Of Time & Spells

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Of Time & Spells Page 15

by Jennifer Snyder

  “Believe what you want.” He twisted around as though he was trying to get a better view of his wings. The motion gave me full view of the large blue spikes protruding from beneath his skin along his spine and across the back of his shoulders. “Handsome, yes. Hot, yes. But no girl has ever called me beautiful before. And I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who would think to call me that while I’m in this form.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I placed a hand on my hip. “Are we done with the ego trip yet, because I thought I remembered you saying you wanted to take me flying?”

  “Come here, then.”

  I walked across the cool, damp grass, pausing when there was only about a foot of space left between us. My eyes trailed over his new form, and I couldn’t help the pinch of alarm that nibbled at my insides from being so close to him.

  “You look afraid of me.”

  I lifted my eyes to meet his. “I’m not.” It wasn’t the entire truth, but I refused to let him know otherwise. “I’m processing.”

  “Okay, well let me know when you’re finished.” He placed his hands on my hips, and I was startled by how warm they were.

  My teeth sank into my bottom lip while I extended my fingertips to reach out and brush across one of his wings. They were smooth to the touch, almost buttery feeling, and warm. A tremble slithered through him at the feel of my fingertips and I felt my mouth go dry.

  “Can you feel that?”

  His eerily gray eyes locked on mine and he nodded in response. “Of course I can.”

  My fingertips moved to brush against his cheek, feeling the scales that had pushed their way from beneath his skin. They were slick and devoid of the sharp edges I thought they would have.

  “How about that?”

  Tristan’s eyes smoldered as he licked his lips. “Yes.”

  Blood rushed to my face as I realized what my touch was doing to him. My hand dropped to my side, and I cleared my throat as I said, “I’m through processing now. Care to fly?”

  Tristan laughed with a deep rumble that vibrated his chest and sent his warm breath fluttering over my skin. “Think you can hold on tight?”

  I lifted onto the tips of my toes so that I could interlock my arms behind his neck. “I think I can manage.”

  His grip on my waist tightened, forcing me to press my body flush against his. “Here we go.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to practice once or twice by yourself first?” Suddenly, I wasn’t so sure about this. I had an intense fear he would drop me or that we would crash.

  “And tell me, witch girl, what would be the fun in that?” He smirked as he used my line against me.

  “You got me there.” I laughed.

  “I do have you.” He squeezed his fingertips into my hips to prove his point. “So, are you ready for this?”

  “Yeah, sure.” I was as ready as I would ever be.

  “I’m not sure how to do this, but I’m going to give it a try. Bear with me.”

  His words had my heart racing faster than I ever thought possible and my knees wobbling. “Your confidence is inspiring.”

  “Just hang on tight.”

  His eyes fixated on something over my shoulder. I didn’t turn to see what because I was positive he was only attempting to gather focus. The second his wings began to cut through the night air, I knew I’d been right.

  It didn’t take him long to figure out the right amount of pressure to put behind his wings. In seconds, my feet were dangling in the air, and my stomach had dropped to my toes. I squeezed my eyes shut, listening to the sound of Tristan’s wings flapping while feeling the wind whip around me. My muscles grew tense as I held on for dear life.

  “I hope your eyes are open.” The excitement in Tristan’s voice was tangible. It made me want to feel something similar, but I couldn’t yet. I had to work up the courage to open my eyes first. “Because this is freaking amazing!”

  “They’re not, but I believe you,” I admitted.

  “Come on, Piper.” The slight brush of his lips against my ear as he whispered to me made butterflies flutter in my stomach. “Open your eyes. Enjoy this moment with me, please.”

  The breath in my chest stilled as I managed to force my eyes open. The night sky filled with stars was the first thing I noticed. Then came the shining lights of the city below us as I happened to glance down. There was so much distance between the ground and us. My hold on Tristan tightened as my heart contracted and expanded so quickly it was a miracle I was still alive.

  “Are your eyes open?” Tristan asked.

