My Husband's Lesbian Boss: Book 2: In the Saddle

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My Husband's Lesbian Boss: Book 2: In the Saddle Page 3

by Amanda Clover

  The outfit she decided upon for me consisted of a pair of tight-fitting heather gray breeches with darker gray thigh and bottom padding. The breeches tucked into a pair of exquisite, chocolate brown riding boots. I wore a well-fitted gray turtleneck shirt beneath a smart dressage jacket with a trim cut and fabric made from blue velvet that incorporated a subtle fleur-de-lis pattern. The jacket’s buttons were real silver. I saw the price for the jacket alone was nearly 800 dollars, but Cynthia assured me, “Miss Pryce only wants the best for you, Audrey. She must be rather fond of you.”

  “I’m pretty fond of her,” I said as Penny began to box up the individual garments.

  My outfit was finished with a dressage helmet that matched the jacket perfectly. Cynthia even threw in the crop I had been eyeing when I first arrived. “Something extra, free of charge,” she said.

  I dressed in my street clothing and followed Penny and Cynthia to the register as Cynthia began totally the cost. I was grateful for their help, but I also saw that the cost for everything was several thousand dollars. I was horrified by the thought of spending that much money on clothes.

  I knew better than to complain about the cost. This was what Valerie wanted.

  Cynthia watched Penny bagging them in one of the posh bags from Lariat Fine Riding. The glass dildo, carefully wrapped in paper and in its own box, went into a bag by itself. Penny gingerly slid it across the counter. The crop stuck up out of the bag containing my riding outfit.

  “Everything will be on Miss Pryce’s account,” said Cynthia. “Have a good ride this weekend.”

  “Th-thank you,” I said, blushing at the way her gaze seemed to prowl all over my body. “It was, um, nice meeting you both.”

  “Yes,” agreed Cynthia.

  “Nice meeting you,” said Penny cheerily.

  Stepping back out onto the street after the intense events inside the riding shop was like disembarking from an airplane onto a tropical island. I was disoriented and spent several minutes walking around the downtown shopping area with a dazed smile on my fast. It was a text from Valerie that finally broke me out of my stupor.

  “Did you get everything you needed from Cynthia?”

  “Wow! Yes!” I texted back. “And then some!”

  “She is very thorough and she has an impressive inventory.”

  I could not disagree with Valerie. I was very excited to show her what I had picked up.

  “How was the special assignment?” She asked.

  I had to think about how to phrase my reply. I finally answered, “It was very stimulating.”

  “Did Cynthia involve you directly?”

  “No, I was only an observer,” I said. “Although I will admit, I did enjoy the demonstration very much.”

  “Glad you enjoyed,” she replied. “And glad she didn’t try to turn you into her new assistant. Cynthia is very helpful, but she can be a little too stern.”

  I could easily imagine Cynthia ordering me to kneel beside Penny, to serve her and pleasure her as her beautiful young assistant had done. Would I have refused? No, I realized with a twinge between my legs. Not unless Valerie had ordered me to refuse her in advance.

  “You are introducing me to so many exciting things,” I texted to Valerie.

  “Just getting started,” she replied and included a winking emoticon.

  My thighs trembled at the thought of what she might have in store for me at her estate.

  A Misty Morning Ride

  “Riding? Like bicycles?” My husband looked up from his phone with an incredulous expression on his face.

  “Horseback,” I said, finishing my coffee with a gulp. I rinsed the cup in the sink.

  “Oh, that’s why you had those bags from that riding shop in the closet,” he said.

  My heart leaped in my chest. Had he looked in the bags? Had he opened the box with the dildo inside? No, I was safe, I could tell by his disinterested expression. His gaze returned to his phone.

  “Yeah, just going to go horseback riding today with a friend, so you have the house to yourself,” I said, trying to sound encouraging. “So you can do whatever you want.”

  If I was lucky, he would decide to jerk off and spare me any late night groping. My riding outfit was already loaded into the trunk of my car and my blue jeans and ruffled blouse was the sort of thing that would not raise any suspicion from my husband. He barely even said goodbye to me as I left our apartment.

