Dianthe Rising

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Dianthe Rising Page 8

by J. B. Miller

  A muffled laugh came from Robin before he could say more. “Indeed, Kale,” he cut in smoothly. “It’s been ages since I’ve read any of your theories on Lycanthropes. We do have to get together one night and go over our respective research. I am more inclined toward the Celtic myths myself. I have particular interests in the Fae.” Turning toward me, he smiled devilishly. “Did you know, Dianthe, that at one time many believed the lycanthropes were slaves to the Sidhe?”

  “Rubbish,” growled Kale.

  A step back gave me the opportunity to take in the two men. I realized how intimidating they were, as they stood there glaring at one another. Kale was the taller of the two at maybe six-four with black hair cut shoulder length and green forest color eyes. He was ruggedly handsome and strongly built.

  Robin was as good looking, but in a more lithesome way. He was slightly shorter but in no way less masculine. His hair was a mix of browns and reds shot through with golden highlights. His eyes had a silvery hue to them that was more mercurial than cold. I never thought two obviously sexy young men would be historians.

  “It would be wonderful to meet with both of you to discuss your theories,” I quickly interjected. “I will have a review of my diary over the weekend and let you both know when I’m free if you’d like?”

  After writing down my email address on a piece of paper from Mr. Davies’s desk, I held it out to them. Kale and Robin both smiled as I gave them my e-mail.

  Robin bowed over my hand. Kale, not to be outdone, lifted my other hand and flipped it over exposing my wrist. Before he brought it up to his lips, he hovered over the uncovered skin for a moment.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you and until we meet again.” He took a deep breath, before his lips touched my pulse.

  Shivers ran through me as I took a deep breath myself and stepped back. “Well, that’s me off, see you guys later.” I backed out of the door and hurried to my office for a bit of male free air.



  As soon as Dia was out of hearing, I turned on the fucking faery.

  “What the hell are you playing at, Puck?”

  A finely arched brow shot up before he drawled, “What do you mean, wolf?”

  “Surely, it’s obvious. I want the female and I plan to have her,” I snarled. A low growl filled the air as I fought with my wolf. I had to pull him back from going for the Fae’s throat. As much as I would have loved to attack him, I knew I was no match for the puck. “She’s my mate,” I said through clenched teeth. “Even you must obey the rules. A mated female is off limits to all species.”

  “Yes,” he replied drolly. “A mated female is out of bounds. Yet, there is no law stating that she can’t have more than one mate though.”

  “What?” Shock tore through me. The thought of sharing my mate was abhorrent to me. While it was not unheard of as a whole, to a wolf it was sacrilege. I had never met a wolf willing to share, much less an Alpha. Eyes narrowing, I could feel the wolf rising more with each moment.

  “She’s human,” I said. “Why would you be interested in her as more than a diversion?”

  Robin threw his head back and began to laugh letting his glamour fall away.

  He stood before me as Puck. Tall and lithe, he radiated with masculinity. His hair flowed down his back to his waist in waves of crimson, rust, and gold. The Fae’s eyes glowed burning silver and his skin glistened as if the mornings dew rested on it. Those burning orbs turned on me as he stalked closer.

  “If you think she is a human, wolf, you are more of a fool than I thought. It's weak, but she is ripening as we speak. Soon, every species of other will scent her and know her for what she is. Tell me, puppy, if she is your mate, why isn’t she claimed? Why is her beautiful face battered from another’s hand?”

  Clenched teeth repressed the roar as I lunged toward the Fae. “I saved her you fucking Faery, I killed the vampire trying to eat her with my bare hands. That was the night I first saw her.”

  I suppressed my wolf and in a low growl told the Puck what had happened. He took it all in stride, only the tightening around his eyes giving anything away. After I had told him everything, I knew he turned to Davies with retribution in his eyes. In a deadly quiet voice, he issued his commands.

  “Tell me, Liaison of the Courts. Who and what is she and why has she not been brought to our attention?”

  This was no longer the wicked teasing Puck, but the right hand of Oberon.

  Power radiated off him in waves and my wolf cowed in the presence of a more dominant male.

