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Page 16

by SL

  Jac's orgasm rippled through his cock, squeezing his shaft tight

  within her velvety-softness. The feeling was exquisite. The moon

  fever flowed through his body, hot and unyielding. Sweat beaded his

  brow. He stroked inside her, her sex still squeezing around his

  hardened length with the aftershocks of her climax.

  For a split second, everything around him blurred. Ray gave a low,

  animalistic growl. The sithech-blood boiled in his veins like liquid

  fire then peaked. He gave into his climax with a hard shudder of

  release and then closed his eyes.

  "Oh God, I'm sooo wiped out," he groaned, opening his eyes.

  Jac raised her head from his chest. "Same here, wolf-man." She

  winked. "Tell me, is it always this intense during a full moon?"

  Ray chuckled, shaking his head. "I honestly don't know. It's never

  affected me quite like this. And it's all because of you."

  "Me?" She giggled, rolling off him onto her side and propping up

  on her elbow. "I'm innocent. I was just doing my job, minding my

  own business when, just a few days ago, I met you. Crazy, huh?"

  "So, you're saying being my mate's crazy?" He raised an eyebrow.

  He was half-kidding and half-serious. Ray sat up, reaching over to

  flick on a lamp beside the sofa-mattress. He then glanced over to

  study the expression on her face.

  Jac licked her lips in a nervous gesture. "I honestly don't know,

  Ray. I mean, I'm certainly feeling things for you, too."

  "But, you're not sure, are you?" he asked, softly. He leaned close,

  brushing the stray hairs away from her face with a tender touch. "It's

  okay. I understand. The last few days have been quite strange for


  "Strange? That's an understatement." She laughed, easing the

  tenseness between them. "I feel at times like I've fallen into The

  Twilight Zone, but–"

  Ray's cell phone rang, cutting her off.

  "Damn it," Ray cursed under his breath and slid off the mattress.

  Quickly disposing the condom in a nearby wastebasket, he reached for

  his jeans and unclipped the phone. He glanced down at the lit-up

  screen. Good timing, bro. "It's Bruce," he informed her, then flipped

  open the phone. "Hey, what's up?"

  He contained his emotions, yet paced the floor with brisk strides as

  he listened to Bruce. He was elated with the news that Ernie had

  uncovered a clue to Jac's attacker. "Great! I'll meet you at the diner in

  a few." Snapping the phone shut, he turned to face Jac. Her aura once

  again gave off a nervous-hue.

  "Ernie might have found a clue to the identity of your sithech-

  attacker." He informed her as he grabbed up his clothes and began to

  hastily put them on. "I'm heading over to the diner and meeting up

  with the rest of the pack."

  "Good." She slid off the mattress, reaching for her jeans. "I'm

  coming, too."

  He recalled how she'd appeared at the urgent care center ... teary-

  eyed and trembling. There was no way he would subject her to any

  more danger. Already dressed in his jeans and shirt, he reached out

  and took her hand. "No, Jac, you can't go with me."

  "Why not?" She stubbornly raised her chin and held his gaze. "I

  want to go with you."

  "It could be dangerous, Jac." He sensed the frustration swelling up

  inside her. With a heavy sigh, he wrapped his arms around her waist

  and drew her close. "Please, pixie, try to understand. Tracking down

  a rogue wolf is a very serious business."

  "Let me just come with you," she pleaded. "I promise I won't get in

  the way."

  Ray's gut tightened. He squared his jaw and firmly shook his head.

  "No, you can't go."

  "Aw, Ray!" Her dark eyes flickered with irritation.

  He leaned in, giving her a tender kiss on the lips. "Jac, I just want

  to keep you safe. If anything were to happen to you ... " His voice

  trailed off. He didn't want to dwell on the negative.

  Clearing his throat, he tried again. "Listen, I was beginning to

  doubt I had a mate. I thought I was destined to be just a pack

  guardian ... until I met you. Whether or not you accept it, you are my

  mate. I love you with all my heart, Jacqueline. Please stay here for

  your safety and my sanity, okay?"

  The determination in her eyes melted away. "All right, I'll stay."

  She slowly nodded. Her eyes looked moist, as if she wanted to cry,

  but she didn't. "But, promise me you'll call as soon as you find out


  "I will, pixie." Ray sighed, hugging her to his chest. "I promise."


  A good, hot shower was just what she'd needed. After Ray had left,

  she bolted the doors and headed toward the bathroom. She turned the

  knob until the hot water steamed up the tiny room. Stepping into the

  stall, she let the pelting droplets wash away her uneasiness.

  I still can't believe he won't let me go with him. She let out a

  frustrated sigh and reached for the bar of soap. Yet, his confession

  had surprised her. I love you with all my heart. She'd wanted to cry,

  but had refrained. Jac knew Ray had feelings for her, but his blatant

  confession touched her.

