Zombie World

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Zombie World Page 5

by Ronald DuBois

  Paul and I were still making plans for in the morning. We were going strong on making these plan I all most forgot to give the doc. his crash course.

  The sun seems to be coming up soon, Mia came in and told me that Paul was getting something to eat. He told me to let you know that him and his team are about ready to go.

  I told her to let him know that I am on my way. I went to see if the boys were getting ready to head out. I met up with Paul on my way to the lunch room to get something to eat.

  I told him that I will be ready to go after I get something to eat.

  He said that he was going to talk to the group that was going with us this morning. I want to make sure that they understand what we are doing today. We don’t need someone out there that might get us killed.

  I told him that I would be right there, let me grab a donut, and a cup of coffee. By the time I got out there Paul had everyone cheering, and he was telling everyone that we are going to bring things back that were going to make everyone’s life better. I walked over to him and said gave a great speech I just wish I was here to hear it all.

  We were on are way back to W-mart, Paul slowed down just before we got to the parking lot. He wanted to make sure that all the zombies that were there yesterday were gone. We pulled in to the parking lot there were a few zombies that were still there. He stopped the truck and had TC get out and told everyone to stay in the truck. He told Tc to get up on to the top of the truck and handed him a rifle with a silencer. We are going to do this without making a lot of noise. Tc laid down on his belly, as he looked through the scope. He would take in a deep breath, as he let his breath out slowly he would squeeze the trigger. With every shot he took out a zombies one by one they dropped. Tc had killed every one of those zombies, and it only took him about ten minutes. When he got down off the truck I told him that, you need to meet my daughter she is also a good shot. He said I would like that.

  We all got back into the truck and headed closer to the store. We saw that the door was open. Paul looked at me.

  I thought we closed it when we left.

  I told him that when we ran out as fast as we did, no one shut it.

  He replied shit I thought that I closed the door. I hope that none of the zombies went into the store.

  I said that if there is any in there that we can take care of them.

  We all got out of the truck, and just like yesterday he told him men you know what you need to do. They headed to where they were, we moved slowly into the store. We could smell the rotting bodies, so we knew that some made it into the store. Paul said we need to split up in to two groups. He said that we would take one group with him, and told me to talk the other group. He pointed for me to go to the right and that he would go left.

  Paul said that we should meet up in the back of the store by the shoe dept. I said to him, ok let’s do this.

  We started to head out I was to head to where all the food was in the store. The doctor was with me.

  The doctor asked me why am I going this way, I was told that I would go to the pharmacy with someone to get mads. to take back home.

  I told him that was the plan but some zombies got in here we need to take care of them, before we take you to the pharmacy.

  Oh ok the doc. replied.

  I spotted just a few zombies up by the check out, I had Willie and Robert sneak around to try to stab them in the head so we were not making a lot of noise. They went around one side to get the zombies that were there. I went around the other side to get the ones that were there. Just like well oil machine. We then moved to the frozen food I had Robert get up on the freezers to look around.

  He let me know where all to zombies were. He could also see Paul and his group. Robert asked Willie for the rifle with the silencer, Paul and his group are going to walk right in front of three zombies. Robert set the rifle on his left knee. He looks through the scope and took out the first one, the zombie fell about ten feet in front of Paul. Paul jumps back as Robert takes out the other two. Paul looks up and spots Robert on the top of the freezers, and gives a thumbs up. I had Robert stay up there to kill any other zombies he sees. It took us around three to four to get the store cleared out. Paul had him men open up the back loading bay, so we could load the truck with food, clothing, tools, and whet ever we could find to take with us.

  We packed the truck trailer full, we could not even fit a tooth pick in there. Paul had two of his men bring the truck around to the front of the store. He told them to stay there and wait for the rest of us to come around and we would all leave together to go home. Walking through the store it was almost picked clean about the only things that were left were the racks and shelves that the food sat on, and all the frozen meats that were no good. We even took the chips, and the clothing that had zombie brains on them, we can wash them. Paul said that he was going to close everything up nice and tight so nothing can get in there. We can us this place as a backup if something ever happened. I agreed with him and I helped him lock everything down. He gave me a key and said that we would be the only two to have the keys to get back in here. We jumped in the trucks and headed home it was almost dinner time.

  Paul had the truck with everything in it follow behind us, so we could keep tabs on it. We were almost back, we had like two or three miles to go when we saw a large herd of zombies heading to home base.

  Paul told me to radio my wife to let her know that there was a herd of zombies heading that way.

  I did what Paul told me to do, I let my wife know what was heading her way. Mia radioed me back and said that they already seen them coming and that they have everything under control.

