To Catch His Mate (Crescent Moon Series Book 5)

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To Catch His Mate (Crescent Moon Series Book 5) Page 3

by Savannah Stuart

  No way was she delving into any of that. “Okay then.” She would enjoy herself. “Thank you again for letting me stay. When do I get to meet your mate?”

  His expression softened immediately. “She’s working now but I know she’s got a girls’ night planned tomorrow if you—”

  “We’re in,” Charlie interjected, slinging an arm around Alyssa’s shoulders. “I’m showing my girl a good time while she’s here.”

  Grant scrubbed a hand over his face. “Just keep her away from Sarah. I don’t want you guys getting into trouble.”

  Charlie laughed and though Alyssa had no idea who Sarah was, she definitely wanted to meet her now. After Grant let himself out, Alyssa turned to her friend. “You still cut hair?”

  “Every now and then,” she said, picking up a slice of cheese and a cracker.

  “I need a change.”

  Charlie’s dark eyes gleamed. “I know just the cut for you, especially with your cheekbones.”

  “Good.” It was beyond time for something new.

  Chapter Three

  Two days later

  As he parked at the newly renamed Kincaid Beach Resort, Reece knew he was basically risking death by entering another alpha’s territory. It didn’t matter that he was friendly with Grant Kincaid, he was still in the male’s territory without permission. This could be seen as an act of aggression and disrespect. But the other alpha wasn’t answering Reece’s calls. Which wasn’t like him, so it left Reece no choice.

  He’d gotten word from Kayne that Alyssa was in Orange Beach and safe. While that had soothed some of the edges, he was still feeling unnaturally agitated. Now that he’d gotten a taste of the sweet female, he didn’t want to let her go. If she truly didn’t want to be with him after they talked, he’d walk away, but he’d sensed her hunger and need for him. Then it was like a switch had flipped between them.

  The night of the Halloween festival he’d found her with some of his packmates at one of the local bars, but she hadn’t been having a good time. She’d pasted on a big smile for everyone, but it hadn’t reached her eyes. And that fake smile had remained in place for him.

  Something his wolf hadn’t liked. It was as if she’d put some sort of wall between them and he couldn’t figure out why. Then she’d given him that gift and he’d thought maybe he’d been paranoid. But she hadn’t been interested in spending any time with him that night. It had been subtle but she’d made an excuse about having to pack and get up early the next day. Looking back he realized he should have questioned her about what was going on. But they were still in that getting-to-know-you phase and he hadn’t wanted to come off as, well, an alpha.

  After finding parking, he headed through the front doors of the hotel. As he passed a young male wolf of about twenty—and received a snarl—he knew that Grant was likely already being contacted about Reece’s presence.


  He ignored the snarl and the fact that the male was following him, and headed right up to the front desk where a wolf in a dark suit and a female were talking.

  The male turned before Reece had reached it, his green eyes sparking with not exactly anger, but annoyance. He murmured something to the woman then rounded the gleaming wood counter.

  “Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in Kincaid territory?” the male murmured, low enough for only him to hear. There were only a few humans in the lobby but the male was clearly being civil for them.

  “Reece O’Shea. I’m here to see Grant. I’ve tried calling him, but he’s not answering. It’s an emergency.”

  The male didn’t say anything, just tapped his ear and that was when Reece saw the earpiece. Even with his supernatural hearing he could only hear a male murmuring. Maybe they had some kind of filtering system.

  After a second, the man gave an affirmative grunt, then jerked his jaw toward a set of elevators across the shiny lobby. “This way.”

  Reece didn’t even bother with small talk or to ask who the man was, even if he did look as if he could be Grant’s brother. But he knew the alpha didn’t have one so they must be cousins or some other distant relation.

