Dianthe Rising

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Dianthe Rising Page 5

by J. B. Miller

  “Warm honey,” whispered Jake.

  “Heather,” murmured Lee.

  “Sunshine,” David intoned.

  “All that is spring," with a grave nod from Randolph. "We have her, Alpha. There are no perfumes or chemicals covering her scent. We got lucky tonight. Do you want us to try to track her?" Randolph asked and I nodded.

  “Yes, see what you can do but I’m not holding out much hope. Canvas the area, and see if we can find anything. You know what to look for, get back with me if you find anything. If not, we will meet in the morning with the rest of the pack. I’m going back toward the pub. That’s where she was heading before the vamp grabbed her, so with any luck I’ll pick something up.”

  With that, we all went our separate ways and the hunt began.



  Vaguely I heard voices but I just didn’t have the energy to lift my head from the desk. I was done in for the night. Honestly, I just didn’t have it in me to care. So I just kind of let the world drift in and out around me.

  Snippets of conversation penetrated the fog that seemed to want to reach up and pull me back down into the oblivion of sleep.

  “How long has she been like this…?”

  “Only a few…”

  “Did she hit…head?”


  “I’ll take…”


  “No, get her home…”

  I cracked an eyelid and mumbled up at them. "I can hear you, but I'm freaking tired, Sean. Be kind and let me sleep.” I didn’t bother to look at them before grumbling. "I didn’t hit my head, I'm knackered."

  That was the last I remembered before it felt like the world had become weightless and I was floating. A deep voice giving soothing reassurance blanketed me and the world just slipped away.



  “Thank you, Rosie for taking care of her until I got here.” Sean looked into the kind eyes of the manageress. “You have my card, so if you hear anything about what happened tonight please give me a ring.”

  “Sure thing, love,” Rosie replied. “Poor dear, she has been through the wringer. I hope you find who did such a number on her, but I won’t be holding my breath. You see what it's like, love. So much goes unpunished.”

  “Yeah,” I said gruffly. “I see it a lot. It’s nice to know there’s a few good people like you left in the world,” I replied while I looked down at the bundle in my arms.

  “Oh hush, and get that sister of yours outta my pub so I can close up and get myself home.”

  After saying good-by to Rosie, I gazed down with fondness while carrying my burden out the door. I walked through the door and made my way toward the Range Rover.

  With the remote key in my hand, I maneuvered Dia up into my arms as I clicked the button to unlock the 4x4. Opening the back door was not so easy. This was not such a pain in my ass to do when she was five. I looked down at the young woman in my arms and saw the angel faced little girl that used to follow me everywhere I went. What happened to that precocious child? I mused.

  It seemed it was yesterday she was leaving milk and honey on her windowsill for the fairies. I could hear her keen little voice rising in anger when I made fun of her silliness.

  “Shaw,” she would shout. Tiny fists on her hips and foot tapping in anger just like mum. She would lisp though her missing teeth.

  “The fawries hafta eat too yeh know.”

  God, I miss that precious little girl at times. I smiled fondly at the memories as I settled my bundle into the back seat. I eased the seatbelt around her and clicked it into place. My favorite Chelsea hoodie supported her head. I wedged it tight between her and the window, so it wouldn’t move. After making her as comfortable as I could, I pulled back and closed the door. I stood back and looked out at the night around me. My copper’s nose was going crazy. It was making me feel like we were not alone, but I couldn’t see anyone to prove that feeling. What I wanted to do was case the area where the bastard attacked her. With a shake of my head, I vetoed that idea. I wouldn’t leave her on her own while I searched for evidence. I went around to the driver’s side before taking one last sweep, then jumped into the car and headed back toward Dia’s flat.



  I walked back to the car park where I had left my bike. My senses swept the area, looking for clues of where she went. A movement near the doors of the pub caught my eyes. I watched as a dark haired male put my mate into the back seat of a black SUV. A smile curved my lips when the wind brought me his scent. Her scent covered him.

