Rock Her Hard: An Alpha Male Rockstar Romance (Rock Her Series Book 1)

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Rock Her Hard: An Alpha Male Rockstar Romance (Rock Her Series Book 1) Page 13

by Alyson Hale

  Now as I’m rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I can see that she’s gone. She’s not in the wash room; the door is open, and it’s dark. Her suitcase is missing, too.


  Bounding out of bed, I spew curses as I search for my clothes. I knew last night was too easy. She must have made her great escape as soon as she was done using me for her pleasure. We whispered our forever love to each other over and over throughout the night, but I suppose that meant nothing to her. I’m chasing someone who clearly doesn’t realize she’s mine. That doesn’t mean I’m going to stop, but it does make the chase all the more painful.

  I pull on my clothes and sigh, dejected, as I pull the door open. That’s when I look out at the parking lot, and I witness something that makes me chuckle wickedly.

  Kyri’s rat-shit excuse for a car isn’t starting. It’s sputtering, whining helplessly as she’s trying to force it out of the parking lot. I can see her red mane flying about as she curses wildly at the rotten piece of machinery. The car shakes as she tries to force the ignition.

  I adjust the collar of my shirt and strut down the stairs toward her. Time for the rock star in shining armor to save the day.

  When she sees me standing beside her vehicle, she falls against the back of the driver’s seat and rolls the window down, glaring at me.

  “Fuck you. You planned this.”

  Raw laughter rips from my throat.

  “Darling, I don’t know what you could possibly be accusing me of. This car is dead. It’s time to bury the poor fucker.”

  Sighing, she closes her eyes and nods. “Yeah, you’re right. Now I’m the one without a car.”

  I hold out my hand. Kyri opens the door, stands with a long groan, and accepts it. Her eyes are hooded with guilt and shame.

  “Let’s get us a new car,” I say as I move to lead her to the truck. She stands stock-still.


  I feel my hot, focused gaze piercing through the wall she keeps erected between us. “Yes, us. From this point on, you will not be making any major purchases without me present. Same goes for me. We will buy a car together. Don’t even try to fight me unless you have twenty-five thousand dollars stashed away in your suitcase.”

  Reaching around her, I lunge for the suitcase I almost left sitting in her passenger seat. Then I slam her car door shut and lead her to the truck.

  On the way to the nearest car dealership, Kyri is silent. I glance to the side and see her grinding her teeth. Swallowing, I force the question out of my mouth.

  “You’re still angry with me, aren’t you?”

  She keeps her hard gaze on the trees we’re passing on the highway. Turning away from me, she tries to hide a tear as it falls, but I spot it.

  The brakes squeal as I pull off to the side of the road. I hear her breathing pick up speed.

  “God, Jace!” Her face reddens with anger. Finally, she meets my gaze, her eyes sparking with jade fury. “You can’t just slam on your brakes in the middle of a busy highway!”

  Cars whip past us, and the truck wobbles on its axles in response. Ignoring everything around us, I command her attention with my hand on her jaw. The real fear in her eyes softens me until I’m practically a pile of mush at her feet.

  “I’m sorry, love. Really, I am. I didn’t know half the things your father did, or I would never have participated in his scheme. If it makes you feel better, he’s fired, right as of this instant, and I’m giving up everything he promised me. I can’t work with the man another moment without wringing his neck.”

  Her lower lip trembles, nearly breaking me. “Jace, I’m not asking you to fire him. You just need to understand that there’s no future for us.”

  “Why are you the only one who gets to decide that?” I grunt out. Her eyes widen at my tenacity, but I’m like a runaway train that can’t be stopped. “I know what you think: I’m a rock star, I can’t be trusted. I’m going to move on as soon as I’m on the road and break your heart. But I’m sitting here, after chasing you four hundred kilometers down the road, telling you I’m not going anywhere unless you’re with me, and there’s never going to be another woman for me.”

  “How am I supposed to believe that?” She pulls back from me, shaking her head. “You gave me your word you’d never hurt me before, but you were lying to me.”

