “So how about trying out those inducing tricks?”

  “I’m always up for that.” He moved over my body.

  He pressed a kiss to my lips and tangled his tongue with mine. I ran my hands over his perfectly sculpted chest and stomach and felt a tightness in my stomach, causing me to tense up. Mason noticed the change as soon as it happened.

  “What’s the matter?” he whispered against my skin.

  “Cramp,” I said holding my stomach.

  “Are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?” He pulled away slightly, watching me.

  “No, keep going. I’m fine.” I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his lips back to mine.

  He kissed my lips and worked his way to my neck. He dragged his teeth against my earlobe when another pain wracked my body.

  “Ow!” I cried out.

  “I think maybe we should go get you checked out.” His eyes were filled with worry as he held himself above me.

  “No, it’s probably just false labor pains. Keep going,” I ordered.

  He shrugged his shoulders but returned his lips to my neck. He trailed kisses down, starting at my collarbone and going down to my breasts. He sucked one hard nipple into his mouth when I was wracked with another pain and a gush of something wet.

  “What was that?” He looked up to me with panic written all over his face.

  “I think my water just broke.” I held my stomach, afraid to move.

  A huge smile covered his face.

  “What?” I asked still unmoving.

  “Damn, I’m good! We didn’t even have to have sex.”

  “Get off of me and take me to the hospital.” I pushed him away.

  Mason stood from our wet bed and helped me up.

  “I’m going to change and you need to load up the bags in the Jeep. Okay?”

  He nodded his head before busting out in a full sprint.

  Why didn’t we do a dry run of this?

  I really wasn’t as prepared as I thought I was. I stripped off my wet clothes and began to replace them with dry ones when a contraction stopped me in my tracks. I grabbed my stomach and fell to my knees from the intense pain.

  “I’ve changed my mind.” I shook my head while holding my stomach.

  “About what?” Mason asked running back into the room.

  “I don’t like this. This baby is just going to have to stay in there forever,” I said, trying to breathe against the pain.

  “I think it’s a little too late for that. We have to get you to the hospital.” He took me by the arms and helped me to my feet. He managed to get my sweatpants up while I slid my feet into a pair of flip flops.

  “Okay, let’s walk slow.” He helped me down the stairs, slowly, never taking his hands or eyes from me. Once at the bottom, I had to sit down from the force of the contraction. He held my hand and rooted me on. It was sweet, but really I just wanted him to be in as much pain as I was in.

  “Okay, let’s get to the Jeep.” He lifted me up to my feet and led me toward the door.

  I screamed and called him every name I could think of on the hour ride to the hospital. Finally, we made it. Mason walked me inside and sat me down in a wheelchair before finding someone to help us.

  The nurse wheeled me up to labor and delivery while Mason parked the Jeep. When he found me, I was lying in bed wearing a puke green gown and threatening to choke the nurse with her stethoscope if she didn’t supply me with drugs.

  “Hey, we will get something. You just have to give her time,” Mason said moving to my side and taking my hand.

  “I don’t have time. I need drugs.” My voice sounded like something from an exorcist movie.

  “Okay, just calm down. Remember to breathe,” he coached.

  The nurse, feeling like she should run away, I’m sure, chose this moment to leave. I was hit with another contraction, I doubled over in pain and squeezed Mason’s hand as hard as I could.

  “Ow, Lennox! You’re hurting my hand,” he complained.

  I turned and looked at him, trying to make his head explode.

  I must have scared him, because he didn’t complain again.

  Nurses kept coming in and checking me. As it turned out, I wasn’t dilating very quickly. At one point they were discussing sending me home for awhile but I wasn’t having it. I tried to get out of bed to chase down the nurse that uttered those dreaded words, but Mason stopped me.

  “Just try to relax,” he said wiping my forehead with a wet cloth.

  “Try to relax? You try to relax with a baby trying to rip its way out of you.”

  Shortly after threatening the nurses and Mason, a wonderful man came in with the drugs I had been asking for. I got my epidural and was able to sleep for a couple of hours before all the excitement happened.

  After being in the hospital for six hours, I was finally dilated enough to start pushing. Mason was by my side, holding my hand, and rooting me on. The doctor came in and flipped up the blanket that was covering my numb legs and everyone got in position to deliver the baby.

  After pushing for what seemed like a decade, the baby’s head was out. Mason peeked over the blanket and his face instantly went pale.

  “Are you okay?” I asked hoping he wasn’t going to pass out on me.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine,” he said wiping sweat off his brow.

  I gave one final push and the baby was out and crying loudly.

  “Congratulations, you have a daughter. Would you like to cut the cord?” the doctor asked Mason.

  Mason nodded his head and stood from his chair. He was handed the tool, which he took with shaky hands. I laid my head back and prayed the worst was over. Soon after closing my eyes, my baby girl was placed on my chest. I looked down at the most perfect baby I had ever laid eyes on. She had dark blue eyes and a head full of dark hair. A tear escaped my eye, looking down on what was nothing short of a miracle.

  “She looks just like you,” Mason said with tears running down his face.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Watching the love of my life give birth to my baby girl was amazing. Gross, but amazing. The moment she was out, it was like my whole world changed. Finally, everything was falling into place.

  I had a daughter.

  The moment I held that little girl in my arms, I knew where my heart was. Something I gave away long ago, had grown into this beautiful baby. I knew I would end up being wrapped around her finger worse than I was her mommy’s.

  I held the baby while the doctors got Lennox taken care of and cleaned up. I fed her a bottle and was afraid she would break just from burping her. She was so tiny in my hands, so fragile. After Lennox was cleaned up and ready to go, I placed the baby in her arms and gazed down at my girls. My whole world was in one bed.

  Alissa, Dane, Lennox’s dad, and Kathryn all came in at the same time.

