Channeler's Choice

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Channeler's Choice Page 6

by McCorkle, Heather

  So why did she feel like she was still bracing for a blow? No doubt her old school counselor would tell her it had to do with residual trauma from losing her parents.

  Shrugging off such thoughts, she relaxed and let herself enjoy the company of her new friend. The bell over the door to the bookstore rang out as they walked in. Caitlin oohed and aahed as they passed by the shelves, commenting on some of the more obscure titles. No wonder she and Fane were drawn to each other. The sweet, enticing aroma of brownies drew Eren through the aisles to the back of the store.

  “Mmm, that smells great.” Caitlin said.

  Eren followed the aroma to the hallway that connected the living quarters to the store. Within the hall, a door stood slightly ajar. The brownie aroma was coming from the door at the end of the hall, but Eren paused at the open door.

  It was a massive, solid steel thing with three dead bolts almost as big around as her wrist. It looked like it could survive a nuclear assault. For any normal bookstore it would have been overkill, but this was no normal bookstore. Within that small room, and below in the basement, were priceless books and scrolls from all four cultures in Spruce Knoll, some of them dating back to the 11th century.

  Pushing the heavy door open a bit farther, Eren peered inside. There was no sign of her grandfather in the small bookshelf-lined room. An expensive Asian rug was rolled up and the hidden access panel in the floor was open, a faint light emanating from within it.

  “Grandfather?” Eren called.

  Footsteps echoed on the wooden stairs and her grandfather’s head emerged through the hole in the floor. Wrinkles gathered around the corners of his mouth as he smiled at them.

  “This is Caitlin, Caitlin, this is my grandfather, Zolin Yaretz,” Eren introduced them.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sir,” Caitlin said.

  “As it is you, my dear. There are fresh brownies in the kitchen, you girls help yourselves,” he said.

  “Thanks, Grandfather. Just yell when you’re ready to start dinner and I’ll be down to help,” Eren said.

  “It will be a while, I’m looking up some old documents for Aiden,” he said as he turned and disappeared down into the floor.

  That was curious. Aiden hadn’t mentioned any old documents. She’d have to ask him about it later. Following her nose, she turned and led Caitlin down the hall with its bookshelves looming over them like weeping willows lining a drive. The open and airy kitchen, with its window over the sink, contrasted so sharply against the dark hallway that Eren had to squint against the brightness. Once she saw the brownies sitting beneath the glass lid on the island, her rumbling stomach drew her to it. She and Caitlin got glasses of milk, a few brownies, and went up to her room.

  “Wow,” Caitlin said as she looked around Eren’s room.

  Like everyone who came up here, she was drawn to the huge, round window. Munching on a brownie, Eren followed her and watched as her eyes grew, taking in the view. Then Caitlin turned around and saw the paintings hung all over the walls and froze, the half empty glass of milk slipping from her hand. Quick as lightning—thanks to a touch of her power poured into her legs—Eren shot forward and caught it, not even spilling a drop. Caitlin seemed oblivious of the near accident as she stepped forward to examine the paintings. Her fingers traced Eren’s signature in the corner.

  “My God, you did these?”

  She went from one painting to the next and finally ended up in the corner where Eren stacked the finished work she didn’t have room to hang. Slowly, she flipped through each one, lifting them to inspect them more closely. The one that held her attention the longest was a rather dark piece that Eren painted when Aiden had gone missing last year.

  “I’m floored, Eren. These are amazing,” Caitlin said as she turned to her.

  A smile forced its way onto Eren’s lips, she couldn’t help it. It was like someone looking at her soul and commenting on its beauty. She couldn’t think of a more profound compliment than someone enjoying her art.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  Aside from Aiden, Caitlin was the first person not related to her to see her work. The fact that everyone who saw her paintings loved them was starting to convince Eren that maybe she could make it in an art college.

  They wandered back into the sitting area and Eren handed Caitlin’s milk back to her.

  “Oh, thanks.” She looked at the glass like she was surprised to see it again.

