Candy Crush

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Candy Crush Page 25

by Tami Lund

  Good. She was in a mood to irritate him, even though she suspected she would at some point regret it. Most likely when she was back in Dallas and he’d doubled his security measures. He probably wouldn’t even let her go shopping anymore, even with one of his sisters or Hector. Which would be, unfortunately, smart of him, because she knew damn well she would run at the first opportunity. And she would run all the way back to Michigan, and back into Brandon’s arms.

  After Hector closed the patio door, Miguel climbed onto the bed and lay down next to her. He propped his head on his right hand, facing her, and then with his left hand, he ran his fingers along her cheek, down her neck, across her chest and along her hip. She cringed away from him and he smiled, a wicked, hungry smile.

  “I don’t actually dislike your new style, mi queirda. You look quite lovely from the back. Maybe I’d rather you wear jeans more often.” Gabriella glared at him and refused to respond.

  “Was that dirty cop telling the truth? Have you managed to find yourself a boyfriend in such a short period of time?”

  Gabriella’s eyes widened as her thoughts automatically strayed to Brandon. She wondered what he was doing at that moment. Was he searching for her? Had he contacted the police? Had he figured out that Daniel Franks was involved? She desperately wished he would stay as far away as possible, so that he wouldn’t get hurt. If Miguel figured out that she was in love with Brandon, Gabriella feared his life would be in danger. She shuddered at the thought.

  “Why the tremors, Gabriella? Thinking about the boyfriend? Does that mean there really is a boyfriend? That would make me very, very unhappy, mi queirda. Very unhappy.” He squeezed her hip until tears sprang to her eyes and she cried out in pain.

  There was a knock on the door, and Miguel rolled off the bed and walked over to answer it. A moment later, he placed a tray of food on the desk. “Are you hungry? I’m happy to feed you.” He smiled but the smile did not quite reach his eyes. Gabriella looked away and blinked back tears.

  The door wall slid open and Hector stepped inside. “There are two men sitting in a truck outside. If you can believe it, one of them looks like her brother.” He nodded towards Gabriella.

  Her heart started racing. Oh God, please don’t let it be Emmett and Brandon. Not unless they’ve brought an entire army with them. She squeezed her eyes shut and repeated her prayer.

  Miguel looked from Gabriella to Hector and then stepped over to the door wall. He slid the curtain back a fraction of an inch and peered through the small gap. “I can tell there are men in that truck, but I can’t make out their faces.”

  Miguel turned toward the bed. “Is your brother in town, Gabriella?” She glared at him and didn’t answer. He stepped up to the bed and slapped her. “Is your brother in town, Gabriella?” he repeated with more menace.

  “Leave my brother out of this, Miguel,” she cried out. “He’s done nothing to you.”

  “Maybe not. But it appears he may be considering doing something now. Who would he have brought with him?”

  Since he appeared to be almost speaking to himself, Gabriella assumed he didn’t require an answer. She fervently hoped it wasn’t Brandon. She was reasonably certain Miguel would not harm Emmett – too much, at any rate – but she couldn’t say the same for Brandon. In fact, she felt reasonably certain Miguel would seriously harm Brandon, possibly even kill him. She swallowed convulsively and watched Miguel.

  “Hector, take Alfonso. Go get them and bring them to me.” Hector knocked once on the door between the two hotel rooms, and then opened it and walked into the other room.

  Miguel sat down at the desk and began eating, as if it was a completely ordinary day and he had no worries in the world. He held his fork in the air, with a piece of steak on the end. “Would you like a bite, mi queirda?”

  She shook her head. When he turned back around and focused on his food, she began struggling against the restraints with more zeal than she had since she arrived in the hotel room, but it was to no avail. Her hands were securely bound, and the restraints weren’t coming loose without a knife or scissors, neither of which she had handy at the moment.


  “What do you think is going on in there?” Emmett asked for what was at least the tenth time. He and Brandon sat in Brandon’s truck, staring intently at the door wall where Hector had entered ten minutes earlier.

