Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

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Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn) Page 15

by Daniel Harris

  I stopped and shook my head with a half smile. My gaming spells, application in real life. The thought had just struck me as funny and not something I’d ever considered before, when I was at my console. Chicken plants, TV, locking the door of my house when I left all seemed so long ago and, to be honest, weren’t missed at all.

  Last night had been a reality check. I was quite mortal! If I hadn’t made it, the girls would have been left without an instructor and, since all magic information was in my head, no way to learn more. I wasn’t being fair to anyone if I kept this in my head without a hardcopy backup. If only I knew a scribe… I smiled to myself. I would have to see if Pariset was busy and could get me quill, ink and parchment and teach me how to use it. Ha! Learning how to write at my age! If not taken in the context of using tools a thousand or more years behind what I was used to it could be quite a jab at the public schools!

  The healing spell had run its course and I felt much better. I slid between the girls down to the foot of the bed, made my way to my closet and dressed. My cape had to be retrieved from the couch and the tunic and pants I’d been wearing yesterday would be good training tools for the ‘repair’ spell. The contents of the torn pants pockets, except for my wand, went into my junk drawer of course.

  Since it was early, I kicked myself regularly for not wearing a watch; I slipped quietly out of our room and made my way down to the kitchen. The news of my injury had spread castle wide, it seemed. The staff was surprised and excited to see me. I asked to have breakfast in the kitchen and they about scrambled about preparing me a place to sit and food. I opened myself up for questions and there was only one. ‘What happened?’ I told the story, downplaying the size of the small army of Orcs. I’d rather make myself seem more vulnerable than have a panic. Some of the staff had seen me floated, in blood-soaked clothes, to my room. They commented that there were rumors that I’d been killed. I explained that killing monsters wasn’t the only skill that a wizard had and that the princesses had done a wonderful job patching me back together. I had lost blood but the good cooking of the kitchen staff should have me as good as new before long. That comment brought the grins that I’d been hoping for.

  I asked if breakfast for six would be taken to my room in a couple hours and went on the hunt for a scribe. I couldn’t run the risk of losing everything if I were ever taken down without healing available. I walked out of the kitchen and across, what I’ve come to think of as the ‘foyer’. I came to Pariset’s office door and looked in. He was, of course, sitting at his desk, ink stained fingers and all. I smiled and shook my head. The man was devoted!

  “Don’t you ever sleep?” I asked loudly causing him to jump.

  “David! What are you doing out of bed? You were almost dead the last time I saw you!” He exclaimed.

  “Well, didn’t you know? I have access to the best doctors in the kingdom. They are also slave drivers and don’t want me just lying around all the time.” I joked playfully.

  “But you’re really ok? Forgive me, but you did look horrible last night. I thought we’d lost you.” He asked with heartfelt concern.

  “I am fine, really. I’m feeling a bit weaker than I was at this time yesterday but considering, I’m doing wonderfully.” I said, and tried to comfort him.

  “That is fantastic news! So, what brings you down here this morning? Not bad news I hope. I only accept bad news once a week” He said with a smile.

  “It isn’t bad news, exactly. This incident made me think about things and there is no magical knowledge written down that I’ve been made aware of. If something happened to me I’d like for the girls to be able to continue what I’ve started. It would be a shame to go back to exactly where this started. I believe that is just what you were telling me last night.” I stated.

  He grabbed a quill and parchment. “Written down? Well, My Lord,” he winked playfully “that it just happens to be something that I know how to do!”

  “You seem so busy all the time that I thought I’d just get pointers on the use of quill and ink and do it myself. I know how to write but not with these tools. Don’t ask.” I smiled.

  He looked crestfallen. “David, my first job is to put to parchment anything that the lord of the castle asks for. I find work to do because it makes me happy! Nothing would make me happier than to work with you on preserving whatever arcane knowledge you would have me pen. We could save it in the vault and have the only wizard information, other than Ohana, in the kingdom!”

  “Ohana?” I questioned.

  “There is a shrine there built to the wizard of old that I’m sure you’ve heard of. I’ve heard that there are a few tomes that he wrote stored there. They are filled with words and phrases that are similar to what I’ve heard you and the girls whisper from time to time. I doubt that the governor would allow them to be sent here because it is about a fortnight away by horse and they are considered sacred!” he explained.

  I nodded, “I’ll want to be seeing those, of course. But that is a topic for later. If you really aren’t busy it would be easier, I think, for me to tell you what I’d want written and for you to write it for me. I just don’t want to keep you from your work!”

  He beamed, “David, this IS my work!”

  And so we began.

