Taming The Bride (Brides of Mayfair 2)

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Taming The Bride (Brides of Mayfair 2) Page 17

by Michelle McMaster

  A new group of men strolled into the parlor, and Prudence made a little gasp.

  “What is it, Miss? Ye see somethin’?” Mungo asked.

  Prudence watched the silver-haired man walk grandly through the room, shaking hands and smoking a thick cigar.

  It was the Earl of Harrington.

  Well, she supposed she shouldn’t be surprised. Alfred’s father and those of his station often visited such establishments.

  “What d’ye see, Miss?” Mungo said, again.

  “Just someone who looks familiar, that’s all,” she answered.

  She couldn’t help but wonder if the earl had ever met any of her students here before, like Minnie. But as she watched Lord Harrington take a girl into his arms, she couldn’t rid herself of the strange knot in her gut.

  It was unsettling.

  She watched quietly for awhile. Mungo moved slightly, as he adjusted the weight of her in his hands.

  Out of the blue, he said, “I’ve asked Dolly to marry me.”

  Prudence lost her grip on the ledge and swayed precariously as Mungo fought to keep her up.

  “What?” Prudence asked, shocked.

  “I said, I’ve asked Dolly to be me wife, Miss.”

  “Oh, I heard what you said, Mungo,” she replied. “Put me down.”

  Mungo obeyed, and when she was standing on the ground before him again, he said, “Well, if ye heard me, Miss, why d’ye say, ‘What’?”

  Prudence felt a strange heaviness gripping her heart, like a thick fist squeezing it. “Well, I was simply surprised, that’s all. Are you sure, Mungo?”

  “Sure that I asked her? Yeah….”

  “That’s not what I meant,” she said. “But how…why?”

  He gave a silly grin. “Because we’re in love, miss. And Dolly’s goin’ to ’ave a baby.”

  “A baby?”

  “Yeah,” he said, beaming. “Ain’t that grand? And we want to ’ave lots o’ babies, but just one to start.”

  Prudence was stunned. “Oh my soul, Mungo. I must say, this is quite a shock. You and Dolly and babies?”

  “That’s right,” he replied, proudly. “It’s usually ’ow it works—a man and a woman, in this case me and Dolly, and then—babies! It’s like those mathematical equations ye teach the girls. Only this time, one plus one equals three.”

  Prudence tried to quell the pain in her heart. Everything was happening so fast! Of course she was happy for them, how could she not be? But there was also a terrible fear that they would no longer need her.

  Dolly and Mungo were her family. Now they were to make a family of their own, of which she could never be a part. And though she knew it was horrible of her to think, she realized that underneath it all, she was a little jealous of them.

  A baby.

  A family.

  These were things she had decided to sacrifice for herself, all the things she would never experience with Alfred. And now, Dolly and Mungo were going to explore all of that together.

  They would most likely want to go their own way, now. That thought was like a punch in the gut, and Prudence closed her eyes against it.

  “Are ye alright, Miss?” Mungo asked, looking down at her with concern. “’Ave I upset ye?”

  “No. I’m not upset, Mungo. Truly.” She looked up into the big round face of the ex-pirate whom she had taken off the streets. He had become her loyal protector, and her dear, dear friend.

  Now he was about to make a good husband for another dear friend she had taken off the streets—Dolly.

  Mungo looked at her very seriously, and said, “We’ve been wantin’ to ask ye, Miss, if ye would consider keepin’ us on for a bit. We’ll ’ave another mouth to feed soon, but if ye lowered our wages, it might work out. The baby would be with us in our room, o’ course. We wouldn’t be much trouble to keep on, and I can start lookin’ for another job.”

  Prudence shook her head. “Oh, I don’t think so, Mungo. I cannot agree to that, at all.”

  He looked crestfallen.

  She smiled and shook his arm. “I will not lower your wages one shilling, you buffoon! But I shall increase both of them. With another mouth to feed, you’ll have more expenses, and besides, I would have to find some way of keeping both of you in my employ by offering a competitive wage.”

  Mungo grinned, and hope shone in his eyes. “Ye mean, ye want to keep us? All of us? Even the baby when it comes?”