  “I’m trying really hard not to think about what is happening in there,” Brandon snapped back. His temper was so close to the breaking point, he was ready to punch Emmett, just to relieve a little stress. And Emmett was supposed to be helping him save Gabriella, so he really shouldn’t hit him.

  “He won’t hurt her, you know,” Emmett said quietly.

  “It’s not the hurting her I’m worried about.”

  “I think in his own sick way, he actually loves her.”

  “You aren’t helping, Emmett.”

  “I can’t believe you’ve fallen in love with my sister after only two weeks.”

  Brandon turned and glared at Emmett. “Why is that so surprising? You’ve known her your whole damn life. You know what she’s like.”

  Emmett nodded. “True. But I’ve heard a little bit about you, too, since I’ve been in Michigan. You aren’t exactly the fall-in-love type.”


  “So, if we rescue her” –

  “When,” Brandon growled. “When.”

  Emmett nodded again. “When we rescue her, what are your intentions?”

  “What are you, her dad?”

  “Well, since our father isn’t here to ask, I figure I’m the next best thing.”

  “My intention is to let her make her own damn decisions. If she’ll have me, I’d gladly spend the rest of my life with her. But it’s her choice,” Brandon said so fiercely that Emmett blinked in surprise, and then whistled.

  “Wow, you really have it bad.”

  “Emmett, I really have a need to hit something right now. Would you care to be my punching bag?”

  Emmett actually chuckled. “No. Save it for the bad guys. You’ll probably need your strength.”

  Suddenly, each door on the truck was wrenched open and Brandon and Emmett were both pulled from the truck. If they hadn’t been taken unawares, they may have had a fighting chance, however, they were both caught completely by surprise. With just a handful of well-placed punches, both men went from surprised to dazed and confused in a matter of seconds.

  Brandon was vaguely aware that he was being dragged, first across grass then cement. Then a glass door wall was opened and he was tossed into a hotel room. A moment later, Emmett was tossed into the room, half on top of him, but Brandon hardly noticed that.



  Brandon was so relieved to see Gabriella that he actually stumbled and fell to his knees. Hector roughly pulled him to his feet. When Brandon next looked up, the man he assumed was Miguel stood between him and the bed, holding a gun in his right hand and pointing it at Brandon’s chest. Brandon sucked in a breath and his eyes flicked from Miguel to Gabriella, as he tried to figure out what exactly Miguel knew – if anything – about his relationship with Gabriella. Judging by the gun, he had to wager Miguel knew or certainly suspected something.

  “Emmett,” Miguel said, addressing Gabriella’s brother. “How nice to see you again. Such a surprise that we should run into each other in Michigan, of all places. What brings you to this part of the country?”

  “My sister,” Emmett all but spat at Miguel. If Brandon hadn’t known it already, it would have been blatantly clear that Emmett despised his sister’s ex-boyfriend. He supposed he ought to be relieved that Emmett just teased and harassed him, instead of outright loathed him, like he did Miguel.

  “What a coincidence. That’s exactly what I am doing here.”

  Brandon glanced at Emmett, who glared at Miguel.

  “Did you know I had someone watching your apartment in New Orleans? I thought for sure when she le
ft me, she would go straight to you. Imagine my surprise when she failed to do that. It seems our Gabriella has gotten rather smart and a little devious lately.” He paused and watched Gabriella for a moment. “Odd how that seems to attract me even more.”

  Brandon lunged towards Miguel, Gabriella cried out and Hector elbowed him in the gut. Brandon doubled over as the breath rushed from his lungs.

  Miguel addressed Emmett again. “Who is this?”

  When Emmett didn’t answer, Miguel flicked another glance at Gabriella, who steadily refused to look at Brandon.

  “Is this the boyfriend that cop mentioned?”

  When no one answered, Miguel stepped forward and hit Brandon in the face with the hand holding the gun. Brandon fell backwards, first onto a chair and then he tumbled onto the floor. He spat a wad of blood onto the carpet. He thought he heard a muffled cry of distress, but it could have been the ringing in his ears.

  “He’s my friend,” Emmett shouted.

  Miguel cocked an eyebrow at him, and adjusted the cuff on his shirt.

