Mother of Mars (Whispers of A Planet Book 1)

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Mother of Mars (Whispers of A Planet Book 1) Page 5

by Sean Clark

  Cassius grunts. The voice over communications comes back on. “Cecil, please talk to this fool and have him send you over. Now.”

  Cassius snorts loudly, like a raging bull. “I… I.” Cecil stutters.

  “Martin, where is Aetius? I want him on here now. He’s leading this project, not you.” Cassius says, pounding away at something.

  “Who knows where he is. He’s useless.” Martin scoffs. “If Cecil can’t make it here, then send me someone equally competent, if someone like that exists. You can have Aetius back in exchange. Heck, come down here yourself, or send one of your computer jockeys. I don’t care. Even just a little bit of manpower would be better than nothing. This isn’t something I can budge on. Out.”

  The speaker clicks and fades to static, before Cassius slams something down with a crash, causing the channel to go silent. “I don’t want to do this... but it seems I have to. You’re going over there now, Ruiz. This is your second chance that you wished for, kid. That is, if you really want it. Do you know what you’re headed into?”

  “If it’s the same system I think it is, it’s something I’ve worked on before. Extensively, in fact.” Cecil goes on emphatically, before dropping his head. “I just don’t know if it’s in me to go back down there...”

  “Secundus, we’re calling it now… down in that hole. Perhaps if you’re doing your thing, you’ll come around.” Cassius sneers.

  “I... can’t. I don’t even know how I could help.” Cecil says shyly.

  “I’m going to say it again. I’m tired of all the dicking around down there. You told me you wanted to prove yourself here. Now you’re telling me you’d rather head back to Earth, Ruiz?”

  “Secundus… if that’s the only way I can prove myself, then I’ll have to face it. There is nothing left for me at home now anyways.” Cecil says, shaking his head. “Perhaps I can find a way to make myself useful, even without my eyes. Maybe even more than I could ever do on Earth with all of my five senses.”

  “That’s a good boy. Then get your ugly mug over to the airlock hanger. I’ll call a few people that we can get over there.” Cecil thinks for a split second that he would be heading back to where the pool was located. A small shiver runs up his spine.


  Cecil is consumed by claustrophobia, helpless. His feet had been shoved into the suit, causing him to lose his balance. Before he can regain his bearings, someone else pushes him upright, tightening straps around his waist. Another grabs at his limbs, ungraciously trying to force them into armholes. The smothering suit lay heavy on his shoulders, constricting his movement. As soon as he thinks it had stop, a playful slap meets his back.

  “Passenger one is ready for the air canister.”

  A domed object is placed in Cecil hands, the gripped palms of his gloves meeting with a hard, slick surface. It is then taken away from him, to be in turn placed over his head, his helper ungracefully leaning against him to do so.

  The clamor of the hangar is shut out. Cecil can hear his breathing echo in his ears. Somewhere his heart beat with a soft rhythm. His hot breath reflects back at him against the cold polycarbonate.

  A heavy weight is placed on his shoulders, an oxygen tank with a pair of straps to hook onto the suit. A third strap connects the two just under his sternum, bucking together with a hard click. Cecil’s knees shake slightly under the weight, but the rush of cool air into his mask brings him relief. The air is musky, yet slightly sweet, a unique flavor produced by some chemical additive to mask the pungency the air gained resting inside cartridges that had been used more times than he can imagine. His nostrils flair wide, invigorating his senses.

  Regaining his bearings, Cecil listens for radio static. Silence consumes him. A light push on his back prods him forwards, leading to a familiar seating arrangement on the back of a rover. The suspension shifts slightly under his weight as he situates himself in the seat. The vehicle sits motionless, engine disengaged. After what feels like an eternity, sitting alone with only his thoughts, two more people join him in the rover. There is a light tapping on his mask, and the engine rumbles to life. Before he can try and speak, the vehicle lurches forwards, throwing Cecil off balance, forcing him to grab onto the hand railing. The vehicle rolls slowly into the oversized airlock and the atmosphere is drawn out of the compartment.

  The pressure surrounding Cecil’s suit changes. He breathes deeply from his mask, a certain calmness in the silence surrounds him. The rover rolls over the threshold of the compound and into the Martian landscape. Cecil’s ears plug up with the change in pressure, and a faint ringing bores into his skull. Popping his jaw causes a sickening release as the pressure in his ears equalize, leaving a cold, empty feeling behind. He shakes his head to clear his mind and the ringing fades out.