  "Gotcha," I whispered to myself.

  I refused to allow anger and jealousy to rise up at the thought of another male touching my soon-to-be mate. With the way he held her, she was dear to him. The only thing that kept me from ripping him to shreds where he stood was one truth. He wasn't looking at her as a lover would. It was time to wait, watch, and learn.

  She was mine—she just didn't know it yet. Lifting my mobile, I took a photo of the plates. I quickly sent the photo with directions of what I wanted done to Matt. By this time tomorrow, I planned to know everything there was to know about my female and the male driving her away from me. With a feral smile, I melted back into the shadows sending texts to my men as I started to plan my next step in the acquisition of my mate. I would follow them to make sure she arrived safely where she was going. Tomorrow, well the hunt would continue.

  Chapter Five


  “Ungghh…” I moaned. My arms stretched out as far as I could make them. I rolled over and threw an arm over my face.

  I lay there with my mind blessedly blank for a moment before I focused on the sun pouring into the window. I swear it was giving the evil little drumming men in my head more power to torture me.

  Why in the hell was the curtain open anyway? Was karma out to get me?

  I swear to God if I survived my first hangover, I would never endure another one. Why? Because I would never let Annie convince me to drink—ever again.

  Another consideration crossed my mind. Note to self, stop making so many promises to God, I had to keep those suckers. I groaned once again at the idea of going to confession.

  I finally screwed up my courage and gave into the incredible urge to pee. I rolled out of bed and fell onto all fours. With a groan, I laid my head against the cool hard wood floor. Man, the floor felt so good. I wondered if it was possible to stay here today. My bladder chose that moment to let me know it was still waiting. No, the bathroom came first. I tried hard not to move my poor abused body any more than necessary. With consternation, I looked across the endless miles of space to my bathroom door.

  I nearly peed myself then and there when instead of a clear path to my destination I saw two large black boots attached to denim covered legs. Blearily, I stared, confused for a moment, before squealing and backtracking as fast as I was able. I only made it a couple of inches before my back came up against the bed.

  Afraid to look up but knowing I had to. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and raised my head. With a squint, I opened one eye to look into the face of my doom. Awww hell, I opened both eyes, reckoning I would have preferred the serial killer I had imagined. My brother stood in front of me with his arms crossed over a muscled chest. Unfortunately for me, he looked to be firmly in full-on cop mode.

  "Crap, crap, and crap," I swore. “Hiya, Sean.” I tried to smile at him but failed miserably as the miniature horrific men in my head took up the hammer swinging once again. Sean glared down at me and began to speak in his best superior than thou voice.

  “Really, Dia, if I were going to kill you, do you think I would make sure you had the time to check me out?”

  Man, you could cut that sarcasm with a knife.

  “Ummm…maybe?” I whined. “You might have been one of those guys who like to play with their victims before doing horrible things to them.”

  “Yeah, let’s talk
about that for a moment.” He scowled down at me. “Want to tell me how you ended up in the situation you did last night? Why, at two a.m., on a Thursday morning I had to come and haul you home. Drunk, battered, and bruised? In fact, do you have any idea how it felt to walk into that pub to see my baby sister filthy and bleeding. Not to mention unconscious?”

  With a sigh, he sat on the floor beside me and reached an arm around to pull me closer.

  “Baby girl, I’ve seen so many young women like you. All of them full of life and innocent to the horrors of this world. I have watched their bodies pulled from the river or found them sliced up and left in a skip. I don’t want that to be you, Dia.

  "I wasn’t happy when you decided to move to London on your own in the first place. However, I said she is a grown woman. She’s sensible and knows how to take care of herself. Where’s that girl, Dia? The responsible sister that I promised mum and dad you were and would grasp how to take care of herself and stay out of trouble.”

  Swallowing hard, I looked up at Sean. It was amazing how he had the ability to make me feel like I was ten again. At that moment, I wanted to break down and cry.

