Dedicated to the Jovian sun god Jupiter, it is he who consecrates this virgin land as annuit coeptis on the one dollar bill:
Jupiter omnipotens, audacibus annue coeptis
Jupiter Almighty, favor [my] bold undertakings.
Founded on a pantheon of sky gods descended from Vedic cosmology, the United States of America was never intended to be a Christian nation. Rather it was a deist utopia born from the celestial congress of the Sun and Venus known as the Venus transit. This the Founding Fathers did to ensure everlasting life for a new nation—the virgin land of Amurru.
Celestial Congress
For the Masonic fathers, congress was another word for intercourse. Not the sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, but the celestial intercourse between gods. When the congressional rotunda is recognized as the symbolic summit of Meru, it becomes clear the American government was modeled after the congress of the first Holy Trinity—the Sun, Venus, and Moon.
These of course are the three branches of government. One makes the laws, one interprets the laws, and one enforces the laws. Since the laws of physics must be the work of this Trinity of sky gods, it only made sense to create a government to do the same thing for the law of the land. American democracy was based on the Vedic trinity just like a religion.
In this sense each member of Congress is a solar priest, worshipping at the altar of Lady Liberty. While the Moon-goddess Diana is the mother of freedom in the afterlife, it is Venus that brings freedom in this life through enlightenment. As the eternal feminine duality of human liberty, the goddesses fertilize the egg of the Capitol Rotunda with the promise of freedom.
For the founding Masons, the first principle of freedom was not so much about the legal system itself as it was about mind and spirit. Freedom of belief and speech was the core premise. Yet in spite of the Great Work of these Vedic builders, with their noble laws and temple city, many today have yet to embrace this essential American freedom. Most refuse to carry the torch of enlightenment in their own minds.
For the ancient Vedics, freedom was first and foremost the pursuit of enlightenment. The word “freedom” comes from the name of the Norse goddess Freyja and German goddess Frigg, from which the fifth day of the week Friday was named. Freyja was one of the latest in a long line of Venusian light-bringers that included the Saxon Eostre/Eastre, Austro, and Ostara; Roman Venus/Libertas; Greek Demeter and Aphrodite; Egyptian Hathor and Isis; Canaan Ashtoreth and Hebrew Asherah; Babylonian Astarte and Ishtar; Assyrian Semiramis; Sumerian/Akkadian Ni-nanna/Inanna; Indian Shukra and Vena; and many others. These are the fertility goddesses of the Morning Star that became British Britannia, French Marianne, and the Columbian Lady of Liberty—all symbols of Venus and torchbearers of enlightenment.
Today the Columbian goddess towers over the Atlantean waters of New York harbor wearing a crown of seven rays. It is a crown of harmony in color and tone that shines over the seven seas of Meru. As the celestial symbol of Luciferian light, the goddess holds the staff/rod/scepter/thyrsus/wand and torch of enlightenment as a beacon to all.
Protector and wise owl of the tree, her colossal body extends from the deepest waters into the farthest sky. Worshippers climb her body along a spiral staircase, following the kundalini serpent as it spirals through her body into the crown. There the people of the New Amuru peer out her forehead like an Egyptian uraeus to share her vision of light and enlightenment.
But for those who have not yet “seen the light,” there is a long line of Moon goddesses who await to resurrect them. They are the Egyptian Lusaaset and Khons/Khonsu; the Babylonian/Semetic Lilith or Kiskil; the Thracian goddess Bendis and Phoenician Tanith; Indian Chandra or Candi; Roman Diana and Greek Artemis, Persephone, or Kore; Norse Mani; Chinese Heng-O; Mayan Ix Chel; and others. There is even Mary Magdalene, the Black Madonna of Christianity.
Indeed the legend of Mary Magdalene casts new light on the Vedic origin of the Columbian goddess. While French Mason Frederic Bartholdi claimed he designed Lady Liberty after the Roman Libertas, everyone in France knew her as Marianne. Originating during the Middle Ages in the popular Magdalene cult centered in Provence, Marianne was actually associated with the Babylonian goddess Ishtar (or Inanna). This is because she was worshipped at the Jerusalem Temple of Mari-Anna-Ishtar, a triple-towered temple known as a “magdala.”