  It was still early in the morning and as I left the city behind I found the hilly countryside shrouded in mist. It was cool, so I rolled my windows down and let the air stir my honey-blonde hair over my shoulders and back. The misty land gave way to hills and dense forest. The map on my phone gave me instructions that took me up a winding road and delivered me to a large, wrought iron entry gate that announced, “Rosa Peaks.”

  The gate was open and I turned down a private road lined with beds of vivid roses and shaded by the dense woodland beyond. The trees reached their branches completely across the road, creating a cool, relaxing atmosphere. I felt like I was driving through a tunnel that emerged into a circular drive surrounding a sculpture of two nude women intertwined in an erotic embrace. The estate encompassed a large, European manor house, large pastures on the rolling hills, and two large barns. A Mercedes G-class SUV was parked in front of the wide stairs leading up to the red door of the manor.

  My heart pounded wildly in my chest as I parked behind it and fetched my bags out of the trunk. I closed the trunk and was startled to see a smiling, plain-faced woman in blue jeans and a fleece jacket waiting for me.

  “Oh, um, hi,” I said, waving with one of the bags. “I’m Audrey. Here to see, um, Miss Pryce.”

  The woman gave me a friendly smile and softly chuckled. “I’m Carol. I take care of the horses here on the estate. Come on inside, you can change in the house.”

  “Where is, um, Miss Pryce?”

  “Valerie is out in the barn with Jason tacking up the horses,” said Carol as she walked me into the fabulous house.

  I marveled at the foyer and its bright natural light. The antique chandelier, hand-painted tiles, and rustic chic furniture looked like the real life version of what a Restoration Hardware catalog was trying to sell. I knew Valerie was extremely wealthy, but this felt like a different category of rich I had never seen firsthand before. I guess it was the same sort of category of rich that knew about secret sex rooms in the riding boutique downtown.

  Carol noticed my awe and said, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It was designed by one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s disciples. Miss Pryce had it renovated around 2000. You should see the chapel on the north wing. In the morning, the sunlight comes through the modernist stained glass and it’s… it’s really something.”

  “I’ll bet,” I said, marveling at even the details like the brass doorknobs and the hand-carved outlets and switches.

  “Through here,” said Carol and she showed me into a small bedroom with a four-poster bed. “Take your time and if you need anything, just ring. I can show you out to the barn or you can find your own way.”

  “I think I can find it,” I said.

  Carol nodded and left. The room felt stuffy with the door closed. I began to undress, golden light streaming through the window shades and seeming to make my pale skin glow. I wore an athletic bra under the turtleneck and dressage jacket and wore nothing beneath the breeches. The darker padded thighs and bottom would have hidden pantylines, but the fit of the breeches was so tight I would have felt self-conscious.

  The coffee-brown boots were perfect. The heels added about an inch and gave me a confident almost military feel that was further accented by the dressage helmet. I tucked the riding crop under my arm and admired how smart I looked in the mirror. I turned, flicking my fishtail braid, and bent forward a little, showing off my ass in the mirror. I tapped a round buttock with the crop and commanded, “Giddyup!”

  I gave myself another thwack on the bottom, just a little jolt of pain, and my pussy throbbe
d at the thought of Valerie treating me even rougher. It felt like it had been ages since I had seen Valerie and I was aching to prove how much I had missed her.

  I hurried out of the room, knowing that if I stood around too long admiring myself in the mirror I would notice some flaw and start to worry that Valerie would be disappointed.

  The barn was as wonderful as the manor house, with high ceilings open to the rafters and wooden floors that were kept swept clean of the sort of dirt and debris I would normally expect in a barn. The twenty or so stalls were huge, with big, wooden doors and openings for the horses to stick their heads through. Classical music played faintly over speakers somewhere above.

  “Hello?” I called and the word echoed in the big barn. “Valerie?”

  “Over here, Audrey,” she called in reply. I still couldn’t see her, but I saw a white horse’s rump back into view at the far end of the barn. It swished its tail in annoyance at a fly.

  My heart began to beat faster as I walked down the wide path between the two rows of stalls. The barn door was open on that end of the barn, leading out into a meadow of wildflowers surrounded by a white wooden fence. Valerie was waiting for me with one hand on the saddle of a muscular chestnut thoroughbred.

