Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

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Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn) Page 8

by Daniel Harris

  I decided that the next spell that I taught should be ‘shield’. An Orc Captain had taught me that it could be a lifesaver. Isabel took Chloe to the side and I took Alba. We instructed them on what to visualize, and on the spell word to cast the spell. I heard Isa cast the spell on herself as an example and so I did the same. Chloe and Alba cast theirs at about the same time with perfect results. They were not sure what the spell would do so I nodded to Isa and she nodded back grinning. We had the girls stand side by side then we, using telekinesis, began pelting them with small stones. When the first of the stones bounced from the shields, they both squealed with delight. I believe that the squealing may have been what caused our wonderful outing to change.

  An enormous roar from the far end of the clearing ended all frivolity. I instantly jumped to the top of the knoll and yelled for Isabel to get the girls to the edge of the trees behind us. From behind the rock formation, five hundred yards away, a huge creature stood up with a growl. He looked 9 feet tall and, at first, I mistook him for an Orc Captain. The size of the monster was the same but he was a putrid gray color. He was wearing what looked like a burlap sack shirt and a loincloth, from the waist of which he was pulling a short sword. With the girls here, I didn't want to play at all. As soon as he rounded the rock formation, I opened up with a lightning bolt. The flash and crack caused all three girls to jump but the charging creature didn't even slow down. Four more times in rapid succession, I summoned lightning down on the monster with little noticeable effect. I switched to fireballs in hopes that it might have a weakness for fire but the burns I inflicted seem to heal as quickly as he got them. I used telekinesis to throw it back thirty yards and turned to tell Isa to get the girls and run for the horses when I saw Isabel with her wand out pointing it down the clearing. I knew she didn't know any attack spells so, for a moment, I was confused. I then heard a crack that rivaled my lightning bolts. I turned back to the monster in time to see Isabel, using telekinesis, uproot and slam down an enormous tree, squashing it like an ugly grey bug.

  Isabel fell to her knees and had six arms around her instantly. We all hugged and comforted her. She was sickened by the killing but we insisted that she saved our lives and that made her feel much better. When she was back on her feet and comforted by her sisters I walked to the remains of the mountain troll. My gamers mind seemed to be able to remember names of creatures when it was not busy trying to stay alive. I used telekinesis to move the tree off the monster so I could get a better look at it. The short sword it had looked like a serrated bronze blade from forever ago. It didn't seem to have anything else worth salvaging so I checked the location of the girls. They were still comforting and talking to each other and the huge tree is between them and the troll. This was good because I was sure they didn't want to see my plan. I picked up the sword and cut the creature’s shirt off. I used my spell to roll him off it. I then gripped the sword firmly and braced myself. I swung at the things neck as hard as I could, in an attempt to remove its head from its shoulders. The sword cut cleanly through except for the spine, which I used the serrated blade to saw through. I wiped the sword on its loincloth and then wrapped its head in the shirt. I hoisted the head over my shoulder and started back to the girls.

  “I think perhaps we should be going.” I said conversationally

  Isabel smirked and with a small giggle said, “You think?”

  We all laughed and started the short trek back to the horses. Once there the girls quickly got back into their ‘proper’ clothing and I had Isa carry my cloak. Troll ichor was not something that I wanted to get on my new cape! We then started back across the clearing, up the gap and through the small stand of trees to the road. The guard was waiting and looked at my bundle curiously. I offered no information and no one asked. We rode together the ridiculously short distance to the guardhouse where I thanked the guard and rode to the stable. We unloaded and turned over our horses to the groom.

  We all walked to the top of the steps of the keep together and I asked a guard at the door if he would get Pariset for me. Moments later, he arrived at the door.

  “Yes, Lord Stephenson, what can I do for you?” he asked.

  I signaled for Isa to take the girls inside. After the girls went by, I set the bundle down on the top step of the keep, and opened it. Pariset jumped about three feet in the air and gasped. “The head of a mountain troll!” He placed a hand on it. “And it’s still warm! You killed that this afternoon?”

  “Well, actually my wife did, but it was on our outing. We are just returning but I thought you would like to know that there is one less problem for you to be concerned with.”

  “Yes, my Lord! We will have this staked and put in front of the castle so the people will know the measure of the Lord,” he paused a second, “and Lady that has come to this castle!”

  “Thank you Pariset, my friend. I believe now that I’ll go check on my wife and relax a bit.”

  “Have a calm afternoon, my Lord.” He said and headed inside to get someone to take care of the mess on the steps.

  I climbed the steps to the top floor and then made my way to the north end to look out the windows overlooking the courtyard. I saw a guardsman leave the steps carrying a pike that looked eight feet long and struggle to hold the enormous head on it straight up. I don't know how he did it but he managed to make it across the courtyard and to the gate. Less than halfway across someone saw what he was carrying and a cheer went up. The cheering continued until he was outside the gate where it looked like other guardsmen assisted and mobbed him for the story behind his burden. I saw him point to the keep and I headed to our room.