The last name “Magdalene” thus translates as “woman from Magdala,” and the word “Magdala” means “triple tower.” Magdalene is then the “woman of the triple tower.” When the etymology of Mary or Mariam as Meru is added, Mary Magdalene becomes the “woman of the triple tower Meru.” Many legends surround her origin.
Some say she comes from a fishing village on the Sea of Galilee named Magdala, the place where Jesus is believed to have preached. Others say it was another city/fort named Magdala in Ethiopia, captured in the nineteenth century by Scotsman Robert Napier. Believing this to be the one true Magdala of the Bible, Napier renamed it “Amba Mariam,” meaning “compassionate mother Mary.” But there may be one other place where Marianne and her tower could have originated.
The Magadha kingdom (684–424 BC) was the largest Indian empire in the centuries leading up to the birth of Jesus. Stretching across the entire Indian subcontinent as the Mauryan Empire, the Maurya tribes worshipped Vedic gods, including the Vedic serpent god Naga Swastika. In the south near Tamil, they too worshipped a mother goddess named Mari Amman, similar to the Sumerian Mari-Anna-Ishtar.
As explained earlier, the name Moriya or Maurya is believed to have its origin in Mor Hill or “Koh-i-Nur,” meaning “mountain of light,” and is thus a reference to Mount Meru.50 This branch of the Meru legend identifies the mountain as Tirich Mir in the Hindu Kush region near the town of Chitral.51 Since the founder of the Mauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya came from Mor, most scholars believe he received the name Moriya or Maurya from his motherland and thereby the mountain Tirich Mir.
If Mary Magdalene of the Bible was a real person, she may have been a Hindu oracle from Magadha, perhaps like those who once lived on Vatican Hill and brewed entheogenic vatica wine. She would have also been a Naga Swastika worshipper and a likely consort for a solar serpent or Green Man. And her tower would have been the mountain of Tirich Mir, a symbol for Meru and its trinity of sky deities.
Might Jesus Christ have met Mary Magdalene on a trip to India and brought her back as his wife? Or were they both simply Jewish personifications of ancient Vedic deities and never existed at all?
Either way Mary Magdalene is an important link between Christianity and Vedic cosmology. Her name connects the Christian messiah story with the Mauryan Empire in India. More important she connects the Christ legend with Vedic royalty and divinity because Magadha also happens to be the name of a royal caste.
According to the caste system, the son begotten by a Vaisya (“a trader or one born of his own nature”) upon a woman of the highest Brahmana order is known as a Magadha. Such a child would automatically be in the highest caste of nobility. Whether as mother or wife of the Jewish messiah, a royal bloodline linking Jesus Christ to Meru would have been a prerequisite for any Son of God.
Whether real or the stuff of myth, Mary Magdalene is the true identity of the Columbian goddess. As the twin of Mother Mary, she brought enlightenment in life and the promise of rebirth in the afterlife. In her role as the Evening Star, she was the real Star of Bethlehem and the one who delivers the world a new Sun during the Venus transit.
Rebirth through the Shekinah
In researching the connection between Rosslyn chapel and the Venus transit, one paper did an especially good job of describing the timing and trajectories of the transit. In it was a diagram illustrating the angular path of Venus crossing the face of the Sun in 2004 and another path where it would cross in 2012.
Studying the diagram closely, I began to wonder the same thing I had wondered about the floor plans of those famous temples. Could overlaying the Venus Blueprint
fractal on this transit diagram reveal any connection between Venus and Rosslyn chapel? More specifically, could it prove a connection between Rosslyn and the Venus transit as Stuart had claimed?
As it turned out, the Blueprint did reveal something—something I could never have imagined and still have difficulty absorbing. Scaling the large Blueprint circle to the Sun in the transit diagram and orienting it perpendicular to the transit path of Venus, I found that Venus not only passed through a golden section of the Blueprint, but also aligned perfectly along the east wall and high altar of the main chapel. Parallel to this, the 2004 transit also ran through the bottom two points of the pentacle. Needless to say, I was stunned—but then I found something even more stunning (Fig. 36).