  The male swiped his keycard over a sensor before the elevator jerked to life. They got off on the twelfth floor with the male motioning for him to get off first. It went against all his nature to let some unknown wolf be at his back, but this wasn’t his territory and he was in the wrong. He had to tread carefully and respect where he was. Reece had been taking a chance coming here and it seemed he’d been right to head to this hotel first instead of the pack’s compound. Unless of course this guy was just bringing him up here to fight him instead of to see Grant.

  The male fell in step with Reece as they headed down a hallway with open doors and a low level of chatter. Not a floor with bedrooms, but offices. They passed an office with a distinctive feminine scent coming from it. When he glanced inside he saw floor-to-ceiling gold curtains pulled back against a wall of windows, an expensive looking rug and an antique but delicate-looking desk.

  The male made a growling sound at Reece so he glanced away from the room. They stopped at the next door, which was open. Grant was leaning against the front of his desk, arms crossed over his chest.

  “Shut the door when you leave,” he murmured to the other male.

  The wolf paused, gave Reece a hard look before following orders.

  “You wouldn’t answer my calls,” Reece said, jumping right into it.

  Grant’s wolf flashed in his eyes. “So you think showing up in my territory is the smartest course of action?”

  “Not particularly.” But to see Alyssa he’d do it.

  “Then why are you here?” Grant’s wolf was front and center in his gaze.

  Yep, he’d definitely pissed the other wolf off. “My intended mate is here. I want to see her.” And talk to her, hold her, find out what had happened between them.

  Grant didn’t move an inch or seem particularly surprised by Reece’s statement. “I’m not keeping anyone captive in my territory.”

  Which meant Alyssa was here on her own. Something he already knew. He balled his hands into fists at his side, took a steadying breath before unclenching them. “I know. I want to see Alyssa.”


  “Why do I want to see her? Are you kidding me? Why are you being such a dick?” They’d interacted a few times over the last few years at various alpha meetings across the country and Grant had always been decent. Hell, more than decent. They’d shared beers together. The older generation wasn’t always like that.

  The male lifted one shoulder in a non-answer. “Why do you want to see her?”

  “Because she’s supposed to be my mate!” There was a gaping hole in his chest without her. The three weeks he’d spent with her had been the best of his life. She was like this bright, shining star that had been ripped away from him. He was territorial as fuck and he wasn’t letting her go.

  “Because she’ll be a good way to solidify a relationship between you and her father?” Grant sounded disgusted by the idea of a business arrangement.

  “No. I don’t care about that. I just care about her.”

  Grant tilted his head slightly, his eyes narrowing as his wolf disappeared from his gaze. “You’re not lying.” He let his hands drop and motioned to the seat in front of the desk before he rounded it and sat in his own chair.

  “Of course I’m not lying. Is she okay?” Because that was all that mattered right now.

  “She’s more than fine. She’s with friends. If you just want her for her, then why did she overhear you telling one of your packmates that you were mating her to strengthen your two packs?”

  “Wh…shit.” Reece rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, tension settling in his shoulders.

  “So it’s true?”

  “No, it’s not true…” Hell, it had to have been that last night when he’d been arguing with Ben. “She must have overheard me say some bullshit to Ben. I don’t know how she heard, but…” He hadn’t me
ant it in the least. “Ben’s a hothead, I just wanted to get him off my back and finish my paperwork so I could get to Alyssa.”

  Grant gave him an “are you kidding me” look. “When it comes to your mate or intended mate, you don’t make excuses to anyone. Ever.”

  “You’re right.” Shame filled him at the older alpha’s words. It wasn’t right, but he’d just wanted to keep the peace with one of his oldest friends.

  Grant lifted an eyebrow. “I expected you to defend yourself.”

  “I screwed up.” And now he wondered if Alyssa would even talk to him. Grant was right, when it came to mates, things were black and white. You always had their back no matter what. It didn’t matter if she wasn’t officially his yet. He should have treated her like she was.

  “You’re young and it’s a forgivable offense.”

