Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

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Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn) Page 5

by Daniel Harris

  “Nobility doesn’t pay, my Lord.” he said and you could feel the hostility in his tone.

  “Thank you kind sir but this ‘noble’ was a man first and this man pays his debts.” I laid a silver coin on the counter, took the bread, and turned to the door.

  “Forgive me my Lord. Please let me get your change.” The baker called.

  I turned around; looked him in the eye and said, “Keep it for the next ‘noble’ that comes into your shop.”

  The baker called after me as I opened the door, “Have a safe trip my Lord and be careful out there.”

  An hour later, the three girls and I were loaded into the carriage. I could think of many less comfortable places to be, but I still have not found out how long this trip is going to be. Just before we started moving, there was a knock on the carriage door. I opened it and Cador was standing there looking sheepish. He had gotten the nerve to knock but didn't quite have the nerve to talk! That didn't matter to Chloe who reached through the open door and dragged him bodily inside. By the time his face had lost some of the red color from his blushing I was completely out of breath from my laughing! We situated ourselves in the seats with Chloe and Cador on one side and me in the middle between Isabel and Alba. Soon we rode out of the castle through the guardhouse gate and down to the road that followed the river. There we turned east. Shortly after we were on the straight road, I stuck my head out of the carriage to see in front and behind us. I was stunned! Not only had we brought this carriage and the wagon with all girls’ things, we had an escort of 20 armed horsemen! We were surrounded by them!

  I sat down and asked if anyone knew why we had such a large escort. Cador suggested it was because someone had seen an Orc nearby within the last 3 or 4 days. I asked why we would need 20-armed men if there was only one Orc spotted. Everyone in the carriage looked at me as if I was an idiot. Cador said that a single Orc could easily, and had been known to, take out a dozen men armed to the teeth and walk away looking for more. This information made me feel quite ill for some reason, and happy to be alive!

  The morning passed quickly with just small talk inside the roomy carriage. There was not much real information being passed, just a run-down on which kingdom girl had an eye for which kingdom boy. Just the type of thing you would expect to hear from young girls, as Chloe and Alba kept up a constant chatter. By the time we stopped for lunch, I’d had my fill of the soap opera of Castle Rosenwood.

  Shortly after noon, our troop pulled off the south side of the road into a meadow that stretched down to the river. A few servants that were riding the wagon spread blankets on the ground and started preparing food picnic style. We ate quickly and Isabel and I walked to where the Captain of the Guard was sitting with his men. At our approach, they all jumped to their feet and bowed. I told them to sit and make themselves comfortable. They had been riding for quite some time and didn't need to be jumping up just because I had a question! All the men relaxed, visibly happy to know they were not traveling with a stuffy noble that demanded formability at all times. I had to know, because I am a man, how long our trip was going to be. Not knowing was making me a bit crazy. We were told that in about another two days we would be crossing the border from Brenhinoedd into Beryglus Gwyllt Province. The Captain informed me after we crossed the border he would prefer it if we all stayed close to the carriage on stops and not wander, but for now we were free to take a walk if we chose.

  We left the men to their lunch and walked down to the river. I didn't understand the part about danger after we crossed the border so I asked Isabel.

  “What is it about this place we’re going to that has everyone so nervous?” I asked.

  Looking a bit fearful herself she answered, “Beryglus Gwyllt Province is mostly untamed! Large groups of Orcs control the southern woods and there have been reports of trolls and other creatures. It is rumored that the last Lord of Valeview Castle was lost to a mountain troll.” She looked at me apologetically, “I fear my father did you no real favor.”

  I smiled at her and said softly, “I disagree, My Lady. He did me one great kindness!” I took her hand and kissed it enjoying the blush that spread across her cheeks.

  It was then that I made a decision. It shocked me how quickly it popped into my head and how sure I was that I was going to act on it. “Isa, there is something that I want to show you but I don’t want to frighten you.”