FIGURE 36. The Venus transit through Rosslyn chapel
Rotating the Blueprint and Rosslyn floor plan ninety degrees inside the square as I had done before, I found that the 2012 transit path actually passes right through the middle of the chapel with the Shekinah Pillar located exactly midway. It was as if the chapel was giving birth through the body of a Vitruvian Woman corresponding to the Rosslyn floor plan! How in the world could the 2012 transit path of Venus as viewed from Earth be so perfectly aligned with the floor plan of a fifteenth-century chapel? It just seemed so incongruous and improbable.
Could Sinclair and Hay have somehow known about this? I wondered. Did they design their chapel so that Vena, the first Lady Liberty, would occasionally have congress with the Sun and be symbolically reborn through the Lady Chapel? And did they do this believing she would somehow “conceive” precisely at the Shekinah Pillar, resonating or rather gestating for some time in the choir before being born right out the front door? It just seemed too incredible to believe.
How could they have known such astronomical detail? After all the first telescope was not invented until 1608 in the Netherlands—a full century and a half after Rosslyn was designed and built. There is only one possible answer to this mystery: Once again Sinclair and Hay did not need to know the details in order to get it right. Neither did any other Vedic temple designer.
The direct correlation of Rosslyn chapel to the Venus transit can only be attributed to the universal harmonic properties inherent in the Blueprint geometry itself. No detailed observations or measurements of the Venus transit were needed for it to trace a path along the east wall or through the Shekinah. The resonance of Venus between the Sun and Earth is already preserved in the Blueprint pentacle, including the visual path as seen from Earth. This is a logical and mathematically predictable outcome.
Here we find that both paths of the Venus transit are present at right angles in the Venus Blueprint when rotated around or unlocked by the Shekinah in Rosslyn. It also shows how the Blueprint symbolically represents both sides of Venus fertility—the resurrecting wife of the Sun and the birth mother of the Son of the Sun. In this way all Blueprint temples from the Vatican Basilica to Washington, DC, are indeed symbols for the Birth of Venus, just as Stuart had presumed.
A New Sun
The Birth of Venus is an apt description of the global changes inaugurated by the Venus transits of 2004 and 2012. With the end of the Mayan Fifth Sun and the birth of a new solar cycle, the planet Venus heralds a grand new cycle for the Earth and its people. First described in the Rig-Veda, it was celebrated as the fertilization of Earth by the Sun.
Shukra knows the secret of immortality; this presumably has reference to the fact that Venus emerges again after being swallowed by the Sun. In the Saivite glosses of this story Shukra is swallowed up by Shiva and later on expelled as semen; this is a play on the etymology of Shukra as “bright.”
There is no small degree of evidence that our world is passing from one solar epoch into another. Increasingly severe weather, major geological shifts, and unusual solar activity have occurred in parallel with mounting environmental impact by humans and unprecedented social upheaval.
Within a period of just eleven years from 2001, humanity has watched as hurricanes killed thousands in New Orleans; earthquakes killed thousands more in Haiti, Chili, and Japan; erupting volcanoes diverted air traffic in the northern hemisphere; and record-breaking temperatures gripped the northern parts of Europe and North America. At the same time, record drought and floods have inundated Australia, America, and Africa, and uncontrolled wildfires have scorched large parts of the southwestern United States. With this came unexplained mass deaths and suicides of sea life and birds, as forests were killed off in large numbers by weather, disease, and insect infestation.
Human society has not been excluded from these Earth changes. Starting with the demise of the “New Economy” in 2000 and destruction of the Twin Towers in 2001, long and expensive wars in the Middle East have accelerated the collapse of the world economy. Western nations have engaged in combat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen, along with covert operations throughout the Middle East and Africa, resulting in more chaos and ill will than ever before.
Out of this erupted the so-called Arab Spring, bringing revolution to Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria. Back in America the Libertarian Tea Party commandeered the Republican Party, and the Occupy movement triggered hundreds of protests in cities around the world in just a few weeks. With protests on both ends of the political spectrum, the world has suddenly awakened to the unsustainability of Western debt and social inequality.
