Captive Surrender

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Captive Surrender Page 3

by Mooney, Linda

  The second Kronner grinned. “No one here cares about your threats, JoJo. You will play by our rules because you have no choice.”

  The other Kronners laughed at the joke. Maurra raised an eyebrow. Behind her she could hear the Ellinod growling. “Keep laughing, you little pricks. Other psi cops will come looking for me when I don’t return to headquarters.”

  “They will not know where to find you. And those of us who know…” He giggled. The sound rasped across her nerves. “This is your fate, JoJo. You will never be allowed to leave and tell the others.”

  She gritted her teeth. “Pretty wishful thinking.”

  The little alien dismissed her anger. “You may keep your anger. It entertains us.”

  Entertains us? Maurra glanced again at the little glittering portholes encircling them.

  “No more talk, JoJo,” Kronner number one stated. “The others are waiting. You will obey us now.”

  “Screw you.”

  Kronner number two shook his head and grinned. “No. That is what you will do.” He pointed to the Ellinod. “Fuck the beast, JoJo, or else we will hurt him bad.

  Chapter Five

  When the little Kronner leader entered the cabin Tramer Vol Brod remained in his seat, staring at the multitude of screens displayed on the wall before him. “How are we doing on subscriptions?”

  “We are up to 4.3 billion subsonic payees.” Mincred grinned. The Kronner was almost salivating from the news. “We just went over 8.6 billion for the holo subscriptions!”

  Vol Brod’s eyes dropped to the display in question. Directly in front of him on the holo platform was a 3-D representation of what the videos were showing. Subscribing to the direct video feed cost each audience member a disgustingly high fee, but going holo was more than twice that. From the looks of things, after his subscribers had gotten a taste of what he had to offer, he suspected they would be more than willing to cough up the more exclusive—not to mention more intimate—feed. He smiled.

  “Very good. And the JoJo, is she rebelling?”

  “Oh, yes,” Mincred nodded. “She is going to be a hard one to tame.” He cocked his head to one side. “Is her rebellious nature typical for your kind?”

  “I don’t want her tamed!” Vol Brod whirled around in his seat to face the Kronner. “I want her to obey our wishes, but I want to keep that fire alive. Do you understand me? Our subscribers aren’t paying to see her broken. They want to see her fight! They want to see her humiliated and dehumanized, but they don’t want her defeated. Am I getting this across to you, Mincred? You’re damn right we’re rebellious! That’s what make people like me and her so valuable to people like you. It’s my idea making you all filthy rich, and it’s her that’s bringing in the money.”

  The Kronner grinned. Tramer could tell he was getting across to the simpleton.

  Setting this whole thing up had cost him every credit to his name, and plenty more from his backers. But he had promised them they would get a show that would make them all quadrillionaires, and so far things were working out as planned. The only hard part had been overcoming the JoJo and getting her aboard the specially outfitted Kronner spacecraft. Vol Brod dismissed the hulking beast without further thought. He had needed a species humanoid enough to be able to perform with the JoJo. Initially he had eyed one of the Par Mattas, with its two cocks, but the alien’s tentacles might turn off some of his clients. As soon as the Ellinod entered the bar, Vol Brod knew the monstrous creature was exactly what he’d been seeking.

  Other than the beast’s skull-like head and massive, curving horns, he was humanoid enough. Its body was massive and muscular. Every part. He knew instinctively that the creature was a male, and once the Kronners had stripped it, he congratulated himself on his choice.

  The Ellinod was perfect for fornicating with the JoJo.

  “Is there anything else you need me for?” The little alien apparently wanted to return to the holding area where he could watch the fun in person. That perk was part of the Kronners’ share of the wealth, along with exclusive rights to the vids once everything was over, as well as a percentage of the profit. In the meantime, Vol Brod was the mastermind behind the whole thing, and he was the man running the show.

  “You can go. Keep me informed of our subscriber accounts.”

  The little Kronner grinned and practically skipped out of the cabin. The more subscriptions that came in, the more money everyone made.

