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Page 7

by Lexi Buchanan

  Leaning on the bar, I take a closer look at Ramon. He’s a cute McKenzie, the baby of the family, although he looks nothing like a baby with his overgrown long hair, blue/green eyes and five o’clock shadow.

  “Rosie, you’re staring.”

  “Yes I am. You’re cute,” I blurt out, and watch as Ramon blushes. Grinning, I take hold of the hand he’s just run through his unruly hair, and sobering up, I say, “We’re both in love with someone who has no idea.” I meet his sad eyes. “I’m here if you ever need to talk, and I don’t just mean because I’m in love with your idiot of a brother. Sometimes it’s easier talking to someone you’re not close to. Anyway, the offer stands.”

  Ramon slides his fingers between mine and holds on…and that’s how Ruben catches us.

  “What the fuck is going on? Hunter isn’t enough for you that you have to move on to my brother,” Ruben snarls.

  I try to pull my hand free from Ramon, but he refuses to let go. He winks at me before turning his head toward his brother. “You screwed up. What’s it to you who she chooses to be with? And before you get your shorts in a wad, it isn’t me.” Ramon looks back at me. “I’m comforting a friend and offering her suggestions about how to get a sexy guy like me to take her home for more than sharing his bed.”

  “Fuck, this! Rosie, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at eleven in the morning.” Ruben heads back the way he came, but stops and walks back to us. “Keep your hands off my woman,” he growls to Ramon and makes sure he includes Hunter in his statement.

  Ramon releases my hand and grins like an idiot. “Well, well, well. It looks like my ‘dick’ of a brother wants more than to scratch an itch,” he says after Ruben disappears into the back of the club.

  “He sure does,” Hunter comments sitting beside Ramon. “Are you sure you didn’t misunderstand what he said to you?”

  I shake my head. “How can I misunderstand ‘I don’t want the rest of the staff knowing you’re sleeping with the boss?”

  Ramon slams his whiskey down. “You have a point. It’s entertaining watching my brother chase his tail between his legs.” He looks to Hunter before turning back to me. “You want some advice Rosie? Actually, I’m going to give you some regardless—don’t let him get between those legs of yours until you’ve made him sweat. Keep ‘em shut tomorrow. Let him beg. Because I can tell you, I like the idea of you making my brother beg.” He grins and I can’t help, but laugh at the glee on his face.

  “Don’t you love your brother?”

  “Yeah, I do. But I have to agree he’s being a dick with you, which tells me you mean something to him. More than he’s felt before. Go knock him dead Rosie.”

  “Hmm. We’ll see. He really hurt me last week, but I’d rather change the subject to you. You’re much more interesting.”

  “Rosie, I’m not interesting at all.”

  I stare between Ramon and Hunter for a short while, until I finally get the hint—they want to be left alone. Hmm. I think I’ve worked out Ramon’s sexual preference, but is Hunter the same?

  Chapter 11 ~ Ruben

  I’m like a fuckin’ girl is the first thought that runs through my head when I look at my bed having finally decided on my favorite pair of soft, pale blue jeans and a long sleeved tee shirt in a darker shade of blue. The first items I actually took from my closet, which is now half empty.

  I shake my head at how stupid I’m being all because I have a date with Rosie. It doesn’t stop me from spraying some of my favorite cologne, or looking in the mirror to make sure my hair isn’t sticking up all over the place.

  She has me tied in knots. The other week when she’d caressed Hunter’s back I’d felt like killing the fucker and came close to ripping my brother’s hand off last night. I’m not the jealous type—at least I never thought I was, until Rosie.

  With a stomach full of nerves, I grab my phone and dial Sebastian. This call isn’t going to go down so well, in fact, I bet Sebastian will kill himself laughing at my expense. Hopefully Carla will be the one to answer.



  “Carla, I need your help. I’m, um, taking Rosie out today and I’m not sure where to take her. In the evening I’d have been okay, but I told her I’d pick her up at eleven. Help.”

  She chuckles. “Ruben, calm down. Rosie isn’t high maintenance. It’s a glorious day out today so why don’t you take her up into the mountains and take a picnic. She loves nature so it will sure be a hit.”

