Auctioned to the Spanish Dom [The Spectrum Auctions 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Auctioned to the Spanish Dom [The Spectrum Auctions 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 11

by Doris O'Connor

  “Erm, deceiving you about my reasons for being at the auction. I’m sorry, I should have been honest, but I thought you’d never let me join if you knew, and…”

  Her voice trailed off and she hastily dropped her gaze to the floor when Scarlett didn’t respond, just regarded her silently through narrow eyes.

  “I accept your apology,” she finally said, and Peyton expelled the breath she hadn’t even been aware of holding. “Don’t believe for one minute you deceived me, however.” That brought Peyton’s head up, and Scarlett’s green eyes twinkled in wry amusement. “I knew exactly what your motives were. I also knew that you would either run away screaming when Pedro won you, or you’d hit it off and would tell him the truth. So stop your fussing about it and come and see him. He’s got a surprise for you. Something about fulfilling a fantasy of yours, so I’d get my skates on and get in there, girl. If for no other reason to save Slade. He’s currently having his ear talked off by your Master.”

  Scarlett strolled off and Peyton followed hastily. Fantasy? What fantasy? She had really only shared one with him, and surely he wouldn’t do that, would he?

  * * * *

  “Pedro, jeez, hold up. If you trust her, that’s good enough for me. I can’t vouch for the other members’ willingness to cooperate, but—”

  “They won’t need to.” Pedro interrupted his friend and looked to the entrance door in the main club for the umpteenth time. Scarlett had walked through there ages ago, after Rissa had pointed Peyton’s presence out on the CCTV monitors situated behind the bar. The shy, young submissive had proved a godsend behind the bar when their regular tender had taken ill with the flu, and Slade had recently promoted her to a permanent bar position. Rissa rarely played herself, and preferred to watch from afar, content at meeting the club members’ needs by serving them this way, but Pedro hadn’t missed her interest in one Dom in particular. Even now the young woman’s gaze followed the blond Dom as he ambled around the stations, waiting for Pedro’s sign to jump into action.

  Pedro’s gut churned at the thought of what he had planned, but his pequeñita needed a distraction after the week she’d had. More than once he’d felt like telling the conference organizers to stuff it, head speaker or not, and hotfoot it back to Peyton’s house to take her out of her mind for a few hours. Hearing her cry down the phone as she recalled the gruesome details of the court case she was shadowing had been hard to take, and there was only so much he could do via a webcam.

  His cock hardened in remembrance of seeing her pleasure herself on his demand, and he adjusted himself through his leathers.

  Slade slapped him on the back and laughed.

  “Are you sure about your plans for tonight? If it was me I’d want my sub for myself, not having seen her for this long.”

  Pedro scowled at the other man, and Slade threw his hands up in a mock show of surrender.

  “I have my fucking reasons, okay?”

  “I’m sure you do, just make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons, mate, that’s all. I’ve seen the look in your eyes when you talk about her.”

  Pedro took another swig of his coke and wished like fuck it was something stronger. Club policy, however, strictly forbade anyone planning on participating in play to do so after drinking, so he was stuck with drinking this shite for now.

  Any other thought flew out of his head when Scarlett finally sashayed through that door, followed by a flustered-looking Peyton. She looked fucking fantastic and Pedro groaned under his breath. Nonetheless, he nodded to Jonas and the other Dom made his move. Slade whistled through his teeth, and Pedro turned his back on the scene.

  Observing Peyton through the mirrors behind the bar was bad enough. She shot surreptitious glances around the play area from under her eyelashes, and the fine hair on his neck stood to attention when she found him at the bar. Her steps faltered, until Scarlett called her name and she hurried over to the cozy seating arrangement where Mike and Laura were sitting.

  As planned, Jonas pounced the minute Peyton sat down, and his gut tightened painfully when her head swung up and she looked across at him again.

  She shook her head, but she didn’t shy away from Jonas’s touch either. The longer he talked to her the higher her color became, and Pedro could just imagine what Jonas was saying to her. The Dom had a penchant for dirty talking the panties off any sub. Not that Peyton would be wearing any.