  I will have the greatest revenge. Vol Brod laughed. And I will relish every bit of it.

  Chapter Six

  “You want me to what?” She gave them a look of shock and disgust. Were they serious?

  “Fuck the Ellinod.”

  She turned to look at the beast and saw a look of absolute surprise on his face. She was about to respond when Safan got to his feet and faced the little aliens.

  “There is a heavy penalty for interspecies fornication,” he told them. “Because of the vast mutations caused by interbreeding in the past, and because those mutations always resulted in disease-prone or schizophrenic generations, reproduction was banned by the Galactic Council. The laws are clear on this. They’re mentioned in the twelve treaties.”

  Kronner number one snickered. “We told you. The treaties mean nothing to us. You are here for a purpose.” Shiny pink eyes glanced at Maurra. “Both of you are here to entertain us. And the others.”

  “Others?” The word was out of mouth before she realized it. Again, she glanced at the vidding equipment overhead. “What are you? Some kind of sick voyeur?”

  The Kronners laughed. “There are many like us,” Number Two explained. “They want to see you hump the Ellinod. They want to see you grovel. And they are paying us a lot of creds to watch.”

  “Yeah. A lot of creds.” The Kronner snickered.

  Without warning, the Ellinod roared and charged the walls of his cage. The Kronners reacted, literally falling all over themselves as they instinctively tried to get out of his way.

  Safan hit the wall with his chest and arms. There was a loud boom and a flash of light that nearly blinded her. When the light finally died down, he was still on his feet but dazed from the backlash. Fighting to stay conscious.

  Once the Kronners were aware that the cell wall had held, they gathered back around, and Number Two ambled back up. “You cannot escape. Your attempts will just make the barrier stronger.”

  “He’s right.”

  She turned to the Ellinod, who gestured toward the cell wall. “I felt it sap something out of me.”

  A giggle brought her attention back to the Kronner. She gave him her best psi cop glare and the little alien took an involuntary step back. “I will get out of here. And when I do, I promise you’ll wish I had fed you into a meat grinder instead!”

  The threat made the little alien laugh, albeit nervously. “That is good! Fight, JoJo! Fight us!” He became suddenly serious. “Now, quit wasting time. Fuck the Ellinod. Now.”

  Maurra didn’t have look over at Safan to know that he was reining in his anger just like she was. “I can’t fuck him. He’s too big! We won’t fit!”

  An obnoxious smile smeared over the Kronner’s face. “Your objections amuse us, but they will do you no good. If you do not take the Ellinod, we have a Par Matta sitting in the next hold. Perhaps you would rather take it on instead?”

  At the mention of the Par Matta, she shuddered, then cursed herself for showing weakness. But the thought of that thing’s tentacles sliding over and inside her made her body go cold. The slime-coated tentacles were one thing, but she also knew the males had two penises to doubly penetrate their females. At least an Ellinod was humanoid with one, even if it was immense.

  The Kronner eyed her closely. “What say you, JoJo? Should I get the Par Matta?”

  “No.” At least her voice didn’t betray her revulsion.

  Nodding, the Kronner lifted his neuron ray. “Then begin. But remember, if you fail to please us, we will be forced to punish you.”

; “What about protection? At least give us protection so I don’t get pregnant!”

  Their laughter set her teeth on edge.

  “You don’t deserve protection.” He stepped back until he had rejoined the circle of other Kronners just as the lights inside the hold went out. All except for the four bright lights on the hover vids covering all four corners of the rectangular cell. Maurra glanced down to see that beneath them the cell floors also brightened. The stage was being set, and both actors were in the spotlight. If there was anything to be grateful for, Maurra realized, it was the fact that the Kronners were standing just beyond the darkness where she couldn’t see them.

  She flexed her fingers, unsure as to what to do next. Although chances were slim her genes and those of the Ellinod might be compatible enough to create new life, the chance still remained. Not to mention a hundred other problems that could arise.


  Looking up, she saw the Ellinod gesturing for her to join him. He had seated himself on the floor, legs crossed. From where she stood she couldn’t see his genitals.