  “Okay, I can handle that.” I continue to pace wondering where I’m supposed to get a picnic from at such short notice. “Where—”

  Carla interrupts me. “One minute Ruben, your brother is being his nosy self.”

  I listen to Carla telling Sebastian to go and do something else while she finishes talking to me. He’s probably more interested in the fact that I’m going on a date than anything else.

  “Carla, it’s cool. I’m good. Thanks for the help.”

  “Stay calm Ruben, and it will all work out fine. Just go and have fun with your girl.”

  Hanging up from Carla, I grab my keys and wallet and slipping my phone into my back pocket, I head out with plans to stop at the delicatessen and hopefully the girl there will know what to sell me for a picnic.

  Climbing into my SUV, I drive the three blocks to the woman who is going to save my date wondering how I don’t have a clue about a picnic at my age.

  Probably because I haven’t been on a picnic since I was a kid, and that had been with my parents and brothers—down by the river on my family’s property. We had some fun jumping in to the river with Mom shouting at us to not drown each other.

  Grinning at the memory, I push into the store and sigh in relief when I spot Lorraine at the counter.

  “Ruben, what a nice surprise. What can I get you?” Lorraine asks, coming around the counter to hug me.

  Lorraine has worked here as long as I can remember, and has always had a smile for my brothers and me.

  Releasing her from my arms, I grin, and admit, “I’m, um, taking someone for a picnic, and I’ve no clue what I’m supposed to take with me. I’m ashamed to say I’ve never done this before, at least not one I’ve arranged myself.”

  Lorraine chuckles. “That must mean she’s someone special.” She has a gleam in her eye, waiting for me to agree, but I stay silent. “Ruben McKenzie, I do believe love is in the air.”

  My face starts to heat as I look anywhere, but at Lorraine. “Maybe,” I mumble.

  Rolling her eyes, Lorraine asks, “Well, let’s get this picnic sorted out. I’m presuming it’s going to be just the two of you?”

  I nod.

  “Okay. Take a seat over there while I make you a coffee, and then I’ll get your picnic together.”

  “Thanks Lorraine. You’re a lifesaver.”

  Taking a seat, I drink the coffee Lorraine sent over with one of the other staff, who with her ‘sunny disposition’ looks as though she wishes to be elsewhere. It’s, as well Lorraine hasn’t seen her serve me with attitude otherwise, knowing Lorraine, the girl would be gone.

  Shaking my head, I turn to stare out of the window wondering whether or not Rosie will be happy to see me. I’d caught her off guard last night when I’d told her I’d pick her up today for the picnic. There was no way I could sit back and watch her with my brother and Hunter without staking my claim. I figured a date was much better, and cleaner, than pissing on her leg. I chuckle with that thought.

  “Daydreaming?” Lorraine asks.

  I turn to look at her—my eyes open wide in shock when I see the huge hamper sitting on the sofa beside me. “You leave anything in the store?”

  She swats me on the shoulder. “Don’t be silly. You need to go and show your girl how special she is…and Ruben,” she waits until I meet her eyes before continuing, “don’t screw it up.”

  “That’s the last thing I want.”

  “I know, honey. Now go get your girl.”

  Pushing away from the table, I say,
“Thank you,” as I hand her some money, which I end up shoving into her pocket when I hug her again, because she refuses to take it. “I’ll be offended if you give it back to me.” I quickly kiss her on the forehead before heading out the door back to my SUV to go get Rosie.

  Storing the hamper in the trunk, I’m back behind the wheel and heading to Rosie’s apartment building. As her employer, I didn’t need to ask for her address because I have it on hand on the secured staff program on my laptop. I’ve also known it for a while and driven past on more than one occasion, but I’d been unable to work up the courage to go and drop in on her. I might keep that bit of information to myself though. I don’t want her thinking I’ve been stalking her—I haven’t been stalking—have I? Whatever. I know I’m not a sick idiot. She’s been mine since the moment she stepped foot in Kenza for her interview with Simon.

