The Ghost and The Graveyard (The Monk's Hill Witch)

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The Ghost and The Graveyard (The Monk's Hill Witch) Page 8

by Jack, Genevieve

  It took me a while to process what he was saying. “Do you mean you left me at the hospital with no intention of coming back…ever?”

  “Exactly. Oh, I handled your mother’s funeral first. We didn’t have any family left and I was the only one there when they buried her. But I never even asked about you for two full weeks. Eventually, the hospital stopped calling.”

  Holy shit. I felt like someone had slugged me in the stomach.

  “Finally I came to my senses. I returned to the hospital and begged the nurse who’d delivered you to tell me where you were. I figured you’d be in foster care somewhere with the state. But fate wasn’t done smiling on me. The nurse knew, somehow, I’d be back. So she took you home herself and cared for you, even forged my name on a few documents to make it look like I was a normal, caring father. She gave you back to me. She…”

  Fuck. My dad was losing it, crying openly into his glass. I’d never seen my father cry. I circumnavigated the counter and snaked my arm around his neck.

  “That’s why I named you Grateful. There was no one more grateful than I for you and for the nurse who saved you.”

  “Who was the nurse? Can I meet her?”

  “No. I’m sorry. I’d intended to introduce you someday but she passed away so suddenly. The nurse was Prudence Clearwater. You’re living in her home.”

  The room began to spin. “What?”

  “Prudence and I always had a close relationship after what happened with you. She didn’t have any other family, so she left the house to me. She would’ve been so happy to know you were using it. God, I wish I’d had the guts to introduce you while she was still alive. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I knew if I did, I’d have to explain, and it kills me to admit the truth. It kills me.” His shoulders bobbed with the rhythm of his sobbing.

  I patted him on the back. “Dad, I can’t say I’m not totally floored right now. But I’m a nurse, okay? I see what the death of a loved one does to people. I can’t really say I understand, not personally, because I’ve never been through it. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I think what’s important is you came back for me. I mean, you were a good dad to me when it counted. I don’t even remember those first weeks.”

  He buried his face in his hands. I noticed his glass was empty again.

  “I forgive you, Dad. Okay? I forgive you.”

  The hug he gave me made me cry. It was so desperate. My chest hurt to think he’d been carrying this secret and the resulting guilt around for so many years.

  “You’re a good kid, Grateful. A really good kid.” Dad pulled himself together, smoothing his suit coat down and wiping under his eyes. “I should go.” Standing, his realtor self snapped back on his frame like a Lego part. He ran a hand through his hair and gave me one last hug.

  His hand was on the doorknob when I remembered there was more I needed to ask him. “Hey, do you know if more keys came with this place? I can’t get the attic door open.”

  The left corner of his mouth lifted and his eyebrows knitted together. “I know for certain there are no other keys. I’m careful about labeling everything. Who knows where Prudence kept it? Go ahead and call a locksmith if you want. I’ll pay for it. Going to need it if I sell the place someday anyway.”


  He left, looking as fresh as when he’d come, like he’d never had a major heart-to-heart with his only daughter. That was my dad.

  I watched him pull out of my drive, thinking about what Logan had said. After he’d told Prudence I was Robert Knight’s daughter, the baby she’d cared for twenty-two years ago, he’d said she was relieved I’d finally come. It made sense now, in the context that based on some sort of nostalgia, she’d be happy I was here. But I still didn’t understand what this had to do with Rick, or why Logan was being so secretive about why he was in my attic. I was more confused than ever, but also knew one thing for sure; I wanted to talk to Prudence. As soon as I could, I would ask Logan to either help me get into the attic or bring her to me.

  Chapter 12

  I Don’t Even Get Dinner First?

  I was late. Showered and primped, I slid into my favorite little black dress as quickly as possible. The material was the perfect balance of stretch and drape, capable of hiding an array of imperfections while simultaneously enhancing my body’s best assets. In other words, it was the perfect dress for another hot date with Rick. I zipped on my favorite knee-high black boots and checked myself out in the mirror.

