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Adams, Gerry, 510, 511, 513, 519, 520,
Asquith, Herbert, 12, 291
522, 524, 596, 647
Asylum Appeal Tribunal, 307
Adonis, Andrew, 9, 81–2, 363–6,
370–1, 475–8, 649, 650
appeal rights, 346
Blair’s preoccupation with, 345–6,
Blair approach, 604–5
casualties, 629
case-handling system, 344–5
controversy, 616
Conservative legacy, 341
development, 561
control, 342–9
justification of war, 627, 646
criminalisation, 331, 344
Labour opposition, 151
deterring, 342
nation building, 607–8, 627, 629
dispersal, 346
NATO campaign, 608, 610, 627,
international law obligations, 347–8,
pressure on armed forces, 631, 635
public hostility, 172, 348–9, 359
Africa, 209, 560, 608–9, 620
rise in numbers, 341
Africa Commission, 555, 564–5, 570
success story, 347–8
Ahern, Bertie, 509, 513, 517, 518, 525,
welfare support, 343–4, 347, 348,
526, 643
Albania, 594
Atkinson, A., 202
Albarn, Damon, 463
Atlanticism, 13, 533, 540, 549, 596,
Alderdice, John, 518
601–2, 625–8, 644
Alexander, Douglas, 248, 263–4
Attlee, Clement, 9, 10, 14, 15, 38, 164,
Alliance Party, 518
169, 173, 182, 222, 304, 648, 650
Alverstone, Lord, 296
Attorney-General, 300–1, 316
Amos, Lady, 564, 569
Auld Report, 301
Ancram, Michael, 513
Australia, 189, 197, 474
Andrews, David, 512
aviation, 581–2, 586
Annan, Kofi, 621
Aznar, José Maria, 237, 539
Archer, Jeffrey, 62
Arden, Mary, 297
BAE Systems, 301
Argentina, 192
Bagehot, Walter, 200
arms exports, 557
Baldwin, Stanley, 15, 102
Armstrong, Hilary, 55, 78, 478
Balls, Ed, 75, 200, 276, 543
arts, 461–3
Bank of England, 11, 194–6, 198, 547
ASBOs, 324, 331, 332
Barber, Anthony, 200
Ashdown, Paddy, 115, 121, 145, 177
Barber, Brendan, 228
Barber, Michael, 89, 100–1, 363–4, 366,
public rating, 442–3
374, 377, 387
religious convictions, 487, 525, 642
Barker Report, 98, 193, 271–2
stature, 3
Barnett formula, 501, 506–7
values, 224, 411, 600, 613
Barro, R., 195
verdict of history, 519, 524, 637–8
Bassett, Philip, 125
Blatcherism, 324
Bates, Malcolm, 253, 258
Blears, Hazel, 154, 158
BBC, 136–8, 269, 460, 461, 640
Blunkett, David, 649
Beatson, Jack, 298
asylum-seekers, 343, 345–6, 347
Beckett, Margaret, 20, 579–80, 587, 591
attacks on judiciary, 312
Belgium, 338
immigration, 350–2, 357
Belmarsh case, 117–18, 312–13
Lords reform, 116
Benn, Hilary, 209, 559, 568, 569
schools, 361, 363, 364, 365, 371,
Benn, Tony, 152, 160
373–4, 375, 377, 378
Bennett, David, 9
security, 118, 293–4
Berlusconi, Silvio, 237, 539
stature, 9, 162
Bevan, Aneurin, 9, 160, 177, 178,
universities, 470, 474–5, 476, 479
BNP, 145
Beveridge, William, 172, 410
Boateng, Paul, 96
Bevin, Ernest, 9
Bono, 568
Bichard, Michael, 363
Bosnia, 562, 595, 596, 597, 599, 603,
Big Brother, 463, 464
610, 618, 620, 621
Bill of Rights, 105, 106
Bowman, Jeffrey, 303–4
Bingham, Lord, 293, 297, 313
Bradshaw, David, 125
biometrics, 353, 355
Brazil, 197, 580
Birt, John, 8, 81, 268–9, 333, 650
Bremner, Rory, 141
/> Black Wednesday, 37, 47, 52, 129
Brennan, Dan, 293
Blackie, John Stuart, 506
British Medical Association, 203–4,
Blackstone, Tessa, 470, 472
205, 211
Blair, Cherie, 233, 266, 292, 293
‘Broken Windows’, 331
Blair, Ian, 329
Brooke, Peter, 511
Blair, Tony
Brown, Gordon
1st term, 645–6
See also Treasury
2nd term, 646–7
American model, 224
3rd term, 647–8
Bank of England independence, 195
balance sheet, 633–50
business policy, 217, 224
barrister, 291–2
celebrity culture and, 464
departure from office, 141–2, 160–1
climate change, 209, 587–8
disappointment, 3–4, 5, 639
development aid, 555, 562, 563,
features of premiership, 6–7
565–9, 570, 571, 609
longevity, 144
domestic policy focus, 619, 645
media image, 140
economic policy, 5, 14, 180, 198, 211
moral tone, 221, 526
economic record, 189–90, 637, 641
negotiating skills, 121
electoral legacy, 40
party leadership, 145–9
employment policy, 188, 209, 238,
personal popularity, 436, 444
populism, 121, 227, 292, 319
euro, 7, 190, 192–3, 210, 534, 543
premiership style, 7, 206, 534, 649
fuel duty, 245, 578–9
Brown, Gordon ( cont.)
achievements, 635
gold reserves, 199
Blair and, 6, 13, 134, 438, 516, 540,
governance of Treasury, 7, 94–5, 101,
637, 643, 646, 649
climate change, 585, 590, 591
‘Granita pact’, 161
development aid, 553
health service, 387
European policy, 612
ideological terrain, 9, 51–2, 53, 146
humanitarian intervention, 626
immigration, 350
Iraq War, 606, 607, 611, 635, 643
industrial policy, 275, 276, 286
Northern Ireland, 524–5
Labour Party role, 143, 147, 154–5
war on terror, 528
leader in waiting, 151, 152, 161, 162
London elections and, 62
boardroom excesses, 224–5
New Deal, 221, 410
climate change and, 578, 581–5, 589
Northern Ireland, 526
management, 235
pensions, 202–3
regulation, 279
PFI, 205, 211
skills failure, 235
policymaking, 97–8, 645
vested interests, 238
BLAIR’S BRITAIN, 1997–2007 Page 105