  I’d asked him to do the interviews so I could be elsewhere, but the minute my eyes had met hers…I was lost. I’ve buried the emotions for so long and tried to get rid of them with other women, but my heart always beats frantically in my chest when I’m around her. And after having her under me, and knowing what it’s like to be inside her—I want more—a lot more.

  My feelings for her are kind of screwed up as well because part of me knows she’s sweet and innocent, although she didn’t act really sweet and innocent when she was wrapped around me. But would she be willing to play?

  Too late to start thinking about this now because not only do I have an erection bursting to get free, but I’ve pulled up outside the diner she lives above.

  I look it over trying to get my mind from my aroused body part.

  The diner reminds me of the diners that sprung up all over the states in the fifties and sixties, and looks well cared for. The chrome outside, and from what I can see inside, is spotless and shining bright where the sun hits it. The pale pink and blue colors blend well…


  Shit! I’m losing it. Lost in thought again.

  Rosie climbs in with a frown on her face. “If you don’t want to do this, just say. I’d hate to force my company on anyone.”

  Fuck, this is starting well.

  I turn in my seat to look at her. “I want to take you on this picnic, okay? I was just having a good look at the diner and admiring the chrome and the colors, and how they blend together.”

  She starts to laugh. “You want to go in and meet everyone? I can introduce you if you’d rather eat here.”

  What is she talking about? “No way. I’m not sharing you. Besides, I have a hamper full of food in the trunk.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, I do. So fasten your seatbelt and we’ll go up into the mountains to one of my favorite spots. There’s a stream and from there we’ll be able to eat with an amazing view of the valley below.”

  “Mmm. That sounds wonderful.”

  I quickly glance at Rosie who is snuggled into the seat before moving my eyes back to the road.

  Chapter 12 ~ Rosie

  Watching the beautiful landscape of Lexington as we drive by gives me time to think. Both Ruben and I have been avoiding each other since I slept with him. He makes my body react in ways it hasn’t reacted before and it frightens me. It also makes me think I’m heading for heartbreak with him. He’s not the settling down kind of guy. Even if Simon hasn’t pointed that out a few more times than necessary, I’d have known. But for some reason, Ruben has taken a liking to me and gets jealous whenever someone else shows interest, which tells me this thing between us means more to him.

  The silence of the engine finally registers with me and I turn toward Ruben, who is grinning at me. “Stay,” he says before jumping out of the SUV.

  Opening my door, he holds his hand out. Placing mine in his, he pulls me out of the car and without letting go, he kisses me on the knuckles.

  “Let me grab the picnic hamper and blanket.” He walks to the back of the SUV and pulls out a large hamper. The thought of what food he has in there makes my stomach grumble. I was so nervous this morning thinking about seeing Ruben today that I couldn’t eat breakfast. All I did manage was my morning coffee—this I needed to wake up otherwise I’d be ‘a bitch’ all day. Anne’s words not mine. My words would be ‘sweet as an angel.’

  Coming out of my dreams about bitches and angels, I watch as Ruben struggles to hold on to everything. I step forward and grab the blanket. “Here, let me help.”

  “Thanks.” He releases the blanket and locks up his SUV before taking my hand again and leading me through some trees that have grown in the shape of a shelter, like a tunnel, which we walk straight through. At the other side, my breath catches. It’s like something you’d expect to see in a movie, but not with your own eyes. The view is breathtaking.

  There is a small stream practically in front of our feet that from this position looks to wind down the mountain to the right like a snake. And the view is just as Ruben described it—you can see for miles. This is the kind of place I could quite easily sit forever and never move.

  Ruben squeezes my hand and with a slight tug gets me moving again to a shaded spot. He places the picnic hamper down to the side and releasing my hand, he holds his hand out. “Give me one end of the blanket, babe. Let’s get this picnic started.”

  I do as he asks, wanting to listen to his voice all day. It’s dark and husky—when he’s aroused it goes deeper like melted chocolate.


  Sitting down, I watch Ruben fish around in the hamper, smiling—he’s happy—happy to be here with me.

  I nibble on my lip, and ask, “You planning on sharing?”