  “He’s – I’m dating his sister.”

  “You’re dating his sister? In Michigan?” The disbelief was evident in Miguel’s voice.

  For a minute, Brandon thought Emmett was just sharing a bit of new information, which was of course ludicrous given their current situation. It took a couple additional heartbeats for Brandon to realize Emmett was simply trying to protect him. Apparently the knock to the head had dulled Brandon’s ability to think fast.

  “Yeah, well, I’m here on an assignment, and it was a sort of love-at-first-sight thing,” Emmett said in an almost casual voice. His voice hardened. “Let him go. He doesn’t have anything to do with this. He doesn’t know what’s going on. And his sister will kill me if anything happens to him.”

  Miguel stood there, appearing as if he were actually contemplating Emmett’s request. He turned again and studied Gabriella. She glared back at him, complete and utter hatred radiating from every fiber of her being.

  He turned back to the four men and said, “No, I think he should stay with you, Emmett. He knows too much at this point. Hector, Alonzo, take them into the other room and tie them up. And then gather your things and call the pilot from that plane we chartered, let him know we will be on our way to the airport within the hour. I’ve changed my mind. I want to leave tonight.”

  He glanced at his watch. “We’ll request a late check out and put on the do not disturb signs. By the time anyone finds them, we’ll be in Texas. I’ll contact the priest on the way, to make sure he will be ready this evening. Emmett, I’m sorry you’ll miss your sister’s wedding, but I’m sure you understand.”

  Miguel smiled, and Brandon could have sworn it was directed at him, as if he were taunting him. “Before midnight tonight, Gabriella will be Mrs. Miguel Martinez.” He turned and smiled at Gabriella. “Such a nice ring to it, don’t you think, mi queirda?”

  Gabriella glared at him, although just before Hector shoved him towards the door to the adjoining hotel room, Brandon caught her eye as it strayed his way. He saw fear, regret and most of all, love, in that look. He hoped the love was directed towards him, not Miguel. Otherwise, what the hell was he doing here?

  Hector gave him a shove and Brandon pulled his eyes away from her and stumbled into the next room.


  Miguel placed the gun on the desk and stepped over to the foot of the bed. He contemplated Gabriella for a few moments and then said, “You love him, don’t you?”

  Gabriella turned and stared at the wall. Miguel shook his head. “Part of me wishes you loved me like that, even just a little. But mostly, I don’t really care what you want. You will be mine, Gabriella. And once we are married, you will never be free of me. You will do exactly as I say, for the rest of your life.”

  Gabriella continued to stare at the wall, and cursed herself as she felt a tear escape and trail a path down her cheek.

  The silence that descended was abruptly broken by the sounds of scuffling and shouts from the next room. Miguel snatched the gun off the desk and hurried to the door leading to the adjoining room. When he wrenched open the door, Gabriella could hear the sounds of fighting more clearly, but she could not see what was happening from her vantage point, lying on the bed.

  That issue was solved a moment later, when Miguel strode to the bed, grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the door, as she helplessly struggled against him, her attempts impeded by the fact that her wrists were bound together.

  Brandon, Emmett, Alonzo and Hector were all scuffling, and unless Gabriella was a very bad judge, she thought that Emmett and Brandon might have the upper hand. Which only lasted until Miguel released the safety on his gun and then pointed it at Gabriella’s temple.

  She whimpered and Brandon flung his head around to look at her, which allowed Alonzo the opportunity to tackle him to the floor. She watched as Brandon struggled to get out from under him, his eyes on her the entire time.

  Emmett and Hector, meanwhile, were oblivious to Miguel and Gabriella standing in the doorway, as they fought for dominance in their personal little battle.

  “Make another move and she dies.” Miguel’s voice was soft, almost gentle.

  Everyone froze.

  Emmett’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t!” he cried.

  Miguel’s face was stony. “Actually, I would. It was her idea, actually. Why should I marry her, when I can have any number of willing women? Technically, I don’t even need her.”

