Patently in Love

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Patently in Love Page 9

by Rhoda Baxter

  Jane thought back to the highly charged moments of the night before. "I think Keith has it." In her haste, she hadn't even thought to ask for it back.

  Marsh grimaced.

  "It's no big deal. I can always print another copy."

  "It's not that. It's Keith. I bet he takes the credit for it."

  Jane gaped. She knew he and Keith didn't get on particularly well, but she didn't think either of them would lower himself to such a level. "He wouldn't do that, would he? It's not exactly professional."

  Marsh gave her an unreadable look. "I wouldn't be so sure."

  "I'm sure it'll be okay."

  Marsh said nothing and went back to cramming papers into his bag.

  The walk to the train station was very different from the one the night before. They walked briskly, but without urgency. It was still quite early, but the sky was turning soft pastel pink and birds were singing. Jane felt as if she was walking on air.

  As they neared the station Marsh said, "Perhaps it would be better if we catch different trains. You catch the first one that comes. I'll catch the one after that. That way we'll arrive a few minutes apart."

  "It wouldn't do to turn up together." She started to smile, but then remembered she was still wearing yesterday's clothes. Her smile faded.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I'm just wondering if it's obvious that I'm wearing the same clothes as yesterday."

  "I hadn't thought of that." He touched her hand. "Don't worry. I doubt anyone will notice."

  * * * *

  From: Sally Thomas

  To: Valerie Fenwick

  Did you see what Jane had on this morning? Was that the same top she was wearing yesterday?



  From: Valerie Fenwick

  To: Sally Thomas

  I can't say I noticed her clothes, but I did think she was in a good mood this morning. I'll ask Ruth if there's any gossip.

  Better go. Marsh has left a whole load of tapes for me to do. I guess he was working late last night again. I hope he gets this promotion. I could do with a bit more cash. Besides, he generates so much work for me, I may as well be a partner's secretary!



  From: Keith Durridge

  To Susan Jameson

  Hi Susan

  I've found a paper that discusses using the two relevant classes of drugs together. Which means, by default, it mentions the overall classes of drugs, which we can use against the patent I'm dealing with too.

  I am booking a meeting to discuss.



  From: Eric Korsky

  To: Keith Durridge

  My secretary tells me that the lovely Jane is wearing the same clothes as yesterday. As I haven't had a boastful email from you, do I take it that someone else has beaten you to it?

  I shall get Indra to book us a table at the club!



  From: Keith Durridge

  To: Eric Korsky

  Yes, the gossip has reached me too. I should have guessed after she ran off last night.

  No need to make a booking. I still have two weeks until the end of the month.

  I think a change of tactic is called for. The K-man is nothing if not resourceful.



  From: Keith Durridge

  To: Susan Jameson

  Hi Susan

  I have moved the meeting so that Jane can attend. I should mention that she was the one who actually found the paper, using a search done under my guidance.


  Chapter 12

  From: Mike Taylor

  To: [email protected]

  How are things going with Jane? My research suggests that having her around does wonders for your popularity. People saw her as an icon of sincerity. A girl next door who stood by her man etc.

  Anything you can do to get back in her good books and maybe get her to come to a launch party or two would be helpful.



  From: [email protected]

  To: Mike Taylor

  We split up weeks ago. I don't even know where she is. Can't we just do a charity gig or something instead?


  From: Mike Taylor

  To: [email protected]

  Doing the regular stuff is important, but the way to the mega popularity is to get you talked about. You don't have to get back together with Jane, just be seen together so that the speculation can start. That way, you're guaranteed to be covered by the gossip press and the mainstream stuff will follow.

  You said you'd do anything for the band. Well, now's your chance. Get in touch with her. And make it convincing.


  From: [email protected]

  To: Jane Porter

  Babes. I miss you. Come back. Pleeeeeease.

  The band's doing really well and stuff, but things aren't the same without you. I tried calling you, but your mum won't tell me where you are!

  Missing you loads

  Love you



  From: Jane Porter

  To: [email protected]

  Leave me alone. I'm trying to get back on track after wasting 5 years of my life with you.

  Have you sorted out the flat yet? I could really do with my share of the deposit right now.



  From: [email protected]

  To: Jane Porter

  I haven't done anything about the flat. I keep hoping you'll come back and everything will be like it was. I guess I'm hoping all this is just a bad dream and I'll wake up to find my beautiful Janie asleep next to me.



  From: Jane Porter

  To: [email protected]

  You make me sick.


  From: [email protected]

  To: Mike Taylor

  Dude, she's not going for it. I still have no idea where she is.


  From: Mike Taylor

  To: [email protected]

  There isn't much time left. Launch is next week. I think we'll go to plan B.