  Damn it, I am not a child, I thought. It’s time to stop acting like the little girl my family obviously believed I was. They will never treat me like the adult I am if I keep giving into them. A deep breath later, I looked at Sean and got ready to tell him that I had to live my own life.

  “I’m sorry, Sean. I honestly did not go out looking for trouble. Annie and I went out for my birthday last night. It was supposed to be a quiet night because it was a weeknight. We managed to get separated.” No way was I going to tell him about Annie abandoning me in the hope that Daniel would take me home.

  “I couldn’t find her so I decided to grab a taxi home.” Again, so not admitting I was really going to grab the tube. He would have a heart attack. “When I left the club, I was attacked around the corner by some druggy. He must have been on drugs because he was talking up some major crazy. Then this other bloke came to my rescue and rushed the guy who had grabbed me. I didn’t stick around but ran to the pub and called you.”

  “Okay, at least you have some sense in that head of yours,” Sean groused. “I’ll call the station in a little while and see if anything was reported. Just to make sure your knight in shining armor wasn’t hurt. Who knows, maybe the bastard who went after you was arrested later on.”

  He changed subjects and came back to me.

  “But really,” he shook his head despairingly. “I assumed you knew better than to go out drinking and then try to find your way home on your own.”

  Exasperated, I threw my hands in the air. “I didn’t realize how tipsy I was. I had one drink. Honestly, Sean, I am not a child.” I proceeded to prove that by crossing my arms over my chest and sticking my bottom lip out in a pout.

  Eyes softening, Sean hugged me tight against him. “Baby sister, I’m not really angry at you. I was just so freaking scared. I don’t believe I’ve ever been more frightened in my life as I was last night.”

  I leaned into his hug before pulling away slightly. I looked him in the eyes and told him tenderly, “Sean, you need to understand. I’m not a little girl anymore. Most women my age are in either a steady relationship or serial daters. If it were not for all my studies, I would have been dating a long time ago. You genuinely are going to need to let go.”

  Sighing heavily, he ran his hands through his thick hair. “I don’t know if I will ever see you as a grown woman. I can still remember the day mum and dad brought you home.” His shoulders slumped as he settled beside me on the floor. “I was so angry at them, you know?”

  “Mum and dad?" I probed. He nodded and carried on.

  “Ten years old and I couldn’t understand why they wanted another kid. I really showed my ass there for a few weeks. I kept thinking, what, we weren't enough for them. They needed to bring in this brat to take our place. Mara was fine with it. I suppose she saw you as a new toy to play with. She had her own personal little dress up doll.

  "Dad sat down with me one night a few days before you came home. He said ‘son, I know you don’t want another baby in the house. Much less, another sister, but you need to understand what is going on. Your mum and I love you very much and you are extremely lucky to have all that you do.’" The remembered pain on Sean's face broke my heart and I scooted closer to him. He pulled me in for a cuddle before continuing.

  "'Dia doesn’t have anyone, Sean. We have this tiny new baby with no one to love or protect her. Her mum gave her away because she couldn’t give her what she needed. She requires someone who will not only love her but will help keep all the darkness away too. I hope you will do that, Sean. Take this poor abandoned little girl, love her, and guard her, as her mum and dad couldn’t.’

  "I didn’t understand what they were going on about until a few days later when they brought you home. Mum sat me on the couch and put this tiny bundle of pink in my arms. As soon as I looked at your sleeping face, I fell in love. Even at ten years old, I understood I would go to hell and back for you. I would slay any dragon that came your way. Nothing would ever harm you as long as there was breath in my body to stop it.”

  “Oh.” My eyes welled up as he finished his story and I looked at my brother with new eyes. “I never realized, Sean," I murmured. “You’ve never said anything like that before...”

  “I never will again, baby girl. I just wanted you to understand why I am such a hard ass when it comes to you. Mara never needed me as you did. She knew what she wanted in life and grabbed it. When she met Mick and they got married, I saw she was settled for life. You were always the wild card. You hold this thirst for life and adventure. Always digging for answers and never considering the consequences.”