  “Let me see my new granddaughter,” Kathryn said pushing everyone aside to see the baby.

  “Look how beautiful. What’s her name?” she asked taking her from Lennox’s arms.

  We looked at one another and he gave me a nod.

  “Her name is Emma, after my mom,” I announced.

  “Emma Paige Reynolds. Paige after grandma.” Lennox looked at her dad.

  “That’s a beautiful name,” he said wiping a tear from his eye.

  Everyone stayed for most of the day passing Emma around and taking turns feeding her. Finally everyone said goodbye and left us to be alone. I laid down next to Lennox and watched baby Emma sleep in her arms.

  “You never put the crib together,” she said causing Emma to jump.

  “Shh, don’t worry. The crib has been put together for weeks.”

  “But you said…”

  “I know what I said. There’s a reason I made you promise to stay out of the nursery. The whole room is done. I wanted to surprise you. Everything is taken care of so get some rest,” I told her before kissing her on the forehead.

  Lennox smiled and handed over Emma. I took the baby from her and moved to the chair so she could get some sleep. I felt like I had everything. I had my beautiful baby girl wrapped in my arms with her mama resting next to us. There was only one thing left to do, and that was to make it official. We needed to get married.

  Lennox was released the next day. Emma laid in the cradle while we packed our bags, waiting for the discharge papers.

  “I can’t believe this,” Lennox said as she loaded the diaper bag.

  “What?” I was leaning over Emma watching her sleep, but turned around to see Lennox’s worried expression.

  “These people are just going to let us walk out of here with a baby. We have no idea what we’re doing. Are they crazy?”

  I laughed. “We will learn as she does. How hard can it be? She’s just a little baby. Hold her, feed her, change her. That’s it.”

  She took a deep breath. “Okay, there’s only one of her and two of us. We can do this.”

  The nurse came in and handed us the discharge papers. Lennox sat down in the wheelchair with the baby while I went to pull the Jeep around. There was one thing that I hadn’t gotten around to doing yet, installing the carseat.

  How hard could it be? I’ve damn near built a whole house, I can buckle in a carseat.

  I pulled the Jeep around to the front door and pulled the carseat out to read the directions. After spending twenty minutes fighting the thing to get it in, the damn thing broke into two pieces.

  “I think I broke it,” I said holding a piece in each hand.

  “It’s supposed to do that. Give it to me.” Lennox handed me the baby.

  It took her a whole five minutes to get the thing in and the baby fastened in safely.

  “See, you know what you’re doing.” I gave her a smile.

  She rolled her eyes and climbed inside the passenger seat. I closed her door behind her and made my way to the driver’s side.

  As it turned out, Emma didn’t like car rides. We had an hour drive home and she had screamed for at least half of it. Finally, Lennox climbed into the backseat and sat beside her. I listened as she sang to the baby. Emma finally calmed down.

  “She just missed you,” I said looking into the rearview mirror.

  Lennox held her tiny hand and sang every song she could think of on our way home. We pulled into the driveway a little while later and I led them inside.

  “Are you ready?” I asked standing outside the nursery door.

  “Yes, open it. I want to see.” Lennox held Emma close.

  I opened the door and flipped on the light. She stepped in and placed Emma in her white crib before turning around to look around the light pink room.

  “How did you know to paint it pink?” she asked spinning in circles trying to look at everything.

  “I don’t know, just had a feeling.” I wrapped my arms around her. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it, it’s beautiful. Did you do all of this alone?”

  I nodded.

  “When? When did you have time for all of this?”

  “After you went to sleep, I would come in here and work on it.” I looked around the light pink walls and hardwood floor. There were light pink curtains with tiny lambs on them. There was a wooden rocking chair in the corner of the room, a small dresser, and changing table. I built shelves and placed stuffed animals on them, along with pictures of Lennox and I. I also cut her name out of wood, painted them white, and placed them on the walls. I
put a lot of work into the room and I was beyond happy that Lennox liked it.

  “No wonder you’ve been so tired.” She spun in my arms and placed a kiss to my lips.

  We peeked over the edge of the crib to see a sleeping Emma.

  “She looks so warm and cozy,” Lennox said rubbing her tiny foot.

  “What do you say to taking a nap while she’s sleeping?”

  “Should we leave her alone?” she asked, turning around at the door.

  “The baby monitor is already hooked up. She will be okay.” I nudged her out of the room.

  Two hours later, Emma was awake and starving. I made her a bottle and went into her room to feed her while Lennox slept a little longer.

  I sat down with her in my arms and rocked back and forth while she sipped and slurped on her bottle. I looked at her tiny hands and wondered how hands so small could already hold my heart. I felt her warmth and it seeped into my soul. I had a whole new reason to live, to be thankful every day that Lennox came back to me.

  “You don’t know it yet, but I love you so much, Emma. You and your mommy are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I promise to love you, and spoil you, and to keep mama in check when she’s grumpy because she’s tired. You are my whole world,” I whispered in the dark.

  Like she knew what I was saying, she whimpered. I felt a tear slide down my cheek from feeling all the love I had for this little girl and her mommy. I thought letting Lennox go would’ve killed me, but I knew I would never be able to let this little baby go.

  Years before, I thought my life was over when I lost out on my scholarship. Lennox came into my life and tipped my world upside down. I thought I would die when she left, but I didn’t. I understood why, the minute I held Emma in my arms. That was the plan the whole time. I wasn’t meant to go off and become some famous soccer star. I was meant to be Lennox’s husband and have this beautiful angel in my arms. I was right where I belonged.

  After Emma finished her bottle, I patted her back and changed her diaper. I rocked her to sleep and laid her down gently in her crib, before making my way back to Lennox. My heart was so full, I was sure it was going to bust.


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