  “I know I hurt you. I know I broke my word. There’s no taking that back. But I swear on my life, I will never hurt you again.”

  I watch her, feeling like my life is hanging in the balance, as she thinks it over. Her creamy eyelids fan down as another tear slips free.

  “I can’t be with a man who’s going to lie to me…or leave me,” she confesses.

  I tip her chin up, forcing her to look me in the eyes again. When her eyes water up and another tear falls free, I kiss it away. “Then you’d better not be with any other man.”

  She bristles. Watching her tense up whenever I lay my claim on her just makes me even hornier. I give her my signature smirk, snaking my hands around to the back of her head to hold her.

  “Baby, I had nothing else to live for. I thought my life was done when I met you. My achievements were maxed out. I had nothing to chase. Then you gave me a reason to breathe again.” Brushing her hair back from her forehead, I press a kiss to it. “Leave your father out of it, and I’m sure I would have found you some other way. We were meant to find each other. We can leave him out of the rest of our lives if you want. I honestly don’t give a shit about the bastard. All I want is you. Please give me you.”

  There they went…the last fractions of my testicles. They might as well be bouncing around on the floor board of the truck. I’ve been reduced to begging, and apparently the sick minx likes it. A wicked grin takes over Kyri’s face.

  “Now that’s more like it.”

  Grabbing my face in both hands, she smiles as she pulls me into a kiss. I growl as I take possession of her mouth. The punishment she just doled out on me was brilliant, yet brutal. Now, on the side of a busy highway, I’m about to make sure she gets multiple punishments in return.

  Chapter 25


  Three months later

  Jace closes the door behind us, exhaling a contented sigh and keeping his arm around my waist. We drove home in our jointly-owned convertible sports car tonight after visiting The Blarney Stone, which is just down the street from our rental apartment. The band still has the trailers for traveling, but it’s so nice to have a “home” in town now. If I’m lucky and Jace decides to keep me forever, like he promised, I’ll have many homes all around the world for the rest of my life.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, leaning into him.

  “For what?” Jace brushes a kiss across the top of my head.

  “For all you’re giving me.” I tighten my hold around his waist. “I can’t wait to go on tour with you.”

  “Thank you for coming with me. It would be dull and pointless without you.”

  I send him a look of shock and disbelief. “You’re not serious, are you?”

  He shrugs. “It’s just not that exciting for me anymore, but you’re bringing that back.” He runs the backs of his fingers over my cheek. “You’re bringing me back to what I used to be, and I can’t thank you enough for that.”

  Leaning down, Jace captures my lips in a tender kiss, and I surrender to him freely. After that day when he begged my forgiveness on the side of a crowded highway, I no longer try to escape him at the end of our dates. I never will again. In fact, I don’t even worry about him leaving me. Jace continually assures me he already has everything he ever wanted in life, so I’m confident he won’t be leaving me to chase any dreams. The only thing his life ever lacked—which he has assured me of multiple times, sometimes in the throes of passion, sweat, and bed creaking—is me.

  I play with the curls that touch his neck, loving the thought of being his salvation. He told me he’d considered living as a bachelor the rest of his life because he hated the string of mean
ingless one-night stands. He had doomed himself to a life of loneliness and hated every second. I brought vitality and purpose back into his heart and his writing, just like he has always done for me.

  All that is not to say we don’t still have our issues. We’re going to therapy every week; I need help forgiving my dad, not for his sake, but for mine. As soon as we got back to Covington, Jace fired Rick so I wouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable with him on tour. The only time I’ll have to see him is when I go to lunch with Elyza and him around Christmas, like I promised her I would. The only reason I’m going is to protect her, although my therapist thinks it will be good “closure” for me. Jace also needs the therapy because he needs help forgiving himself for the death of his brother. It’s a long road we’re traveling, and we’re only about ten miles in.

  Still, it’s not too early to know what I want, and I want this man. Every day. Every night. Mine. Forever.