  “You look amazing.” Logan’s voice startled me, and I turned toward the door to see him leaning against the frame. The botanical print from the hall was barely visible through his cloudy form.

  “Thanks,” I said. “Hey, you’re out early.”

  “I wanted to see you before you left.”

  “It’s good to see you too.”

  “Can I ask you something?” He stepped into the room but in his current form it was more like floating.

  “Sure,” I said. “Actually, I need to talk to you also.”

  “If I were human,” he blurted, “could you see us, you know, dating?”

  I thought about that for a minute. I didn’t want to lie. If Logan’s ghost looked anything like he did when he was alive, then he was undeniably attractive. I’m sure if I’d met him in the flesh, physical attraction would’ve been a real possibility. But beyond that, Logan had character. He was honest and loyal. He was the type of man who would make a good husband. Logan was a kind soul, with or without a body.

  “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I think when you kissed me last night that it was more than a friendly kiss. I think you meant it. Like when a man kisses a woman.”

  “Yes. I did.”

  I tucked my hair behind my ear and bit my lip. “I was afraid you might say that. See, I’m kind of seeing Rick, and I’m a one-man-at-a-time type of girl. It doesn’t feel right to pursue something with you at the same time. I’m sorry.”

  “Is it because I don’t have a body?”

  “No.” I decided to be completely honest. “It’s not just because you’re a ghost. You’re a good man, Logan, and I do find you attractive. I’m just not…available.”

  The expression that rippled through him made his aura glow brighter and the lights blink.

  “I needed to know,” he said.

  “That’s okay, but I really have to go now.” I grabbed my purse off the dresser and passed him to get to the door.

  “This can’t wait. There’s something else I need to tell you.”

  I stopped in the hallway. “What is it?”

  “I heard you talking to your father.”

  “Yes. I wanted to tell you about that. It was Prudence. Our Prudence. But then you knew that, didn’t you?”

  He nodded.

  “I need to speak with her. Can you help me get into the attic?”

  He frowned. “Unfortunately, you’ll need a key. The door that opens for me is a metaphysical one. It won’t work for you.”

  Crap. Why couldn’t anything be easy? “Can you ask her to come out? Not now, but later, when I get home. I’m late for my date.”

  “With the caretaker?”

  “Yes, and he has a name—Rick.”

  Logan rippled and began pacing the room. His ghostly hands balled into fists. “You need to ask him to tell you the truth.”

  “What would Rick know about any of this?”

  “Listen, I can’t say any more than I have. But there’s something I want you to know.”


  “The caretaker has a story about how things are and how things will be. I just want you to know that, as far as I’m concerned, you have a choice about how this story ends. You should choose what’s best for you.”

  “What? What choice? What is Rick going to tell me?”

  Logan shook his head, looked at the floor, and dissolved without uttering another word.

  “That was childish,” I yelled at the ceiling. “If you have something to say
, just say it. Enough with these cryptic messages.” Arms crossed, I stomped my foot. “See you later, Logan. Much later. Maybe then you’ll give me a clue what you’re talking about.”

  I tucked my purse under my arm and headed out the door toward Rick’s place. Of all the houses in the world, I had to move into the one with some wicked ghostly mystery. If I didn’t get some answers soon, I was going to wig out. I mean, I think I’d been more than patient with the supernatural in my life. What was this big secret? Logan said that Rick would tell me, but as far as I knew, Rick didn’t even know about Logan. And how did Prudence play into all of this?

  Beyond the bridge, I could hear the wind chimes singing in the evening breeze. I stopped in front of the door to Rick’s stone cottage but was distracted by a faint glow moving behind the cemetery gates across the street. It looked like someone walking with a candle in the distance.

  “Rick?” I called toward the cemetery.

  “I’m here,” Rick said from behind me.

