The Business of Love

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The Business of Love Page 14

by Anna James

  A baby? With Dante? The thought thrilled her.

  I must be out of my friggin mind. She didn’t want a baby. Not at this stage in her life and not with a man who’d made it crystal clear from the word go, he wasn’t interested in a relationship with her, because yes, when the time came for her to have a child she wanted to be in a committed relationship, with someone who loved her. And that certainly wasn’t Dante.

  His hands landed on her shoulders and halted her in mid-stride. She whirled to face him. His eyes gazed down into hers. “It’s okay.” He pulled her close.

  “No—it’s—not. I’m not using any birth control.”

  His mouth fell open. He jerked away and stared down at her, horrified. “Not using…”


  “Why the hell not?”

  Her eyes rounded. “Excuse me. It’s not like—”

  “Not like what?”

  Oh hell. Why couldn’t she have stopped at no?

  His eyes narrowed. “Not like what?”

  He thought she was playing games with him, but she wasn’t. She straightened her shoulders and looked him in the eye. “I’m not having sex with anyone, so I didn’t see a need.” When was her last period? Almost three weeks ago, so they should be safe—right? “You don’t have to worry. My period is due in like a week or so.”

  He stared down at her for a few moments then finally spoke. “How long?”

  “How long what?” Jeez Louise, she’d just told him when her period should come. Couldn’t he drop it?

  “How long have you not been having sex?”

  Oh crap. She turned away from his piercing gaze. “None of your damned business.”

  He pulled her back, then lifted her chin and waited for her to meet his eyes. “How long have you not been having sex?”

  How could she admit the truth? He’d laugh in her face and feel sorry for her, or worse, think her a pathetic fool and she wasn’t.

  “How long?”

  She cringed, hoping he wouldn’t read too much into the confession. “Not since the last time we were together.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Dante woke the next morning to the delicious sensation of Sophia’s warm, soft body curved against him—and a hard-on, greater than any he’d ever experienced in his life. Lord, one night with the woman and he’d been reduced to a volcano filled with molten lava, ready to erupt at any minute.

  He eased away. As much as he wanted her, they couldn’t risk another round of unprotected sex and he still didn’t have a condom.

  Making love with Sophia hadn’t been on the agenda for this trip and he’d been quite unprepared for the passion that exploded between them last night. Oh, who the hell was he kidding? He’d been lusting after her for weeks. He just hadn’t realized she’d been hot for him, too.

  Still, now that it had happened, he couldn’t regret it, especially after her reluctant confession. But could he believe her? He wanted to with a desperate intensity he’d never known before. Which meant what?

  He couldn’t think about it now, but, whatever else it meant, one thing was certain. She wasn’t sleeping with Trey. A smug smile spread across his face.

  Yes, she’d lied to him all those years ago, but she’d been young and going through a hell of a lot at the time. She wasn’t guilty of half the crimes he’d accused her of.

  And he…he’d still been reeling from Barbara’s betrayal, getting fired and the grievance Kane filed against him. No, it had been more. Learning Sophia lied gutted him.

  You were in love with her.

  No. They’d only been together for a few weeks. Not enough time to fall in love.

  He hadn’t been in love with her, but he had overreacted. Big time. He could see that now. So where did they go from here?

  She snuggled closer and her smooth, round bottom pressed more firmly against him. Pain and pleasure ripped through him and he couldn’t stop the guttural groan that came from deep within.

  Jumping from the bed, he strode to the bathroom, then, after setting the shower dial to the coldest setting, stepped in and let the frigid water pound down on him.

  Twenty minutes later he stepped from the tub and dried off, his anatomy back to normal proportion. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he ambled back into the bedroom, and found Sophia hadn’t moved since he’d left. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her smooth, bare shoulder. The scent of her body wash drifted past his nose and he inhaled a deep satisfying breath. “Time to wake up, sleepy head.”

  “Five more minutes.”

  He laughed and drew a finger down her side and over her hip, reveling in the feel of her soft skin against his rough hands. He wanted to stretch out next to her and…if he continued down that path he’d need another cold shower. Later, he promised himself and grinned. Most definitely. “Not if we’re going to make it to the family vineyard by noon.”

  Sophia’s eyes snapped open. Dante wanted to take her to his family’s vineyard today? He’d been serious about that? Oh, no. There hadn’t been an opportunity to tell him she couldn’t postpone her meeting with Trey. She rolled over, glanced at the bedside clock and groaned. “My flight to New York leaves in three and a half hours.”

  Dante stiffened. “I thought you were going to postpone your meeting?”

  She tried to grasp his hands and explain, but he rose from her side and moved away. “Dante.”

  He didn’t answer.

  Sighing, she climbed out of bed and walked over to him. “I tried to postpone the meeting, but Trey—”

  He turned and scowled at her. “I should have known.”

  Sophia closed her eyes and drew in a deep, steadying breath then released it. “Postponing this meeting means a delay in the project, which will piss Sanford Jackson off. We,” she pointed to him and then back at herself to emphasize the point, “can’t afford to take any risks where Sanford is concerned. He could decide to walk away at any minute and then where would we be?”