  Mia and the rest of the people there were killing zombies. Paul pulled off the side of the road, and told me to call her again. He told me to tell her to let us know when it is safe to come.

  I told her what Paul told me to say, she said that she would call us on the radio when it was clear.

  We sat there for what felt like forever, when she finally called she said it was clear, but there were a lot of bodies lying in the road to get through we would have to drive over them. I said will do be there in just a few minutes.

  The bodies we were running over, made a crunching sound. We could hear their bones breaking, it sounded horrible. When we got inside the gate Mai ran over to me and gave me a big hug like I was gone for a long time. She told me that we lost three people, she also told me that the groups that we had sent out to find survivors were back.

  I asked her if they brought any one back with them?

  She told me that they lost a few people to, and no they didn’t bring anyone with them. I told her to have them meet me in the office in an hour.

  She said that she would go right now and let them know.

  I asked Paul if he would come along as well?

  He said that he was going to go and get cleaned up, and that he would come over after.

  I headed to go and get cleaned up myself, before heading over to the office. On my way I ran into the doc. and he told me that all the meds. were put away, and that we should be good for a few months. I told him good and that I would see him around.

  I walked in to the office, Paul and the other were there waiting for me. Paul asked me, what in the hell took you so long to get here?

  I told him that I ran into the doc. and that he told me that we should be good for a few months.

  The others were telling Paul and I about everything that they saw. Tom one of the group leaders told us that they made it to Washington DC he said that they saw the White House and it was still standing there were guards and military all around. I asked Paul what he thought?

  Paul said that it was probably not a good idea to go there only because if the president was still alive that they would kill anyone and everyone got to close to the warehouse. He also said that we should have a team to keep an eye on everything they do, and to report everything to us.

  Other groups that they did not find anything, but if you people but they l
ost them on the way back. I told the rest of them to get cleaned up and get something to eat and get rest, that I would pick a few people to head back to Washington. I told him the ones that do go will report any information to us. I also told them that Paul and I would come up with a way for them to communicate with us. They left, Paul and I were talking about a way for them to communicate with us being that far away. Paul said that we have satellite phones that still work. There just going to have to find a way to charge it while there out there.

  I asked Paul how he knew that the satellite phone was still work?

  He told me that him and his team have used them, the satellites are still working.

  We talked for a long time on who we were going to send. Paul wanted to send one of his men with them. He said the that this way the man I am going to send will know if theirmilitary or just a bunch of gun nuts. He said that it got to be military, I don’t think a bunch of gun nuts would take over the white house just for shits and giggles. I told him that this not the same world we are used to everything has changed there is no more law or government to lead us. We are on our own, there is no one coming to save us from this messed up world no matter how much we pray. I just deal with whatever comes my way, and I am thankful for you and your men for showing up when you did. I would still be trying to block off that bridge. You and your men helped us get more food and weapons so we could live here, and be safe. I everyone here I consider as family, you and your men are part of our family.

  Paul said that he considers everyone here as family also. I am just hoping that their military. If they are I can go and talk to them to find out what is going on. I though you said that they would kill and one and everyone that got to close to the fence.

  They might but if I can drive up there in a military vehicle they just might not shoot me, but on the other hand they just might kill me.

  I told him to wait until we get more info on what’s going on there, then we can come up with a plan.

  He agreed with me, and said that he was going to go and get some sleep. I told him that I was going to do the same.

  The next day came and I was in the office, going over who we were going to send back to DC. When Mark came in, he used to build computers for a living. He was telling me that one of the people on his team, said that they might be going back to DC. He said that he heard that they were going to take a sap phone. Mark was telling me that he could hook up a sap phone to some laptops, and they could send pictures back to us. I asked him how long would it take to do this?

  Mark said that it would only take a few minutes to do it. He also told me that we have laptops in the school computer room.

  I told him to go and get everything he needs to do this.

  Paul came in a few minutes later, I told him what mark was going to do. Paul said that would be perfect so he could see everything. He asked me if they could send video also?

  I told him that I don’t know but we could ask Mark when he gets back. He told me that it wouldn’t take long to hook everything up.

  Paul said that the one he was sending from his team was corporal Smith he is also a computer nut.

  Just as Paul finish talking Mark walk through the door.

  Paul asked him if they could send video back to us?

  Mark told him that it was possible but it’s going to eat up the battery faster, unless they have a way to charge it back up.

  Paul asked if a hand crank generator would charge it?

  Mark said that it would but it might take some time to do so.

  I spoke up and send so we have a plan then, now we just need to find out who we are going to send.

  Mia came into the office and asked if we were ever going to come out of the office, it is lunch time you all need to eat?

  Paul and I at the same time what’s for lunch?

  She said the last of the ham burgers and some french fries.

