The Defiant Ones

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The Defiant Ones Page 8

by Anna Keraleigh

  The man in question raised his sword and hesitated. Their eyes locked. Brennus lifted his chin. He was ready to leave this world. A shadow passed over him. Larina’s slim form appeared. Her sword knocked the blade from Demus’s hand and he rolled to retrieve the weapon.

  “Are you fucking daft?” She spoke to Demus, protecting Brennus as he got to his feet. “We offer you freedom! Live each day without chains. Make your own decisions and never spill blood for the whim of the crowd.” She was sprayed with blood and Brennus prayed it was not her own. “If you refuse the offer then I will kill you myself for being such a foolish shit-eater.” She lowered her head, looking like a crazed animal ready to strike.

  Brennus gasped. She was going to face him head on. He moved to intercept but the sound of laughter greeted his ears.

  Demus stood on the sands with a lopsided grin on his face. “Your woman makes better a case than you.” He spun and threw his sword. It swung end over end so quickly that the crowd gasped collectively. The blade flew and blood sprayed the wood around the Roman elite. “Let us see what freedom tastes like.”

  Guards began to rush in on them, too many to count in one glance.

  “The taste is sweet,” Larina said as she looked to him.

  Brennus nodded and grabbed his sword from the sand. Two men lay dead behind him. His woman had showed her claws and torn them apart. Now it was his turn to demonstrate why he was still the champion.

  Chapter Eleven

  Larina felt a surge unlike any other, adrenaline, hope, love. It made her body stronger and her mind clearer. Demus spun around to fight. Brennus let out a roar before attacking. They were locked in battle as she turned to start her own. A glint caught her eye as she raised her sword. It was a bright light, one she had seen only once before.

  Beyond the arena, the sky brightened. It had to come from the ship.

  Had they left? She swallowed hard, blocked an attempt by a guard. She spun, kicking his leg and slamming the sword into his back. Was their escape truly gone? She pulled her head from the thought and faced another opponent. Was their fight in vain? She was shaking, no wait, she was truly trembling. Larina stared at the ground. The sand bounced from its perch. The stone around them swayed and groaned. Screams rang out as high sections of the arena came loose and crumbled into the crowd.

  “The earthquakes,” Brennus said as he came to her side.

  “It’s the chance we need.” Larina saw it as a hopeful sign even if it wasn’t meant to be such. “Demus?” She glanced around. He finished off two guards with his swords before joining them.

  He stared at Larina as he spoke. “I’ve longed for freedom all my life, or for a glorious death in the arena.”

  “We would see you live,” she yelled as more chunks of stone tore a path through the crowd. “We must flee!”

  Brennus pointed toward a section already fallen. The large stone had broken the wall and it lay precariously on its side. “We climb that, run out with the crowd.” He headed for the spot. Larina followed and Demus took up the rear. It was hard to walk with the ground still swaying and the arena falling down around them. Brennus took the rock in two leaps, his longer legs giving him advantage. Larina struggled to get her body upward and shifted her sword to Demus before hauling herself up. She retrieved the sword, spinning to the clash of blades. Brennus was carving a bloody path through whoever remained. Demus was up when she turned around and she quickly helped Brennus dispatch the last guard.

  This was it.

  The taste of freedom was wet upon her tongue as they ran from the arena. All three of them were breathless as they sprinted through the streets of Rome. The city was in a panic, so much so that not one person recognized the champion of Rome ducking into an alley. She was gasping for breath as she leaned against the wall. The shaking stopped. The city had damage similar to the arena.

  “A Gift from the Gods.” Demus spoke as he stood beside them, watching the mouth of the alley. “The shaking was distraction enough to free us.”

  “It was either that or a dark-haired witch we know.” Brennus smiled. He grabbed Larina’s face in his hands and placed his lips on hers. The kiss was brief but full of unsaid emotions. “Let us escape from the fucking city for the last time.”