  Spells commonly used by Wizard David Stephenson

  Transport: This spell can be used to transport an object to a location, regardless of distance if the location is known and visualized. The word for activation is - transporto

  Fire: This is a basic spell. Wonderful for use on campfires. Must be cast with a wand. The activation word is - incendium

  Fireball: An attack spell that launches a ball of fire, about a foot across, at a target. (Wand) The activation word is - incendium sphera

  Lightning: Attack spell that brings a bolt of lightning onto a single attacker. Use with a range of at least twenty yards. (Wand) Activated with - fulmen

  Energy-Bolt: Attack spell that launches a bolt of energy at an attacker. Proven vs. Orcs (Wand) Activation words - fulmen telum

  Shield: A lifesaving protection spell. Protects from both melee and ranged attacks. Activation word - integumentum

  Heal: Repairs wounds and broken bones. A true lifesaver. Activation word - consano

  Repair: To repair a broken or torn object. Activation word - renovo

  Magic Arrow: Launches an arrow of golden magic. Not a powerful spell but comes in handy for small creatures. (Wand) Activation words - magicae telum

  Levitate: Similar to Telekinesis but without the precise control. Activation word - subvolo

  Fly: A fun and impressive mode of transportation. Activation word - praevolo

  Acquire: Summons an object to you. Activation word adepto

  Telekinesis: A much used and much loved spell for manipulating objects. Activation word - telekinesis

  Recall: Instant transportation to a visualized location. Can move groups of people as long as they are touching. Activation word - receptui

  Flamestrike: A very powerful attack spell that calls down a column of fire on an attacker. Use at range. (Wand). Activation words - columnae ignis

  Pariset laid down the quill. “Well, that didn’t take long! I’ll set this aside for the ink to dry and then you can do what you will with it.”

  “PARISET!” A female voice cried.

  I supposed I was still moving slowly or that man was quite fast. He was in the foyer looking up.

  “Have you seen David? I woke and he isn’t up here!” Isabel called in a panicked voice.

  “He’s down here my Lady, I’ll send him up.” He returned with a grin. “Looks like you’re going to be on a short leash for awhile, my friend.”

  I chuckled and headed upstairs to take my lumps. “Thank you for your assistance, kind sir.”


  I walked up to my room, braced myself and open the door. “Oh, by the way, did I mention that I’m going to Ohana?” I blurted out startling all six girls at the table.
/>   I was almost tackled by Isa and Chloe and they jumped up and hugged me together. I was informed that I was going nowhere except back to bed. I explained that they were such wonderful healers that I was feeling perfectly fine today. I’d eaten, but to get them back to the table I went over and took a seat. I thanked the other girls for their help and especially Alba for spotting me. I leaned over to her, kissed her cheek and said “Thank you for saving my life.”

  She blushed and said, “Well, all I wanted was fresh air! You didn’t have to mess up a pleasant trip outside!”

  I apologized for ruining her jaunt but thanked her just the same. I then told them all that Pariset and I had written all the spells that I normally used down with the usage and spell words. If someone was done eating… Everyone at the table jumped up. “Alice, would you mind going to Pariset’s office and ask him for the page we drew up?” She spun and was out the door. It was just a matter of minutes before she returned with the page. I handed it to Isabel and told her that she could use it to teach or just put it in a safe place. That way if anything were to happen…

  I wasn’t even allowed to finish the sentence before I was besieged with protests of my immortality and warnings that I shouldn’t even talk like that. So, I changed the subject to Ohana. I let them know what Pariset had told me about there being writings from the ancient wizard there and that I was very interested in seeing them. Evidently Ohana was an enormous city that everyone had heard of but no one had been to. Since it was about a thousand miles north, it wasn’t someplace that you would walk to on a spring afternoon. I wasn’t sure exactly when we’d go but I felt that it was something that I should do. It might aid in magical research, give some idea of how he drove the Orcs back as far as he did, or just be interesting reading. I also had the dilemma of how that the army near that cave could be approached. Me, being knocked out of the fight before I even got the chance to make it two sided, was really bothering me. If there was some way that I could learn or remember to fight a crowd, it would really be helpful!

  “So, I understand that I’m not going on a four day journey but does anyone have anything that they would like to do today?” I asked smiling.

  “David? Is that money that Isabel gave us when we were in town ours, or would you like us to return it?” Alice asked hesitantly.

  “That is yours to do with as you wish. Did you want to buy something that you can’t get here at the castle? Would you like to go to back to Tesil?” I asked.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Well, it’s just my family as well as Emma and Elizabeth’s are quite poor. This money could feed our families for months.” she explained.

  “Then by all means, we should go there. Anyone that wants to learn how to travel places that they’ve been before should go too. I’ll explain the spell as I’m casting it so you’ll better see how it’s done. But a good rule to remember would be, don’t cast the spell when flying!”

  Everyone wanted to go, which didn’t surprise me at all. I don’t know if it was because they were all interested in the spell or they were still babysitting me. I told everyone to get dressed in their beautiful wizard clothes and prepare to meet the families again. I suggested that the girls that were going to their home town keep their spell casting to a minimum, but they could do some as long as they are safe. They should show that they were doing well and learning a lot. It wasn’t long before everyone was ready to go. Isa had put the spell list up and we were on our way to Jaoca.

