The Business of Love

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The Business of Love Page 2

by Anna James

  Allen’s hands tightened around the sheets of paper he held. Hadn’t he been aware of that particular change? No, judging by the baffled expression on Allen’s face. He probably wondered the same question as Dante. Why name Sophia as executor?

  Gil never spoke much about either of his children, but when he did it was mostly of Sophia. Had a rift existed between father and son?

  “Gilford’s art collection will go to Allen with the exception of the following pieces, which will go to charity.” Martin rattled off a bronze statue, several paintings and three sculptures.

  “All of Susan Hamilton Baker’s jewelry shall go to her daughter, Sophia.”

  Trey lifted Sophia’s hand and pressed his lips to her soft, smooth skin. Dante saw red. The son-of-a-bitch was taunting him.

  “…including the house—”

  Damn. He’d missed half of what Martin said. Why the hell was he letting Trey get to him, anyway? Sophia Hamilton didn’t matter. Anymore. She’d moved on. He’d moved on, too. There’d been plenty of women over the last six years and there were still more out there.

  “…everything okay, Dante?”

  Shit, he’d missed more of what Martin said. “Everything is fine, Martin, but would you mind repeating what you just said?”

  Martin nodded. “The rest of Gilford’s estate, including the house, but excluding the business known as the Baker Investment firm, shall be divided equally between Sophia and Allen.

  “Ownership of the Baker financial investment firm shall be split evenly between Allen Baker, Sophia Hamilton and Dante Leone.”

  The breath caught in his throat. Gil had given him part ownership of the company? He couldn’t have heard Martin Snyder correctly. Yes, he’d been with the establishment from the beginning, and helped build the company into the success it was today, but still… Gil had already done more for Dante than he could ever repay.

  “What?” Sophia and Allen gasped together.

  He’d heard right after all. He, Allen and Sophia were now partners. They’d run Baker Investments together.

  Sophia. His business partner.

  The woman who’d lied to him, and manipulated him into doing something that went against his personal code of ethical behavior, was now his business partner.

  What the hell was he going to do?

  Chapter Three

  Sophia leaned heavily against the wall in the empty hallway outside Martin Snyder’s office, reached inside her purse for a tissue and wiped the perspiration from her brow. Her fingers shook. She clasped her hands together in an effort to stop the tremors, but her moist palms slid apart and the tissue fluttered to the ground. She reached down and picked it up. Why was she sweating anyway? The air conditioner was on, and where was Trey? He’d offered to go get her a glass of water. What was taking so long? Her blitzed brain tried to focus, but no matter how hard she tried, concentration eluded her. Pull yourself together.

  Gil named her as executor of his estate. Her—of all people. Not Aunt Caroline, not Allen, either. Why?

  Her head started to pound and she rubbed her temples to ease the pain. None of this made any sense. She had no idea what went into settling an estate.

  “You’ve got it all wrong.” The thick wooden door leading into Martin’s office did nothing to mute Allen’s loud, angry voice. “My father and I spoke. He named me as executor.”

  She couldn’t hear Martin’s muted reply, but assumed it had something to do with the modifications her father drew up when Allen said, “To hell with the codicil. I told you my father changed his mind.”

  Had he? Allen certainly believed so. He hadn’t been surprised when Martin mentioned the revisions Gil made to the estate. In fact, he’d seemed sure of what those changes entailed.

  So, if Gil had wanted Allen as executor, and not her, why hadn’t he put those changes in writing? He’d always been meticulous. Surely he’d have documented the change if that was what he wanted. Yes, he would have. Which brought her back to the same question. Why her?

  She caught a glimpse of Dante out of the corner of her eye, standing at reception, chatting with the woman who sat behind the desk. A shiver ran down her spine.

  Dear God, naming her as executor was nothing compared to the bombshell Martin dropped about splitting Baker Investments three ways. Why had Gil done that? Dividing the company between her and Allen made sense. She was part of the family and had taken an active role at the firm a year ago after receiving her master’s degree.

  So, why make Dante Leone part owner of a family company? Had Dante been a bigger part of the firm over the years than she’d realized? He’d seemed as surprised as she to learn he’d inherited a share in the company. Lord, none of Gil’s changes made any sense.

  Dante Leone, her business partner…

  A shiver ran down her spine. How on earth were they going to work side by side when they couldn’t even stand to be in the same room together?

  “If you think, for one minute, I’m going to accept this travesty of events, you’re wrong.”

  She blinked. Allen’s tall, angry form came into focus. He glared down at her. “I had no idea of Dad’s intentions.”

  His lips tightened into a thin, white line. “I’m contacting my lawyer and plan to contest both the will and you as the executor. I’ll fight you tooth and nail if I have to, because there’s no way you’re going to get a penny of what is rightfully mine.”

  Rightfully his? Oh Lord, Allen was talking about her inheriting, not Dante.

  “Back off, Allen.”

  Sophia’s eyes flew to Trey.

  “Stay out of this,” Allen shot back.

  “You’re making a spectacle of yourself. Again.”

  Allen grumbled something inaudible and then stormed off.