  Strapped to the back of the rover going over the rocky terrain causes Cecil to be jostled around like the simulators he had experienced at home. A familiar feeling creeps up in Cecil’s stomach. Breathing deeply from the now stale-tasting air does little for the empty feeling in his gut. He grabs on tightly to the hand hold and stiffens his body, compensating for the jostling of the vehicle.

  The terrain levels out, and Cecil begins relax. The silence is still deafening around him, and the pale muddy brown light pouring through his visor shone in his vision. He can feel the rumble of the rover’s engine throughout the seat, but it makes no sound. The heat exchanger in his suit pushes around cool water in tubes sewn into the lining. A feeling hits him, like momentarily being detached from the world and everything that seemed to trouble him. It sends a chill up his spine.

  Cecil is knocked out of his day dream as the rover starts once again to mount the incline and he is threatened to be thrown off the seat. The harness holds him tight, but he retakes a firm grasp on to the hand hold nonetheless.

  The rover seems to continue its ascent for eternity. Cecil’s hand becomes sore and his shoulder aches. The vehicle finally slows to a halt on a flat area. He takes his hand off the railing to shake loose the sore muscle. A tap on his shoulder from the front seat alerts him to disengage. The carabineer fastening him to the vehicle is unwieldy with his gloved hand, but after much fumbling he feels the sharp click of it releasing. He stands up and stretches his legs once again on the Martian surface.

  A hand suddenly grabs his, guiding it to the individual’s shoulder. Cecil helplessly follows in tow behind. Through the ground comes the faint rumbling in his boots of the rover turning around and driving off. The person in front of him doesn’t seem to react.

  Cecil’s boots meet the slick surface of metal plating that contrast with the rough sandy ground. There is a gentle feeling of suction that follows the airlock being opened. Cecil continues to hang on to the person leading him inside. Jets of air blast the men to remove any dust and other particles, and the pressure returns around him, engulfing his body and providing a sense of relief. The inner set of doors open and he lifts his arm to reach for the seal on his helmet.

  There is a quick whoosh of air as he breaks the seal, warm, moist air meeting his skin and lungs. There is a strange earthy smell about it. Cecil breaths it in deeply. The helmet dangles from the fingers in his still sore hand, as he rests the other against the wall. He hears the other man with him disengage his helmet in the same fashion.

  “Welcome to ‘Secundus,’ boys.” A voice announces, as if the man had been waiting for their arrival. “I’m overseeing operations here, the name’s Aetius. Hurry, come on in. We’ve got a lot of work. Watch your step there.”

  Cecil switches his helmet to the other hand to push himself carefully away from the wall. He reaches out his arm, attempting to make contact with some object to guide himself on. His hand grasps the air, causing him to clumsily shuffle forward, stumbling as his boots meet the edge of a panel in the floor.

  A pair of arms catch him. “What did I just say?” Aetius says agitatedly, his breath hitting Cecil’s face.

  Cecil regains his footing and turns his gaze upwards towar
d the voice. The man lets out a small gasp in surprise. “You’re shitting me… you’re the one they sent?” Aetius scoffs, an air of skepticism in his voice. “I guess you are really Ruiz, huh? I thought I was going crazy, hearing that name over the radio. ‘We’ve got Ruiz back to come work with us,’ They said.”

  “In the flesh.” Cecil mumbles roughly.

  “I remember… you were still occupying the med bay when I was sent to be stationed here. I figured you would have been shipped off by now.” Aetius pauses, his footsteps moving away as if to circle the room. “Well damn, what do they expect me to do with you?” His tone becomes agitated. “Can you even work? You’re blind as a bat, or so I’ve been told? Cassius said we were getting the most capable person he knew, not some invalid.”

  Cecil attempts to react to the rapid fire of questions. “I know I can be of use to you, just give me a chance.” He replies unenergetically.

  “Yeah… and how do I know you’re not going to end up hurting yourself down here again?” Aetius raises his voice.