  The task was not as hard as Larina had thought it would be, as the entire city of Rome was in a state of chaos. Flames licked at the far corner of the city and she inhaled the acrid scent as they fled. The forest she had come to know once again greeted her eyes. This time Brennus was friend and lover. Demus was with them. His eyes constantly strayed toward Brennus. She did not know his thoughts or emotions. However, once they had time, she was sure these two men would come to greet each other with love. They were so similar. She smiled as she trudged through the woods and the undergrowth.

  Freedom was at hand and she longed to hear the sound of the sea. It would be hours to get there but she held onto that thought as they ran from Rome.

  * * * *

  Brennus was at a loss for words. Their quick movements were keeping them mostly silent, but even if they were sitting, he would not have made a sound. Bushes scratched at his legs and he occasionally glanced at Demus. The boy, no the man, was a gift. Every time their sights locked, Brennus looked away. He hadn’t saved Nova in time. Would keeping her boy safe be enough? Guilt weighed heavy on his conscience as the jog continued. His thoughts kept roaming as the distant sounds of the shore finally greeted his ears.

  “Is this ship hidden?” Demus spoke as they traversed a few big tree trunks. The sun had begun to fall and a colorful sunset greeted their eyes. “The Romans will follow us and attack, will they not?”

  “Not this ship.” Brennus slowed as the dirt beneath his feet mixed with sand and the trees thinned out. The fresh smell of seawater engulfed his senses and he smiled before staring out. Beyond the sand lay two Roman ships and in the distance he could make out their destination. “She’s there.”

  “A woman commands the ship?” Demus lifted a dark brow. “Is that wise?”

  “Your skill stops at the sword, I see,” Larina said flatly. She passed them both, scouting the beach as she moved forward.

  Brennus grinned.

  Demus frowned.

  They moved forward, the sands seeming to be clear of humans. The soldiers were gone, probably sent to fight the barbarians in the north. Even the few guards that patrolled were absent, no doubt fighting the fires that ravaged the city. He longed to see the aftermath.

  “Our small boat is gone,” she said and hit the sand with her fist. “The distance is too great to swim, farther than last time. There are beasts in this water that can swallow us whole.”

  “We have no choice. Stay from the light of the Roman ships.” Brennus walked into the waves. “Quickly before discovery. We will taste freedom before the sun scares the night away.” He made sure Demus and Larina were in the water before he pushed deeper.

  “I cannot.” Demus spoke quietly. “I cannot swim.”

  Brennus spun around, his eyes wide. “You wait until now to open your mouth!”

  “Swimming is not called for in the arena!” Demus yelled back.

  He had forgotten, Demus had spent his whole life as a slave then a gladiator. He had never been free to roam the forest or swim the lakes as Brennus did when he was a child. “I will pull you.” He held out his hand.

  After a moment’s hesitation, Demus took it. “I am too heavy. We will both sink to the sea creatures below.”

  “Then we will fight them as well.” Brennus grinned. He heard Larina splash as she dove into the water and walked until his feet could no long touch. “Calm your body.” He spoke and pulled Demus in. The boy at least knew how to listen. His body tensed then eased and Demus barely took a breath. Brennus kicked hard with his feet. One hand dipped into the water while the other held onto the floating man. If light shined on them, they’d have to sink and risk never resurfacing. At least Larina would be safe then.

  The woman in question was suddenly at
his side. “Explain the delay!” she whispered harshly, floating beside them.

  “He cannot swim.” Brennus continued out into the sea. The moon overhead cast a fine glow but the clouds constantly hid their only light source.

  Suddenly Larina was swimming to match him. One hand dragged Demus. The weight lifted and the movements were easier. Together they could make this long journey shorter. Water lapped at Brennus’s face as they passed a Roman ship. The torchlights combined with the hidden moon made the water pitch black. Their chance of seeing three beings moving within was slim.

  Once the ship was past, they swam faster. He could smell the acrid smoke from Rome still and the fresh seawater. It was a contradiction as he pushed his muscles. The day had been long, the fight brutal, and yet last time they survived. He only hoped this would be as joyous an occasion.