  We told her that we would be there in a few minutes to save us some, as she walked out of the door I heard her mumble I will just bring it to you two.

  Paul and I went back doing what we were doing, it wasn’t long before we figured out who we were sending. We were getting up to go eat why Mai came in with the food.

  I asked Mia if she could go and get corporal Smith, Ben, Jess, Frank, and Tina to come to the office?

  She told me that she could do that, and that Mark was going to ask if he could go also. I told her to have Mark come as well.

  She said that Mark was just outside the door.

  Then send him in I replied.

  Mark came in to the office, I told him that I needed him to stay here to work the computer and sap phone.

  I would like to go with them so I can help them with the laptop just in case something go’s wrong I can fix it.

  Paul told him that he was sending someone from his team that can do that.

  Everyone I had Mia go and get, came to the office we told them that they were going to be leaving in the morning at first light. We told them what we wanted them to do, and what we were looking for in the pictures and videos. We said that they needed to send us reports every other day.

  Paul told them to go and get some sleep they are going to have a long few days getting there.

  They all left Paul and I head out also. I was just hoping that we were doing the right thing. I fear that if they were caught, the people there just might come here and take everything that we worked so hard to make. Are lives here was good we have had to kill zombies but we haven’t had to kill anyone that was alive. I was hoping that we will never have to do that ever, but I know that we are going to have to. I have to come up with a plan to let everyone know that we might have to kill people that are not zombies.

  I was lying in bed thinking about everything that we all have done here. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the weeks to come, but I do know that we need to push on with everything that we have been doing. Having Paul and his men here has been the best thing that has happened to us. With his help we got more food, weapons, clothing and a bunch of other things that has been a god sent. I was also thinking how lucky I was to have all my kids and wife here alive. There is people in my group that has lost their kids and loved one. I wish that I could have been there to save them. I rolled over and snuggled up to my wife and fell off to sleep.

  I went in to the lunch room at six a.m. to get my coffee and a donut. I wanted to be there when the team leaves to DC. I wanted to wish them good lucky and to be careful not the get caught or killed by any zombies. They were going to leave around seven a.m. so they could make it there in about two or three days. We told them that when they got there to send a message. We made sure they had a lot of food, water, and ammo. We told them to look for more food and ammo on their way there. We told them that water should not be a problem to find it’s all over. Paul told them to boil it before they drink it. They packed up and left, they told us that they would talk to us later. We told them that we would monitor the sap phone just in case they did us.

  Paul asked me if we could go to the office, he had something he wanted to talk to me about?

  I told him sure let’s go.

  When we got into the office, Paul had a plan to help reinforce the fence. He laid it all out to me, he said that we need to head to the hardware store that was next to W-mart. Paul said that he bet that the hardware store would have the wood, concrete, sheets of metal, and the other materials that we would need to build the best wall, to keep out all the zombies that would try to get in.

  I told him I was willing to head back to the W-mart to get the materials that we would need. I said that we need to bring a larger truck, but maybe a tractor-trailer. We could load that will a lot of material, and whatever else we can find. I was telling him; it will get everything ready to head out tomorrow. He was telling me that he has this bad feeling that the people that went to DC were going to be captured by the people at the White House.

  I told him to cannot worry about that right now, we need to worry about
everything we need to do to get done here. He agreed with me, as were heading out the backfield where Mia, was out there collecting eggs and feeding the chickens pigs horses and cows.

  Paul and I were talking to Mia, about Paul’s plan. She could see the look on our faces that we were worried about something. She just did not know why we would be worried. I could see the look on her face that she knew, Paul and I were worried. Mia asked me and Paul why we looked worried?

  I told her that Paul and I have this bad feeling that the people we sent to Washington, were going to get caught and tell them about us. We think that once they find out about us that they were going to be coming here. We are not sure what your action is going to be well our group surviving. We can only hope that they do come that they will not take everything we have done here and kill everyone. That is why Paul has come up with this plan on reinforcing the fences and walls.

  Mia asked why would they come in here, and take everything and kill everyone? They would have a better chance surviving this world with large groups.

  I told her that they may not come in here and do all that, but we want to be ready just in case it goes down that way.

  We are all headed back to the kitchen, so that Mia could put the eggs away. As we were about to enter the building, we heard yelling and shooting. We ran to the front gate, there were people on the other side shooting the people we had regarding the entrance. They did not hit any of our people, I yelled out and asked him why they were shooting?

  One of them yelled back and said that they wanted to come in. She said that they had children that were hungry, and other people that were sick. She said that they were shooting because people at the front gate, would not let them in.

  I told her to put down the weapons, and that we would let them in to help them. We would feed the children. I also told her that we had a doctor to look at the people that were sick.


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