Bayside's Most Unexpected Bride

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Bayside's Most Unexpected Bride Page 1

by Kerri Carpenter

  Always a Blogger. Never a Bride?

  Word on the street is that Sawyer Wallace, editor in chief of our favorite—but financially strapped—local paper, has been offered a hot deal to save the Bayside Bugle! All he’s got to do is reveal the identity of the Bayside Blogger. Even if doing so means losing Riley Hudson, his oldest friend. And, maybe, the woman making him rethink his singleton status!

  Riley’s just as crazy about her best bud and boss—which is why she’s always kept him at a distance. Plus, only Sawyer knows her real identity. Talk about compromising positions... Would revealing the truth destroy their chance at leaving the friendzone? Or perhaps there will be wedding bells for this couple, who truly are meant for each other!

  He placed the blanket around her shoulders and adjusted it so that it covered all of her. But he lingered. And his fingers brushed over her collarbone, inciting another shiver that had nothing to do with the weather.

  Sawyer must have noticed and his eyes focused on her lips. Before she could protest, he was tugging the blanket toward him, which had the added effect of bringing her right to him. Riley raised her head. Big mistake. It only put his sumptuous mouth in front of her.

  How could she resist?

  They stood like that for a moment. A long, heated moment. She didn’t know who moved first. Maybe they both did. She let out a gasp and then once again, their lips met.

  Who knew Sawyer Wallace could kiss like this? If he wasn’t holding her up by the blanket, her knees would have given out.

  After what felt like hours, they parted. Gently, he kissed the tip of her nose before pulling her in for a long hug.

  “Riley, that was—”

  “Something that absolutely cannot happen again,” she finished sadly.

  * * *

  SAVED BY THE BLOG: This matchmaking gossip columnist won’t stop until true love wins!

  Dear Reader,

  I can’t believe it! We’re already at the final book in the Saved by the Blog series! Seems like I just started writing it yesterday.

  I was so excited to get to this book because I couldn’t wait to write about Riley Hudson. Describing her outfits alone was so much fun. But under the fabulous wardrobe and coordinating accessories, Riley has some secrets. The biggest of which is a fear of getting hurt...again. Perhaps her best friend and boss, Sawyer Wallace, will discover the way to Riley’s heart!

  The other big news in this book is the revelation of the Bayside Blogger. Have you guessed who it is? As the Bayside Blogger would say, You’ll have to read to find out because I’ll never tell. Smirk.

  Bayside is not the only small town in my life. You may have noticed the dedication of this book is to my hometown of Monessen. Even though I no longer live there, the support and love I’ve received from everyone there has been overwhelming. Thank you, Greyhounds!

  So that’s it for now. But don’t worry. I’ll be back with more books soon. I’m hard at work on a new wedding-themed miniseries featuring a group of friends who... Well, I won’t spoil it for you. [emoji: winking happy face]

  In the meantime, I want to give a big shout-out and thank-you to my fabulous editor, Susan Litman. I love working with you and love talking about The Walking Dead even more. Thank you to everyone at Harlequin for making my dreams a reality and being so fabulous to work with.

  I hope you enjoyed the entire Saved by the Blog series. I’d love to connect, so please visit my website at or find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as AuthorKerri.

  Happy reading and glitter toss,

  Kerri Carpenter

  Bayside’s Most Unexpected Bride

  Kerri Carpenter

  Award-winning romance author Kerri Carpenter writes contemporary romances that are sweet, sexy and sparkly. When she’s not writing, Kerri enjoys reading, cooking, watching movies, taking Zumba classes, rooting for Pittsburgh sports teams and anything sparkly. Kerri lives in Northern Virginia with her adorable (and mischievous) rescued poodle mix, Harry. Visit Kerri at her website,, on Facebook (, Twitter and Instagram (@authorkerri), or subscribe to her newsletter.

  Books by Kerri Carpenter

  Harlequin Special Edition

  Saved by the Blog

  Falling for the Right Brother

  Bidding on the Bachelor

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  For my very own small town,

  the place that made me who I am today.

  To my hometown of Monessen and

  all of those fellow Greyhounds

  who have been supporting me since day one.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Excerpt from from Her Soldier of Fortune by Michelle Major

  Chapter One

  It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Well, kind of. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and before we know it, the Yuletide season will be here. Looks like everyone’s favorite editor in chief is starting the festivities early by spending time with local hottie Holly Carron. The duo were spotted at The Brewside yesterday looking quite cozy. And right when everyone thought Bayside’s forever bachelor would never settle down! Stay tuned for more developing details...

  Riley studied the screen in front of her and pursed her lips. Yep, Sawyer was going to be pissed. The Bayside Blogger strikes again. He hated when she wrote about him.

  Who didn’t?

  Riley fluffed her red hair, held back with an oversize blue headband to complement her green-and-blue-plaid dress with the adorable white collar. She’d seen this dress in the store and knew instantly that she could rock the retro vibe. What would the ubiquitous Bayside Blogger say about her outfit? Riley grinned. She knew exactly what she’d say.