  Under other circumstances he might have taken offense at the “young” comment, but Grant was over two hundred and right now he actually felt like a pup. A stupid pup who’d screwed up with a female he wanted more than his next breath. “You think she’ll forgive me?”

  Grant snorted. “No idea. I heard all this second hand from one of my packmates.”



  “Who’s that?”

  Grant’s lips quirked, annoying Reece. “Who Alyssa is staying with.”

  His wolf clawed at him, irrationally jealous. She was staying with some male? Using all his alpha strength, he pushed back his wolf as best he could. His claws actually pricked his fingers but there was no one to fight except himself.

  When he spoke he knew his wolf was in his eyes but there was no helping that. “Will you ask Alyssa to meet with me?” Despite his need to demand to see her, he had to do things right and apologize. Barging into where she was staying wasn’t the best idea.

  “I’ll do one better. She’s at the Crescent Moon Bar with Charlie and some others right now. I’m giving you safe passage in my territory as long as Alyssa doesn’t ask me to kick you out and as long as you act…as civil as a male fighting his mating instinct can act. Don’t hurt any males in my pack. If they challenge you, fine. You may fight back but not to the death. Keep it civil.”

  “You’ll tell your pack I’m in town?”

  He nodded. “I’ll spread the word quickly. Max is at Crescent Moon now and I’m sure he’d be happy to see you anyway. Head over there, see your woman and apologize.”

  Something told him a simple apology wouldn’t be enough, but he nodded. “Thank you.”

  “I know what it’s like to screw up with my own female.”

  It was hard to imagine the older wolf doing that, but he just nodded and stood. As he made his way to the door, Grant stopped him.

  “Charlie’s a female. In case you were wondering.” That was definite laughter in the male’s voice now.

  Reece didn’t even care. The news that Alyssa was staying with a female and not a male was a balm to all the edginess that had invaded his veins. It was time to find his mate.

  The drive to the bar took all of five minutes. By the time he got there energy and hunger hummed through him in an out of control rhythm.

  Laughter and music drifted out from the open front door as he walked across the graveled parking lot. The neon sign above the beach bar was bright and welcoming. He scented shifters and humans as he grabbed the big brass handle of the heavy wooden door before it could close again.

  The music seemed to crank up a hundred decibels when he stepped inside. The place was packed, three deep at both bars. The high-top tables were all full, someone was singing on a small stage in what was apparently karaoke night and—there, at the pool tables.

  He moved farther inside but stuck to the shadows of a vintage pinball machine, using it to cover him as he drank in the sight of Alyssa.

  She was in profile to him, her previously long inky black hair now a short bob around her face. His cock hardened at the sight of her. Her cheekbones seemed even sharper now and even though he couldn’t see them, he could just imagine her bright blue eyes filled with laughter. She wore her emotions right out in the open. When her head fell back in laughter at something a petite blonde female said, the sound of it slid through him like warm honey.

  Over all the other sounds he could pick out her voice, her laughter, anywhere.

  He immediately spotted Max with a woman who looked similar to the first blonde. There were a handful of other wolves at a nearby table, some playing pool, others just talking.

  When a dark-haired male sidled up to Alyssa, a hopeful smile on his face, Reece’s claws automatically extended.

  Inwardly cursing, he glanced around but no one was paying attention to him. He took a deep breath and got himself under control. When he looked over again he saw the male was leading Alyssa to a dance floor.

  His first instinct was to go over there and pummel the shit out of the guy but he had no right. She looked like she was having fun too. That was the only thing that made him take a step back and leave. It cut deep that she was out having fun with another male when she wouldn’t even talk to him. But he’d brought it on himself.

  He wasn’t going to ruin her night. Because right now wasn’t about him. It was about her.

  Once outside he called Grant. Tomorrow he’d start the official process of courting Alyssa again. He just had to make sure she’d answer the door when he stopped by.