  God, but she was beautiful. Seeing her in her tight, cream-colored breaches and lovely jacket, her silky black hair pulled back into a ponytail, sent a rush of desire through my body. That desire was so powerful, so fueled by my recent memories of exploring my lesbian desires, that I almost moaned with need. Instead, I managed to moan her name, “Valerie.”

  Yeah, real smooth, I know. But seeing her smile overwhelmed all of my embarrassment. I ran to her like I was being reunited with a long-lost lover. I dropped the satchel I had been carrying and threw my arms around her, went in for a kiss, and… I managed to thump her right in the forehead with the brim of my dressage helmet.

  “Ah!” Valerie cried and jerked back. She covered her forehead with her hand.

  “Oh, god, I’m sorry!” I said. “Oh, are you okay?”

  She rubbed her head for a moment and said, “I’ll be fine. You just stay still, let me do it.”

  She embraced me again, her dark eyes matching her smile, her soft lips coming towards mine as her breasts pressed against me. She turned her head slightly and avoided the brim of the helmet. And her lips found mine.

  I yielded to her at once, parting my lips as Valerie’s minty-fresh tongue slid into my mouth and began to explore. I met her tongue with mine as the moment became hot and molten. Our legs, clad in skintight breaches, pressed together. My thigh pushed against her pussy and her leg was against mine. I squeezed my body even more tightly against her, moaning against her lips and swirling my tongue against hers. I forgot about Todd, I forgot about where we were, all that mattered was Valerie’s hot, hungry mouth and her tongue against mine.

  She slid a hand over my hip and around to my ass and gave me a good, firm squeeze through the tight seat of my breeches. I felt the warmth of her pussy against my thigh. I suddenly wanted to be on my knees, peeling down her breeches, and pleasuring her with my fingers and tongue. I pulled away from her, breaking the kiss reluctantly, my body already aching for more.

  I gasped, “I need to…”

  Her gaze flicked away from me. She looked past me and called, “Jason. Bring me her bag.”

  My tummy flip-flopped in shock. I had forgotten she was with someone else. I had expressed myself to her as if we were alone.

  Jason was a young, strapping man in flannel and blue jeans. He had an unruly mop of honey-blond hair and a bit of a scraggly beard. He was handsome, but I was in no mood for a man. I wanted him to be gone.

  He scooped up the bag I had dropped on the floor and brought it over to Valerie. He gave me a tight-lipped smile and a nod that seemed apologetic.

  “Oh, what do we have here?” Valerie looked into the bag. “Something special from Cynthia? Oh, my, yes. How delightful. And I see you have returned my...” She glanced at Jason and thankfully did not lift either item out of the bag. “You have returned the thing I loaned you.”

  A butt plug. She loaned me a butt plug. Well, loaned wasn’t quite the right word. She had me leave our first night together with it stuffed up my tight ass, serving as a reminder of her naughty ownership of my body. I had enjoyed it thoroughly and brought it back for her clean as a whistle.

  “Jason,” she said. “Is Brutus ready?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said. He gestured to the big thoroughbred and the white Arabian in turn. “Brutus and Oliver are all set. You two, um, you enjoy your ride.”

  “Oh, we will,” said Valerie, sliding an arm around my shoulder. “Thank you for your help, Jason.”

  I was glad to see Jason go. My heart beat furiously and my pussy throbbed with such desire I was worried I might soak through my breeches. I decided I didn’t care. I watched Jason leave the barn and as soon as he was out the door I turned to Valerie, emotion showing in my eyes. I needed her to tell me what to do, to guide me to my destiny with her. I had to be on my knees for her.

  She cradled my cheek with her hand and gently played her thumb across my lips. I parted my lips with a moan of lust, offering my mouth to her, but her thumb moved on.

  “Anything you want,” I moaned, almost begging for her to dominate me.

  “I want to go for a ride,” she said.

  “Oh.” I could not keep the disappointment from my face. “Yeah, of course.”

  She chuckled at my reaction and murmured, “You have been craving me. Very well, turn around, Audrey. Let me see that firm little bottom.”

  “Y-yes,” I gasped. “Of course. Please, Valerie.”