  “Yes,” I managed to choke out.

  “Good. So, what do you think?”

  “It’s thrilling and terrifying all at once.”

  “That it is.” Tristan laughed. “Should we attempt to do some tricks or something, have a little fun?”

  “No! This right here, this is perfectly fine,” I was quick to say.

  “Is this fear I’m hearing?” he teased.

  My lips pressed into a thin line as embarrassment stained my cheeks. “Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Make fun of me.”

  “I’m not making fun of you; I’m just surprised is all.”

  “And why is that?”

  He flapped his wings extra hard, sending us soaring through the sky higher than before. “Because you’re badass, Piper. I told you this before.”

  “Being afraid to fly ninety feet in the air without any wings of my own deducts points from my badassness, is that what you’re saying?”


  I untangled my fingers from one another behind his neck and attempted to pinch him on the shoulder. It wasn’t my brightest decision, I’ll admit, but I couldn’t control myself.

  “Ouch!” Tristan shouted.

  “Yeah, I hope it hurt. That’s what you get for deducting points from me.” I interlaced my fingers behind his neck again, only this time not as tight. My fear of falling was fading, and a sense of thrilling exhilaration was replacing it.

  “I guess I deserved that.” He chuckled. “You ready to head back yet?”

  “Sure, but do a spin or twist before we land.”

  He pulled back so that he could look me in the eyes. “You serious?”

  “Of course, I’m always serious.”

  “Points redeemed.” He grinned, and his grip on me tightened just before he shot us through the sky like a speeding tornado. I’d never felt more alive.

  Chapter 26

  Once Tristan landed, I stumbled away from him, nearly falling onto the dew-covered grass beneath me. My legs felt like Jell-O as I struggled to regain my balance. My stomach did a weird flip-flop thing that left my mouth watering with nausea. Apparently, even though I’d gotten over the fear of it all, I still wasn’t as cut out for flying as I’d thought.

  “Are you okay?” Tristan reached out to steady me. His arm wrapped around my waist, and he pulled me closer to him.

  I pressed my palm against his scaly chest, enjoying the warmth I found there. My hands were freezing from the cold temperature of the higher altitude we’d been in. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little wobbly.”

  “Thank you for coming with me, Piper.”

  I locked eyes with him. “Bet or no bet, you didn’t really think I would miss this, did you?” My teeth nearly chattered as I spoke.

  “No, I didn’t.” He released his grip on me and took a few steps back, placing distance between us. “I should probably change back before someone sees me.”

  I folded my arms over my chest to lock in the warmth I’d managed to steal from him and watched as he closed his eyes. The same strange sensation that vibrated through the air while he had been changing earlier happened again. Tristan’s nostrils flared as he pulled in deep, measured breaths and exhaled lengthy ones. The spikes protruding from his skin disappeared, and the scales that covered him vanished. In less than a handful of heartbeats, Tristan’s beautiful dragon was tucked away and his handsome human form stood before me.

  “Very smooth.” There was a t
easing lit to my voice, even though I was serious. For having only changed once, Tristan had managed to make it look easy.

  “Thanks,” he started toward me, erasing the distance he’d placed between us. “It was easier than I thought it would be.”

  “Instinct, right?” My eyes locked with his as I wrapped my arms around him.

  “Exactly.” His head dipped to brush his lips across mine. It was a soft, sweet kiss, but I knew it also meant good night. There was something in it that told me so. “Thanks again for tonight, for everything, Piper. I mean it.”

  “You’re welcome.” I pulled back so that I could look at his face. “Is this a goodbye, because it feels like a goodbye? You’re not coming back inside with me, are you?”

  “No. I just…I need to go. I can’t explain the urge, but I know it has everything to do with my tribe. It’s like they’re calling to me.”

  “Oh, have they all awakened?”

  “I can’t really say. I just know I need to be with them right now.”

  “Are they still here? The elders, I mean.”

  “Yeah, they are.”