  “Oh, yes, Mungo, yes!” she said. “I would be honored if you could see to staying. Of course, if you wanted to try your fortunes elsewhere, I could never stand in your way. You and Dolly have both been so wonderful to me. And you’re my dearest, closest friends.”

  She thought she saw his eyes glisten as he pulled her to him for a bone-crushing hug. “Oh, thank ye, Miss. From the both of us, thank ye. Dolly was frettin’ somethin’ awful about how ye’d take the news.”

  He released her gently, and they both wiped tears from their eyes.

  “There was no need to worry,” Prudence said. “I am happy for you both. You’re truly perfect for each other.” Then she laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked, chuckling too.

  “Me!” she replied. “Here I am, busy teaching the girls about science and the importance of observation, and I can’t even see two feet in front of my own face. I had no idea you and Dolly had feelings for each other. That’s how observant I am. Tell me, how long have you and Dolly been courting, then?”

  Mungo looked sheepish. “A few months. It took me some time to bring ’er round. Ye see, I’ve been in love with Dolly since the first day I set eyes on ’er.”

  Prudence gulped. “That’s beautiful, Mungo.”

  “I’m not a religious man, Miss,” he said, “but d’ye ever think, no matter who ye are, or what ye’ve done, maybe the Good Lord has someone in mind fer each and every one of us. It’s like a little bit of heaven, here on earth. I mean, look at me, an old pirate who couldn’t so much as read until a year ago—an’ I get to have Dolly fer me wife. When someone loves ye like that, the way Dolly loves me, well, it changes yer whole world. Ye know what I’m talkin’ about, don’t ye, Miss?”

  She couldn’t lie. “Yes, I do, Mungo.”

  “Like ye said, sometimes a body can’t see two feet in front of their own face,” he said. “’E loves ye, Miss. Whatever else ’appens, be sure of that.”

  Prudence’s heart ached painfully in her breast. All of a sudden, she felt very tired. So much had happened lately, her mind was still trying to come to terms with it all—from Lady Weston’s illness to the attempt on her own life. Now, Mungo and Dolly were in love, and it stirred difficult questions for both her and Alfred.

  Mungo patted her shoulder. “It’ll all work out, Miss. You’ll see—Ol’ Mungo never tells a lie.”

  She smiled up at him and followed him around the side of the townhouse toward the street.

  Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching. Mungo stepped in front of Prudence, and she heard the scrape of his blade as he unsheathed it. Mungo’s training had taught her to remain perfectly still and silent as she waited for him to make his move.

  “It’s alright, it’s me!” a voice whispered.

  “Me, who?” Mungo whispered back.

  Prudence heard a heavy sigh. “Lord Weston, Mungo.”

  Mungo cursed softly, “Oh, Bugger.”

  “Oh, Bloody Hell!” Prudence whispered, panicking. “What do we do?”

  Alfred’s voice rose a notch as he commanded, “You both come out of there at once, that’s what you do! Bloody idiots, the both of you.”

  Mungo reached back and took Prudence’s arm, fairly dragging her toward the street. “We’re both in fer it now, Miss. Thanks a lot!”

  “Oh!” Prudence exclaimed, shocked.

  As they drew closer to the street, Prudence could just make out Alfred’s face in the dim lamplight.

  He looked like he was ready to tear them both limb from limb. “And just what do you two think you’re
doing here, skulking about like thieves?”

  Mungo cleared his throat. “Uh, well….”

  “Do either of you know how much danger you could have been in tonight?”

  “Uh, no, not exactly,” Mungo replied.

  “I don’t know why I’m the least bit surprised,” Alfred continued.

  “Tell the truth,” Mungo said wryly, “I don’t either. I mean, ye know Miss Atwater, sir. When she gets an idea in ’er head, she makes a mule seem docile and obedient.”

  “Mungo!” Prudence whacked his arm.

  Alfred frowned. “Don’t try to blame Mungo. The man works for you. He was obviously following orders. Though I will deal with him later for his role in all of this.”