  “I do think about them, Sean,” I murmured. “Sometimes the big things are worth the risk.” Hugging him tightly, I rubbed my nose against his shirt. “I love you, Sean. You see that right?”

  “Yeah, Dia. Love you, too, snot and all,” he snorted.

  “Ewwww…okay sorry.” I pulled back. “As much as I loved our heart to heart, I really need to pee now," I squirmed.

  I jumped up and dashed to the toilet, before proceeding to lock myself in for the next several minutes. After doing all that needed done in the bathroom and eating a few paracetamol, I moved back into the other room of my flat.

  “Okay, I’m going to grab some clothes and take a shower, Sean. Hey, not to be creeping out on you or anything, but how was I changed last night? I didn’t go out in jammies.”

  He began to rub the back of his neck, looking more uncomfortable than I had ever seen him. “Yeah, well I kind of changed you.”

  “OH. MY. GOD. You did not.” I was mortified. I didn’t know what reply I’d been expecting. Possibly that he waved a magic wand or something. Even that I had changed myself and didn’t remember. I could not cope with my brother seeing me naked.

  “Hey, don’t worry I didn’t see anything.” He squirmed. “I put the t-shirt over what you were wearing then unzipped that thing you had on and pulled it down. Seriously, Dia, something a guy never wants to see is his sister sans clothes. I might have thrown up a little in my mouth trying to undress you. I almost left you in that thing.”

  After an all over shudder, I held out a pinkie. “Okay, let’s promise to never speak of this again, alright? I may need therapy now…”

  “You and me both,” he muttered. Louder he said, “Deal.”

  He grabbed my pinkie and we tugged three times before releasing our sacred digits. Pinkie swears between siblings are unbreakable.

  Grabbing a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt, I stuffed my underwear underneath it all and made my way back toward the bathroom. “I’ll be out in like ten minutes, then we can talk.”

  “Yeah right,” he said while he pulled his mobile out. “No woman has ever been in and out of a shower in ten minutes.”

  “There’s coffee and food in the kitchen if you want," I told him, ignoring his remark.<
br />
  I left him to his phone and ran into the bathroom so I could jump in the shower. I scrubbed furiously to get the morning after funk off. Not to mention scoured the idea of my big brother putting me to bed out of my mind. Twenty minutes later, I made my way over to the countertop where Sean sat drinking a cup of coffee. He had set toast and juice out for me and had a mug waiting if I wanted something hot.

  “Hey thanks, brother mine.” I grabbed some toast and spread marmalade across one side of it. “So what are the plans for today?”

  “First off,” he said as he put his phone away. “There were no reports of a fight last night where you were, so no arrests or injuries. That’s good and bad. It means we don’t have the bad guy but your hero wasn’t laying stabbed in the street either. I asked a couple of the guys on the beat to go check the alley out for me. We’ll need to wait and see if they find anything. Now, for the fun part,” he grinned boyishly. “I’ve got the day off. I was originally planning on calling you and seeing if you wanted to go out to mum and dad's for lunch. After seeing the state of this place, I imagine you need more help here.”

  I looked around me, gawked at all the unpacked boxes, and groaned. I had forgotten the unpacking. “Yeah, I was going to work on that yesterday, but Annie and I went out instead.”

  “Mmmhmmm...” he murmured as he took a sip.

  “Tell you what, I’ll be a good brother and help you sort this mess out, then we can grab some tea together. I do have something for you but it’s in the car. Remind me and I’ll grab it for you later.”

  My mouth was too full to answer so I nodded my head in agreement. After I swallowed the last bite, I was able to question him.

  “Where are you parked by the way? There’s not any parking outside the flats.”

  The uncouth Neanderthal answered me between bites. “I’m around the corner in the public car park. I got you settled last night then drove around and parked the Beast. Seriously, there better not be any damage to her or I will hurt people.”


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