Today people everywhere have become dissatisfied with their government and banking institutions. Fueled by an exponential increase in information force-fed by a relentless 24/7 news cycle and the Internet, virtually everyone in the world has become politically activated. Technological advances, such as Google and Facebook, have united people from all parts of the globe, while simultaneously polarizing political ideologies through narrowcast forums and heavily biased news sites. It is no coincidence that all of these things are happening at the same time as the Earth undergoes renewal.
At the heart of it all is the Sun. It is not only the Mayan calendar that tells us this, but also the solar scientists who in 2009 announced the next solar cycle had failed to begin as expected. The Sun had suddenly ceased to show resurgent sunspot activity, instead remaining a “sleeping sun” far longer than has been recorded in recent history. By June 2011, three independent studies on the inside, surface, and upper atmosphere of the Sun predicted the next solar cycle would be significantly delayed if it happened at all.
This unexpected calming of the Sun may be a clue that the birth of a new Sun has begun. Solar scientists now predict a twenty- to thirty-year period of cooling after the solar maximum peaks in 2013 or 2014. Can it be only a coincidence that this corresponds to the end of the Mayan Fifth Sun and 25,625-year precessional cycle in December 2012? Is it pure chance that the last Venus transit of the twenty-first century occurs just six months earlier in June 2012?
Since both Sun and Venus cycles end in the same year, some suggest Venus acts as a sentinel (or harmonic damping trigger) to switch off the Sun so it can begin a period of cooling. This theory is consistent with the Venus transit pair that occurred in 1631 and 1639 just before the onset of the Maunder Minimum or “mini-Ice Age” that occurred between 1645 and 1715. It was a period of lower-than-average temperatures corresponding to the disappearance of sunspots on the surface of the Sun. The same thing appears to be happening again.
If this correlation is correct and Venus does act like a canary in the coal mine to mark the beginning of global cooling, then the real story of 2012 should not be the end of the Fifth Sun on December 21st but instead the Venus transit on June 6, 2012. As the irony of all ironies, we may well find the largely ignored Venus transit was the catalyst for the new solar age and Rosslyn chapel, together with every other Blueprint temple, was built specifically to celebrate this monumental occasion.
If I were a Mayan priest, I may well see this celestial event as the birth of a new Sun of God. If I were a Christian, I might think it the prophesied Rapture when the Son of God
returns to battle the Prince of Darkness. And if I were one of the American founders, I might see it as the time when Jupiter blesses his people with a fertile land. But as a student of harmonic science, I know it is but the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Venus delivers the Earth a New Sun and with it perhaps the promise of a fertile mind.
The Harmonic Messiah
One thing that always seemed a little suspect to me was how the Gregorian calendar synchronizes with the Mayan solar calendar to end on the palindrome date of 12/ 21/ 12. Even more suspect, given my own experience with elevens, was the end time of 11:11 a.m., another palindrome! How could the Gregorian calendar makers commissioned by the Church have known to do this and why would it have been so important?
The obvious answer is it has something to do with the birth of Jesus Christ, but it may be something deeper. Since one Mayan Sun is 5,125 years long, subtracting 2,012 years, 11 months, and 21 days places the beginning of the current solar cycle 3,113 years, 8 months, and 10 days before a theoretical zero start year—yet another palindrome number. Suspecting this might be some kind of harmonic number symbolism, I began to play around with these two periods of time to look for something unusual. I was not disappointed.
3113.61 — 2012.97 = 1100.64 years or about eleven centuries.
What I found was the start of the Gregorian calendar was almost exactly an eleven-century difference within a 5,125-year Mayan Sun. Was it chosen on purpose, I wondered, as an invisible ground zero? After all it does seem rather numerological when you consider that the Gregorian calendar started thirty-one centuries plus thirteen years from the beginning of this Mayan Sun (thirteen being a reflected thirty-one) and then ends on the twelfth year of the twenty-first century (also a reflection).
The Venus Blueprint Page 21