  * * * *

  Jane printed out two more copies of the paper. As she walked back from the print room, she noticed one of the secretaries looking at her. She turned away, telling herself she was just being paranoid. Ever since the debacle with the tabloid photographers, she tended to think she was under scrutiny wherever she went. It had been a while since she'd split up with Ashby and the magazines had moved on to different stories. She really needed to get a grip.

  She had to take a copy of the paper to Marsh. She reminded herself to act casually. Not easy to do when the thought of him made her heart skip.

  She stopped at the door to his office, surprised to see Keith standing at the desk, but no Marsh.

  "Hello." Keith closed the book he had been looking at. It was Marsh's desk diary.

  "I was just checking when Marsh was available," he said. "I was going to book a meeting for all three of us with Susan to discuss this paper you found."

  Jane was about to ask why he hadn't used the usual method of booking meetings when Marsh returned.

  He ignored Jane. "What can I do for you?"

  "I was just telling Jane, I think we should arrange a meeting to talk to Susan about the paper we found."

  "Good idea," said
Marsh. "Do you want to book it, or shall I?"

  "I'll do it," Keith smiled at Jane. "I haven't forgotten that I promised to buy you a drink. What happened last night? I waited in the lobby, but you didn't show."

  Jane raised a weak smile. " delayed. I must have just missed you."

  "Drink after work tonight?"

  "I can't tonight, sorry."

  "Perhaps next week then. Better get back to the grind, I suppose." He aimed a finger at Marsh. "I'll send you a meeting request."

  "You do that," said Marsh, equally amiably.

  "See you later Jane." Keith left.

  Both she and Marsh stared after him. "He's up to something," Marsh said.

  "He didn't take the credit for finding the paper, did he?"

  Marsh frowned thoughtfully at the space Keith had vacated.

  Jane felt a little skip of happiness. He really was lovely, and she was going to see him again.

  Suddenly, Marsh snapped out of his frown and looked at Jane. For a moment, they stared into each other's eyes, and the rest of the world receded. Sharp footsteps in the hallways outside broke the mood and they both looked away.

  "Um... was that everything, Jane?" He sat down and shuffled papers on his desk. "Did you need anything else?"

  "I just wanted to give you a copy of this." She held out the paper.

  He took it, careful not to touch her hand. "Thank you very much," he said, and gave her a little smile.

  "You're welcome." She left before the temptation to kiss him became unbearable.

  * * * *

  From: Polly

  To: Jane Porter

  Okay, miss dirty stop out. Tell me EVERYTHING.



  From: Jane Porter

  To: Polly

  What do you expect me to say? We were both working late. I found an interesting paper and took it round to show him. Things sort of happened from there.

  And he is DEFINITELY not gay. ;-)



  From: Polly

  To: Jane Porter

  That's not an explanation. I want details.


  From: Jane Porter

  To: Polly

  You'll have to wait until I see you.

  I have tons of work to do. Especially if I want to have any time off at the weekend.


  Chapter 13

  CAUSE CELEB: The Magazine that connects YOU to the stars.

  Cause Celeb has heard that Triphoppers star Ashby Thornton is gearing up for the launch of their next album Swagger. But sources say that Ashby's heart is not really in it. Twenty-five year old Ashby is still pining for his ex girlfriend Jane Porter.

  "He feels really badly about what happened," band member and close personal friend Lee told our Cause Celeb reporter. "He let fame get to him and he let go of what was really important. He has tried to contact Jane, but can't find her anywhere. He's really hurting right now."

  CAUSE CELEB CAUSE OF THE MONTH: Can YOU find Jane Porter? Contact us on [email protected]

  * * * *

  To: Marshall Winfield

  From: Stevie Winfield

  Hi Marsh. I've just seen the latest Cause Celeb. Apparently, Ashby Thornton is wanting to get back together with Jane. I know you were going to have dinner with her next week. She might be on the rebound, so please, please be careful.

  Just thought I'd let you know.

  As you say, it's probably not a good idea to date a colleague anyway.




  From: Marshall Winfield

  To: Stevie Winfield

  Thanks for the advice, but I don't really see what that has to do with anything.

  Anyway, it's bit too late now. ;-)



  From: Stevie Winfield

  To: Marshall Winfield

  You don't mean...?


  That was quick work. Especially for you. I hope you know what you're doing.



  From: James Edwards

  To: Marshall Winfield

  Lou tells me you've had some progress on the Jane front. What happened to waiting until after the partners meeting?