  I turned around to face a work of art in the frame of the doorway. His white shirt stretched across his chest as if the fabric itself enjoyed the feel of him. The denim of his jeans hugged his narrow hips and hung to his bare feet. The material looked silky, maybe something designed in Europe that you’d see a movie star wear. For someone who worked with his hands, Rick was oddly fashionable.

  “I thought I saw someone in the cemetery. I thought it was you.”

  Rick looked over my shoulder toward the gate. His face hardened, his gray eyes turning black and as cold as ice. I blinked twice, thinking it must be a trick of the light.

  As quickly as his expression had changed, he warmed again and escorted me into his home. “I am sure it’s nothing. Come in and make yourself at home.”

  As he swept his hand toward his living room, for the first time I noticed how graceful he was. Rick didn’t move like a man who planted trees and repositioned headstones for a living. He moved like a ballet dancer, muscles long and lean. I tried not to stare, but the word sexy was an understatement and his cologne, the smell of a walk through the forest, had wrapped itself around me. My reaction was an instant and illogical lust.

  “Sorry I’m late. My dad stopped by. I would have called you but I didn’t have your number,” I said, moving into the room.

  “I don’t have one,” he said.

  “Huh? You don’t have a phone at all? Not even a cell phone.”

  “No.” He shook his head.

  “Isn’t that inconvenient?”

  He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I’ve always found that handling things in person is more effective.”

  I frowned. No phone. Rick was a mystery.

  “May I get you something to drink?” he asked.

  “Maybe a glass of wine?”

  “Of course.”

  He disappeared into the kitchen and returned with two glasses of red. I recognized mine as my favorite Shiraz, but his must have been different. It was darker, thicker, maybe a merlot. I took a sip from my glass and sat at a small table he’d set near the kitchen. Candles dripped wax over silver candlesticks at the center. The long edges of the tablecloth draped across my knee.

  “What’s that wonderful smell?”

  “Roast lamb. You said it was your favorite. It will be ready in a moment. I hope you have an appetite.”

  “Yes. I do.” I meant them to be innocent words, but even I could hear the sexual promise in them as they hit the air between us. I was baffled by myself, this uncontrollable desire I had for this man. With deep breaths, I tried to slow my racing heart.

  Rick lifted my hand from the table. “Would you like to dance?”

  “There’s no music.”

  With graceful strides he crossed the room and hit the button on a silver box behind the sofa. The stereo began to play Latin music. I wasn’t familiar with the tune, and I didn’t speak Spanish so the meaning was a mystery, but it was the type you would expect to hear in a dance club, perfectly at home with pressed bodies, heat, and sweat.

  “Is this to your liking?”

  “Sure, but I can’t dance. I tried once and almost hurt someone.” I was just being honest. If you mapped relative coordination on a graph, I would be way behind the bell curve.

  “You won’t hurt me.” He laughed and offered me his long, graceful fingers. “I’ll teach you.”

  My hand slid into his in a natural way as if we’d held hands for years rather than days. With a short jerk, he pulled me flush against his chest and placed his free hand in the small of my back. His hips pressed against mine, guiding my movements.

  Left, together, right, hip, step back, hip, step forward. I had no idea what I was doing. My feet fell clumsily on either side of his right knee and I tried my best to keep up without tripping. Suddenly, the five-inch heels on my boots seemed like a bad idea. The music pounded in my ears, his heart beat against my chest, and I ineptly followed him, even though I had no idea how to do the dance.

  Then the oddest thing happened. One minute I was tripping over his feet, the only thing keeping me upright his hand on my back, and the next minute he was inside my head. Pictures of what he was about to do, how he would move next, slid across my mind and somehow I knew just how I was supposed to react, as if he were whispering my part into my ear. I fell into pace with him, my hips gyrating against his in a way I would have never thought possible. We circled his living room, dancing and spinning until the song came to conclusion with two crashing beats and me bent backward in a low dip, panting into Rick’s neck.