  After another long, searching glance toward his back she finally raised her hands and allowed Jonas to clip wrist restraints to her. The young Dom wasted no time leading her away, and Pedro’s glass broke in his hand.

  Rissa jumped and hurried over to clear up the mess.

  “Are you okay, Master Pedro? Let me see your hand.”

  “I’m fine, Rissa. No need to fuss over me.”

  She looked all set to argue, but one glance from Slade, and her lips tightened into a thin line, and she walked to the opposite end of the bar to serve someone else.

  “Fuck, Pedro. I do hope to god you know what you’re doing.”

  Slade’s deep tones grated on his nerves, and he shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

  He could do this. All he had to do was sit here a bit longer and give Jonas a chance to do his bit. This shouldn’t be that fucking difficult. Pedro groaned and swung away from the bar, flexing his hand. It felt bruised but he hadn’t cut himself, so that was something. He couldn’t shake the feeling though that he may yet do that, burying his fist in Jonas’s face for daring to touch his girl.

  Pedro swore and tore after them.

  He heard Peyton before he saw them and some of his anger fled. He tempered his steps and cautiously opened the door fully and encountered an amused looking Master Nolan on his way through.

  “Feisty that one,” he said in a low tone so that only Pedro could hear him and hitched a thumb over his shoulder.

  Pedro nodded, and his lips kicked up into a smile when he took in the scene before him.

  Peyton sat on her knees to all intents and purposes in the perfect submissive pose, if you overlooked her clenched fists, and the fact that she sat unmoving in the middle of the corridor. Jonas had one hand wrapped in her hair, the other in a firm grip on the lead clipped to her wrist restraints, and he pulled hard to bring Peyton’s head up.

  His pequeñita still refused to look up at Jonas, and Pedro’s smile deepened.

  Not hard enough for her, amigo.

  Peyton set her lips in a firm line.

  “I said no. I’ll cry red if you don’t fucking tell me what’s going on, Sir.” The intonation she put on that word made the usual sign of respect sound more like an insult, and Jonas glanced across at Pedro. A hint of amusement shone in his blue eyes, but Pedro knew the other man well enough to know that he was tiring of this game.

  Jonas was by far the most lenient of the resident Doms, but even he had his limits, and Peyton was pushing them big time. She clearly knew that too, if the defiant set of her shoulders was anything to go by. Time to take charge of this situation.

  “Have I taught you nothing, pequeña?”

  Peyton froze at his slightly raised voice, and when Pedro stepped up into her line of vision she raised her eyes briefly. She didn’t even try to hide her joy at seeing him, and Pedro’s chest tightened in relief, and some other much deeper emotion he daren’t put a name to right now. If he did, he would never go through with this, and he wanted to give her the fantasy. He sure as fuck wouldn’t be able to let any other man touch her ever again after tonight.

  He tampered down on the mushy feelings swamping him right now and crossed his arms over his chest. Peyton’s radiant smile faltered, and she bit her lip, and dropped her gaze to his boots slowly. So slowly that Pedro’s balls drew tight. The little minx was checking him out, and she would pay for that, for sure.

  “Is that any way to behave in front of Master Jonas, girl? You’re letting us both down by acting like a spoilt brat. I’m disappointed in you.”

  Peyton m
ade a strangled sound in the back of his throat and Jonas shook his head at him. Pedro ignored the cut throat sign the other man made to signal that he thought Pedro was being too harsh, and taking the lead out of Jonas’s hands, he tugged at her wrists. Taking a fistful of her hair, he yanked her up into a standing position and Peyton whimpered. The sound shot straight to his groin, and he yanked her head back to make her look at him. Eyes wide and shimmering in tears, Peyton stared up at him, and he lost himself in the trust and relief that shone back at him when she focused on him. His little pequeñita needed him to take charge right now, as much as he needed to exert control.

  Pedro was dimly aware of Jonas taking a step back. The other man was clearly not happy, but Pedro didn’t give a flying fuck what Jonas thought right now. No one knew Peyton like he did. Already her breathing sped up and he’d bet his last penny that she was wet for him.