  “David,” she said, “I know that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me and that there is no reason to be afraid of anything you may show me!”

  I walked away from her about 10 feet and picked up a fist sized stone. I looked back to where our party was sitting and made sure they were distracted and to far away to see what were doing. I stood there facing Isa and tossed the rock into the air and caught it. She cocked her head to the side and looked at me curiously. My chest tingled and as the rock made its next decent to my hand I cast telekinesis and stopped it at chest level. I held it there, just floating and Isa gasped!

  “How are you doing that?” she asked more calmly than I would have expected.

  “It’s just one of the things I’ve learned to do recently.” I answered honestly.

  I focused on the floating rock and moved it toward her. To her credit, instead of running away, she held out her hand and I placed the rock in it, releasing my grip.

  I walked back over to her and instead of the fear that I was afraid I would have to deal with, there was excitement! She wanted to know if anyone could learn that and if I would be able to teach her. I explained that I didn’t know the answer to either of those questions but I would try to teach her when we got to our new home. She didn’t want to wait but I explained that I didn't want to run the risk of everyone finding out the things I could do just now. She grudgingly agreed that it might be for the best. I told her that what I had shown her was one of the more simple things I knew and, by far, one of the tamest. She wanted to see something more powerful but I talked her out of it. As tense as the guards were anyway a lightning bolt into the trees right now might cause a rash of heart attacks! I told her that I would show her everything when we were alone at home.

  We packed up and started back on our journey. Isa was looking at me with a new adoration and holding my right hand as though, if she let go, I would disappear. Alba glared for a bit and then took my left hand in her own and smiled sweetly. I loved the way that Isabel rolled her eyes when her baby sister was attempting to be flirtatious. After last night, I believed that Isa knew that my heart belonged to her.

  Time moved on, as time tends to do, and small talk melted in naps. We stopped at dusk and camp was set up. Supper was served and we were shown to our tents. There were three tents set up in the area we were directed to. Isa and I would be in the middle tent with Chloe and Alba sharing the tent to our right and Cador in the one to our left. Chloe was not exactly thrilled by the arrangement but Isabel took her aside and explained how propriety must be observed, even in the wilderness. Everyone retired early and for the first time sleeping outside in this place, I had no trouble keeping warm.

  The next morning before dawn, we ate and packed up. We climbed back into the wheeled box to continue our journey. We all stared out the windows at the world going by and wished we were at the trips end. A quick stop for lunch and back on the road again. Dusk approached and we once again stopped for the night. The tents were set up and almost everything is the same. I noticed that a heavier guard is posted than we had the night before so I looked for the Captain.

  I found him giving direction to a couple of men so I waited until they left and I approached. I asked if he was expecting trouble. He informed me that we were now starting to get closer to the border of Beryglus Gwyllt province and that he just felt better about having more guards in place. I knew it was his job to keep us safe and I felt better that he was doing it so enthusiastically. I asked if there had been any word that might make him think that we were headed for danger. I explain that if I was taking my new bride and her two young
er sisters into a known situation, I would rather they were taken back and brought when the roads were secured. He nodded, understanding completely. He said that there had not been any reports of happenings but news didn't come often from Gwyllt and he was just being cautious. I thanked him whole-heartedly and returned to my tent.

  The night passed with out incident and we started early the next morning. There was another stop for lunch and we were off again. About three hours after our lunch stop, we passed a road that turned off to the north and a road sign that announced we were now entering the Beryglus Gwyllt province. The tension level around the carriage rose and the guard closed more tightly around the travelers. I began to wonder if I had actually done Chloe and Alba any favors by suggesting that they come with us on this trip. I had heard that this province was near the middle of the kingdom and didn't understand how it could be as wild as it seemed. By the actions of everyone, it must be a very rough and tumble place! I had a picture of a covered wagon riding alone into the very heart of Indian country flash through my mind.