  I gasp when Jace scoops me up in his arms like it’s nothing and carts me off to the back of the apartment, where our room is. As soon as we’re inside, he tosses me on the bed. My legs fall open, and he unzips his pants and inserts himself in me, wasting no time.

  “Babe?” I giggle and feel my eyebrows raise in question.

  Jace cocks an eyebrow at me, naughty as always. “You’re all mine tonight, wench.”

  While fucking me and warming me from pussy to knees, Jace pulls my Blarney Stone uniform out from behind his pillow. I squint at it, confused. I haven’t worked there in months because Jace wanted me available for his every beck and call, and I happily agreed. After all, I’m never going to need money again.

  “Wear this.” He doesn’t miss a beat as he tosses me my shirt.

  Grinning, I understand what he’s getting at and pull my dress up and over my head, exchanging it for the sinfully thin piece of fabric he first saw me in. I leave my breasts out on top of the neckline to taunt him. He told me about this fantasy weeks ago, but we haven’t had a chance to act it out yet. Hearing how sexy I was to him on the first night we met boosted my confidence to an all-time high. It’s hard to doubt yourself when the man you know as, without a doubt, the sexiest man alive thinks just as highly of you.

  Jace pinches my nipples until they stand at attention and pulls me up so he can suck them. Biting me, he spikes my pleasure and pulls a primal cry out of my throat.

  “Whine for me, wench. Tell me how much you love this fucking cock. Tell me how much you need me to make you come.”

  I watch as sweat beads on his forehead and his breath starts to come out in snorts. He’s so athletic. I’ll never know how I got so lucky.

  “Make me come, sexy,” I moan, giving him my best come-hither look, the one I know is his weakness. “This cock is so satisfying. I want it deeper.”

  Jace grants me my request, and I feel him all the way at the back of my walls. When his tip rakes across my sweet spot, I shiver with ecstasy.

  “That’s it, you dirty bar wench. Give me your cum.”

  I let him have my climax, gushing all over him. He groans and comes inside me, shooting streams of warm fluid into my innermost sanctum. Cradling me in his arms, he waits until our breathing evens out and presses a deep kiss to my lips, cherishing me. I kiss him back, pouring all my love on him.

  After a long time of falling into my lips, taking me to the seventh layer of heaven with his touch, damning me to the seventh layer of hell with his depravity, and resurrecting me all over again, Jace pulls something else out from behind his pillow. It’s a simple black box with a diamond ring inside. The metal is twisted around the diamond in the shape of a music note.

  Tears spark in my eyes as he holds the ring to my finger.

  “Marry me?” His gaze is adorably pleading.

  All I can do is sob and nod, letting him place the perfect piece of jewelry on me. Believing in love has been hard for me since I was a child. However, with time, I think Jace and I can have a love for the ages. We’ll love so hard, harder than anyone ever has before.

  After a long kiss, Jace pulls back from me, holding me as if I’m made of something far more precious than diamonds.

  “Baby, I don’t know where exactly we’re going to live. It could be London, here, or somewhere neither of us has ever been before. I don’t know what our future holds. I don’t know if I’ll be famous forever, or if my time is up after this next tour and I’m about to become a has-been—”

  “Never gonna happen,” I interject, making his arrogant grin take over his face.

  “All I know is I love you, I believe in us, and this ring…” He brings it up to his lips and looks me in the eyes as he presses a kiss to the diamond. “This means forever. I know life hasn’t treated you well in the past, but I’m going to make damn sure the rest of your life is a fucking fairy tale.”

  I let his strong arms hold me up as I drown in his kiss. Sometimes I still have trouble believing this is all real. I still can’t fathom what I did to deserve this. It must have been something saint-like…

  Even though I fully intend to live out the rest of my life as his dirty, slutty sinner.