  “Okay, then I guess you can go since you aren’t going far.” I released my grip on him and flashed him a lopsided grin.

  “Thanks for giving me your permission.” He winked. “Talk to you later?”

  “Absolutely.” I cupped his face between my hands and kissed him. “I can’t believe we survived,” I breathed.

  “What? The flight?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Going up against the Vodun witches.”

  “I never doubted we would.” Tristan pressed his lips to mine again before stepping away.

  I watched as he shifted into his dragon form. He flew away before I climbed back through my bedroom window. After popping the screen back in place and closing my window, I tiptoed down the hall toward the living room to watch some TV. With the volume on low, I flipped through the channels, searching for something that would occupy my mind. Once I found something decent, I grabbed the throw blanket from off the back of the couch and curled up beneath it. A couple hours later, I was fast asleep.

  Chills swept along my spine as I crept up the steps. My hands formed tight fists at my sides, and my heartbeat raced against my rib cage. I didn’t want to be here, but I knew there was something I needed to check. As my toes touched the final step, my breath hitched in my throat.

  They were there, standing in front of me, locked in an eternal state of agony.

  My eyes trailed over the three statues of the witches who had caused more grief in my life than I cared to think about. Time seemed to hold no meaning as I continued to stare at their lifeless, concrete forms as though spellbound by them. The caw of a raven broke my trance. It was close to me, too close. I shifted my eyes from the statues. Beady-eyed ravens surrounded me. As though they knew I’d spotted them, they opened their tiny mouths and sang a haunting melody that chilled me to the bone. It was loud enough to wake the dead. My gaze drifted to the statues of the witches. Fear the ravens were attempting to wake them from their concrete slumber pulsed through me.

  They didn’t move, but the birds did.

  They swooped at me with their talons exposed. My arms lifted to block them, but it did me no good. The birds were relentless in their attempt to maim and destroy me. They clawed and pecked at my skin, tearing me to shreds. I flung my arms wildly to fight them off. My mind shouted for me to run, but my feet wouldn’t move. A scream burst past my lips as cold arms wrapped around me. The witches had me surrounded. I thrashed my body side to side, hoping to get free from their suffocating hold, but their grip only seemed to tighten.

  “Piper…Piper…” Their voices melded together in a creepy chorus as they shouted my name. “Piper, wake up!”

  My eyes popped open as I fought against the strong arms holding me.

  “Chill out, Piper. Jesus,” Jasper growled.

  I froze at the sound of his voice. He was the one holding me. It had been a dream. A nightmare. The Vodun witches weren’t here and neither were their creepy birds.

  “What the heck are you doing? Let me go,” I insisted while struggling to catch my breath as I broke free from his grip.

  Jasper released me and tossed his hands up in surrender. “I’m saving you from yourself apparently. You woke me up out here screaming like a damn banshee and fighting with a blanket.”

  “I was screaming?” I smoothed some sweat-dampened strands of hair away from my face.

  “Yeah, scared me half to death.”

  “Sorry, it was one heck of a nightmare.” I shifted around on the couch to tuck my feet beneath me. “I was back at the Vodun house, standing on their porch. Their stupid ravens were attacking me and then the statues of the witches came to life. They were grabbing at me and squeezing me while the birds pecked me to death. It was insane!”

  “Sounds like it.” Jasper sat on the couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table. “I was having a dream about Anna when you woke me.”

  All the air left my lungs. “Are you okay?”

  “No. I just…” He exhaled a long breath and smoothed his hand across his face. “I can’t believe she’s gone. Anna’s really gone from my life forever. I thought you were the only thing those damn witches could take from me that would hurt as bad as when they took our parents, but I was wrong.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jasper.”

  He shrugged his shoulders as though my words held no meaning. Or maybe it was that they offered him no comfort. “I’ll be all right. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to trek through the stages of death due to the loss of someone I loved.”