  No sea creature visited them this night, and as they neared the strange ship, it turned course slightly to lessen the distance. “Remain calm. We are almost at our destination.” His voice was heavy with breath. Body and mind agreed that a long night’s sleep would be a gift from the Gods. A rope was thrown out and while Demus floated, Brennus tied it around his waist.

  Demus was pulled through the water and up to the boat while Larina hauled her waterlogged body up the side ladder. Brennus followed, slower and equally as drenched. When his unsteady feet landed on the floor of the ship, a wide smile grew on his lips. By the Gods, they actually did it!

  “This is not your sister.” Cextus spoke as he helped Demus to his feet.

  “Long tale,” Larina said as she stood and yawned wide.

  “We must leave. Romans will search for us.”

  “Again?” Cexus frowned. “Trouble follows you.”

  He could not argue with that statement. “Where is Sorcha? We must jump.”

  “We cannot. When she made the ground move, it wiped her of energy. We sail north until her power is returned,” Cextus said. “Rest now, eat, we go north.” The ship lurched forward.

  Brennus glanced back, reveling in the sight. Rome was burning. There were fewer flames now and barely any smoke. However, they had dealt a blow that would be remembered through history.

  Chapter Twelve

  Larina walked the ship, checking on Cassia first. Titus had indeed delivered her here, perhaps even using their little boat. She was tucked into a mass of blanket on a cot, dreaming of better days. Her fellow Amazon was a strong woman but she wondered about the mind. Larina did not wake her. Instead, she stood against the wall, listening to the steady breath echoing.

  “Two new guests,” Sorcha said. Her voice was calm and fragile.

  Larina spun around. “Two new freed slaves.” She smiled. “Your help was a boon, a gift from the Gods.”

  Sorcha snorted and sat down on a seat in the meal area.

  “Did you not make the earth shake?”

  “It wasn’t that hard. I mean this area is known for earthquakes. I just tapped into the fault line with my power.”

  “I do not understand.” What was a fault line?

  “Yes, I made it shake.”

  Larina smiled. “Then you came to our aid when the path was but darkness and death. You saved four people this night. Sorcha, you are a hero.”

  She grinned. “I liked that. A hero, little old me.”

  “You do not seem elderly.”

  Sorcha giggled. “I didn’t mean…oh never mind. Your big friend is sleeping, Cassia is out for a few hours, and Cextus is learning to sail this ship. Go rest.”

  “Where is Brennus?” She wanted to see him, needed to gaze into his eyes and speak her heart.

  “On the deck, watching as we leave Rome for good,” she said, then mumbled, “I can’t believe I jumped to the freaking Roman era.”

  Larina left Sorcha and traveled up the stairs. The deck was but one more level away and she made it quickly. The night air flustered about her hair and she inhaled deeply. It smelt like freedom. Larina glanced around until she saw the large silhouette of the man she had come to love.

  Her steps toward him were slow. She savored the moment because for once she knew her heart. The ice had melted into a puddle at her feet and all that remained was her feelings for him. “Brennus.” Her voice was quiet, nearly stolen by the breeze.

  “I am here.” He turned slightly.

  It reminded her of the first time they had stood together on this ship, staring out at Rome.

  “Sleep would not come.” He pulled her close and tucked her into his side. “My mind drifts to the day’s events, what we have lost and what we have gained.”

  “’Tis a heavy burden, surviving and knowing you could not save the others.” She did not want to dwell on the heavy, dark emotion. Instead, she sought to lighten it with words of love and encouragement. “Our path is still dark but it is from the Romans’ grasp.”

  “Any path with you by my side is bright.” He smiled down at her.

  “You flattering fool.” Larina leaned up and kissed him quickly on the mouth. “Brennus, champion of Rome, ruler of my heart.”

  He lifted a brow.

  “Your mad plans and handsome looks have conquered me. I am…your woman.”

  His grin was positively evil. “I knew such a thing the moment we kissed.” He laughed as he spoke.

  Larina punched him in the stomach and then pulled his face toward hers. The kiss was sweet, passionate, and explained her heart much better than her words. Their tongues battled and she would now let him win. Her hands wrapped around him as best they could and Larina rubbed her chest against him. She was positively aroused this night. Her body burned, ready to be consumed by his flames.