  Swallowing harshly, Davies bowed his head before Puck. “Forgive me, sire. I honestly didn't suspect anything until recently. She is the adopted daughter of human friends of mine. I felt a difference in her two days ago, just before her twentieth birthday. I have known that child since she was weeks old. Until two days ago, I would have sworn she was as human as her adoptive family.”

  Puck raised a hand and flicked his fingers toward Davies. His chair flew back and Davies landed in a heap at Puck's feet.

  “I will accept this answer for now, liaison. However, I want every scrap of information about her in front of me by this time tomorrow. You know how to contact me.”

  When he turned back to me, Puck let his glamour ripple back over him. “Do you see, wolf?” he inquired gently. “I understand she is your mate and destined to stand by your side. But you have to see that she is so much more. I highly doubt we will be her only mates, so I suggest you accustom yourself to the idea.”

  A wicked light filled his eyes.

  “Tell me, Kale—have you ever shared?”

  Chapter Nine

  I really should move. Staring up at the ceiling is not a productive thing to do, but I could not get the energy for forward motion. Lifting an arm, I let it fall back down. Nope, body refusing to cooperate…can’t move…must be lazy…it's Saturday.

  Sighing, I closed my eyes, going over the past week in my mind. Other than the psycho mugger thing, it wasn’t too bad. I couldn’t credit I had met three sexy men, one of which asked for my number and two of which I would be working with. Overall I would call that a win-win situation. Before I began to doze into fantasy with all of my recent eye candy, my new mobile began to ring. I rolled over and groaned.

  Well at least I’ve been forced to move now. I reached out and grabbed it from the cabinet beside my bed.

  ‘Lo?" I yawned into the phone.

  “Hi, is this Dia?” a familiar colossal voice rumbled through the line. Eyes widening, I sat up, smoothing back my hair as if he could see me. I know I’m an idiot for the action but I still did it.

  “Oh, hi, Daniel,” I said casually. “Sorry about that, how are you doing?”

  “I’m good,” he said. “I hope you don’t mind but I got your number from Annie last night and wanted to give you a ring?”

  “Oh no, that’s fine,” I stammered.

  “I’m not interrupting you am I?”

  “No, no I was umm,” I looked around me for inspiration. The dirty laundry on the floor gave met the next random idea. “I was getting ready to do some housework, nothing important.” Trying to sound cool, I carried on, “So what’s up with your giant self?”

  Laughing, he replied, “Well, I was wondering if the miniscule thing that you are, would like to get together with me today and go out.”

  I blushed to my roots thinking, I'm so glad he can’t see me right now, I made myself reply offhandedly, “Sure, that sounds great. What do you have planned?”

  “Well, Annie told me you liked the museum, so I suppose we might check that out first. Afterward, not to appear like a cheap date, how does dinner and a movie sound?”

  “Ohhhh, a traditional man," I purred, "I likey."

  His laughter was so infectious I found myself laughing along with him. “Yeah, that’s me,” he said, "Mr. old-fashioned. But not too old-fashioned."

  With a grin, I twirled my hair like every teenage girl in existence when talking to her crush. �
�Tell me when and where and I’ll be there, Goliath.”

  “Ohhhh, little girl, are we going to do this? You know I can make you blush already. Do you want to take me on?”

  Ahem...I cleared my throat. “So where are we meeting, Daniel?”

  “That’s what I thought,” he said smugly. I could hear that smirk all the way through the line. “How about I pick you up at your place, and we go from there?”

  “Hmmmm…I would not tell a guy where I lived normally. But as Annie has vouched for you and as much as it is putting my life in her hands again, I’ll trust her judgment.” I quickly told him my address and we agreed to meet up in a couple hours. Before hanging up, I called out softly, “Hey, Daniel?”

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Remember, it only took one tiny pebble to bring down the mighty Goliath.” I hung up before he had a chance to reply.

  I dashed though the flat, spot cleaning everything in sight. I tried to make sure it would pass inspection. I had just finished texting Annie to tell her about my date. I don’t even think I had hit send before the phone began to ring.