  I rested my hands on the muscular back of the Arabian and turned hips to offer Valerie a view of my ass. She stepped closer to me, close enough that I could smell her faint perfume as she ran her fingers over my hips and slipped her fingertips under the back of my dressage jacket and turtleneck. My breath hissed through my teeth as her nails teased at my lower back, tracing their way down again to the waist of my breaches. Her fingers slipped beneath my pants, curling into them and peeling the snug breaches down from my pale buttocks. I arched my back, offering myself to her as she undressed me and exposed the firmness of my round ass. She left the taut waistband of my breaches just below my buttocks.

  “Lovely,” she said, admiring me with her gaze and then her fingertips. Her fingers traced my buttocks, hands meeting beneath them as her fingers lightly brushed against my cuntlips. She purred, “Not a bit of hair on your little pussy. You’ve gone out of your way to please me, haven’t you?”

  “Yesss,” I moaned, looking back at her over my shoulder.

  “Since you brought my toy back to me,” she said, holding up the small plug and twirling it in her fingers, “I think it’s only right that you enjoy it on the ride, don’t you think?”

  Before I could answer, Valerie shoved the plug into my mouth. I reacted with surprised and a bit of disgust, but I had cleaned the plug thoroughly and was more than willing to let Valerie use me however she liked. Her brows lifted with amusement as she fucked the toy in and out of my lips.

  “That’s it, good girl,” she said, pushing it into my mouth until she nearly gagged me and drawing it back again. She repeated this several times, holding the jeweled base of the plug with only her fingertips. She pushed the tapered tip to the back of my throat and gagged me just enough to make my eyes water. She pulled the plug out of my mouth, trailing my spit as I gasped for breath. “Nice and wet for your pretty, pink rosebud.”

  She spread my ass with her fingers on my left cheek and teased the wet tip of the plug against my tender clench. I tried to relax, but the gentle pressure made me clench up tight. Valerie did not relent. She twisted the tip and pushed more forcefully, forcing the wet plug into my ass. My pucker opened to her and I cried out softly. I clutched at the horse and the saddle on its back as Valerie fed the flared plug deeper and deeper into my ass.

  “Mmmmmm,” I pursed my
lips tightly to stifle a louder moan. Valerie laughed, her fingers indenting my buttock as she pressed harder to spread me wide. She screwed the plug into my ass, dripping a little of her saliva onto my stretched hole to increase the lubrication. At last, the widest part pushed into my little hole and the plug quickly slid in to the wider gem at the base. My pucker slowly closed and I squeezed my ring around the slickness of the plug.

  “So pretty with your little gem,” said Valerie and she tapped the base with her fingers, which sent shocks of pleasure through my body. The familiar fullness of the plug in my ass had me slick with arousal. Instead of sparing any attention for my aching pussy, Valerie lifted my breeches back up and over my firm bottom. The fullness of the dildo in my ass only made me crave an orgasm all the more. Clearly, I was to be denied. She gave me a pat on the bottom and said, “Let’s go for that ride.”

  Valerie brought out a small step-stool to help me up onto Brutus, the immense thoroughbred. It was a struggle made more awkward by the plug nestled in the crack of my ass. I finally managed to get my legs around the horse and straddle him and I had to sit high in the saddle to keep the plug from shifting in my stretched hole. Valerie chuckled at the way I was gingerly avoiding sitting my ass against the leather of the saddle. She gave my bottom a smack and a squeeze through my breeches.

  “Ohhhh,” I moaned as my hole clenched reflexively around the plug.

  Valerie mounted Oliver, the white Arabian, with the ease of someone both agile and accustomed to horseback riding. She clucked her tongue and the horse brushed past mine and towards the exit from the barn. Her firm bottom in the cream-colored breeches bounced gently against the curve of her saddle. I took a deep breath, shook the reins, clucked, and was relieved when my horse decided to follow after her.

  The mist had cleared from the pasture, leaving behind grass that glistened in the morning light. The trees that enclosed the pasture were still shrouded in the mist and a cool breeze stirred the branches and made me grateful for my jacket. Valerie rode with confidence, sitting so straight in her saddle that it seemed as if she was in an equestrian competition. I leaned sharply forward in my own saddle, feeling the powerful horse moving between my legs. My mound and my stuffed ass rubbed deliciously against the saddle with every other step Brutus took.


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