  For all the hype that this place had gotten I expected to see hordes of evil creatures and dragons and demons attacking from the second we crossed the border but in reality, there was nothing but more trees. The road continued east until just before dark when it started curving toward the northeast. There we stopped for the night. The guard from the night before was nothing compared to how they set up this night. I don't know if anyone got any sleep, except for Isa and I. We knew a very good way to fight tension and to unwind. Sleep was not a problem.

  We were up again before dawn and the Captain informed me that, barring problems, we should be at Castle Valeview by dusk. That was happy news for everyone. Those of us in the carriage were tired of being cooped up and the guard was tired of the stress.

  Shortly before noon, I signaled the Captain from the window of the carriage. He rode along side while I asked him if it would be possible to forgo our usual lunch stop. Food could be passed out while we traveled and save an hour or two. He beamed at my suggestion and passed the word to the servants’ wagon. The servants got busy making cold lunches that a rider would take to the carriage and to the other horsemen of our little troop.

  Hours later as we napped in the carriage, someone near the front of group yelled back, “Castle Valeview HO!” I almost squished people trying to get my head out of the closest window so I could see my new home.

  Chapter Ten

  This place was intimidating! The walls were tall and thick with towers every 30 yards along them. It sat on the south side of the road and had a cliff to its back. Beyond it, you could see the river. The keep was set at the very edge of the cliff. As we rode closer, we could tell that the main gate was guarded by both a heavy drawbridge and a heavy iron portcullis. Just inside the main wall was a smaller wall. It had heavy double doors that could be shut in the unlikely event that some army breached the main wall.

  It was easy to tell that we were expected because the walls were lined with people and the courtyard was packed. Isa told me her mother had dispatched a rider shortly after deciding to let the other girls go. I’d had enough of crowds over the last week so I asked the driver to try to get us as close to the keep as possible. I hoped to unload and get inside without being mobbed by curious onlookers. We pulled through the guards gate and then through the secondary gate and turned to the left on a road that led in a circle around the entire inner courtyard. We drove around the huge crowd that was gathered in the courtyard and pulled up to the front steps of the keep. The left hand doors of the carriage were opened and Cador and I started helping the ladies disembark. We jumped down ourselves and started up the steps toward a small group that had gathered to meet us.

  We stopped at the top of the stairs, I felt that, since the people had turned out to see us, we should at least say ‘hi’. I raised my hand high above my head and I waved to the crowd. Following my lead, everyone else in my group raised their hands and waved. Even Cador made a half-hearted waving gesture. The crowd roared its approval and I was sure I had made the right call.

  We turned back to the small group that was waiting and it was my turn to be shocked. The man who took the lead and came forward to greet us was the same scribe from the tournament! He bowed and said, “Welcome to Valeview my Lord. My name is Pariset. I trust you had a good journey.”

  Still in shock I answered, “I was a very long trip but thankfully uneventful. Pardon me, but who exactly are you?” I questioned laughingly.

  He laughed, “I am the scribe, accountant, advisor, and anything else that needs done for Valeview. I have basically been trying to keep the place running since the death of our former Lord.”

  I smiled, “Since you have been doing the job for such a long time now, would you mind me imposing on you a bit more, to continue while my party and I rest up for awhile?”

  He bowed and said, “My Lord, I would be honored. Please take as long as you need to settle in. When you are ready to have me step down just let me know.”

  “Please sir,” I responded, “I don’t believe that I’ll be asking you to step down but perhaps to the side. I’ll need a lot of assistance in learning what is required to do the job that has been given to me.”

  “As you wish my Lord!” he exclaimed pleased. He then saw Cador in the group with us, and gave me a questioning look. “Who is the young man in your party my Lord?”

  I explained that Cador is a woodworker and my friend also. I told him I would like to put him up in a guest room for now if that would be at all possible. Hearing that we were discussing him, Cador moved closer. Pariset addressed Cador and told him that the only castle woodworker had died a couple months ago and had no one to take over for him. His shop and small apartment were his for the taking if he so desired. Cador almost fell all over himself with gratitude, and accepted the offer graciously. Pariset then said that he, of course, could stay in the keep until he was situated.