  Inside I let Isabel know that the cheering was for her. She was exhausted and really didn't care. Even though the sun was still up the girls were helping her dress for bed and, for a change, she seemed grateful for their help.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I couldn't sleep. I was too keyed up by the narrow escape and I blamed myself for putting the girls in danger. I got up, dressed in my outing clothes and cape and wandered the room. When the walls of the enormous room began to close in on me, I quietly slipped out the door. I looked around at the sleeping keep and went over to the balcony door, opened it, and slipped into the cool spring air. It was a bit chilly but not cold and felt rather nice. I stood looking out over the river valley and my eyes kept drifting to the forest to my left where the troll had appeared. I tried to keep from blaming myself but, with all the powerful magic I had used to date, I needed something more to stop a creature like that. I searched my games in my mind but the spell I wanted eluded me.

  As my mind searched spells, and I looked out over the valley, one came to mind. It made me giddy just thinking about it but I knew that the time had come to try new things. I hoped that this one would clear my head and help solve the block in my mind. I made my decision.

  I cast shield, just in case this went badly, perhaps I wouldn’t be dinged up too badly or even killed. I closed my eyes for a moment and focused, excited and scared, on the spell to come. Quietly, but very clearly I said ‘praevolo’. There were no fireworks or thunderclaps but to me there may as well have been. My feet no longer felt the effects of gravity. That feeling alone was like hitting the down slope of a rollercoaster! I struggled to keep myself calm and focused on rising. The next thing I knew I was ten feet above the balcony that suddenly looked tiny compared to the drop to the valley. I held myself there for a few moments to adjust to the fact that I was actually flying and then allowed myself to float over the edge, with nothing but darkness below me for hundreds of feet.

  It was a dark, moonless night so the chance of being spotted was slim. I aimed myself for the river and flew down towards it. There was nothing moving in the clearing and I made large circles around the area at a height of about fifty feet. I felt like an eagle. The freedom that this made me feel was unbelievable! I climbed rapidly to a thousand feet. I could see over the top of the keep and the countryside beyond. I headed northeast toward the spot
where I had the run-in with the Orc a few days ago and pushed up the speed. My shield spell kept the wind out of my eyes and the cape from flapping much, so my movement was practically silent. In just over a minute, I traversed the four miles to the farmhouses I had protected from the Orc. I hovered above them trying to do the math. I calculated that I had been traveling over two hundred miles an hour and I hadn’t even been trying hard!

  To the east was the road going north that connected this small group of houses to the main east/west road. It continued on north and invited me to follow it for a while. I tracked the road from 100 feet above it for five miles. I saw ahead a moderately sized town that I hadn’t even known existed. I determined that the girls and I should come here and investigate. After all, this was OUR province and we should start getting acquainted with the people and the towns that were in it! I ascended to about a thousand feet and lay on my back looking at the stars. I still hadn’t been able to locate an enormously powerful spell, but I hadn’t given up.

  Finally, I thought I might have a spell that would work but I hoped I never had the chance to use it. If, some day I had to, at least now I knew I was better prepared than I had found myself earlier. I started back to the castle flying high, and descended on the backside of the keep to set down lightly on the balcony. I quietly opened the door, walked softly to my room and slipped inside.

  Isabel was sleeping soundly and I was sure she never knew I had been gone. Tomorrow would be another day and perhaps, just perhaps, we wouldn't find ourselves any another sticky situations. I undressed and slipped under the covers. This time sleep had no difficulty locating me.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I woke before Isa and got dressed. I raked my small pile of clothes together, emptied the contents of my jeans and jacket into my ‘junk’ drawer and added them to a pile. My junk drawer was becoming quite cluttered with everything including a bronze short sword tossed in. I wrapped my belt around my waist without belt loops and fastened my pocketknife to the right side and my long dagger to the left. I remembered my ‘gunslinger’ tie downs with a smile. I picked up my coin purse; added eight gold coins to make an even ten missing from the dowry box. Those, along with the silver and copper, made the purse quite heavy. I couldn’t find a comfortable way to secure it to my belt so I picked my jacket back up and shoved it into the right hand pocket. I also retrieved my wand and slipped it back into its spot inside.

  I stuck my head out of the bedroom door and saw that the guard, that Pariset insisted was there during the day, had arrived. (I had gotten rid of the night guard by insisting we were newly-weds and didn't want an audio audience!) I asked one of the guards what I would need to do to get my clothes washed. Without a word, he nodded and walked quickly away. Moments later a young maid tapped quietly on the door, entered, grabbed the pile of clothes I had set on the table, curtsied and left just as quietly. I smiled and shook my head. So this was how the other one percent lived, I thought to myself.

  I sat down on a plush couch and looked around the room. I looked at the beautiful young lady sleeping across the room and realized that she was a princess and my wife. So much had changed so quickly that I was having trouble getting it all absorbed! I saw my jacket on the back of a chair across the room, extended my hand, and watched as it floated quickly to me. I nodded; I had been feeling that some of the spells that I used more often were working before I said the word to activate them. I supposed that meant I was getting, in gamers terms, more powerful. David Stephenson, All Powerful Wizard of Eredwynn! It was all I could do to keep from laughing so loudly that I woke Isa.