  The sound of someone loudly clearing their throat comes from beside Cecil. “You got what was asked for, Aetius. Don’t let Cecil’s condition fool you, he’s capable.” Agrippa explains. Cecil turns around to face the familiar voice, dumbfounded. “I guess they neglected your communications line in the rush to get us over here, Cecil. Well… I never expected to be back here again, especially with you in tow, kid.” says Agrippa, exasperated.

  “Agrippa? I apologize.” Aetius interjects. “I suppose you’re more aware of Ruiz’s condition than I. Can you really assume he’ll be any help to us?”

  “Ruiz is one of the best engineers we’ve got. He knows the plans from top to bottom. As for me, I’m representing the commander to make sure it all goes together as planned. Now, you’re going to show us down there and we’re going to get to work.”

  Aetius exhales loudly out of his nose. “Well, let’s hope you don’t end up more trouble than you’re worth. Get those suits off and we’ll head down.”

  Cecil feels a heavy hand on his shoulder that pushes him along. Agrippa moves in close behind his back and speaks lowly. “I don’t know if you know what they say you know. But that’s the least of my worries right now.”

  “Try to keep up you two. We have people waiting on us.” Aetius shouts from up ahead.

  Cecil is pushed along by Agrippa as they move deeper into the structure. With some help, the men strip down out of their suits to change into coveralls and boots. Aetius speaks up again. “We’ll be taking the lift down. Be prepared for a slight drop in temperature. Most of the facility is underground. There was already a good deal of room for us to move into down here. Well, I suppose you both know that already…”

  “What’s this about a lift?” Agrippa inquires.

  “It’s a relatively new installment. It’s a lot more efficient than dropping supplies and men down the hole on that crane and pulley system. I forgot you were here before during our preliminary stages.”

  “Well then, lead on.” Agrippa insists.

  Cecil grabs onto Agrippa’s shoulder. Cool air coming up through the grate of the floor penetrates the thin fabric of Cecil’s coveralls, sending goosebumps up his arms. They continue into the center of the room where Cecil can hear the low hum of a generator. There is a loud, ungraceful scrape of metal on metal as the doors to the lift open. Cecil allows himself to be guided onto the questionable device, doors closing loudly behind him. The lift starts to descend.

  Cecil takes a deep breath, holding it.“You seem apprehensive, Ruiz.” Aetius speaks loudly over the sound of the machinery.

  “Cecil just got out of the hospital, he’s still a bit shaky I would assume…”

  “Agrippa.” Cecil says, stopping him. “I’m sorry about before. I won’t let any of that cause problems. I understand if you’re worried, but please, allow me to do this.”

  “What’s this about?” Aetius inquires. “Is there something the matter… other than Ruiz’s…. affliction, of course?”

  “No.” Agrippa butts in decisively.

  “I’m going to do what I came here to do.” Cecil adds sternly. He can make out Aetius grumbling to himself. Cecil’s stomach jumps slightly as they continue to descend slowly.

  “Fine, fine.” Aetius concedes. “I’ll get you up to speed. All of the CO2 systems are set up and the holes are drilled, but the turbine is still causing us trouble. We had it transported over… weeks ago. It was just recently set up on concrete footings, but we can’t get it to do shit. I’m pretty sure being in storage for God knows how long took a toll on them.”

  “That’s what they must have been talking about… Martin and Cassius that is.” Cecil announces. “I was around when the ship carrying the parts arrived.”

  Aetius grunts in an unimpressed manor. “Don’t mention Martin to me. Whatever… you’ll be working with him I’m assuming. That will be your chance to prove yourself, if think you can help out on some fashion.”

  “So, that’s our priority, is it?” Agrippa confirms.

  “Don’t worry old man, now that Cecil’s here, we’re saved.” Aetius says sarcastically.

  “Nevertheless...” Agrippa stops. “Let’s just get everyone on the same page. Run me through how the system works.”

  “I thought this was your thing.” Aetius snaps.

  “My team and I just did the geological stuff for you guys. Besides, the people who should know it are already down here… it shouldn’t make any difference what I know.” Agrippa retorts.

  “It’s an enhanced geothermal system, right?” Cecil decides to add in.

  “Someone has done their homework. Indeed, it is.” Aetius acknowledges him snottily. “It’s quite simple. We pump a liquid down into the rock under pressure, and the heat from the ground turns it back into a gaseous state that powers turbines. On Earth, systems like this use water for steam, but we don’t exactly have a lot of it floating around here, so we’re using Carbon Dioxide.”