  Eren laughed as she sat down on the loveseat and pulled her feet up beneath her. She was flattered that her paintings had affected Caitlin so much. Most of her old friend’s back in California who had seen her work thought they were nice, but a huge waste of time. They had complained that she should spend her extra time trying out for cheerleading instead of painting. Being the ‘it’ girl had come with a lot of pressure and even more judging. She was really glad she never listened to them because in the end, they weren’t half the friend Caitlin was after only a few days.

  “Those belong in an art gallery, Eren,” Caitlin said as she sat down beside her.

  “Wow, thanks.”

  “I mean it. You’re so talented.”

  “Well, I would love to go to an art college in Europe,” Eren admitted.

  Caitlin swallowed a mouthful of milk. “Europe? You should totally go. An art college in Europe would be so awesome. They have some of the best dance programs in the world,” Caitlin said.

  “You dance?”

  A bright light filled Caitlin’s eyes and she fought back a shy smile. “Yes, I love it.”

  “What kind of dancing?”

  “My parents are trying to force me into ballet, but what I really love is contemporary,” she said.

  Eren’s eyes widened with surprise. Apparently, there was so much more to her than just a pretty blond girl with a dark sense of humor.

  Finally, after a long conversation on the different styles of dance, Eren worked up the courage to ask something that had been nagging at her. “What do you think of Bridget?”

  Caitlin’s smile turned to a vicious snarl. “She’s a lying slut who would do anything to get her way, and she has her eyes on your man.”

  Eren sighed. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  A bright smile lit up Caitlin’s face. “You want me to beat her up for you?”

  Eren laughed and shook her head. Though healer channelers still trained in martial arts, they were no match for warrior channelers. “No, if it comes to that I’ll do it,” she said in all seriousness.

  Caitlin waved her hand and said, “You have nothing to worry about. Aiden looks at you like you’re a moon goddess.”

  Eren’s cheeks grew hot. Did this mean that everyone noticed the way they looked at each other? Oh well, if it did then maybe that meant Bridget would get the hint and back off.

  Caitlin made a face and frowned. “There is one thing.”


  “In May there’s a dance and the boy and girl Champions of each martial art usually attend together. Bridget may be prissy, but she’s a good fighter and she has a shot at winning. I’m pretty sure Aiden will win for the guys and that means they could end up going together,” Caitlin said.

  Cursing in Maya, Eren flew to her feet and started to pace. Her power surged, forcing her to concentrate hard on her control. The thought of Bridget doing anything with Aiden made her blood boil. A blue-green glow surrounded Caitlin, drawing Eren’s attention and it pushed at her own energy. The touch of it was gentle. Her anger faded in the wake of Caitlin’s power, almost as if it had soothed her.

  It allowed her to form a coherent enough thought to speak. “I cannot let that happen.”

  “There is a way. You’re half-Mayan and half-Irish. There’s no reason you couldn’t compete in both styles. You beat Bridget and Aiden goes to the dance with you,” Caitlin suggested.

  That was enough to cool Eren’s blood almost instantly.

  “Will you help me learn the Irish fighting style?” she asked.

nbsp; “You know how to punch and block, you’re pretty much already there. The Irish style is boxing. But heck yeah, I’ll help,” Caitlin said with an excited, wide-eyed look.

  “Caitlin you’re the best. I owe you big time. Don’t say anything to Aiden or Fane, though,” Eren said as she sat back down next to her.

  Caitlin smiled deviously and nodded.

  As they talked about the differences in the fighting styles Eren couldn’t help but get infused by Caitlin’s excitement. Still, there was a part of her that wished this didn’t have to come down to a fight. Despite being good at it, violence wasn’t something she enjoyed. It was just another distasteful part of being a Rector that she supposed she was going to have to get used to.

  “When the snow melts and the trees bloom, it’s

  time to take to the Earth and dance with your Society.”

  ~from Life In A Society

  Chapter 8

  For the first time in months the sun shone bright and warm on them as they lounged upon the grass next to the school steps. Aiden lay next to her, propped up on one elbow, playing with her hair. Fane and Caitlin lay on the grass next to them, their heads close together as they gazed up at the clouds, finding shapes in them. While it was still a bit damp out, Eren didn’t care, at least all the snow had melted.