  Could an Ellinod get it up for someone of her species?

  She walked over to the beast and sat down in front of him. “If I refuse to do what they say, they’ll hurt you. They’ll keep hurting you until you could die, and they won’t care. They’ll just bring in another species like that Par Matta. And if I refuse the Par Matta, there’s no telling what else they’ll kidnap and throw in here with me.” A heavy weight had descended on her chest, making her work for every breath. Her face felt full. Stuffy. Her eyes stung, and her face felt hot. “They have me caught between two impossible outcomes. Do I screw you and break the treaties, knowing they’re broadcasting this to heavens knows how many solar systems? Or do I let them openly murder you and others? If I stand by and let you die, I’ll also be breaking the laws that I’ve sworn to uphold.”

  “You want me to answer that? Or don’t you already know the answer?”

  Maurra closed her eyes as a tear fell from her lashes. She tried to swallow, failed, cleared her throat and tried again. “How many times do you think they’re going to make us do this?” She felt him take her hand. It was very rough but also warm.

  “We cannot let ourselves think that far ahead. For now, we must get through this. Maybe, if we’re lucky, they’ll let us go when we reach Kronnaria.”

  Her eyes snapped open, and she found herself staring into those so-human-looking green eyes. In their depths she saw his own anger barely held in check. “You know as well as I do that once we get there, this won’t be over. If they’re making money off of this, like they say they are, and I have every reason not to doubt them, they’ll continue with this sick escapade.”

  He tilted his head. “What makes you say that?”

  “They don’t want to just humiliate me, Safan. They want to see me destroyed in as many ways as they can. My body, my mind and my spirit. Once they’ve done that, they’ll stop this. I’m sure of it.” She glanced out at the darkness where the Kronners were keeping unusually quiet. “At some point they’ve developed a deep-seated hatred of JoJos. It looks like I’ve won the lottery.”

  “But there’s always the chance you’ll be freed after you give in to them.”

  Maurra shook her head. “They’ll never allow me to go home and give evidence against them. I know these kinds of criminals too well. They’ll set me free only when I’m dead.”

  Chapter Seven

  “The sooner we do this, the sooner they’ll leave.”

  Maurra turned around to look out at the darkness just beyond the lights illuminating their cell. The vid cameras she could accept, albeit grudgingly. They were silent eyes. The Kronners, however, were a live audience. She and the Ellinod were on display for them to taunt and harass and to laugh over. Jeering. Urging them on. It would be like the hoochie shows over in the seedier parts of some planets, where women took high money to fuck any creature with a penis.

  I’m not doing it to earn money. I’m doing it to earn our lives.

  Yes, but you’re still breaking the law, her conscience argued. Isn’t defending the law worth the price of life?

  An enormous hand reached over and took hers. It was warm and hard, not much different from a human hand. But the arm attached to the hand was equal to three of hers.

  “Maurra. Come.”

  He pulled her down to the floor and made her sit facing him. The hand released hers and grabbed her chin instead, turning her gaze away from what was outside the cell walls and toward him.

  She could count on one hand how many lovers she’d had in the past. She couldn’t even realistically call them lovers. Willing partners whenever she had felt the urge or when her loneliness had become too great. None of them had lasted more than one or two beddings. None of them had touched her in any way emotionally. They had been men of power or men with pretty faces and bodies. Men who had been more than eager to see if screwing a psion was the thrill rumors promised it would be.

  She gave a mental shrug. Maybe it was, but not with her. She’d never gotten off on the trysts, but at least she’d taken care of that momentary physical need.

  Now I can add one more bed buddy to my list. Perhaps my last one.

  She stared at the equipment lying between his knees. Was he as repulsed by the whole ordeal as she was?

  “Safan, how many of your women have you bedded?”

  He squinted at her. “Bedded or fucked?”

  “Oh, there’s a difference?” Maurra felt the side of her mouth rise in spite of the circumstances.

  “Yes. When I bed a woman, it is to sleep. To find comfort in her warmth. When I fuck, it is to scratch my cock until I’m able to relieve the pressure in my balls. And when I’m satisfied with both, I send the woman on her way.”