  I didn’t know what to say. When our parents died, I was young enough that I didn’t have to say anything. I didn’t have to think of words to help comfort my brother. I didn’t have to do anything besides feel what I was feeling. Now that I was older, I felt like more was expected of me.

  “You’re thinking too hard over there,” Jasper said with a chuckle. It was forced. I could tell. “I’ll be all right. Promise. Who knows, maybe I’ll take the money we’re owed from Tristan’s tribe and do a little soul-searching for a while.”

  I laughed. “You? Taking time off work to soul search? That doesn’t sound likely.”

  “Hey, people can change.” He grinned. It was nice to see the semblance of a smile twist the corners of his lips. It had me believing he would be okay, with a little time. “Speaking of, I have to say I’m pretty damn proud of you.”

  “Proud of me? For what?”

  “You kicked some serious Vodun ass!” His gaze on me softened. “You’ve really grown up, Piper. I can see it now.”

  “Thanks.” I didn’t know what else to say. I’d been grown up for a while, but apparently, my brother hadn’t noticed until now.

  “In fact, I think once I get our payment from Tristan’s tribe, I’m going to give you half so you can go on that trip across Europe this summer you’ve been dreaming of.”

  My thoughts scattered. “For real? You’re going to let me go?”

  “I am.”

  I narrowed my eyes on him. “Wait a minute, what’s the catch? Are you coming with me?”

  “No. I’m letting you go on your own. Unless, you happen to decide you want Tristan to tag along.”

  “So you could come with us as a chaperone?”

  “Nope, I’d still stay here.”

  I scoffed and shook my head. “Okay, now I know you can’t be serious.”

  “I am. As long as Tristan keeps it in his pants and promises to keep you safe while you’re overseas, I don’t have any issue with him tagging along on your trip.”

  “Holy crap, I can’t believe you’re serious! This is awesome!” A wide grin spread across my face as I wrapped my arms around my brother’s neck and pulled him into a hug. “This is going to be the best summer ever!”

  Jasper laughed. “Well, good to know you’re so excited to get away from me for the summer.”

  “Oh hush.” I pulled away so he co
uld see how serious I was. “That’s not it, and you know it.”

  “I know. Just messing with you.” He winked. “So, what are you watching here?”

  I glanced at the TV for the first time since I woke. “I don’t know. It was a cheesy comedy before I fell asleep.”

  “I can handle a cheesy comedy right about now.”

  We both could, couldn’t we? I situated myself among the throw pillows on the couch. After all, laughter healed the soul, didn’t it? And Lord knew we both could use some healing of the soul after everything we’d been through.



  “Oh no, watch out. She’s busting out the guidebook again,” Jasper teased.

  “Hey, this guidebook has saved our ass when it comes to finding places to eat too many times to count.” I shook my book at him, having grown sick of his relentless teasing days ago. Why had I decided to insist he come along on this trip?

  “Not the guidebook,” Tristan chimed in. “What happened to you wanting to explore the area as a native? You said you wanted to soak in the culture not act like a tourist.”

  “I do, but I also want to eat.” I opened my guidebook again, ignoring the looks both Jasper and Tristan were giving me. “You’re both just crabby because you need to eat, which is why I’m searching for a decent restaurant nearby.”

  “Well if you’d just let us take the trolley instead of hiking to the Sao Jorge Castle, I wouldn’t be as hungry as I am,” Jasper insisted.

  “Or, if you had let me fly us up there like I suggested,” Tristan chimed in.

  “Yeah, because that wouldn’t draw unnecessary attention to us,” I snapped.

  “Which was why I suggested you or your brother make a cloaking spell to hide us.”

  I rolled my eyes. The combination of the heat and my insane hunger was making me want to slap him. Why had I even bothered to bring either of these two complainers with me? I should’ve toured Europe by myself like I’d planned. “Whatever.” My eyes dipped back to my guidebook.

  “Why are you even looking in there? We should just walk around. When we smell food, we’ll know we’ve found a restaurant,” Jasper growled.


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