Back over that fearful field, whereof the silence was broken only bythe groans of the wounded and the dying, walked Hugh and Grey Dick. Theycame to the great rampart of dead men and horses that surrounded theEnglish line, and climbed it as though it were a wall. On the furtherside bonfires had been lit to lighten the darkness, and by the flareof them they saw Edward of England embracing and blessing his son, theBlack Prince, who, unhelmeted, bowed low before him in his bloodstainedmail.
"Who were they besides, Sir Robert Fitzsimmon and Richard de Beaumontwho helped you when you were down, my son?" asked the King.
The Prince looked about him.
"I know not, Sire. Many, but here is one of them," and he pointed toHugh, who just then appeared within the circle of the firelight. "Ithink that he slew the Count Louis of Flanders."
"Ah!" said the King, "our young merchant of Dunwich--a gallant man.Kneel you down, merchant of Dunwich."
Hugh knelt, and the King, taking the red sword from his hand, struck himwith it on the shoulder, saying:
"Rise, Sir Hugh de Cressi, for now I give you that boon which yourdeathfaced servant asked before the battle. You have served us, orrather England well, both of you. But whose armour is that the archercarries, Sir Hugh?"
"Sir Edmund Acour's, lord de Noyon, Sire, only, alack! another man waswithin the armour."
"Your meaning?" said the King briefly, and in few words Hugh told thetale.
"A strange story, Sir Hugh. It would seem that God fought against you inthis matter. Also I am wroth; my orders were that none of my men shouldsally out, though I fear me that you are not the only one who has brokenthem, and for your great deeds I forgive you."
"Sire," said Hugh, dropping to his knee again, "a boon. This de Noyon,your enemy and mine, has cheated and mocked me. Grant to me and myservant, Richard the archer, permission to follow after him and beavenged upon him."
"What is this you ask, Sir Hugh? That you and your brave henchman shouldwander off into the depths of France, there to perish in a dungeon orbe hanged like felons? Nay, nay, we need good men and have none to sparefor private quarrels. As for this traitor, de Noyon, and his plot, thategg is broken ere it was hatched, and we fear him no more. You followme, Sir Hugh, and your servant with you, whom we make a captain of ourarchers. Until Calais is taken, leave not our person for any cause, andask no more such boons lest you lose our favour. Nay, we have no morewords for you since many others seek them. Stand back, Sir Hugh! Whatsay you, my lord of Warwick? Ay, it is a gruesome task, but let theWelshmen out, those wounded will be well rid of their pain, and Christhave mercy on their souls. Forget not when it is finished to gather allmen that they may give thanks to God for His great mercies."
Red Eve Page 22