  Everyone’s favorite ex-Manhattanite Riley Hudson is sporting her wannabe New York fashion in small-town Virginia. Hard to be fashion forward when she’s just copying Kim Kardashian’s recent ensemble. Always the bridesmaid, Riley.

  “Hey, Ri, did you file that article on the upcoming holiday movies?”

  Riley glanced up to see her coworker Claudia Thomas hovering above her cubicle. Claudia was the most striking woman Riley had ever seen, with her long, jet-black hair, delicate features and statuesque six-foot height. Definitely didn’t fit into their quaint coastal town on the Chesapeake Bay. She was also the senior editor in the Style & Entertainment section, which Riley wrote for.

  “Yep, just sent it your way. I think I covered the majority of the new ones, plus I added my top-ten holiday classics. Got a couple good quotes from the guys over at the Palace Movie Theater, too.”

  “Excellent,” Claudia said with a big smile. She spotted Riley’s computer screen and gestured toward it. “I see you’re reading the Bayside Blogger’s column today. Sawyer is gonna be pissed.”

  “Uh, yeah, just finished it. But I don’t know why he would be. A ton of people s
aw him at The Brewside with Holly yesterday.”

  Claudia leaned onto the wall of Riley’s cubicle. “But you know how he hates to be featured in that column. The Bayside Blogger should really tread lightly, especially since Sawyer is the only person who knows her identity.”

  Riley fidgeted in her chair. “It’s not like he would out her. Or him. Not after all this time.”

  “Maybe not.” Claudia lowered her voice conspiratorially. “You think it’s serious with him and Holly?”

  Riley suddenly felt uncomfortable. She shrugged. “Who knows?”

  Sawyer Wallace was more than the editor in chief and owner of the Bayside Bugle. More than her boss. She’d known him her entire life. Two years older than her, their families were very close and had always shared holidays, vacations, barbecues and practically every important milestone.

  Sawyer was like an annoying older brother, only...not brotherly at all.

  “My friend Vivica asked him out a couple weeks ago.”

  Riley perked up at that tidbit. She straightened in her chair. “Really? I didn’t know that.”

  “Probably because Sawyer turned her down. Crazy, because Vivica is the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. But, personally, I think something’s going on with him.”

  They both turned toward the glass office in the corner of the newsroom where Sawyer was intently studying his computer screen.

  “Something bad?” Riley asked.

  “You tell me. Your families are tight.”

  Riley eyed Sawyer in his office again. Apparently not that tight. Although, he had been extra surly lately. Sawyer did that whole stereotypical moody-writer thing well. But it never bothered her. In fact, she always knew how to make him lighten up and laugh.

  “I say we get him drunk at this year’s holiday party and force him to reveal the identity of the Bayside Blogger,” Claudia said.

  Riley smiled. “I don’t think there’s enough spiked eggnog on the planet to get that closely guarded secret out of him. Besides, I’ve tried.”

  Everyone in town had tried at one point or another. The Bayside Blogger not only had a daily column in The Bayside Bugle, but she—or he—also had a blog and utilized every social media channel imaginable. No one was off-limits—the blogger always seemed to know everything about everyone, anytime, anywhere.

  “I can’t believe he won’t tell anyone who she is. Even us. We work here, for goodness sake. And that damn Blogger is published in my section.”

  “We should go on strike,” Riley stated dramatically, making Claudia laugh.

  “You may be onto something. In the meantime, I’m going to read over your article. Oh, by the way, my husband and I are going to take a weekend trip to New York in December. You know, see the holiday windows and the big tree and Rockefeller Center.”

  Riley tensed. “Cool.”

  “I know you lived there for a while. Maybe you can give us some restaurant recommendations.”

  She twisted her fingers together. “Well, you know New York. Everything’s constantly changing. I haven’t been back in a couple years. I’m totally out of touch.”

  But she wasn’t. After graduating from Syracuse, Riley had moved to the city that never sleeps. She’d worked at a start-up marketing firm writing copy and social media posts. She’d lived in a massively overpriced studio apartment where she’d had to store her shoes in her oven and hang her laundry from her curtain rods.

  It had been fabulous. Everything she’d always wanted. Living in the greatest city in the world. She’d stayed out late and seen Broadway shows and walked down Fifth Avenue at night. As often as her entry-level salary allowed, she’d tried new restaurants and bakeries. She’d been dazzled by the lights, the sounds, the people.

  At least, that’s what she let people think of her experience in the Big Apple. It was easier to pretend her life was closer to Friends than Two Broke Girls.

  When she’d returned to Bayside for holidays, she’d never been able to let the truth slip, which was that pretending to be a sophisticated young twentysomething in Manhattan was exhausting. And frustrating. And expensive. And...disappointing.

  She’d wanted to live in Manhattan forever. She’d had a whole picture of what her life would be like, but the reality never matched up to it.