  When they were alone, Trey leaned up against the wall by her side and handed her the cup of water he’d gone for. She took a sip. The cool liquid felt good against her parched throat. She swallowed it down and then drank more.

  “Are you okay now?”

  Not quite yet, but she was getting there. At least her hands were steadier. “Yes.”

  “I’m sorry about Allen.”

  “He’s not your problem, but thanks for getting him to leave me alone.”

  He grinned. “Anything for the lady.”

  She laughed, and boy did it feel good. The tension inside began to ease.

  Trey’s eyes turned serious and he gripped her hand in his. “You don’t have to do this, you know.”

  She frowned.

  “You can walk away from all this insanity. No one would blame you under the circumstances.”

  Walk away?

  “What you need is some time off to de-stress and get your head together.” He wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder and squeezed. “Unfortunately, you won’t get that if you stay around here.”

  Go, her brain urged. Get away from it all.

  Trey grinned. “You could come back to New York with me for a few weeks.”

  She laughed. “I thought you were heading back to Africa tomorrow?”

  He frowned. “Huh?”

  “Africa. You know, your fight against hunger. You only came back to the states because Dad…” Tears welled in her eyes and she couldn’t bring herself to finish the sentence.

  Trey pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her. She dabbed at the corner of each eye, blew her leaky nose, then shoved the silk cloth into her purse, making a mental note to have the used hankie laundered. “Thanks.”

  He tugged her into his arms. “Come back to Africa with me. It’s a beautiful country. You’ll love it.”

  A part of her longed to take him up on his offer and escape, even for a short time, but she couldn’t. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine. Allen’s bark is worse than his bite.” She tried to ease away, but he kept her in the circle o
f his arms and gazed down at her.

  “What about Dante?”

  Her eyes jerked to the man still standing in front of the reception desk. As if on cue, he turned to face her. Dear Lord, had he heard Trey mention his name? Impossible. He was too far away. Their eyes collided. Her stomach pitched and rolled. He scowled, then turned and strode toward the exit without a backward glance.

  She closed her eyes and willed the nausea roiling inside her to subside. What was wrong with her today? Her eyes flickered open. Trey stared down at her, care and compassion etched on his handsome face. “What about him?”

  “Do you really want to do this business partner thing given your past?”

  Work side by side with the man who’d used and humiliated her beyond measure? No, but there wasn’t a choice if she wanted to carry on her father’s legacy and prove his faith in her was justified. If working with Dante, or even Allen for that matter, was what it took, she’d gladly make the sacrifice.

  “That won’t be a problem.” No way would she walk away.

  Chapter Four

  Sophia shut down her computer, disengaged it from the docking station and slipped it into her backpack. Before leaving the Baker Investment offices in downtown Los Angeles, she opened her desk drawer, grabbed the bottle of naproxen sodium and took two tablets, swallowing them down with the last of the water in the bottle sitting on her desk. Maybe they’d help ease the pounding in her head. Probably not. Nothing seemed to lessen her headaches these days.

  Her headache was one of the reasons she’d decided to leave early that evening.

  A hot bath was just what the doctor ordered. A long soak in scented water, comfortable shorts, a ratty old T-shirt, a large glass of wine and a chick-flick movie on-demand. A perfect relaxing evening, indeed, as long as she could avoid Allen.

  These days he was all about making her life as difficult as possible. True to his word, he’d contacted his attorney and filed to remove her as executor, citing incompetency in managing the estate as the reason. Technically, it was true. She hadn’t paid Gil’s staff, including the housekeeper and the grounds and maintenance crew, in weeks. How could she when there were no funds available in the estate account? Allen fought the transfer of money from Gil’s personal account as well as every other action she tried to carry out. He made it impossible for her to get anything done, thus her ineptitude. The vicious circle went round and round. Still, she had to keep at it. Gil trusted her to carry out his wishes. And she intended to do just that.

  To make matters worse, after years of living on his own, Allen had moved back into the family house and turned what should have been her sanctuary, a haven away from the turmoil at the office, into purgatory. And there was nothing she could do to stop him since the estate had been left to both of them.

  But, the biggest reason she’d left early tonight was she needed a few hours of peace and quiet before facing Dante again tomorrow.

  Not a day passed over the last month where they hadn’t argued over various business decisions. Truth be told, she couldn’t take much more and the thought of getting away, as Trey suggested, seemed more alluring as each day passed. But walking away, even for a short time, meant acknowledging defeat, and no way would she give Dante the satisfaction of knowing he’d gotten to her.

  Slinging the backpack over her shoulder, she picked up a file and headed out of her office and down to Clair’s.

  “Fancy meeting you here.”

  Sophia blinked. Clair stood waiting in the office lobby in front of the row of elevators. She smiled. “Hey, I was just coming down to see you. I have the file you asked for.” She gestured with the manila folder in her hand. “I’ll just drop it off so you don’t have to go back.”

  Clair nodded. “Thanks.”

  “So, how did your doctor appointment go this morning?”

  Clair rubbed her large belly. “Great; little David is healthy as can be.”

  Little David? Her eyes widened. “You’re having a boy?”