  From: Marshall Winfield

  To: James Edwards

  Things took an interesting turn last night... I'm afraid my resolve crumbled. We've agreed that we're going to keep it out of the office. She was very understanding about it. I guess the whole unwanted publicity thing that she had with her ex means she doesn't want to draw attention to herself either.

  Am I to take it that you, Lou and Stevie have been talking to each other?

  Honestly, haven't you people got anything better to do?



  From: James Edwards

  To: Louise Edwards


  Since you insist I go and see how Marsh is, I have done so. He looks...happy. That's the only way I can describe it. He was humming to himself. Humming, Louise. I haven't seen him humming since...god, not for years. Not since that girl back in the first year...what was her name? The one with the scary teeth.

  I'm a bit worried that he's risking upsetting the partnership, but he says he's got it under control, so I guess we have to leave him to it.

  Please don't ask me to go and talk to him about his feelings. I'm a bloke. We don't talk about that sort of thing without several pints being involved.


  * * * *

  Jane wriggled her freshly painted toes. For a moment she thought wistfully of the stylist who used to do her hair and makeup before any big do with Ashby. Technically, the girl had been hired to do the hair and faces of the band, but Triphoppers' manager thought that Jane was an important part of their image too.

  No more.

  She put the lid on the nail varnish and settled back in her chair. Beside her, Polly's landline rang.

  Polly was lounging on the sofa, working, her pen between her teeth as she tapped away on her laptop. She looked up at the sound of the phone but didn't move.

  "Shall I get that?" Jane was already reaching over.


  "Jane!" Her mother's voice came, fast and breathless, as soon as Jane said "Hello". "Oh thank goodness. You weren't answering your mobile and I was starting to get worried."

  "Oh, sorry Mum. I've just got a new phone and I haven't got round to sending everyone the new number yet."

  "What happened to your old phone?"

  She hadn't mentioned the mugging to her mother, not wanting to worry her. "I...lost it."

  "Oh that is a shame. Did it cost a lot to replace?"

  "Not really."

  "Anyway, the reason I've been trying to get hold of you, apart from to see how you are of course, is that Ashby has been calling for you again."

  Jane felt the blood leave her face. "What does he want?"

  "Well, he wants you. He says he's really sorry about what happened and he didn't know what he was thinking and he wants you to forgive him."


  "He sounded really upset, darling. And he has always been good to you apart from that one time... Perhaps you should talk to him, see what he has to say."

  "No way. Absolutely not."

  "Now darling, are you sure?"

  "Mum, we've discussed this. I am not talking to him
or forgiving him. Ever. Okay? If he calls again, tell him to take a running jump."

  There was a guilty silence at the other end of the line.

  "Mum? What have you done?"

  "Well, I did give him your mobile number."

  "My old number?"


  "That's dead now, thank goodness. Don't tell him anything more. Okay?"


  "Mum, promise me."

  Her mother sighed. "Okay. I promise. But if you change your mind..."

  "I know how to get hold of him, if I need to."

  Her mother sighed again. Jane changed the subject. They chatted about things not relating to Ashby for a few minutes.

  When Jane hung up, Polly said, "What was that all about?"

  "Apparently, Ashby's been trying to get hold of me. To apologise."

  Polly raised one eyebrow. "Really?"

  "According to Mum. She thinks I should contact him. You know what she's like. She thinks the sun shines out of his arse."

  "Your mum just wants to be able to invite the Beckhams to your wedding." Her smile faded. "It is a bit weird though, isn't it? Ashby coming over all remorseful. It doesn't sound like him." She typed something into her laptop.

  "What're you doing?"

  "Just checking something out..." Whatever she read had her frowning. "Oh dear."


  "We-ll... You know Cause Celeb has a cause of the month. You remember how they did that 'what should Kate Winslet buy her husband for Christmas' one? And the 'can you help Chantelle find the perfect shoes for this outfit' one?"

  Jane wondered where this was going, a horrible thought began to coalesce in her mind.

  Polly turned the laptop around, showing her the Cause Celeb blog. Jane read quickly. About half way through, she started to swear.

  "I'm going to kill him. I really am going to kill him."

  * * * *

  From: Jane Porter

  To: [email protected]

  Ashby. What the hell is going on? You are supposed to be leaving me alone, remember? And now suddenly I'm the Cause Celeb cause of the month!! Or, more to the point, I guess, you are. Just in time for the new album launch. What a coincidence.

  Look, I meant what I said. I haven't done you or your career any damage. In fact, I helped you as much as I can. Why can't you have the common courtesy to do the same for me?

  I was just getting on with my life. I have a job I like and I'm making new friends. Now, thanks to you, I have to watch my step everywhere I go, in case there's a photographer trying to get a shot of me. Again.


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