  Chapter Four

  Reece waited until he saw Charlie leave the condo Alyssa was at. Thankfully Grant had come through and gotten his pack member out so Reece could talk to Alyssa in private. All he wanted was a few minutes alone with her. Okay, he wanted a lot more than that, but he’d settle for talking.

  Instead of using the elevator, he hurried up the stairs and pressed the doorbell. Alyssa was a morning person so he had no doubt she’d be awake.

  Seconds later the door opened and her bright blue eyes widened in pure shock. There were enough varying scents on this floor that she might not have caught his scent outside. Her newly shortened hair was tousled, making her look like he imagined she would after a night of hot sex.

  He pushed the distracting thought aside. “Hey, Alyssa.” He handed her the drink he’d bought on the way here.

  Blinking once, she took it as if she was on autopilot.

  He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he was going to use her shock to his advantage. Stepping closer, he moved so that he was in the doorway with her—and she couldn’t slam the door in his face. “I’d like to talk to you.”

  She shook her head once, as if coming back to herself. “What are you doing here?”

  “I missed you.” A simple truth.

  Alyssa inhaled slightly, disbelief and confusion warring in her beautiful eyes. Probably because she scented he was being honest. Her own scent put off a mix of emotions he couldn’t wade through. “You can’t just barge into this territory—”

  “I’ve already talked to Grant. He knows I’m here with you. It’s why he called Charlie away. So we could talk.” Reece left out the part about Grant kicking him out of the territory if Alyssa wanted him gone. No need to give her ammunition.

  “Oh.” She ran a hand through her hair, agitation clear in her expression, but then she sighed. “Fine. Close the door behind you. We’ll talk on the patio.” She turned from him, the soft sway of her ass mesmerizing for a long moment.

  Following after her was definitely not a hardship, even if she was clearly angry at him. Once outside with her, he set the small brown paper bag on the table as she sat on one of the chairs.

  Her body language was closed off, all her muscles pulled tight as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I brought you cranberry muffins,” he said, motioning to the bag. “And yours is a cappuccino, not regular coffee.”

  “You remembered.” For a moment her expression softened, but just as quickly a neutral mask was back in place. It was so unlike the woman he’d gotten to know those three weeks. The woman who’d told him that he n
eeded to smile more.

  “I owe you an apology. I know you overheard my conversation with Ben and I never should have said what I did.”

  She lifted her shoulders, the action jerky. “You can’t help how you feel. It’s not like we made any promises to each other.”

  That wasn’t exactly true, but he didn’t point out that he’d made some dirty promises to her. He’d loved getting her to blush and when he’d discovered telling her what he wanted to do to her did just that, he’d been explicit. Even if he hadn’t gotten to follow through yet. “I care for you, Alyssa. What I said to Ben was a lie. I wanted to get him off my back but that’s no excuse.” The male had been driving him nuts for weeks since Alyssa had arrived in their territory and Reece had been at his breaking point. Ben was a good packmate but sometimes he was like a pup. “I don’t give a shit about aligning our packs. I just care about you and I’m sorry I didn’t show that the way I should have.”

  “I appreciate the apology.” She glanced away from him, the soft breeze ruffling her hair. God, he wanted to run his hands through it, to cup the back of her head as he claimed her mouth. “But I don’t want to mate you. Not now and not in the future. Mates are supposed to have each other’s backs. Always.”

  It was the same thing Grant had said to him last night. It was one of those black and white things in the shifter world. “I know, and I’m sorry. I’m asking for another chance. Let me make it up to you. Please.”

  She looked at him now, wariness in her gaze. He was struck by how vulnerable she appeared. Before Alyssa he’d always been with tougher, more experienced females. She was softer and sweeter than anyone he’d known. He hated that he’d put that look in her eyes. “No.”

  The sense of finality in the one word slammed into him. She didn’t give him an excuse or reason—not that it wasn’t obvious—just a no. Well, he wasn’t giving up. He’d committed a cardinal sin as far as shifters were concerned by not defending his would-be mate but that didn’t mean he was walking away.


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