  He pulled the gun away from Gabriella’s temple and waved it at Brandon. “But I do need her, really. You understand, don’t you?” he asked, looking directly at Brandon. “She does that to a man, doesn’t she? She convinces you that you can’t possibly live your life without her in it.” He paused and Gabriella watched the emotions crawl across Brandon’s face.

  “Well here’s the deal: if I can’t have her, no one can. So she either goes with me, tonight, or she dies. You choose.”

  He pointed the gun at Brandon. Brandon stared at Gabriella.

  “Choose!” Miguel shrieked, clearly at the end of his patience. He pressed the barrel of the gun against Gabriella’s temple again.

  “Go,” Brandon croaked.

  “No!” Gabriella shrieked. “No! I’d rather die!” She stared at Brandon, her eyes wide and wild, but he shook his head.

  “Go,” he said again, and turned away from her.

  It was at that moment that she comprehended this man loved her. She knew it without him having to utter the words. She knew it after having only known him for two weeks. She knew. And now she was about to lose him. Forever.

  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, a voice called out, “Housekeeping,” and the doors to both rooms burst open, as a swarm of people poured in. Brandon dove, caught Gabriella around the waist and pushed her down to the floor, between the bed and the wall. Someone tackled Miguel from behind, causing him to fall forward and lose his grip on the gun. The gun fell to the carpet and mercifully did not go off.

  Emmett turned and punched Hector and then Alonzo, and after that, the room was just one frenzied display of flying fists and legs. It seemed like it went on for hours, but really, in a matter of minutes, Alonzo, Hector and Miguel were all subdued. The gun was gone and all three men were flat on their stomachs, secured by a large group of men who all bore a strong resemblance to Brandon.

  “You have a big family,” Emmett commented, and then he helped Brandon to his feet. Brandon pulled Gabriella to her feet and then pulled her into his arms, squeezing the breath out of her in his exuberance.

  “Can you untie me, please?” she gasped. “My arms are killing me.” Someone handed Brandon a pocketknife and he sawed through the restraints. Gabriella stretched her arms, hugged Brandon, and then walked over and, with all the strength she could muster, punched Miguel in the face.

  Brandon whistled. “Holy hell, sweet pea. Remind me never to get on your bad side.” And then the room erupted into laughter.

nbsp; ***

  A short time later, a multitude of police officers, more than Brandon had ever seen before, entered the room and soon, Miguel, Hector and Alonzo were handcuffed and dragged away.

  By the time they were able to head home, it was well after midnight. Brandon, Gabriella and Emmett drove together to Brandon’s house, and then Emmett climbed into his rental car and left to go spend the night at Brandon’s parents’ house. Brandon didn’t have the energy to protest, plus he figured with his parents in the house, Emmett and Courtney had to be reasonably good. He hoped. Emmett’s earlier comment about Courtney being his girlfriend bothered him now. Emmett had been just saying that in an effort to divert Miguel’s attention… hadn’t he?

  After they lavished Butter with enough attention to calm her to the point where only half her body shook uncontrollably, Brandon and Gabriella trudged upstairs, shed their clothes and dropped into bed. They both slept for twelve hours, and then spent several more hours making love, almost desperately at first and then leisurely and slowly, once they finally came to the realization they actually were still together, and the one threat to their relationship was, in fact, no longer a viable threat.

  By the time they crawled out of bed, showered and headed downstairs to find sustenance, the voicemail boxes on both phones and the land line were all full with messages. Gossip of the caliber to what happened with Miguel was big news in this small town, and everyone wanted to hear the story straight from the source.

  At four o’clock on Saturday evening, Emmett and Courtney appeared at the back door. “Hey there,” Brandon said when he opened the door. Courtney threw herself into his arms and hugged him fiercely.

  “Hey, I’m okay,” he said as he tried to extract himself.

  “I can’t believe what you guys went through,” she breathed, and then she threw herself into Gabriella’s arms. Brandon cocked an eyebrow at Emmett.

  “She’s been like this ever since she heard what happened,” Emmett commented. “So have you guys heard the details?”

  Gabriella and Brandon both shook their heads and then turned and walked back into the kitchen. Brandon started a pot of coffee while Gabriella rummaged in the cupboard and came up with two packages of cookies.


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