  The future of Baker Investments rested on her shoulders and she’d do everything in her power to ensure its continued success. “I have to go. I have no choice.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her. “There’s always a choice.”

  She’d said those very words to him not too long ago and now they’d come back to bite her in the ass. “Damn it, Dante. You know what’s riding on this project.” A sudden wave of nausea made her stomach churn.

  He stared down at her, a frown on his face. “Are you okay?”

  The nausea subsided as quickly as it started. “Um, yes. I think so.”

  “Here, sit.” Dante guided her over and eased her down on the chair by the window. “You’ve gone sheet white.”

  She peered up at him. “I’m fine. Really. Just a little queasy.”

  You’re pregnant, her brain taunted.

  No! You don’t get morning sickness this fast.

  “Here, drink this.”

  Dante squatted down in front of her and handed her a glass of water. She took a tentative sip and when it stayed down, drank the entire glass.

  “Feel better?” He took the empty glass from her hand and set it down on the table beside her.

  “Yes. I don’t know what came over me, but I think it might have something to do with not eating for a while.” They’d missed dinner last night and lunch had been an ice cream sundae. Not the best choice, all things considered. She hadn’t eaten a real meal in more than twenty-four hours.

  “Then we need to get you something to eat.” He stood with fluid ease, walked to the desk, picked up the telephone receiver and dialed.

  Dressed in only a towel, almost every inch of his hard body remained on display. Her mouth went dry as she ogled, yes ogled, male perfection personified.

  “Eggs and bacon okay?” he asked.

  “Scrambled with rye toas
t. Oh, and some hash browns, too.”

  He nodded and then ordered for himself. After finishing the call, he grabbed an apple from the fruit platter included with the room and came back to her. “Our food should be here in about thirty minutes. In the meantime, eat this.”

  She caught the apple he tossed and took a bite. “Mm, this is good.” After finishing the fruit she stood, tossed the core in the trash and headed toward the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I thought I’d go back to my room and take a quick shower before breakfast gets here.” His rumble of laughter made her stop short.

  “You’re going to cause quite the scene if you leave here dressed like that.”

  She peered down and gasped. Naked! How the hell had she forgotten to put her clothes on?

  Heat crept up her neck and flooded her cheeks as images of their lovemaking from the night before flooded her mind. Just thinking about what he’d done to her had her nipples tightening and heat pooling low in her belly.

  He dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “You can shower here. Put on one of the spa robes when you’re done.”

  A few minutes later she stepped beneath the steamy water, closed her eyes and let its warmth seep into her muscles.

  The sudden burst of cool air had her eyes snapping open. Dante stepped in the shower and joined her. A lick of heat raced through her.

  He stared at her for long moments then lowered his head and his mouth moved over hers in a slow, easy manner, leisurely exploring, tasting. Her emotions whirled and skittered as sensations cascaded through her. “Dante,” she moaned, when his hand glided down over her bottom and he pulled her tight against him.

  “I want you.”

  The low, husky growl scraped over her and she shivered. Dear God. She wanted him, too, but they couldn’t. Not without protection.

  His lips closed over the tip of her breast and a bolt of desire shot through her. “We can’t risk—”

  He grasped her face in his hands and stared down into her eyes. “I promise we won’t take any risks. Trust me.”

  Her gaze locked with his. “I do trust you.”

  He gave a wolfish smile, lathered the soap in his hands and glided them over her shoulders and back.

  She sighed and closed her eyes. Heaven help her, she loved it when he touched her like this.

  He eased her back against the wall, then continued the torture, skimming his palms over her breasts, the curve of her hip, across her thighs. When he reached the apex between her legs, two fingers slipped inside and began a slow, intimate caress. “Dante,” she moaned.

  His thumb found her swollen nub.

  “Oh God. I—” Her breaths came in short, sharp gasps.

  “That’s it, baby. Let go.”

  Close. So close. Just a little more. His fingers stilled. “Dante,” she cried out. Then his tongue delved inside.

  Her insides tightened and coiled, then a blinding flash of pure white light. A series of explosions burst inside and rocked her to the core. She slumped against the wall and tried to steady her breathing.

  “You okay?”

  She opened her eyes and gave him a satisfied smile. “Oh, yeah.”

  He grinned.

  With one quick movement, she reversed their positions, then snatched up the soap and began the same sensual assault on him. Her hands grazed over his chest, luxuriating in the smooth texture of rock-hard muscles and hair-roughened skin beneath her fingertips, then she slid her palms lower.

  His eyes closed when her fingers caressed his thighs and buttocks and he let out a harsh breath when her hand closed over his hard erection. She knelt and pressed a tentative kiss on the soft tip, then ran her tongue over the engorged shaft.

  A shudder ripped through him.

  Emboldened by his response, her mouth closed over him and drew him in again and again.

  His breathing grew ragged. “Soph… Honey, I… Oh God.” With a deep, guttural groan, he yanked her up and crashed his mouth down on hers.

  He held her tight until his breathing steadied, then eased her away and stared down at her.