  I had Alba run to Pariset’s office to let him know we were going to out for awhile. When she returned upstairs we headed for the balcony that had become our back door, cast shield and fly and dropped down to the river. Once there I had everyone join hands and then I explained that all they would have to do to cast this for themselves, was clearly focus on where they were going. It needed to be a place that would be clear of people and animals. And they should remember that upon appearing there is a loud ‘crack’ so away from towns, and guardhouses, was usually a good idea. And when they had that clearly in their head, they were to say the activation word ‘receptui’. And then I cast the spell.

  We were in the field in Jaoca where the fight had taken place when the world came back into focus. I heard someone yell, ‘the wizards are back!’ and the way between us and the nice tree in the center of town quickly became blocked.

  I thought that we’d been here less than a week ago, but from the families of the girls you’d have thought we’d been gone a year! Tears and hugs everywhere made me think that they thought they would never see them again. I then decided that it made some sense because they had never heard of me until the day before I left with their daughters. I watched as the girls slipped coins into their mother’s hands and received thanks and more hugs. The princesses and I stayed out of the way. The lime light was all for Alice, Emma and Elizabeth. When the tears started to dry up Alice’s father leaned down and asked her something. Alice then looked at me and subtly gestured to her wand. I smiled and nodded mouthing the word ‘careful’. She drew her wand, waved everyone back, and with telekinesis and deft precision stacked a pile of split firewood. Her skill impressed even me! I don’t know if I could keep track of as many airborne objects, at the same time, as she’d done. Not to be out done, the twins shielded, and flew up until they were just dots in the sky, and let loose with volleys of magic arrows. The magic arrows made impressive golden streamers. They then floated down and landed softly next to their parents. The princesses and I wandered off into a grassy meadow and sat down.

  “It looks like their homecoming is a success.” I said.

  “They sure are having fun!” exclaimed Alba and sounded a bit jealous.

  “Alba, do you want to go home too? Show your Father what you can do?” I asked.

  “No! This may be wrong of me but I don’t care for my Father very much.” She confessed.

  “I just had a thought. Do you have any brothers at all? I know you mentioned once that there were girls getting underfoot as far as the King was concerned.” I asked Isabel.

  “I’m the oldest and there are no brothers. The doctors said that mother couldn’t have anymore children after Alba.” She replied.

  “Now, I’m not sure how it works here but, where I’m from, if there if there is no male heir, the oldest daughter is in line for the throne. Is that correct?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Isabel sighed, “when my parents die I’ll be Queen of Eredwynn.”

  “You don’t want to be Queen?” I asked.

  “No! I want to be the wife of a wandering wizard. I want to help and protect people and not have to sit in Court all day, every day. I want to recall half way across the kingdom on a whim!” She ranted.

  I nodded quietly. I guess I’d struck a nerve! I looked at Alba and Chloe with a questioning look that asked if they wanted to be Queen. They both very solemnly shook their heads.

  “So the princesses of Eredwynn don’t want to be Queen. All they want is to be the spouse or consort of a wizard?” I teased.

  Their responses surprised me. Isabel and Chloe both smiled and nodded while Alba cocked her head to one side, stuck her tongue out at me, and shrugged.

  She then turned beet red and looked away, making me question my matter-of-fact statement from the night before.

  I stood up and waved Alice and the twins over. When they had gathered around, with the families standing a respectful distance back, I asked if they thought they could use the recall spell to get home. The twins looked hesitant but Alice nodded. She said that she had paid very close attention when I had given instructions and had fixed an image of the river valley in her mind. She was very excited to try it. I told them that the princesses and I were going to go home and they could return when they were ready. I asked them not to terribly late because, since they were my charges, I’d worry! They promised to be home before dark.

  I then walked over to the families and told them that I thought that their daughters were wonderful people and very good students. I
said that the things that they had already learned were very impressive and they should be respected. I was assured that they had seen enough to understand they were wizards and now of a different class. I said that I, personally, would make sure that their families were well taken care of and if there was ever a need for money, they should send a message to Valeview. They thanked me profusely and I begged my leave.

  I walked to where the princesses were waiting then turned and waved to the people of the village. I put an arm around the waist of Isa, another around Chloe and followed Alba out into the field.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I asked Alba if she felt that she could cast ‘recall’ and she said that she was sure she could. I told her that this was her chance to take us home. She took each sisters hand in one of her own, closed her eyes and spoke receptui. The world faded out of focus and we arrived at our destination with a ‘crack’. The world faded back into focus and alarm bells rang wildly! This wasn’t Valeview! My dear Alba had taken us to Rosenwood! Guards rushed towards us and ordered, “Halt and be recognized!”

  We were quickly surrounded by guards and the Captain of the Guard marched up to us. He quickly recognized the girls and bowed low. “Princesses! We are so sorry! You weren’t expected and the way you appeared from nowhere, startled us! We will, of course escort you and…umm him, to the King.”


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