  Mungo shrugged and nodded. “Ah, well. What can ye do? I’ll take me lumps, as I’ve earned them. Shall we say tomorrow, ’bout ten o’clock, sir?”

  “That will be acceptable, Mungo,” Alfred said with a dark stare. “Now, you may leave. I shall see Miss Atwater home safely.”

  “Excuse me,” Prudence said assertively, “but I believe Mr. Church is in my employ.”

  Mungo turned toward the street and gave a wave as he headed for their carriage.

  “Mungo!” she said, but evidently, she’d been abandoned.

  Alfred approached, and she saw a mixture of anger and heat in his eyes.

  She took a step backwards, bumping into a tree.

  In a moment, Alfred’s body was pressed against her. He pinned her to the tree, his eyes blazing down on her.

  Then his mouth covered hers and he kissed her like a man who was starving—for her mouth, her body, her very soul.

  Alfred growled in the back of his throat as he kissed her, and the sound sent a shiver through her blood.

  Taking her hand, he pulled her along with him toward the darkened, empty street. He ducked down an alleyway, walking quickly as Prudence struggled to keep up with him.

  They ventured down a narrow part of the alley, and found that it led to a dead end. On one side, an old rotten gate stood half-off its hinges in the rough stone wall. Beyond lay an abandoned lot of some sort, which now glowed eerily in the moonlight. Across from it, a crumbling stone arch framed a bricked-up doorway.

  Alfred spun her around and pressed her into the doorway up against the hard brick.

  “Do you have any idea what could have happened out here tonight?” he demanded. “I told you to stay off the streets until we find out who is behind the threats to your life. Why didn’t you obey me, Prudence?”

  “Obey?” Prudence’s jaw clenched as the word assaulted her ears. “May I remind you, sir, that we are not married. I am not required to obey you.”

  “No, you are not,” he said, “not at the moment. But I intend to remedy the situation posthaste.”

  Prudence pushed against the massive wall of his chest. “And how are you going to manage that? Do you intend to take me prisoner, then?”

  “And why not?” he asked, wickedly. “Since you have quite mercilessly taken me prisoner. Bloody hell, of all the women in London, why did I have to pick you to fall so foolishly in love with…?”

  Chapter 21

  At his words, her breath caught in her chest. She wanted to cover her ears, to block out the sound of his voice.

  Because she was a coward.

  She was a coward whose heart was about to betray her.

  He pressed his hard body against hers and brushed his lips against her cheek. His breath was warm in the cool night air.

  “Yes, you heard me,” he said. “I’m in love with you, Prudence. Though it defies all logic and every whit of good sense the Lord gave a man. But somehow, with all your scatterbrained schemes, with all your bravery and wit, and innocent passion, you’ve captured my heart.”

  Her head spun, and she stared helplessly into his dark, impassioned eyes.

  “Marry me, Prudence.” His mouth teased hers softly, and she opened her lips to him, tilting her head back to offer him deeper entry.

  His strong hands cradled her face. “Let me love you as I long to do. I’m haunted by dreams of you crying out with pleasure as you did in my arms that night. I wake up reaching for you, but you aren’t there. And I want you there beside me, Prudence. Every night. Every morning. For the rest of our lives.”

  Prudence couldn’t keep a whimper from escaping her lips as he trailed demanding kisses down her neck. She felt her cape falling from her shoulders, and then her shoulders and breasts were bare and the cool night air teased her hot, tingling skin. She couldn’t think any more, couldn’t fight against her own desire which swept violently through her veins.

  She needed him like this—rough and insistent, ready to fight for her, to break down the walls that stood between them, if only for this one perfect moment. For this moment she was utterly and completely his.

  Prudence kissed him hungrily, grabbing fistfuls of his thick hair as she pulled his head down toward her. She marveled at how easily he could attack her defenses. Alfred could dismantle her carefully constructed battlements with only a kiss.

  This man was like the Black Knight and the White Prince all rolled into one—both destroyer and rescuer, enemy and friend.

  His mouth captured the tip of her breast, and she gasped as hot pleasure ripped through her. He was merciless, sucking hard and flicking his tongue against her naked skin until she felt herself shaking. She struggled for breath, clutching at him feverishly as she felt his hard hands slide up and under her skirt.