  Until now, all she'd cared about was her writing career. Sure, she'd

  dreamed of a man who would love and cherish her, but she hadn't

  expected to find him ... less alone, the fact that he could change into a


  Jac lathered up then rinsed the soap from her body. Through the

  door, she heard her cell phone ring. "Damn it," she cursed, recalling

  the ignored phone call during their lovemaking. Shutting off the

  water, she exited the shower, wrapping up in a plush towel. By the

  time she reached her phone, it had stopped.

  Depressing the button for her message box, she had two missed

  calls. Both were from Frank Collins, her editor. "Oh, great!" she

  huffed, as she replayed his messages. They were short and simple.

  "Got your email. Give me a call ASAP."

  Scrolling through her phone directory, she pressed the

  preprogrammed number and headed to the kitchen to make some tea.

  Yeah, a strong cup of chamomile will help take the edge off my

  conversation with Frank, she thought with an amused smile.

  He answered on the first ring. She hadn't even said 'hello' as he

  riddled her with questions. "Jac, what the hell's going on? You

  haven't called. I've been worried sick. What's going on? Talk to me."

  "Calm down, Frank. I'm all right. Really," she reassured him.

  "There was just a slight change of plans, that's all."

  "Well, I got your email. Are you still researching the story?"

  "Uh, Frank, I hate to tell you this, but there's no story."

  "What do you mean there's no story?"

  Oh boy! Jac drew a deep breath to steady her nerves. She had to

  tell him ... without losing her job in the process. "There's not a shred

  of evidence that crazy werewolves are running amok in a small town."

  She gave a nervous laugh as she pulled the mug of hot water from the

  microwave and put her teabag in to steep.

  "My contact said – "

  "Your contact's a nutcase. I've done some research and this town's
/>   normal ... perfectly normal." Jac crossed her fingers. With any luck,

  her editor would decide to drop the wolf story.

  "Great!" Frank sighed into her ear. "That's just freakin' great!" She

  could hear the frustration in his voice. "So, what are we supposed to

  do now?"

  "Actually, I did come across something that would make a nice

  human interest story," she smiled into the phone. Jac proceed to tell

  her editor about the small town renovation story. "You know, a small

  town that's getting a facelift, so to speak. I've already spoken to one

  of the contractors. He's willing to be interviewed. That is, if you're

  interested in the story. What do you say?"

  There was a long pause over the receiver. She took a sip of her hot

  tea and waited, hoping her idea would work.

  "Oh, okay. But I'm not happy this werewolf story didn't pan out,"

  he grumbled. "My contact was adamant about strange goings-on in

  Heather Grove."

  "It's like I said before, your contact's a nutcase. I've found no

  evidence whatsoever, so it's a good idea to drop it." Jac hated lying to

  her editor, but she knew it was all for the best. Besides, she owed the

  sithech-pack her loyalty since they'd disclosed their existence to her.

  "Fine," he mumbled. "Have your story to me in a few days and I'll

  send a photographer down next week for pictures of the renovations to

  accompany your story."

  "That's great. Thanks so much, Frank." After saying their

  'goodbyes', Jac depressed the 'off' button. Placing her cell phone back

  into her bag, she picked up the mug and took a big sip.

  Jac exhaled a sigh of relief. "That's one less thing to worry about."

  She felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing Ray and the pack would be

  pleased. A chilly draft brushed down her spine. Dressed in nothing

  but a towel, she was shivered. Crossing the room, she decided to find

  her suitcase and change into warmer clothes.

  Still, she wished Ray would call. She was curious about what Ernie

  had found out about her attacker. However, Ray had been right.

  Despite her momentary stubbornness, she was really glad he'd

  squelched her protests to go with him. And besides, she thought with

  a smile, I have to work on the new story.

  * * * *

  The atmosphere was crackling with sithech-energy as Ray stepped

  into Jewel's Family Diner. The members of his pack had gathered at

  their usual table in the back. Their anxiety was radiating off their

  auras in a rainbow of brilliant colors as they talked among themselves.

  Crossing the diner, he set his sights on Bruce, who was still dressed

  in his police uniform and stood at the head of the table. His longtime

  friend glanced over and smiled. The smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

  "Glad you're here, Ray," he said with a curt nod, then stepped back,

  offering Ray a seat at the head of the table.

  There was no single alpha leader in the local sithech pack. Ray

  immediately sensed their conversation was about him and his kin. His

  stomach clutched with nerves. He drew a sharp breath and focused on


  "So, what's up?" Ray swept a gaze over the faces gathered around

  the table, then stopped at Bruce, seated at his elbow. "Where's

  Ernie?" He raised an eyebrow.

  "He's not here yet. Megan's bringing him over," Bruce eyed him

  wearily. "We won't know anything until they get here."

  "Which should be soon," Derek interjected from the other side of

  the table. "Meg just called from the car. They're on the way."

  Ray sighed, spearing a hand through his hair. "Well, I guess we'll

  have to wait," he grumbled.

  "Hey sugar." A voice came from behind him. Ray turned in his

  seat and flashed a smile at Jasmine, an older African-American

  waitress he'd known for a long time. "What can I get you tonight?"

  "Coffee, black." He winked. He waited until she took a few more

  orders for beverages around the table then headed back toward the

  kitchen before he spoke again. "Does anyone have a clue about what

  Ernie's found out?"

