Two Hard

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Two Hard Page 71

by Amy Brent

  “We need to talk. Can I come by for a few minutes?”

  She swallowed hard. “Sure I’ll be there.”

  “See you in 30.”

  She slipped the phone back in her pocket, making her way up to her apartment. She took a quick shower, doing her best to stay calm. She knew what Dorian was coming to tell her, and she didn’t want to get upset, not in front of her anyway. She would be understanding, and comforting and she could still be her friend, in time. Everything else, however, would have to stop.

  She paced until she heard the doorbell, she took a deep breath before opening it to see Dorian, who looked exhausted.

  “Hey.” She gave her a half smile

  “Hey, Come in please.” She opened the door, there was no hug or greeting, the waiting was almost agonizing.

  “I came to apologize Leslie; I am so very sorry.”

  “No, Dorian don’t do that. Don’t apologize for anything. It was fun and great while it lasted, I understand what you're feeling and I don’t want you to feel bad. I certainly don’t.”

  Dorian’s face was crestfallen. “Wait, what? I don’t understand. I thought this meant more to you than just fun?” She watched the tears fall down her face.

  Leslie pulled her close. “I don’t understand Dorian, I was trying to make things easier, that’s all.”

  “Easier?” Dorian sniffed loudly. “Then why are you breaking up with me?”

  “Wait a second, I thought you were coming to say goodbye, since Charles...”

  Dorian interrupted her. “Charles? I left him in the capable hands of his girlfriends. Actually.” She paused, giving Leslie a half grin. “I called all three of them so...”

  Leslie couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh wow.” She sighed. “So what are you apologizing for then?”

  “For leaving you here the way I did. I should have never gone that day.” Dorian took her face in hers, kissing her lightly.

  “What are you saying Dorian, because I am in love with you and this whole thing is killing me right now.”

  “I am saying I love you too you silly woman.” She grabbed something out of her purse. “Look, I brought my own toothbrush if you don’t believe me.”

  Leslie smiled. “Come here and kiss me then.”

  Dorian smiled back, and she did just that.



  Chapter one

  Charisma looked at her friend and roommate and couldn’t believe that she was living with a girl that was this open with her sexuality. She was wearing nothing but a pair of jeans with no top. She was hanging one leg over the couch, while the other was spread and showing a dampness that came from an oversexed libido. “I think that you should probably put something on. What if we were to get visitors? I would be embarrassed and I don’t think that I would be able to show myself in public again.”

  Tonya looked up and saw Charisma, as a very repressed young woman that had never experienced life the way that it was supposed to be. “You need to live a little. It’s more than likely that you need to get laid. You have a stick up your ass and I don’t mean in a good way. Get over yourself. I’m comfortable. If you don’t want to see it, then you don’t have to look.” She was a true musician that starved for her art. Her creative genius came from the inspiration of a nubile creature that she couldn’t get off of her mind.

  “I’m perfectly happy the way that I am. I don’t need to get laid. Who says something like that to their roommate? I would think that a little private space might be a good thing.” Charisma saw this purple haired freak, as someone that didn’t know any boundaries. She had no filter and would say anything that was on her mind without worrying about the consequences.

  “I don’t know what your problem is. You are a very beautiful woman. That boy friend of yours doesn’t treat you the way that you should be treated. I think that you’re scared that you are going to do something that is out of character. The day that you finally do something that’s out of your comfort zone is the day that I’m going to applaud.” She got up and stepped up to Charisma. Tonya looked up and down her diminutive 5’3 frame and believed that she could break her will and spirit. “You have everything going for you. You take my breath away every time that I see you sleeping in the nude.” She could see the look of shock on Charisma’s face and decided that she wasn’t going to pull any punches. “I’ve watched you for some time and I’ve been tempted to pin you down and have my way with you.”

  “I can’t believe that you are saying this to me. I don’t need for you to watch me sleep and I think that might be the creepiest thing that I have ever heard in my life. I’m not sure if this is working out anymore and maybe you should move out.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Charisma. You need me and I’m not just talking for the rent. You need me to find the real woman underneath. You can be more than this straight laced blond bitch. You have the kind of body that I would be happy to make my wonderland. I would spend days between your legs, licking that sweet little slit of yours, until you can’t scream anymore. You dress like a fucking nun and you really should try and do something about your attire.” Her naked breasts were pressed up into the C cups of Charisma. Their nipples were actually touching each other.

  “You’re making me very uncomfortable.” She knew that she was trapped in a world that she couldn’t get free of. She felt the heat of this Amazon pressing her up against the wall. She tried to move, but her obvious weight advantage kept her exactly where she was. “I have to get ready for my date with Jack. He sent me a message a little while ago and told me that he wanted to talk to me. I think that he’s going to ask me to marry him.” She swallowed hard and the way that Tonya was licking her lips had her legs to trembling with a need that she never thought was even there before.