  “Tell me everything, now,” she demanded.

  “Oh my God, Annie, I already did.”

  “He called, asked me out, and he’s going to be here in like an hour and a half.”

  Her response was rapid fired questions and orders. “What are you wearing? Where are you going? Remember to put on sexy underwear.”

  “Annie, this is your cousin we are talking about,” I gasped.

  “Umm, yeah and my best mate who is twenty and still the big V.”

  “Shut up, I’m not going to have sex with him on our first date.”

  “Ahah!” she yelled in triumph. “So you are planning to have sex with him.”

  “Annie!” I shook my head in exasperation.

  “You never know,” she laughed. “You may fall head over heels in lust and attack my poor innocent cousin. Should I text him a warning about the possibility of molestation?”

  “Shut up,” I told her again. “You are not helping.” It was obviously time to steer this subject off sex. “He’s taking me to the museum. Do not think I don’t realize your handy work involved in that. Next it’s off to dinner and a movie as you probably know.”

  She completely ignored that as she processed the information.

  Hmmm, I could almost hear the cogs turning in her head.

  “So a daytime to evening date,” she mused. She was quiet for a moment, before gushing, "Okay got it. Wear your floaty, black skirt with the mini flowers on it, no tights, the white button up blouse I bought you for Christmas last year, a Cami only underneath it. The black lace boy shorts and those pumps that I left under your bed. That can go from day wear to night wear fine.”

  When she took a breath, I jumped into the conversation. “Ummm, when did you become my personal dresser again?”

  “Duhh,” she deadpans. “When you finally got a date. How’s your bruising by the way?”

  “A lot better,” I looked in the mirror. “I woke up this morning and they were nearly gone. A bit of concealer and no one should notice.”

  “Perfect,” Annie said. “I didn’t tell Daniel about Wednesday night. He’d not take it well.”

  “Yeah, I think we can definitely agree to keep it our little secret.”

  “Excellent, now let’s get back to your first date.”

  “Hey, I’ve dated before.”

  “Nope. Sorry, lovey, going out with Patrick O’Grabby hands does not count. You did that in deference to your sister's meddling, whom by the way is doing her best to marry you off.”

  Really, who needed face time when I could imagine her counting off her points as she made them?

  “It was a blind date she set you up with, which you refused to go on without back up. You spent the whole night trying to get that over privileged creep to keep his hands to himself. Good Catholic boy my arse.”

  I nearly burst out laughing at Annie’s mimicry of my sister Mara's words. “Okay, okay, I will wear the outfit. But I really have to go, I still have to shower and get ready.”

  “You haven’t showered yet?!” You could hear the horror in her voice at the thought. “Why are you talking to me? Go, hurry, you don’t have much time.”

  Before I could remind her that she had called me, she had hung up and I was left standing there staring at my phone.

  With one last glance around, I gave it the Dia stamp of clean enough. I then made the mad rush to have a shower and get ready before Daniel arrived. I had just finished getting dressed and was eyeing myself critically in the mirror. The skirt was fine. It was knee length and floated about me in romantic little swirls of material. The blouse was see-thru with only the camisole underneath to save my modesty. Thankfully, Cami said had a built in bra.

  Before I could worry more about my attire there was a knock at my door. I walked over as calmly as possible, so nervous I felt slightly sick. You can do this, girly, it’s just a casual date. Looking through the peephole all I saw were flowers.

  Oh God, he brought me flowers. I opened the door, and peeked around the chain smiling up into my friendly giant's face.

  “Hiya there, hold on for two seconds,” I said before shutting the door and releasing the chain. A deep breath and I was opening the door back up. I stepped back to let him into the flat.

  He looked only slightly less nervous than I was when he held out the bouquet of flowers to me.

  “I hope you like them. I didn’t ask Annie, this was all me.” He gave me a boyish grin as I took them from him before bringing them to my nose and inhaling their heady fragrance.

  “They’re beautiful. I love lavender and roses, thank you. Let me go put these in some water. Would you like a cuppa before we go?”

  “Yeah, that would be great,” he ducked his head shyly.