  Our group was then led into the keep, across an open area, up a flight of stairs, another open area, another flight of stairs and this repeated once again until we were three floors up. The top of the stairs opened to a hallway to the right and left. A set of doors straight ahead opened to a balcony that overlooked the valley and river. Two maidservants led the two young princesses down the wall into a small hallway to the right and a manservant took escort of Cador down the wall into a hall on the left. Pariset himself led Isabel and me around the stair rail to the right, the steps on our right side and a wall to our left. He stopped beside a set of huge double doors set into the wall on the left threw them open with a flourish. This was the Master Bedroom.

  Isabel and I were both stunned! The room was enormous! Upon entering, we walked a good six feet inside before we were actually on, what I would call the room floor. The six-foot space ran around the room on three sides and was bordered by a waist high railing of marble columns. There were openings at the main entrance and each of the four doors set into the north and south walls. There were couches, huge easy chairs, and a small table with place settings for four. Pariset told us to get settled in and if we needed him for anything just ask anyone and he would be summoned. Before leaving, he turned to Isabel with a slight bow and told her that her things would be brought up and put away by the house staff if she would like so her Ladies-in-Waiting could ready their own rooms. She agreed and he left with a bow.

  Alone, Isabel and I could look through the room without feeling so self-conscious. She walked along the outer wall to her left and I walked to the right. The first door I came to was a huge closet with a chair, what I could only call a makeup table, shelves and dressers. I had not thought that one person could even own enough clothes to fill a space like this until I had seen the princesses’ wagon. At the end of the closet is a door. I opened it and looked through. There was very nice apartment that was obviously vacant. Before I left, I took the clothes that I had been carrying under my left arm, under my jacket and placed them, rolled up, into a dresser drawer. I suppos
ed that would have to do for now as far as staking my claim to this room. I left and walked down to the next door and opened it. This room looked the same as the last with a difference. Past the shelves on the west wall was a door. Behind the door were the wonderful bathroom facilities that we had in Rosenwood Castle. I opened the door at the end of this closet and found another vacant apartment. I assumed that these would belong to servants of the Lord. I guessed that Chloe and Alba were connected to the closets on the other side of the room.

  I turned my attention to the main bedroom section as the bed had caught my eye first. The thing had to be at least a double king sized poster bed with a canopy top and drawn back heavy muslin on the three sides that weren’t against the wall. At the foot of the bed, an enormous chest promised to stub my toes eventually. I took off my jacket and laid it on the chest, tugged off my shoes and socks and laid them on my jacket. I walked around to my side of the bed and laid down on the bedspread. The soft down filled mattress and the down filled pillows threatened to swallow me but I didn't mind a bit. I called to Isabel and she left Chloe to go back to her own apartment. She walked over, removed her shoes and joined me on the bed. We look at each other and grinned. This must be the nicest bed ever made.

  There was a slight knock on the frame of our open bedroom door and a maid walked into view carrying packages. Isa jumped up and began assisting in putting away her items from the wagon. For the longest time it seemed there is a constant stream of maids going up and down the stairs and in and out of Isabel’s closets.

  By the time the last of her clothing was put away, she was exhausted and I was tired from just watching all the work. We informed the staff that we were both to worn out to eat this evening and would be calling it a night. Alba and Chloe came in and helped Isabel dress for bed. I think it was just as a token gesture or perhaps even a joke because they seemed to do a lot of laughing and giggling. They blew out candles and turned down lamps. They both said ‘goodnight’ to me and went back to their rooms. It was strange for me to see someone disappear into a closet but I’d get used to it. Since I had no other clothes, I just shed everything I was wearing and wore only the bedclothes. I got no complaints about my dress from Isa. We finally ended our journey to our new home. We would see what tomorrow would bring but for now, unwind and rest.


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