  “I would say congratulations, but I wouldn’t mean a damn word of it. You need more than what he can give you and the sooner that you realize that, the sooner that we can stop playing this game. You are sexy as hell and I think that once we get you out of this virginal dress you might see what kind of woman you really are. I suspect the once you get a taste, there’ll be nothing and nobody that can stand in your way of getting more of the same.” She moved slightly to graze her nipples against hers through the fabric of that silly flowery dress and a bra that was standing in Tonya’s way of really making her feel something.

  “I’m trying to be cordial, but you are really making it difficult.” This time, she found a way to duck out from underneath her, only to hear her laugh. “You’re fucking crazy. Pardon my French.” She raced into her room, closing the door and lying back against the frame with her hand up to her beating heart. Her pulse was racing. She began to think of these whirlwind of images that really wasn’t conducive for her catholic upbringing.

  She didn’t even get this feeling from Jack. It had to be that she was coming down with something. She was going to have to nip that in the bud with a remedy that she had gotten from her mother. She was an only child. Her parents sheltered her from the real world. She wanted to be more than just a secretary for a law firm that really didn’t appreciate her real talents. She sometimes felt like a stranger in her own home. All of these things were weighing heavily on her shoulders.

  She soon heard the door slamming shut and knew that Tonya was on her way to another gig. Their band ‘Rock Goddess’ had a cult following. She had heard a couple of their songs. Tonya was the lead singer and her voice was like it was speaking directly to her. The melody that came from her mouth caused her to lie in the dark and wonder about the possibilities. She would never do something like that. She convinced herself that it was dirty and even thinking about it should have her mouth washed out with soap.

  Charisma looked around and she could see that the woman that was living in this room had never gotten out of the past. This was the same bedroom that she had when she was growing up under the strict tutelage of her parents. She was home schooled and never really
had a chance to immerse yourself into friendships that would mold her into the woman that she was supposed to be. She had been taught from an early age that sex was meant for those that had wedding rings on their fingers and a commitment in their heart to the lord.

  Charisma had to admit to herself that she was anxious to get it over with. She had heard horror stories and she was hoping that Jack might be the one that would finally show her what all the fuss was about. They had already done a few things and tasting him on the edge of her tongue was not something that she wanted to do again. She told him that she didn’t want to go all the way, but he was pressuring her to take that next step in their relationship.

  She walked down the hall and saw that Tonya’s door was open. She stopped and took a peek at a woman that had no real organizational skills. Her clothes were everywhere and that discarded pair of soiled panties on the floor at her feet were drawing her to it like a moth to a flame. With her heart in her mouth, she reached down and touched the center. It was warm. She pulled her hand back like somebody had burned her on top of the stove. She stared at the material mesmerized, taking in every little detail of the thrill seeking black see through garment. She imagined it hugging Tonya’s hips and the way that her pussy would be pressed up against it all day long.

  She picked it up and moved it into the light. She brought it down closer, until she could actually smell the scent of the woman. She closed her eyes and reveled in that smell like some kind of aphrodisiac. She was smiling and then she realized that what she was doing was wrong. She threw it out of her hand and it landed on Tonya’s bed. She backed away, thinking that it was disgusting, but inside deep down she was excited beyond words.

  She left the apartment, thinking that a new chapter was about to begin. Life was about changes and this man was about to become her future husband to be.

  Chapter two

  Tonya had come home and had the lipstick of one very sultry redhead on her mouth. She was one of those groupies that had found her after the set was done on stage. They made out like crazy in the bathroom, pulling each other’s hair and moaning into each other’s mouths. She actually stuck her hand down into this woman’s jeans and found her bald and naked mound waiting for the insertion of her finger. She brought the girl off with her crying out in orgasmic glee for everybody to hear.

  She stuck that finger into this girl’s mouth and made her taste the product of her own lust. They probably would have done a whole lot more, but they were interrupted by her irate boyfriend. He actually took a swing at her and got a kick in the nuts for his troubles. The girl came to the guy’s rescue. Tonya knew that things were not going to progress any further than what they had already done. She was to hot to trot and the pickings at this time of night were slim. She had left the club alone.

  Her skin was still tingling from the kiss and her body was supercharged with no available body to take out that pent up sexual frustration on. She went into her room and she saw the black lace panties on her bed. She didn’t think that they were there before and that could only mean that Charisma had touched something very delicate and intimate of hers. It made her smile with evil intentions.

  All of her thoughts settled on the fact that Charisma had handled her panties. She would’ve thought that the girl was only trying to pick up after her, but that was the only thing that seemed out of place. She was going to have to confront her. She was wearing her customary leather pants. The heat of being onstage and that girl turning her on made her into a sexual animal.

  She heard the door slam shut and then saw a blur race by her in the hallway. “I don’t… want to…talk about it.”

  Charisma raced into her room slamming the door and sitting on her bed with her hands up against her face. Jack didn’t want to propose. He wanted to level an ultimatum. He told her that she needed to give it up, or he was going to find somebody that was more than willing. He told her that he didn’t want to hurt her, but he had needs that she had not met.