  I sat quietly for a while until Isa began to stir. I got up, made my way to her side of the bed, leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  She smiled, opened her eyes and said playfully, “Oh, it’s you!”

  “And who were you expecting? A handsome prince?” I queried.

  She grinned and threw a pillow at me. For that, I had to tickle her. As she was catching her breath, I told her that I wanted to go visit a town to the northwest so she should dress in her ‘adventure clothes’. I suggested that she have the girls do the same. She said that is sounded like fun and headed off to a closet to dress. I heard her talking to Alba and then she went to her other closet and I heard a repeat to Chloe.

  As the girls were dressing, I stuck my head out of the bedroom door again and asked the guard if I could get breakfast for four sent up. Again, he silently nodded, and stepped off quickly. Mere moments later there was a quiet knock, I opened the door and a couple very happy kitchen maids trooped in, and set the table for us. They curtsied when I thanked them and departed closing the door softly behind them.

  Alba burst into the room with way to much energy for a morning, but that was Alba. She was full of questions. Where were we going? What were we going to do? Did I think we would see any monsters…? I just laughed and had her slow down and eat. Chloe and Isabel showed up shortly after acting like normal people should in the morning. A tad slow, yawning and stretching! As we ate, I explained for Alba’s benefit, that I wanted to go to the town that was ten to fifteen miles away. I told them that it looked like a medium sized town and we might get to meet some of the local people of the province.

  “Looked like?” Isa queried.

  I nodded, smiled, and continued. I didn't want to take an escort, of course, so don't forget your wands just in case. Instantly, three dainty hands produced three very different looking wands and waved them in front of me. They were colored with light and dark black patches. Some patches were even glossy and Isabel’s showed a bit of white on the handle. Since the white patch showed up when I had taught her the healing spell I assumed that it had something to do with that. My best guess still had to be that the more the wands were used the more they would turn to a glossy black. I pulled out mine to compare and it seemed to confirm my theory. It was mostly glossy black now. It had changed noticeably after our encounter with the troll.

  To hurry them along I told them that after we saw the town that I planned to teach them at least one more spell. To add to the mystery I asked if any of them were afraid of heights. They said ‘no’ and very quickly finished eating.

  I grabbed my jacket for the money and wand and we all headed out the door. We stopped by the stable, picked up horses, and then rode to the gate. The guard Captain saw us, shook his head and asked what we were hunting today. I said that we were just hunting a town that I had heard was northeast. Isa looked at me curiously but didn't say anything. I was informed that the town was named Kastan and was just a few miles east then the first road to the north. It was roughly ten miles from there.

  We left the castle riding east. After a short way Isa rode up beside me.

  “You’ve heard that there is a town? I am certain that you told us that you saw a town. What’s the real story?” she asked.

  “Well,” I began and the other two girls pulled along side to hear. “Last night I couldn’t sleep so I went out. I went down to the river for awhile and then to the town and back.” I finished deliberately vague.

  “So, explain how you could get out of the castle, travel that far, and get back in without being seen!” exclaimed Isa.

  “Ok, ok!” I said laughing at her indignation. “You know the balcony by our rooms?” I asked. They all nodded. “Last night I went out on the balcony and used a spell to fly! I flew to the river and the town. That is why I said I thought it looked like a medium sized town. It was a bit hard to tell from the air!”

  Triple gasps and then a machine gun fire of questions. Alba’s question was the only one that I choose to answer because it was the easiest.

  “Is that the spell that you’re going to teach us today?” Alba asked almost pleadingly.

  “Yes,” I chuckled. “That is the spell that I’m going to try to teach you today. Just remember that you have to listen closely and obey quickly if I tell you something. This could be a dangerous spell if you don’t pay attention.”

  They, of course, promised to do what
they were told and we continued our trip at leisurely pace. We turned north and rode away from the forested area around Valeview and into a grassy plain. With small talk and sight seeing, we traveled on. Once I mentioned stopping by Cador’s and Isa quickly cut me off and gave me a slight shake of the head, glancing at Chloe. There was a story there that I would need to know about to keep from hurting feelings or putting my foot in my mouth.

  It was getting close to noon when we rode into town. The girl’s dresses were not the fancy type that would yell nobility. They were plain travel clothes but we had the matching capes that might imply money. We tied the horses at what I would call a diner/pub and then walked through the town. We smiled and nodded at the townsfolk that recognized us as strangers. We stopped in shops and browsed, not looking for anything but enjoying the chance to be left to ourselves, without being bowed and curtsied to constantly. We listened to the small talk and it seemed that the major gossip was about an enormous pack of wolves plaguing the livestock.

  After awhile we started back to our horses. Alba asked if I had brought any money so we could stop in for something to drink before we started back. At first I wondered at a twelve year old wanting a drink but I supposed that when you were raised on wine, it was not odd at all. I nodded and lead the way into the pub. Heads turned as we walked in but no one said a word. The girls went to a table in a corner and I headed up to the bar. The bartender looked up with a gruff “Yeah?”


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