  “Then you’ve never mated? Never found a woman to bear your children?”

  Safan paused, and Maurra got the impression he was holding something back.

  “Never mind. You’re right. Let’s get this over with. What do you want me to do?”

  There. There was that twinkle again in his green eyes. What was he thinking?

  “You can begin by removing your clothing.”

  She undid the hoochie suit and tossed it to the corner of the cell. If she was lucky, she’d never have to put it on again.

  Safan reached over and guided her down to the floor, then spread her thighs in front of him. He stared at the juncture between her legs for a moment.

  “Talk to me, Safan. Don’t keep me in suspense.” She was half serious, half jesting with him. It was all she could manage. Her skin felt hot and dry. Every muscle rippled like water, and her stomach threatened to dry heave.

  “I thought your species was furred between your legs.”

  This time his comment actually made her smile. Furred? “We are, but I had mine permanently removed some time ago.”


  “My uniform fits better. Sometimes the hairs would get caught in the weave, or when I climbed or jumped, they’d get pinched or pulled.”

  His thick, stubby fingers tentatively touched her, running from her inner thigh to her lower lips. The cautious examination was gentle.

  “You are soft. I have never felt such softness.” He glanced up at her. “Ellinod women are not furred. Neither are they soft like this.”

  His hand rested on her mound. Running a warm thumb over her pubic lips, he said, “You will have to work on me to make me hard enough to penetrate you. And you will have to guide me to let me know what pleasures you, so you do not present any resistance.”

  “Pleasures me?” The words popped out before she was aware of saying them.

  Safan gave a slow nod. “It must be pleasure, Maurra, or your body will try to reject me.”

  He was right. Apparently, he was much more experienced at this sort of thing than she was. Let him lead.

  He rubbed his palm over her again. “What would be easier for you? On top of you, or from behind?”

nbsp; On top of you, or from behind? There were multiple ways and positions her people could fornicate, but she had only fucked using one of them.

  “I’ll lie down. You lie on top of me. It’s the way I’m most familiar with.”

  He snorted softly. “If I lie on top of you, there is a chance I will crush you, and they will be out a JoJo.”

  The visual image of her lying bloody, flattened and nude beneath him struck her as funny, and she began to giggle. It turned into nervous laughter. Unable to stop, she sat up and reached for him, pressing her forehead to his massive chest, where she could hear the steady drumbeat of his heart. The Ellinod waited patiently for her to calm, and when she did, she found herself almost nose to nose with the beast.

  This close she could catch his scent. It was a wild smell. Rich and earthy. Not off-putting. His skin was a blanket of dark, muddy-colored textures. Mostly gray, becoming darker, almost black in some areas or shading into browns in others. She touched a sunken cheek to find it leathery. Not unpleasant. The forehead was high, forming a crest where his two enormous, curved horns jutted outward from the sides. The brow ridges were thick, the nose slightly hooked. And his lips… She gently fingered the full lower lip. His upper one was thin almost to the point of nonexistence.

  Slowly, hesitantly, she leaned in and lightly touched his lips with hers. There was no movement, no tasting or tonguing, yet Maurra couldn’t remember when she’d ever felt a more sensual kiss. The revelation shocked her, and she pulled back to stare into his eyes for another moment before Safan moved away.

  “How do I…how do I turn you on? Does this help?”

  She reached down between them where his penis lay along the floor. It was long and flaccid. Unlike a human male’s organ, it retained its length, just not its girth. When she slowly ran her nails down its side, it began to swell.

  “That feels good.”

  She picked it up and tried to hold it with one hand, but its growing thickness was already too big for her fingers to reach around. The large, dark-colored head lay partially hidden beneath the foreskin, which she pulled away. Thick blue veins extended down his erection to disappear at the root. The cock pulsed in her palm as it continued to thicken. She ran her short nails over the soft, almost suede-like skin, and a tremor went through him. She toyed with the idea of taking him into her mouth until Safan took her by the shoulders and lowered her to the floor.


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