  She gazed up at him and her heart skipped a beat. The breath caught in her throat. Dear Lord, she could spend eternity staring into those gorgeous blue eyes of his.

  A loud knock at the door a moment later had Dante straightening. He grinned. “That will be room service with our breakfast.”

  He rinsed off, then shut off the water and stepped out of the stall. “Hang on a minute,” he called, then grabbed a robe and strode out.

  She slipped on the other robe and joined him as the waiter rolled a cart into the room with two covered steaming plates.

  Dante grabbed his wallet from the nightstand and tipped the man, then rolled the cart to the small table set in front of floor-to-ceiling windows offering a scenic view of the San Francisco Bay. She sat opposite him. He set a plate in front of her and she closed her eyes and inhaled the heavenly scent of bacon and potatoes.

  “Dig in.” He removed the cover from her plate and then his.

  A blob of runny eggs stared up at her. Her stomach heaved. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Not again.

  You’re pregnant, her brain jeered.

  No! Her period would come at the end of the week, for sure. She was so regular you could set your watch by it.

  Except you haven’t been. Not for the last couple of months, her brain mocked.

  It was stress. Dealing with her father’s death and settling his estate. Now, the grief had eased and the estate was all but settled. Her cycle would return to normal, so no problem.

  “Are you all right?” Dante asked.

  “I’m fine, but I should get going. I need to leave for the airport soon and I still have a few things to pack.”

  He nodded. “I’ll take you. Meet me downstairs in thirty minutes.”

  Half an hour later, Sophia exited the elevator, and followed the bellman carrying her luggage into the lobby. Dante stood with his long, lean frame propped against one of the elegant columns, his arms draped casually across his well-muscled chest.

  Her heart fluttered and shivers ran down her spine. Oh my, she really did have a bad case of lust for him.

  He turned as if sensing her presence, smiled, then ambled over and dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “Ready to go?”

  No. She wanted to stay here in this idealistic paradise with him for just a little longer. She nodded.

  He took her hand in his and they walked toward the hotel exit. Sophia gave a wistful sigh as the lobby doors slid open. Professionally, the trip had been a complete fiasco. She tried to get a hold of Lucas a few minutes ago, after she’d finished packing. His refusal to take her call made keeping Trey as a client even more important. Personally…well, she wouldn’t hold any expectations of where they’d go from here. Only time would tell.

  She slid into the front passenger seat when their rental car had been delivered. Dante tipped the bellman after their luggage had been loaded and then slid in beside her.

  They arrived at the airport a short time later. Dante pulled the car to the curbside, got out and came around to open Sophia’s door. She waited while he lifted her suitcase and carry-on bag from the trunk.

  “So…I guess I’ll see you when I get back to Los Angeles?”

  He nodded and stepped forward to give her a quick kiss on the lips. “Give me a call when you land in New York.”

  “Okay.” She turned to leave.


  Pausing, she turned back to face him. “Yes?”

  “I’ve been thinking.”

  A fine tremor ran through her. “About what?”

  “We should get married.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Her mouth dropped open. Married? “Y—you want to marry me?”

  His smile had a little see
dling of hope unfurling deep inside her. He reached up and cupped her cheek in his hand.


  The seedling blossomed into a fledgling flower. She couldn’t believe it. Dante—wanted—to—marry—her. The flower burst open and shined with vibrant color. Her heart turned over. “I, ah, I don’t know what to say.”

  “How about yes?”

  Her heart hammered in her chest. Dante wanted to marry her.

  Say yes, her brain urged. You know you want to.

  His eyes narrowed. “Sophia, I won’t have our child—”

  Our child? The blood roared in her ears and her whole body seemed to cave in on itself. He wanted to marry her because he assumed she might be pregnant. How could she have believed otherwise? He didn’t love her. Had never implied anything of the sort. And she… Oh, dear Lord. She loved Dante. The force of it slammed into her like a freight train running at top speed. She loved Dante. Oh no. How had she let this happen?

  Not again. Still, her brain jeered. You never stopped.

  A soft groan escaped from her parted lips as she acknowledged the pitiful truth. She’d tried to move on with her life after their breakup. Had dated guys over these last six years, but none had ever sparked her interest as Dante had. Idiot, idiot, idiot.

  She squared her shoulders and lifted up to her full height. “And what if there is no child?”

  “What if there is?” he countered.

  “We’ll deal with it then. Right now, there’s nothing to worry about. My period is due in a week.”

  “So you’re not going to marry me?”

  Marriage was hard enough when two people loved each other and wanted to be together. He didn’t love her and despite what he said now, eventually he’d grow to resent her. Maybe even hate her, and she couldn’t bear that. Not again. “We should wait and see what happens.”


  He jerked away from her, got back in the car and drove off without another word.

  The sound of the phone ringing woke Sophia from a deep sleep. She sat up in bed and stared around the room. It wasn’t until her eyes landed on the suitcase, made visible in the dark room by the sliver of sunlight peeking through the gap in the blackout curtains, that she remembered where she was. The Plaza Hotel in New York City.


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