  "Nothing," Bruce grumbled. "But, he sounded like it was

  something important when he called me earlier."

  Derek nodded. "He and Megan have been busy the past few days.

  You'd think they were working on a big jigsaw puzzle," he grinned.

  "Megan's helping?" Ray inquired, angling his head toward his


  "Yeah." Derek shrugged. "She insisted." However, Ray could

  sense he wasn't pleased that Megan was helping Ernie track down the

  rogue sithech – especially since she was pregnant.

  "My sister's got a strong will." He chuckled. "You should've

  known better when you married her."

  "No shit." Derek laughed, rolling his eyes.

  The members of the pack council were predominately male –

  several alphas, including himself, a few betas and even less thetas.

  Megan was the exception to the rule. She was a McShaw and their

  family had long held positions within the tight-knit group.

  Since his brother had an incurable case of wanderlust, Megan had

  volunteered to take an active role in the council. If Ritchie ever came

  back to town to stay and assume his role in the pack, they would

  request she step down.

  Like that's gonna happen any time soon. Ray shook his head as

  Jasmine returned to the table with a tray full of beverages.

  "Here you are, sugar." She placed the hot cup of coffee in front of


  "Where's Mary Lynn tonight?" Bruce asked, taking a sip of his

  cola. "I thought she was working a double today."

  "I dunno." Jasmine shook her head. "That girl's been in a weird

  mood. She took the night off. I guess the moon's gotten under her

  skin lately."

  An eerie sensation rippled down Ray's spine. "What was that?" He

  blinked, gazing up into the older woman's perplexed face. He reached

  for the cell phone at his hip. "Excuse me," he mumbled and stood.

  "I'll be back," he called over his shoulder, heading toward the door in

  brisk, long strides.

  The silvery glow of the moon filled the parking lot. Ray stepped

  outside and flipped open his phone. He depressed a number, holding

  his breath until Ernie answered.

  "Hey Ern, I just got a strange premonition. Please tell me I'm

  wrong," he rambled into the thin receiver as soon as his friend


  "Whoa, man, hang on," Ernie replied. "We're almost there."

  Impatience shot through Ray. "Damn it," he growled. "I need

  answers. Now."

  * * * *

  Jac gave a heavy sigh and sat up straight, stretching her back. She'd

  been hunched over the laptop a little too long, squinting at the screen,

  but she had finished the notes for the renovation story.

  Setting the computer on the coffee table, she rose from the sofa and

  headed to the kitchen for another cup of hot tea. "Damn it. What a

  fine time to misplace my glasses!" she muttered, searching through

  her bag for an aspirin to relieve the headache brought on by eyestrain.

  With no luck, she sighed with frustration. A strange sensation

  prickled over her skin.
She felt empty, alone.

  Jac was getting antsy waiting on Ray to call. He'd been gone over

  an hour and her patience had worn thin. "Okay, enough of this," she

  chided herself, filling her mug with water and placing it in the

  microwave. As she pressed the timer, there was a soft rap on the


  Her heart leapt into her throat. She padded over to the door and

  glanced through the blinds. A lone figure stood on the porch, backlit

  by the moon.

  "Jac?" A woman's voice came from the other side of the door. "It's

  Mary Lynn. I've got your glasses," she said, holding up something in

  her hand.

  Her reading glasses gleamed in the silvery light. "Oh, thank

  goodness." Jac breathed a sigh of relief, unlatching the bolts and

  swung the door open. "Hi, come on in."

  Mary Lynn stepped out of the cold night air. "You were in such a

  hurry to leave, you left them at the diner this afternoon." She handed

  Jac the spectacles with a smile.

  "Uh, yeah." Jac blushed, recalling her and Ray's haste to get back to

  the house. "Thanks for bringing them over."

  Mary Lynn's eyes darted around the room. "So, he's not here, huh?

  I'm surprised he left you alone."

  "He'll be back soon," Jac replied quickly, suddenly uneasy as she

  noticed the blonde was wrapped in a trench coat that covered her

  down to her feet. "I'm really busy, so if you'll–"

  The home phone rang, cutting her off. Excusing herself, Jac

  reached over and picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

  "Jac, listen to me." It was Ray. "I'm on my way. Don't let Mary

  Lynn into the house. Do you understand? The full moon's affecting

  her. She's not quite herself."

  Jac glanced over at the blonde standing in kitchen. Mary Lynn was

  staring at her with a feral grin. A lump of tension knotted in her

  throat. "Ray? I-I..."

  Before she could blink, the woman reached over and ripped the

  phone cord from the wall with startling strength. Jac gasped with

  alarm, her grip tightening around the lone receiver while wall plaster

  crumbled, scattering onto the kitchen tile.

  "You're not getting away from me this time." Mary Lynn's eyes

  flashed with malice. She tugged at her belt letting the trench coat fall

  to the floor. She was naked.

  "What the – ?" Jac blinked, stunned by the crazy woman's actions.

  Pressing herself against the wall, her heart raced in her chest.


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