  Bizarre as the dance had been, what happened next would make me lose sleep for nights to come. I tilted my chin up and met his gaze. Whatever connection we’d had while we were dancing was still there, and I knew he would kiss me. He did, long and deep until heat flowed straight to my core. But then I saw what he wanted, a play by play of his fantasy.

  Just like the dance, my body responded. My lips crashed into his as I raked my nails over his shirt. Soft fabric over hard muscle teased my fingertips. Without him saying a word, I knew he didn’t want me to take it off. I skimmed passed the buttons, my hands traveling around his sides and down his back to give the luscious mound of his ass a squeeze. My head felt light, like that day in the cemetery, as if I was a little drunk, but better. Instead of everything seeming fuzzy, each moment was brilliantly clear, every smell and sound more alive.

  His fingers twisted into my hair. “Mi cielo.”

  I unbuttoned his pants and dropped to my knees. His jeans slid to the floor with me. Kneeling in front of him, I had a moment of anxiety. He was erect and gigantic. His shaft was as thick as my wrist and stretched almost to his navel where the darker swell mushroomed at the tip. But my brain was promising ecstasy, and the fantasy played in my head like a favorite tune. Slowly, I slid my lips around him. Intense pleasure bloomed between my legs, as if he were feeding his enjoyment directly into my head. I sucked hard, taking him deep inside my throat and moaned.

  Pure bliss. I went to work. Anything I did to him echoed through me, spurring me on. I hollowed my cheeks and found a rhythm, sucking and licking, swirling my tongue around the tip. I stroked a finger up his inner thigh, teasing between his legs with one hand and wrapping my other around the part of him that wouldn’t fit into my mouth. Harder, faster, around and around.

  A guttural whimper escaped Rick’s throat, elation crafted into a command that only made me work harder to please him. He cradled my neck as the orgasm rippled through me. I tossed my head back into his hands and felt him release down the front of my chest. His body shivered, and he collapsed to his knees in front of me.

  And that’s when things got weird.

  Chapter 13

  More Than I Wanted To Know

  When he’d recovered, Rick retrieved a towel from his bedroom and cleaned me up. The connection faded gradually, and my logical mind brought me back to the reality of what had just happened.

  “I…I’ve never done anything like that before,” I said. H
eat crawled up my neck and settled in my cheeks.

  His eyes widened and he blew a puff of air out his nose, tipping his head to the side. “You are very good at it, mi cielo.”

  “That was, I mean, it wasn’t… You were in my head! What was that?”

  “I think dinner is ready. Let me make you a plate.”

  He walked into the kitchen, but the more time I had to think about it, the louder every alarm in my head blared. “Rick, did you drug me?”

  “No! I would never do such a thing,” he snapped.

  “Then tell me what that was!” I yelled. Something in me knew this wasn’t normal. I had wanted it to happen. I’d enjoyed it. I didn’t regret it. But something had lowered my inhibitions. What happened was almost beyond my control.

  “I was hoping this conversation could wait a little longer,” he said.

  “So, you do have something to tell me! A secret.”

  “You know?”

  “Logan told me.”

  “Who is Logan?”

  “Never mind. Say it. What is it that you are supposed to tell me?”

  “It is about you, Grateful. About who you are and where you come from.”

  “What?” I narrowed my eyes, feeling my entire face tense.

  “Please, sit down.” He waved his hand toward a chair at the table.

  “I’m listening,” I said, taking a seat. I was fully dressed. He was naked from the waist down.

  Rick reached for his glass, draining the thick red liquid in two swallows. “Remember when I told you about Reverend Monk and the people of Red Grove? About how they were starving to death?”

  “I remember.” What did this have to do with the fact that he just mind-fucked me?

  “Things were miserable. Children were dying. The congregation had prayed and prayed but no help came. Reverend Monk decided the drought was the work of a witch, and it so happened that there was a witch in Red Grove.”


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