  Clair grinned. “I had an ultrasound this morning.”

  “I thought you didn’t want to learn the sex of the baby before it was born?”

  “We didn’t, at least David didn’t, but he changed his mind.”

  “Meaning you changed it for him.”

  Clair nodded. “You know how impatient I am. I couldn’t wait for nine whole months, so when the doctor scheduled an ultrasound for this morning…”

  Sophia hugged her. “I’m so happy for you both. A boy. David must be excited.”

  “He is.”

  “Are you disappointed? I know you wanted a girl.”

  “No. All I really want is a healthy baby.”

  The elevator doors opened. Clair stepped in, then placed her hand in the opening to stop the door from closing. “Do you have any plans tonight?” she asked.

  “Just hanging out at home.”

  “You need to get out. Come with me to the movies. David and I were supposed to go, but he has surveillance duty tonight for one of his clients.”

  “Who is he investigating now?”

  Clair shrugged. “I don’t get involved with his private investigation business. And stop trying to change the subject. Now, what do you say? Dinner and a movie?”

  “Not tonight, thanks.”

  “You can’t keep hiding away, Sophia.”

  Sophia shook her head. Clair acted as if she’d turned into a hermit and retreated away from society, which wasn’t true by any stretch of the imagination. Okay, she’d refused several invitations since the funeral. The truth was she hadn’t felt much like socializing, which was completely normal under the circumstances.

  “Come on, Sophia. Come out with me.”

  “Honestly, Clair, I’m not in the mood for a night out. I just want to go home and relax.”

  Clair looked as if she might argue, then seemed to change her mind. “Okay, have a good night.”

  Sophia smiled. “I will.”

  The elevator closed and Sophia continued on through the now empty suite to the back area where the rest of the offices and cubicles were located.

  The hushed voices coming from Dante’s office startled her. Hadn’t he left earlier?

  “I’ve decided to accept your offer,” Allen said.

  “Excellent,” Dante returned.

  She walked the short distance and peered inside, careful to stay out of sight. The two men sat opposite each other. Allen’s stiff, rigid posture indicated unease while Dante…

  The breath whooshed out of her. He’d shed his suit jacket and tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his white dress shirt. The fabric clung to him, outlining a six-pack of rock-hard abs. A hint of black chest hair peeked through and she remembered, all too clearly, how it crept up to cover his pecs. Heat pooled low in her belly as she recalled her hands gliding through the soft, silky swirls, over his ribcage and down to his—

  Dear Lord, what was wrong with her tonight? She was not interested in Dante Leone. Not anymore.

  Ha! her brain sneered. You’ve been lusting after him since the moment you laid eyes on him.

  No. It was just that sometimes… No.

  Then why are you sitting here right now, staring at him as if he’s a Tootsie pop and you’re desperate to know just how many licks it takes to get to the good part? her brain countered.

  Stop, she ordered herself firmly, and shut out the image her mind conjured.

  “I’ll have my lawyer draw up the papers. They should be ready by the end of the month.”

  Papers? For what? Sophia wondered.

  “You’ve made the right decision selling your third of Baker Investments to me,” Dante said.

  The room started to spin and Sophia had to lean against the wall for support. Allen sold his share of their father’s company to Dante? No, he couldn’t have.

  “Yes, I believe I
have,” Allen answered.

  Bile rose up in her throat. She shoved a fisted hand to her mouth to stop it from coming out. Dear Lord, Allen was selling his share of Baker Investments to Dante.

  Her body started to shake as the enormity of his betrayal settled on her. They’d been brought up as brother and sister for the last twenty-two years. Sure, things between them were a little strained, and had been since her mother’s death six years ago. But this… Why would he sell part of a company his own father had started from the ground up to anyone but family?

  “Shall we have a drink to celebrate?” Allen asked.

  The words were like a punch in the stomach and had her doubling over from the impact.

  Dante laughed. “Okay, but you’re buying.”

  Allen chuckled. “I think I can afford it with what you’ve agreed to pay me.”

  Dante muttered something Sophia couldn’t understand.

  “Let’s go,” Allen said.

  Time to get out of here. They couldn’t find her eavesdropping on their private conversation. A confrontation would ensue and she wasn’t ready for that. Not yet.

  Chapter Five

  Colored lights flashed in random patterns, keeping time with the rhythmic music thundering from center stage while throngs of bodies gyrated on the dance floor below. The Hollywood nightclub pulsed with power and excitement, and anyone who was anybody was there tonight. At least it seemed that way, based on the number of famous faces floating around the place.

  Sophia took a sip of the now tepid club soda from the glass a server had provided when she’d arrived, over forty-five minutes ago if the time on her watch was accurate. Jeez Louise, it seemed like hours, not minutes, had passed by, and if Clair and David didn’t get there soon, she was going to leave.

  Why had she agreed to meet them there? Oh yes, because Clair had insisted she join them for a night out and she wouldn’t take no for an answer. No matter how hard Sophia protested.

  The hand tapping on her shoulder a moment later had her whipping around, flinging the contents of the drink everywhere.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Dante wiped the dripping liquid from his face.


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