  He stops and looks sheepish. “Sorry. Do you know Lorraine at the Deli?” he asks while starting to unload the hamper with tubs upon tubs of food.

  Just how many is he planning on feeding?

  “I know Lorraine, she makes the most amazing cinnamon buns.” I kneel forward and remove some lids as my stomach grumbles, but my eyes have trouble deciding what to look at—the food on the picnic blanket or Ruben as his thigh muscles flex with his movement. And then he looks at me and grins…

  God, my heart thumps in my chest with the uncensored look he gives me. Without thought, I lean over the food, grab a handful of his tee shirt and pulling him toward me, I kiss him—not a passion filled, open mouth kiss, but a tender kiss.

  My heart is so filled with love for this man. Will my feelings ever be returned?

  Sighing, I pull away from a shocked Ruben and pretend to ignore him while I continue removing lids. But I can’t hold back a squeal—making Ruben jump—when I spot the cinnamon buns.

  “I take it you want dessert first?”

  “Mmm,” I mumble, licking my lips as I retrieve a cinnamon bun, and taking my first bite, I close my eyes and sigh in pleasure as I savor the spicy sweetness.

  “Fuck,” Ruben cusses under his breath.

  My eyes pop open and meet his lust filled gaze. When I start to lick the sugar from my lips, he inhales and closes his eyes. “Rosie, you are really trying my patience.” His eyes pop open, and my heart starts a frantic beat. “I want you, but doing things like that,” he waves his arms around, “sends all my good intentions out the window. We need to talk and I want to spend today with you to get to know you better…so please, please behave.”

  Nodding, I take another bite of the sticky bun, and then grin at Ruben who shoves a chicken leg into his mouth, which he ravishes. The grease from the food is coating his lips as I stare with longing, surely noticeable on my face. But before he can comment, I turn my gaze to the valley below and try to ignore him while finishing my bun.

  He’s hard to ignore and his scent travels, making me tingle from top to toe. I wish I knew what he wants with me then this whole thing of us going out on a picnic or ‘date’ wouldn’t have me feeling out of my depth. I’d know where I stand.

  This past week when Hunter has been in the club I’d wished I reacted like this with him, although he’s probably just the same as Ruben w
ith his love ‘em and leave ‘em philosophy.

  I’m also having trouble getting past the words Ruben spoke to me after he’d rocked my world. They hurt—a lot.

  I’ve calmed down some and I’ve been wondering ever since about what he would have said had I stopped when he’d shouted to me. At the time, though, I was so close to tears that I hadn’t wanted him to see how much his words affected me. He’s a guy though, so I guess I should have made allowances, but after the amazing sex I didn’t think he deserved any.

  “Talk to me, Rosie,” Ruben asks, breaking into my thoughts. “You’ve been scowling at the sticky bun for about five minutes.”

  “Have I? Hmm.” I have no idea what he wants me to say because I’m sure not bursting out with my actual thoughts is such a good idea. “What do you want to talk about?” I ask realizing the playfulness of ten minutes ago has disappeared with me getting lost in my thoughts.

  Ruben sighs, which drags my eyes back to him. “I don’t apologize—ever,” he smirks, “but I owe you one.”

  He scoots over to me and kneeling against my hip, he takes my hands into his bringing them up to his lips. Ruben pinches the last piece of bun with his teeth and with his eyes alight with humor; starts to lick my fingers clean of the sugary confectionary.

  The heat from his mouth lands straight between my legs and it takes a lot to stay still and not squirm around to ease the ache he’s creating—the heat he knows damn well he’s creating.

  Chapter 13 ~ Ruben

  Licking Rosie’s fingers is a really bad idea, and I’m not sure what I planned on accomplishing by doing this because I’ve given myself an erection, which is going to be noticeable if Rosie glances at my lap. But my eyes dance when I see the look on her face. She wants me just as much and I bet she’s forcing herself to stay put.

  I don’t think she realizes that when she’s aroused the color of her eyes darken and a delightful flush covers her cheekbones. She’s beautiful.

  Apologizing isn’t something I do, so I hadn’t lied there and I do need to apologize and…and do what I’m not sure.


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