  “It’s strange that it hasn’t snowed for a while. Usually, during the middle of January, we’re buried under a few feet of the stuff,” Caitlin said.

  Laughter slid from Eren. “Where I’m from it’s over seventy degrees this time of year.” Even if it snowed again she didn’t care, she was so happy right now. She couldn’t imagine a more perfect day.

  Practice was going well. She was almost holding her own against Patli in both spear fighting and hand to hand combat. Her secret boxing practices with Caitlin were also making progress. Caitlin told her that pretty soon she’d have to find a more advanced fighting partner. Eren took that as a very good sign.

  “We should all do something special for Valentine’s Day,” Aiden said.

  Eren’s gaze shot to Fane who was trying to look anywhere but at Caitlin. The two of them weren’t exactly a couple yet, but they were getting close to making it official. At least, Eren hoped they were.

  “Sounds like fun,” Caitlin said as she reached over and grabbed Fane’s hand.

  Fane smiled at her from beneath his long eyelashes and looked down at their clasped hands as his face started to redden. It was the first time they had held hands that Eren had seen.

  In the background, the hinges of the doors to the school squeaked and footsteps sounded on the concrete. Since kids had been drifting out, none of them bothered to turn and see who it was. A nagging sensation told Eren she should, but she couldn’t peel her eyes off Aiden. The way the tight blue muscle shirt clung to him was riveting. Silly, she knew, but she couldn’t help it, maybe it was pre-spring fever, or the talk of Valentine’s Day.

  “Where should we go?” she asked.

  “I was thinking we’d go to the city for dinner and a movie. That is, if your aunt will let us drive your car that far,” Aiden said.

  Considering that she had been practicing both channeling and fighting so much, Eren figured her aunt wouldn’t worry about their safety. The planes of Aiden’s shirt made her realize there were other things Aunt Sylvia would definitely worry about. Eren thought maybe if Aunt Sylvia met Caitlin first and saw that it would be a double date, it would help.

  “Awesome. It would be great to get out of this Podunk town,” Caitlin said.

  “You said it, girl,” Eren agreed. It was good to hear that she wasn’t the only one who got tired of living in a small, isolated town.

  “I would love the chance to experience American culture,” Fane said, excitement creeping into his voice.

  “Then it’s a date. Your mom can’t resist the both of us. We are way too charming,” Aiden said.

  Fane laughed and high-fived Aiden with his free hand. Just then, Eren noticed a figure creeping from the sidewalk onto the grass next to them.

  “You guys are going to the city? I’d love to go,” Bridget said as she approached them.

  Her words grated on Eren’s nerves like broken glass. Eren’s eyes widened and she shot Caitlin a look of disbelief. Either the girl couldn’t take a hint or they hadn’t made themselves clear last time. Eren wondered how long had she been eavesdropping.

  Aiden’s energy spiked, carrying a distinct flavor of hostility that popped along Eren’s arms. He sat up and shot Bridget a glare. His extreme level of anger towards the girl was starting to make Eren wonder. While she couldn’t agree more, she wasn’t entirely sure what brought it on. Sure, the girl was pushy and obnoxious and had her eye on Aiden, but she hadn’t made a move on him, or had she?

  “It’s a double date and you’re not invited,” Caitlin snapped.

  Bridget glared at Caitlin, causing her to stiffen and pull her legs up beneath her. Knowing she was getting ready to pounce, Eren reached out and put her hand on Caitlin’s arm. Caitlin’s muscles relaxed and she settled back down, but the fire remained in her blue eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you could possibly be dating a fourteen-year-old,” Bridget said.

  Shooting out from underneath Eren’s hand, Caitlin leaped to her feet, but thankfully, so did Fane, and he stepped in front of her. Caitlin pressed up against his back, glaring over his shoulder at Bridget.