  She tried to talk her way out of it, but he was determined to get her with her legs spread and her feet in the air in the back of his truck. They argued and then he had done the most unforgivable thing possible. He had ripped one of the straps on that virginal flowery dress. She was appalled and even though he apologized profusely, she still made him take her home. By the time that they arrived back at her apartment, he was livid and decided to throw everything about the relationship back in her face. He eventually told her that he didn’t want to see her again.

  She heard the light knocking on her door and she looked up and realized that Tonya was not more than a couple of feet away from her behind the door. “I don’t want to talk about it. What word didn’t you understand? Leave me alone.” She was being defensive, but she was using Tonya to lash out at. She thought that she would hear her mumble something underneath her breath and then hear the sound of her footsteps receding down the hallway. Instead, the door swung open with the defiance of a woman standing there with her hands on her leather clad hips.

  “I don’t think that you really want me to leave you alone. It’s obvious that something happened and you may as well get it off your chest.” Tonya was looking at the ripped strap and the porcelain smoothness of her shoulder. She was overcome and attacked the girl, until she was pinning her to the mattress of her own bed. She looked down on Charisma, seeing her eyes wide with the wetness of her tears. “Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about.” Her tone caused charisma’s mouth to part in a kind of confusion.

  Taking that as an opening, she stuck her tongue down her throat. Tonya could feel her struggling against her, but she was more than up to the task of giving her something to think about. She squeezed her breasts through the dress, feeling the nipples poking quite noticeably through the material and the bra underneath. The kiss was not as passionate, as Tonya would’ve liked, but it was a good start to breaking down her defenses.

  Tonya pulled away with her teeth nipping at Charisma’s lip and then letting go to see what her reaction was going to be.

  In her outrage, Charisma laid back and tried to slap her across the face. Instead of making contact with her cheek, she was grabbed by the wrist in a menacing fashion. She was a little scared, but she had this feeling that Tonya was not the kind of girl that was going to take no for an answer. She swallowed hard, not knowing what was going to happen. She could feel Tonya’s leather knee up against her crotch underneath her dress. She tried to move away, but Tonya followed her.

  Tonya could hear a slight whimper coming from this meek and mild young woman’s throat. She was getting her to open up and she was anxious to find the wanton whore. “Nobody ever lays a hand on me. I think that you are protesting a little too much. Let me see what you have in your dresser.” She pulled the drawer open and found herself face to face with Charisma’s dirty little secret. Holding her down with one hand, she snatched the white piece of plastic that came to life with a flick of a button. “I didn’t know for sure, but I thought that maybe I had heard something the other night.”

  “I want you to get off of me… I mean it.” Her words would have had more conviction had she not been rubbing her panty clad mound up against Tonya’s knee.

  “You’re saying the words, but I’m not hearing them. I think that what you need is to get off.” Tonya brought down the buzzing contraption and pressed it up against her pussy lips through the fabric of that very plain piece of white cotton.

  “No…not like this…no…yes…god damn it…yes.” She tried to resist the climax that was creeping up on her, but it was an effort in futility. “I don’t want this… I don’t fucking want this… I want it… I want it, so fucking badly that I can taste it…make me cum… Make me cum… YESSSSSS.” Her scream echoed in the enclosed space of her bedroom. Her eyes closed to the pleasures that she was being inflicted with.

  “That’s it, let it all go and then we can start your real lessons. If you think for a second that I’m done with you, then you really don’t know me at all�
�� Tonya watched Charisma writhe and turn in the sheets underneath her. She was moaning incoherently and the words coming out of her mouth made no sense. There were times that Tonya thought that she was trying to find some absolution, but then she became a wild and untamed beast. This is the woman that I’ve been looking for.”

  She moved back on her knees, pulling at her own nipples through her black leather halter top. Her navel was exposed with the piercing inside and that was not the only piercing that she had. The one that she wanted to use most of all was the one stud in her tongue.

  “I can’t…breathe.” Charisma was just coming down from the ultimate high. This was the first time that she had had an orgasm that wasn’t predicated by her own hand. She looked up into the eyes of Tonya and saw that she had her head thrown back and was letting nature take its toll. “I can’t believe that you just did that.”

  Tonya was happy in her own little world, but this girl was taking her away from enjoying the moment. “I’m leaving I think that I have sufficiently made my point. If you want more, then you are the one that’s going to have to ask me to take you underneath my wing. I can make your body tremble to my touch. I can make you explode with my tongue deep inside you. I can make you forget about the stupid man that hurt you.” She got up on shaky legs and walked over to the door. She stumbled out into the hall and that was the second time tonight that somebody had stoked the fire, but didn’t go any further than that.

  Charisma lay there and wondered how it was possible that Tonya was able to show her a different side of herself. She looked down to see that her panties were soaked. She didn’t want to admit that what Tonya did felt amazing. She heard the buzzing and she was tempted to grab that toy. She wanted to make her eyes roll into the back of her head. She had it in her hand, but then she turned it off. She moved to put her feet on the wood floor.


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