  I walked over to my counter and pulled out a vase my mum bought me, from under the sink. “These are really lovely, Daniel, thank you so much. I don’t believe anyone has ever brought me flowers before,” I babbled nervously as I put them in the water. When I turned around I found myself face to chest with my date.

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were behind me,” I faltered as he lifted my face up with his forefinger to stare at me.

  “No problem, sweetheart,” he whispered. “You know, I believe you were right.”

  “What about,” I managed to get out of my suddenly non-functional mouth.

  “It is only going to take a tiny pebble to bring down the mighty Goliath." He leaned down and kissed me for the first time. His arms curled around me and pulled me up into his embrace as his lips slanted across mine. With a gasp, I felt his tongue slip through my lips and wrap around mine. He took control of the kiss as every ounce of reason left my body and I melted into him.

  Oh dear Lord, this is what they were all talking about. I did not know what I had been missing. That was the last thought I had before my brain shut down.

  His hands slid down and cupped my ass, bringing me closer against him. I knew when my legs parted as his thigh slid between them supporting my weight. My arms wrapped about his neck and fingers ran through his short dark hair. Every strand was like a silken caress against my overly sensitive flesh. My hands tightened on his head as I pulled him closer to me, deepening the kiss. He pulled me forward onto his leg so I was riding his thigh. The roughness of his jeans against my panties was the only barrier between us. I felt myself getting damp and all I wanted to do was moan and rub myself harder against him.

  With a shuddering breath, he drew back and looked down at me. “Ah God, Dia, you feel so damn good in my arms. I want to take you to bed right now and love you for the rest of the day.” Shaking his head, he slid me down his body until I stood mostly on my own two feet. Thankfully, his hands were still at my waist steadying me.

  Completely dazed, I looked at him. My lips swelled from his kisses and all I could contemplate was that I wanted more.

  “Sweetheart, don’t stare at me
like that. I am trying to be the gentleman my mum raised me to be. As badly as I want to lay you out for my own personal buffet, I respect you more than that. I swear, Dia, this isn’t a pick up line. I'm more drawn and attracted to you than I have ever been with any woman in my life."

  He ran his hands through his hair as he stepped back slightly from me.

  “Since Wednesday night, all I thought about was seeing you again. I have fantasized so many times about touching you.” Taking another step back from me, he took a deep breath. “Are you all right with this, between us?”

  Unable to find my voice, I nodded my head and took a step forward. I placed a palm across his chest and glanced up at him.

  “Danny,” I whispered shyly. “I feel the same. I…um, have never fallen into bed with anyone. However, I really sense I might with you. There is a spark between us and I’m pretty sure it will turn into a raging inferno if given the chance. You could probably have had me here and now, but you took the step back and I appreciate that. It makes me like and trust you that much more.”

  My lungs drew in a deep breath and I looked at him with wistful eyes. “There’s a lot going on here that I don’t really get. This attraction is huge and fast and I honestly don’t know how to handle it. What do you say we get out of here? Have a fun day out together and see where it goes from there?”

  He nodded his head at me and he smiled wryly. “Yeah, I think that’s a great idea.”

  Daniel took hold of my hand and led me toward the door, pausing so I might grab my coat and bag before we left. We took the underground to the museum and talked about trivial everyday things on the way.

  The museum was full of people as it was every Saturday. There were loads of families with young children. It was loud and exciting, with a few tears and tantrums thrown in for good measure. I loved it. It showed how human we were. That even after centuries of evolution, that as a species, we never really changed. Hand in hand, we walked through the exhibits looking seriously at some and laughing at others.

  Afterwards, he took me to a beautiful little restaurant that served traditional French foods. It was only about a fifteen minute walk from the museum on Kings Street. There were open fires that reflected back at us from the glass ceiling overhead. Bowers of living trees were budding with spring. It honestly took my breath away. The more time I spent with Daniel, the deeper I fell. This day had been the most fun I had experienced in years and the evening…well, I wanted to hope it would only get better. We had several glasses of wine with our meal as we softly spoke and laughed together. Toward the end, when we were finishing dessert, Daniel looked at me and asked,


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