  He slid his hand to her throat, and turning her around, marched her down the corridor until they stood in front of his private playroom. Peyton’s heartbeat thundered under his palm, when he put in the access code and he gave her a shove into the room.

  “I want you to think on your behavior while Jonas and I decide what to do with you. You know what to do.”

  He slammed the door shut and leaned his forehead on it to compose himself.

  “Jesus, Pedro.” Jonas cleared his throat behind him. “What the fuck, man? Surely she doesn’t deserve you to be that harsh.”

  “Are you telling me how to treat my sub, Jonas?” Pedro growled the words and swung round to face the younger man. It was only when Jonas paled and took a step back that Pedro noticed his clenched fists, and he took a deep breath to calm himself.

  Uncurling his fingers he ran a hand through his hair, and offered Jonas a smile of sorts in apology.

  “Sorry,” he said, and Jonas nodded.

  “Look, Pedro, I’ve never seen you this possessive over a sub. Are you sure you want to go through with this? I’m happy to be on board, of course. She’s fucking hot, but I kinda want to keep my balls, and you look as though you want to rip them off me with your bare hands, and I haven’t even touched her yet.”

  Pedro shut his eyes and thumped the back of his head against he shut door.

  “Yes, I’m fucking sure. Why does everyone keep asking me that tonight? You of all people…we’ve fucked plenty of women between us, so give it a rest, Jonas.”

  Jonas shoved his hands in his pockets and simply looked at him.

  “None of them were Peyton,” he said.

  “And your point is?” Pedro asked, even as that itch was back between his shoulder blades, and he had to cross his arms over his chest to stop himself from wiping that infuriating grin off the other man’s face.

  “If you don’t know the answer to that by now, then there is no hope for you, Pedro. Let’s just say I recognize that look in your eyes. Slade and Scarlett got it too. I just hope I don’t sit on whatever chair you three sat on to get that particular bug. I rather like staying unattached.”

  He winked at Pedro, and Pedro shook his head and laughed.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Peyton and I are just…well, we’re…fuck.”

  Jonas laughed out loud and punched him playfully in the shoulder.

  “Yeah, that. I’m told it’s fucking scary when that dawns on you. Like I said, I’ve no intention of finding out if it’s true anytime soon, so bearing that in mind, if you want me to go off and find some other entertainment for the evening, I will. Likewise, if you do want me to stay, you better tell me what exactly you want me to do. Like I said, I’m rather fond of my balls where they are.” He winked at Pedro and leant against the wall, waiting for his answer.

  Pedro stared into space. His newly acknowledged feelings churned a hole in his gut. Was he really in love with Peyton? No scratch that, he loved her. When exactly he’d fallen for her, he had no fucking clue, and now was not the time to contemplate that. Not when Peyton was waiting for him behind that door.

  He cleared his throat, focused his mind, and took a deep breath.

  “This is what we’re going to do…”

  Chapter Eleven

  Peyton waited, back to the door, eyes closed, hands palms-up on her knees. Try as she might, however, she couldn’t regulate her breathing. Blood rushed in her ears, and she struggled to hold her pose on the floor, the longer it took for the men to enter the room.

  When Jonas had come up to her in the main area of the club, demanding that she come with him, she had refused at first. He wasn’t her Dom, and no matter what he said, she didn’t have to obey him. Not in the way she did Pedro, anyway.

  It was only when Jonas had pressed home the fact that Pedro had sent him that she’d relented. Willing Pedro to turn around and show her that this was really what he wanted her to do had achieved absolutely nothing. Sat with his back to the room, and his face bathed in shadows, she hadn’t been able to read his expression in the bar mirrors. Only the tight set of his shoulders gave away the fact that he must be watching her every move.

  “Come on, baby. You don’t want to disappoint him, now, do you?” Jonas’s words delivered in his deep baritone had hit home. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint Pedro, but for the life of her she didn’t understand his motives. Scarlett had said he had a surprise for her, but surely giving her to the other Dom wasn’t her surprise.