  With a rough motion, he hiked her skirt up around her waist. He pressed his palms flat and ran them up her thighs, pushing her back further against the wall. Then he slammed his powerful body against her and covered her mouth with his own as his hand delved between her legs.

  His possessive touch sent bolts of molten heat to her core, threatening to melt her limbs to nothing. She gasped for breath and held onto him tightly as he tortured her with maddening, devilish strokes.

  His fingers slipped inside her and she closed her eyes tight, unable to stop herself from moving to the rhythm he set with the strength of his hand.

  She felt like a puppet, a slave, dancing to his music, unable to think or move of her own free will.

  With deft strokes he brought her to the brink of heaven. When he took his hand away she wanted to cry out, to beg madly for release. She opened her eyes and saw the fire in his as he cupped her bottom and lifted her up.

  Instinctively she wrapped her legs about his waist, and he groaned as he entered her. Prudence wanted to laugh and cry all at once, it felt so good, so right.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he thrust, pinning her against the wall. She felt light, weightless, even, as he held her up effortlessly and drove into her, again and again.

  He slowed the pace, then, kissing her neck, taking his time to fire her with his tongue and mouth. His thrusts were slow but deep, and his tongue penetrated her mouth as his sex did her body. She trembled with need.

  “Not yet, my beauty,” he whispered.

  Her eyes fluttered open. “Please…” The passion he stoked was turning to sweet suffering. Surely, she would go mad before this was over.

  “Say you love me,” he demanded.

  Her eyes opened fully and she stared into his.

  “Say you love me, Prudence. I need to hear you say it now, like this.”

  She kissed him, trying to stop his mouth with her own, but he broke the kiss.

  “You know it’s true,” he said, panting. His eyes held her prisoner as easily as his body did. “Right now, when I’m inside you—this is honesty, Prudence. This is truth. No pretense, just you and me as we really are, as we really feel.”

  He quickened the pace, then, thrusting harder, faster.

  She moaned and turned her head away, unable to withstand the piercing intensity of his gaze. She clutched at his muscular arms and shoulders as he thrust into her.

  “Say it, damn you,” he growled.

  She felt dizzy, if she were on the edge of a stor
m, and the storm would destroy her. There were tears in her eyes, she realized. Hot, helpless tears. It was too much, she would surely die from this sweet torture, and she wanted him to save her, to pick her up and carry her to safety.

  Because he was the only man who could.

  “I love you,” she gasped, and the hot waves crashed over her, and she cried out with pleasure.

  She heard him groan as he drove deep, and she clutched him tight as the sweet violence of his release rocked through her.

  They stayed there for a moment, holding onto each other, their bodies still joined. Only the sounds of the night surrounded them.

  Prudence moved her head so she could look at him. “I feel as though we’re the only two people in the world.”

  He smiled at her, and kissed her nose. “We are. In our little world, Prudence, we are the only ones here. The only ones who can decide our own fate.” He slid out of her, and held her close, pulling the sleeves of her dress up over her shoulders.

  He tipped her chin up so she would meet his eyes. “Marry me, Prudence. If you love me as you say you do, then you must marry me.”

  Prudence’s heart throbbed. For a moment, words escaped her. “I’m sorry, Alfred, but I cannot promise that.”

  He frowned at her. “So you would willingly choose to deny our child a father?”

  “There is no child!” she shot back.

  “No?” He pulled her closer. “We just made love, albeit standing up. If not from before, you could be with child now.”

  She struggled to break away from him, her mind reeling. “Is that why you did this? To try to ensure that I would be with child, to force me to marry you?”

  “No! Of course not,” Alfred said. “I would never engineer such a thing, and you know it. What happened just now was because of our pure, mad lust for each other. And though you’re the most stubborn, pig-headed female I’ve ever known, with the exception of Great-Aunt Withypoll, I do love you.” He circled her in his arms and she felt herself going lax, as if she couldn’t stand up anymore. She fought against the tears but they burned her eyes again.


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