  She was supposed to have an amazing job, a large apartment with tall windows that overlooked Central Park, a group of friends to rival Monica, Rachel and Phoebe. And, of course, her cool boyfriend would be the icing on the cupcake.

  But that’s not how Connor McKenzie turned out to be.

  She frowned. She’d seen no harm in dating her coworker. After all, their company hadn’t had a policy against it. At least, that’s what he’d told her. Why wouldn’t little old naive twenty-two-year-old Riley believe the dazzling, successful thirty-year-old Connor?

  So, all had been well...until it wasn’t. She’d moved back home.

  Well, more like run back with her tail between her legs. Now she never talked about her time in Manhattan if she could help it. Or she’d tell people the version she knew they expected to hear. At twenty-nine, Riley had definitely learned her lesson.

  Claudia’s face fell and Riley relented. She hated letting anyone down. “I mean, I guess I could put a list together. Remind me.”

  This seemed to appease Claudia. “Great. And don’t forget, editorial meeting this afternoon.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  Riley watched her editor walk to her office before returning to her screen and studying Sawyer’s name embedded in the Bayside Blogger’s column. Maybe Claudia was wrong. Maybe he wouldn’t get too mad about it.

  “Hudson.” Sawyer’s voice boomed out from his office. “Get in here.”

  As she got up and adjusted her dress, more than one head turned in her direction with sympathetic eyes. Never a good thing when Sawyer used his outdoor voice. Or called her by her last name.

  “What’s with him?” Dennis, her next-door cubicle mate, asked quietly.

  “Dunno. Probably pissed about that restaurant review I did. They were an advertiser.”

  “Hold strong.” He touched his stomach. “I ate there, too. It wasn’t good.”

  Riley grabbed her notebook and pen. “Will do.” Then she headed toward Sawyer with the sinking feeling she already knew what this was about.

  When she reached his office, she stayed where she was in the doorway. She crossed her legs, accentuating the fabulous brown suede knee-high boots she’d bought in DC last weekend when she and her best friend, Elle, had driven to the city for a girls’ weekend.

  “Hey, boss. What’s up?”

  He steepled his hands on his desk and peered at her with his dreamy hazel eyes.

  Damn. Dreamy? She meant irritating. Beady even.

  The weather was unseasonably cold already and he was sporting a pair of corduroy pants and a somewhat ugly argyle sweater that she knew had been a Christmas gift from his mother last year. Not the most stylish of outfits and yet somehow he looked like he’d walked out of the pages of an L.L.Bean catalog. Just because he was tall with broad shoulders and had really cute sandy-brown hair that flopped on his head because he needed a haircut. And today he was wearing his glasses. What was it about a large lumberjack-looking man who wore glasses? Why did that make her stomach twist up into knots? And then there was his lopsided smile...

  What in the heck was she doing? This was Sawyer Wallace, lifelong friend and, more importantly, boss. She couldn’t size him up like a piece of meat. Especially because they worked together. Especially because of what had happened to her in New York.

  “Riley,” he began.

  “Sawyer,” she countered, and bit her lip in anticipation.

  He reached into his top desk drawer and pulled out a colorful silk scarf. “Before I forget, Tony found this at The Brewside. Said you left it there a couple of
weeks ago and he kept forgetting to give it to you.”

  She reached for the bright yellow scarf with lime-green polka dots. One of her favorites.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled. “Tony must have given this to you while you were on your date.” She used air quotes for the word date and wiggled her eyebrows.

  Sawyer exhaled a long breath.

  “What?” she asked, feigning innocence.

  “‘Bayside’s forever bachelor’?” he quoted. “Really?”

  She shrugged.

  “I thought I told you to keep me out of the Bayside Blogger’s column.”

  * * *

  Riley stepped into his office and closed the door. She didn’t sit in either of the chairs in front of the ancient oak desk in his office. The desk that had belonged to his great-great-grandfather. Instead, she remained standing in front of him, wearing a sexy little dress that looked like something he’d once seen on a rerun of The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Not to mention those boots that showcased her shapely legs.

  She was wringing her hands, he noticed. That meant she’d already realized he wasn’t going to like being an item in her gossip column.

  “You wrote about me? Seriously?”

  Riley scrunched up her nose in a way he found distracting. And...cute. “I’ve written about you before. Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to exclude you just because you work at the Bugle.”

  He arched a brow. “Because I own the Bugle, you mean?”

  “Well, no one’s off-limits. That was the deal we made when I started doing this.”

  “I know. Believe me, I know.” Did he ever. When Riley had originally pitched him the idea of a gossip column he’d had no idea what the Bayside Blogger would become. He’d only said yes because she’d been so excited about it.

  After she’d returned from New York City, the usually bubbly girl he’d known forever had been different. Somber, quiet, less bubbly. Not for the first time, Sawyer wondered what exactly had happened to her in Manhattan. But she never talked about it and changed the subject if New York was even brought up.


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