  Two years later

  “They’re finally asleep…again.” My beautiful wife breathes a sigh of well-deserved relief as she falls down in the bed beside me. Her wild red curls are strewn all over her face, and her buxom breasts are heaving as she brushes her hair aside. “Who knew toddlers could give you such a workout at one in the morning?”

  “You all right, love?”

  She blows out a long breath, and I feel some of the tension leave her body through the mattress. “Yeah, I guess. Just feeling stressed out and tired. Can’t wait till this whole ‘teething’ disaster is a thing of the past.”

  Letting my arm snake around her, I go right for the kill, kissing the spot behind her ear I know is dangerous.

  “Sounds like you need to relax and let someone else do all the work,” I croon to her. She jerks back from me, and I’m met with her withering glare.

  “Seriously? After everything I just went through? With my leaky tits and everything?”

  I run my fingers down the wild mane framing her face and smile, utterly oblivious and not caring one bit. “Nothing could ever make you any less beautiful to me. Let me make you feel better.”

  She squirms uncomfortably as I feel under her shirt. The ridges in her belly were put there by our fifteen-month-old twin boys. Dealing with those two little monsters, especially as a busy New York Times bestselling romance author, has already worn down her nerves, but I know just how to get her to relax. My desire for her hasn’t dimmed a bit over the past two years. It’s always simmering just beneath the surface, waiting to explode all over her.

  In fact, I’m already fantasizing about seeing her round with my child again. Maybe even another set of twins.

  “What about my stretch marks?” The vulnerability in her gaze nearly breaks my heart. “Surely those aren’t a turn-on for you.”

  My eyebrow arches of its own accord. “Would you call me a pervert if I said they were?”

  “Oh, come on!” She laughs incredulously. “Now you’re just trying to make me feel better.”

  Moving down on her, I pull up her shirt and finger her soft belly, then I kiss every last one of her “tiger stripes,” as she called them when she was pregnant. They’re so light now they’re barely even perceptible. The only time I even notice them is when I run my fingers over them.

  “These marks,” I punctuate my words my running my tongue down the length of one of them, “are proof that my fucking goddess of a wife gave me two gorgeous baby boys that are going to continue my rock empire one day.” I move down to her yoga pants and yank them down, exposing a naked set of puffy pink lips. Even down here, she has become more beautiful. I kiss her wet lips, drawing a hiss out of her clenched teeth. “I want more to love. I want two more baby boys and twice the tiger stripes. Then I’ll have a second full band to manage, and my wife will finally resemble
the feral, red-headed hellcat she really is.”

  She punches me in the shoulder for the “hellcat” comment, then her expression softens. “You’re a crazy motherfucker, Jace Hawthorne.”

  I flash her a shit-eating grin. Her tough exterior doesn’t fool me a bit. I know she’s hiding the kindest, most sensitive soul and a heart of gold deep under there, and it makes me love her even more every day.

  Sinking deep into my memory foam mattress, I relish my wife’s delicious pussy with my lips and tongue. We made the permanent move to London after the last tour and Kyri is, I’m proud to say, the only woman who has ever slept with me in this bedroom. I never let any other women come back to my loft when I was a bachelor. I couldn’t trust them to keep the location a secret. We always either went to their place or a hotel.

  After having her here, after all those years of searching for something and never finding it, I’m glad I kept this place as my private sanctuary. It’s untainted, mine, just like this beautiful sanctum I’m about ready to enter with my cock.

  I sit up on my knees, hold fistfuls of her arse above my legs, and fuck my irresistible wife three times before she’s finally had enough. We end it tangled in each other’s arms—flushed, smiling, and limp from exhaustion.

  “Jace Hawthorne, you really know how to rock me hard,” Kyri pants, brushing her fingers against my rough stubble and smiling like a contented fool.

  “Kyri Hawthorne, before you know it, I’m going to rock you up again.”



  Rock Her Series Books 2-4

  Rock Her Wild – Damien and Alex

  Rock Her Long – Eddie and Elyza

  Rock Her Up – Connor and Ingrid

  ***SNEAK PEEK***



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