  “You would do this on deck and risk discovery?”

  “No.” Larina pulled away and lifted her chest armor to reveal her breasts. The nipples were small, hard peaks. “I would make love to you beneath the heavens so the Gods can see our devotion.”

  Brennus groaned. He reached out to touch her breasts. His big palms came over her cleavage and rubbed at her mounds. It felt deliciously wicked as his hands competed with the wind’s touch. Larina tilted her head back, staring at the stars that twinkled brightly. His mouth lowered to her. His tongue was a whip against her skin, searing her flesh with passion. She was breathing heavily as he left her right nipple to go in search of the other. Larina gently pushed him away. She kept moving him until his back hit the large pole that held the sails.

  Larina untied the cloth that donned his hips, sending it to the floor of the deck. The breeze seemed to have stirred more than just her excitement.

  Brennus watched her intently as she reached out to touch his dick. The appendage grew rapidly under her gaze and the gentle touch of her fingertips. The length would please any woman. The girth would make any woman scream to the heavens, something she planned to do tonight. For the first time in her life, Larina went to her knees before a man. “And do not think this an everyday occurrence,” she mumbled.

  “I would never dare to.” Brennus snorted. He lifted her chin. “I am honored to have this privilege.”

  That sounded good. Larina smiled, pulled her face free, and came close to his cock. It looked larger close up. The skin was wrinkled at the top, hiding the head of his cock. She pulled it back, revealing her target. The head was red, the hole leaking white liquid. The shaft she held was so soft and yet hard beneath. A man’s penis was a fascinating thing. Larina kissed the head, licking her lips to taste a salty sweetness. Her hands touched and caressed every part of his prick as her mouth teased. Little kisses, touches that barely made contact but Brennus groaned above.

  “Please, Larina.”

  She liked that he begged. Larina opened her mouth and swiped her tongue across his wet head. The flavor was pleasant. She tried it again, her tongue lingering over the hole.

  Brennus gasped, his fists grabbing at the ropes beside his head.

  She liked being in control of him. It gave her a sense of power. Larina smiled before wrapping her lips around his dick a
nd sucking gently. The sound he made was part groan and part hiss. Perhaps, she would do this again, just to see him so lost to pleasure. Larina worked her mouth and tongue over his head. Her hand pumped his shaft repeatedly. She began to enjoy the sounds of abandon that came from Brennus.

  “You are killing me, woman.” He was gasping the words.

  Larina smiled and inched more of him in her mouth. She teased the underside with her tongue and let her teeth scratch lightly at his topside. Even as she played with his penis, Larina felt herself growing hotter. Her body was uncomfortably heated. Her nipples were still hard and the cream between her legs spread. She pulled off her lower armor and it clanked against the floor. Her free hand went to her clit and she shivered. Desire began to soar through her body as she continued to delight Brennus.

  “That is mine.” Brennus pulled away from her mouth and lifted her to her feet. His hand replaced hers and rubbed aggressively. His thick fingers pierced her core, sending her into a frenzy of thrusts. Her hips moved wildly as he touched her, and she held onto his neck as he made her body soar to the heavens above.

  Larina came and could no longer see the bright moon. She saw colors bursting and the handsome face of the champion of Rome. When breath returned she kissed Brennus.

  He held her tight, moving so she lay on her back. Here she could see the stars and the worlds beyond their own. Larina opened her legs for him, revealing her moist core.

  “My woman,” he murmured, caressing her thighs as he stared at her pussy. “My perfect woman.” Brennus eased forward and his cock stabbed into her pussy.

  Larina felt full instantly. Her heart hammered behind her chest as he rocked his way completely inside. Her cunt throbbed, her skin feeling feverish as he lay over her. Their fingers twined together, and their eyes locked as Brennus began to thrust into her. His cock forged a path that no man would ever follow. He was hers, truly and completely. “Who knew I would be conquered by a defiant Roman gladiator,” she said as she smiled. Her breasts heaved with his movements, her nipples rubbing against the soft hairs of his chest.


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