  “What makes the CO2 behave like that, like you explained… being pumped down into crust?” Agrippa asks, intrigued.

  “It’s supercritical, pressurized to over a thousand psi. Dangerous stuff, not to mention it can corrode various metals too. If you don’t take proper precautions, it can be catastrophic. It’s worth the risk here though, being more efficient. Thankfully all of that is taken care of. Now we’re down to the little things, in matter of speaking.” Aetius explains in an animated manor, talking over the clamor of the lift.

  Agrippa lets out a dumbfounded ‘hum.’

  The lift jerks to a halt, touching the ground. The air is still and even colder than before. The hairs on Cecil’s arms stand up and brush against the sleeves of his jumpsuit. He realizes he had been hanging onto the structure of the lift, feet seemingly braced for an impact. The doors scrape open once again, and Cecil relaxes, taking in another deep breath. The air is completely silent.

  “This is it boys. It may be different than what you remember, but this is the ever so lovely pit you’re going to call home.” Cecil imagines Aetius demonstrating flamboyantly.

  A strong grip grasps Cecil’s wrist and pulls him out onto the grated floor, following after Aetius’s voice that had started to fade out. “Over that way is the magma chamber that you guys ran into. That area is partitioned off. You need a suit on anyways, the heat is pretty killer to say the least.” Aetius explains. Cecil’s face begins to prickle in response.

  “We took down some walls here and there…. enough to make room for the CO2 tanks and turbines. Over this way are the crew quarters, if… you want to go as far as to call it that.”

  “I’m guessing this isn’t some five-star place with a restaurant and restrooms then?” Agrippa jokes.

  “Heh, we’re roughing it out here.” Aetius laughs. “We have some MRE’s- I hope you like dehydrated spaghetti. As for your other needs… well, there’s a few buckets that get some use.”

  Cecil cringes at the idea, but after using a bedpan for s
everal days it doesn’t seem like much of a stretch. He perks up as a voice faintly echoes in the distance. Agrippa shouts to Aetius. “Grab everyone you can. We’re going to have a quick meeting, whether you like it or not. No more crap.”


  Cecil leans uncomfortably against the rough wall. There are several sets of footsteps as the few men come in one by one. There is whispering, but Cecil can’t make out what they’re saying. Someone moves in close to him.

  “Cecil.” Agrippa spoke. “You’ve been quiet, what’s on your mind?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just taking this in.”

  “That’s not the answer I wanted to hear.” Agrippa says, concerned. “Listen, I wanted to tell you this while we were still at the station but I didn’t get the chance. You… shouldn’t be here. It was irresponsible for Cassius to force you to come.”

  “It’s not like that, Agrippa.” Cecil asserts calmly.

  “It’s hard for me to believe you that easily.” Agrippa argues. “Can you at least acknowledge that you’re putting yourself in a vulnerable position… mentally… being down here? How do I know you’re not going to act up like before?”

  “I’m calm Agrippa… ready to work.” Cecil explains. “This place… it’s not like the station. I don’t know how to describe it…”

  Aetius clears his throat on the opposite side of the room, and the other voices die out. Agrippa sighs before speaking to Cecil one last time. “That’s what I’m worried about. Fine, fine. In any case, I can’t babysit you down here. At least come to me if you have any concerns.”

  “Alright then.” Aetius’s voice echoes around the room, pulling Agrippa’s attention away. Cecil hears him walk off. “We’ve received a bit of help from the main base. Two hands, to be exact. Now I know we would have benefited from more…”

  Aetius is interrupted by many of the people mumbling loudly to each other. Agrippa claps his hands and the commotion stops suddenly. “I understand I’m cutting into our precious time here, but up until now we haven’t seen the results we’ve been needing. You know what’s at stake if we don’t meet the deadline, and I know nobody wants to be here longer than they need to.” His voice booms over the now silent group. “Some of you probably know Cecil Ruiz here. Along with him, the majority of you will now be assigned to getting the turbine operational. Aetius and I will manage everyone else… prepping the wellhead, and making sure the system is ready to be tested as soon as soon as possible. That’s all.”


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