  “It would be in your best interest not to insult my girl. If you do it again, I will not hold her back. Besides, I’m fifteen,” Fane warned in a steady, commanding voice.

  “Oh, sorry. I just meant that I didn’t think you guys were dating,” Bridget huffed as she found something to look at on the ground.

  “You should leave now, Bridget,” Eren said when the girl lingered.

  While she flinched at Eren’s words, she ignored them and looked at Aiden. Considering how his power was snapping and around him, part of Eren kind of hoped the girl stepped close enough to get bit by it. But the part of her that didn’t want her that close to Aiden, made Eren take a step toward Bridget. She moved back.

  “But, my mom wants Aiden and I to—”

  “You heard Eren, leave,” Aiden interrupted her, turning the last word into a command. A touch of his power snapped out at Bridget and she flinched. There was a pinched look on Aiden’s face, like he was struggling with his power. Seeing how hard he was working on controlling his temper, Eren felt kind of bad for wishing his power would harm the girl.

  Eyes widening, Bridget scurried off like a scolded dog. There was something odd about the way she acted, almost as if she really didn’t want to be mean and conniving. But she was, and that, coupled with the longing way she stared at Aiden, was enough to convince Eren that she wasn’t being too harsh with her.

  “Your girl?” Caitlin asked.

  She was smiling, her eyes filled with a mischievous light. It made Eren grin despite the situation. Fane’s eyes grew wide as silver dollars and he looked like he was about to swallow his tongue.

  “It just sort of came out. I’m sorry if it offended you, I shouldn’t have presumed,” he said.

  For the first time since Eren had met him last year, he was flustered and unsure of himself. It was cute. Of course, it wouldn’t be if Eren didn’t know Caitlin returned his affection. She turned toward Aiden to hide her smile.

  “Don’t be sorry. I liked the sound of it,” Caitlin said as she took his hand in hers.

  Fane blushed but didn’t look away from her this time.

  “When did you turn fifteen?” Eren asked when she realized she had no idea.

  “Last October. My birthday is the day after Halloween. Things were kind of hectic then so I didn’t mention it,” Fane said.

  He looked considerably relieved to have the conversation move onto something less embarrassing.

  “Sweet. That would be awesome to have a birthday right after Halloween. Hey, since its Friday, why don’t we all go for a walk in the woods?” Aide
n asked.

  Fane gave him a relieved look and Eren realized Aiden was changing the subject to spare him. She loved that he cared about Fane’s feelings that much.

  The idea of a walk in the woods sounded perfect to Eren, no matter the reason. As a channeler she felt the need to be out among nature more than ever.

  Besides, Aiden looked like he really needed it. His eyes were closed tight, brow furrowing in concentration. A few deep, slow breaths later and the anger faded from his power, leaving it glowing a soft, steady green. Opening his eyes, Aiden, helped her to her feet and threw her backpack over his shoulder.

  Such simple chivalry like carrying her things made her heart speed up. None of her other boyfriends had ever done that. But then, none of them had a power that could heal or hurt people, along with a temper that had a tendency to rise with it. The trade off was so worth it, though.

  “Love to. I’m going over to Fane’s for dinner anyways so we can go for a walk at his place if you guys would like,” Eren suggested.

  “Is it okay if I call my parents and tell them from your house?” Caitlin asked Fane.

  “Of course,” he said.

  Unlike the rest of the normal world, most people in Spruce Knoll didn’t own cell phones, including kids, something Eren still found slightly annoying. Due to their close connection to the Earth, channelers were very environmentally conscious and cell phones created waste and used energy. While Eren couldn’t completely agree that cell phones were evil, she respected the beliefs of the residents of Spruce Knoll. But, at times like this, one would come in very handy.

  They gathered their bags and set out for Fane’s house. The streets were virtually empty but Eren couldn’t shrug the nagging feeling that they were being watched. Bridget was long gone and the only people in sight were a few kids walking home. Across the street a group of Romanian boys glared their way. When she looked closer, she realized they were Luke’s friends. Aiden must have felt their eyes too because he shot them a look that could kill. The boys turned their backs and hurried off.


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