  Jonas was exceedingly handsome, but he didn’t make her heart flutter like Pedro did. His touch was altogether too gentle, his looks too fair to interest her. The impossibly tall Jonas with an intriguing hint of an accent and his messy blond hair that fell over crystal blue eyes might have held her interest one time, but not now. Nonetheless, she’d followed where he’d led with a quiet strength that spoke of his dominance. A different brand from Pedro’s to be sure, but it had meant that she couldn’t openly defy him, no matter how much her unease grew the further away they moved from Pedro.

  Clearly she had been wrong in her first hasty assumption that Pedro was going to give her the fantasy of being taken by two men at once. She’d stumbled at the erotic images bombarding her brain, and Jonas had steadied her with a warm hand on her elbow. Tingles of awareness had raced up her arm when he’d stepped so close that his unique scent had wrapped itself around her senses. So different from Pedro, that she had shaken her head and sunk to the floor.

  “No, sorry, I can’t do this. This is all wrong. Where is Master Pedro and where are you taking me?”

  The door finally opened and Peyton jumped. The urge to open her eyes and turn around was almost too hard to resist. Was that one or two heavy sets of footsteps that entered the room?

  “I’m glad to see you haven’t completely forgotten our protocol, pequeña.”

  Pedro’s voice right behind her made her jump, and she leant into his hand on her shoulder. Heavy and reassuring, it grounded her and calmed her churning stomach. Whatever happened now, he was here, and she didn’t have to worry. He caressed her neck with his fingers and Peyton found herself slipping further into her submissive headspace.

  “No, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

  His heavy sigh ghosted across her neck, as he nuzzled into it and shivers of anticipation danced down her spine.

  “I missed you, Sir,” she whispered, and Pedro claimed her mouth in a searing kiss. Another set of hands settled on her shoulders, and Peyton froze as her hair was lifted off her neck. The suspension rack creaked above her, and her heartbeat sped up as the first touch of rope against her bare arms. A blindfold settled over her eyes, and she was urged to her feet by a tug to her bound wrists. Before she had even straightened completely, the wrist cuffs fell away to be replaced by soft rope binding her hands together. The nimble fingers felt different from Pedro’s as they expertly bound her and then proceeded to wind the length around her arms. The winch sounded again, until she was forced to stand on her tiptoes. Pedro’s hands on her hips steadied her and she gasped when he flipped her skirt up and pulled her bare ass into his leather-covered groin.
The heat off his erect cock branded her even through the leather, and he groaned into her neck, seconds before he bit into her shoulder.

  The sweet pain shot straight to her clit and Peyton moaned.

  “I missed you too, pequeñita.” The whispered words into her ear, only loud enough for her to hear made her smile. “Now, relax and let us punish you.” She felt Pedro’s smile in the kiss he gave her as he laved his bite mark with his tongue and then slapped her ass several times in quick succession. The sweet burn traveled through her, and all too soon for her liking he stopped.

  Pedro laughed and ran his hands up and down the inside of her thighs, so close to her wet slit that she felt the air movement, but not close enough to touch, and her clit clenched. Something cold touched her ankle and then her legs were spread wide and ankle restraints attached something heavy.

  Jonas’s voice this time.

  “That’s better. I like to see what I have to work with.”

  Her arms hurt as she hung there for second, before the ropes lowered her back on her tiptoes, and her breathing settled. With her arms secured high above her head and her legs spread by what must be a spreader bar, she was utterly unable to move, and that thought made her wetter.

  “Hmm, very nice, Pedro. She’s getting wetter by the minute waiting for your cock to fill her, but she won’t get that yet, will she?” Callused fingertips traced her jaw, and Peyton jumped at the unmistakable click in her ear, seconds before the buzzing of a vibrator.

  Hands from behind her pulled her breasts out of her corset, and she jumped when the vibrations settled on one nipple while strong fingers pulled and kneaded the other one.

  Pain followed pleasure as the biting sting of two nipple clamps attacked her sensitive buds simultaneously, and she bit her lip to absorb the pain, as they were tightened to such a degree she whimpered and shook her head. Anything to get away from that overbearing sensation.

  “Shhh, take this for me.” Pedro’s soothing voice in her ear meant she pulled a deep breath into her body and pushed the pain away with her exhales.


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