Warrior Queens: Boadicea's Chariot (WOMEN IN HISTORY)

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Warrior Queens: Boadicea's Chariot (WOMEN IN HISTORY) Page 47

by Fraser, Antonia

  Low, Major-General Sir John, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Lowe, Dr Thomas, Ref 1

  Lucca, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Lucknow, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Mabinogion, The, Ref 1

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st Baron, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Macha (Celtic figure), Ref 1

  Maeve see Medb

  Maeonius, Ref 1

  Málaga, Ref 1

  Malatesta, Battista, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Malcolm Canmore, King of Scotland, Ref 1

  Malcolm, Major (Political Agent, Gwalior), Ref 1, Ref 2

  Malleson, George Bruce, Ref 1

  Malmesbury, William of, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4

  Mamaea, Ref 1

  Mamani, Aboulaye, Ref 1

  Mamille of Roucy, Ref 1

  Mandar (attendant to Rani of Jhansi), Ref 1

  Mantua, Ref 1

  Manzikert, Battle of, 1071, Ref 1

  Mao Tse-tung, Ref 1

  Marcos, Ferdinand, Ref 1

  Marcus Favonius Facilis, Ref 1

  Mardonius (Persian General), Ref 1

  Margaret, St, Queen of Scotland, Ref 1

  Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Margaret of Flanders, Ref 1

  Maria, Queen of Portugal, Ref 1

  Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria: love of peace, Ref 1; rule, Ref 2, Ref 3; dress and appearance, Ref 4; reputation, Ref 5; and motherhood, Ref 6

  Mariam Artsruni, Queen Dowager of Georgia, Ref 1

  Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Ref 1

  Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of, Ref 1

  Mars Ultor (god), Ref 1

  Marsden, Peter, Ref 1

  Marshall, Catherine E., Ref 1

  Martha, Empress of Septimius Severus see Julia Domna

  Martin, T. A., Ref 1

  Mary I (Tudor), Queen of England, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland, Ref 1

  Mary, Queen of Scots: career, Ref 1, Ref 2; and Boadicea, Ref 3; and succession to throne of England, Ref 4; Knox on, Ref 5; rivalry with Elizabeth, Ref 6; and Darnley, Ref 7; eschews war, Ref 8; in Spenser, Ref 9

  Mary of Guise, Regent of Scotland, Ref 1

  Mary of Scotland, Ref 1

  Matilda, Countess of Tuscany (or of Canossa): chastity and sex, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5; tombstone reference to as Amazon, Ref 6, Ref 7, Ref 8; voice, Ref 9; supports Gregory VII and papal cause, Ref 10, Ref 11, Ref 12; character and background, Ref 13; and inheritance, Ref 14, Ref 15; Tomboy Syndrome, Ref 16; upbringing, Ref 17; marriages, Ref 18, Ref 19, Ref 20; battles, Ref 21; piety, Ref 22, Ref 23, Ref 24; and Henry IV at Canossa, Ref 25; Henry IV punishes, Ref 26; financial losses, Ref 27; Sorbara victory, Ref 28, Ref 29; effect of struggles, Ref 30; Henry V and, Ref 31; death and burial, Ref 32; wills, Ref 33; tributes to, Ref 34; legitimacy of succession, Ref 35

  Matilda of England, daughter of Henry I see Maud, Empress

  Matilda of Boulogne, Queen of Stephen of Blois: marriage, Ref 1; character and activities, Ref 2; and capture of Stephen, Ref 3, Ref 4; supports Stephen’s cause, Ref 5; praised by Agnes Strickland, Ref 6

  Matilda of Ramsbury, Ref 1

  Matildine Gospels, Ref 1

  matriarchy, Ref 1

  Mau Mau rebellion, Kenya, Ref 1

  Maud (Matilda of England, daughter of Henry I), Empress: struggle with Stephen for English crown, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6; marriage to Emperor Henry V, Ref 7; character, Ref 8, Ref 9; and succession question, Ref 10, Ref 11; marriage to Geoffrey of Anjou and sons by, Ref 12, Ref 13; crowned and made Domina Anglorum, Ref 14; Londoners rise against, Ref 15; accused of arrogance and harshness, Ref 16; pursuit and escapes, Ref 17; and accession of son (Henry II), Ref 18; activities as Dowager Queen, Ref 19; death, Ref 20; Ubaldini on, Ref 21

  Mawia, Syrian Queen, Ref 1

  Medb (Maeve), Irish Queen, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Medea (mythical figure), Ref 1

  Medici, Giovanni de’, Ref 1

  Meir, Golda, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4; My Life, Ref 5

  Melville, Sir James, Ref 1

  Mendes de Vasconcelos, João, Ref 1

  Mendoza, Fray Inigo de, Ref 1

  Metternich, Clemens, Prince, Ref 1

  Miguel, Prince (son of Queen Maria), Ref 1

  Milton, John, Ref 1; Comus, Ref 2, Ref 3; History of Britain, Ref 4, Ref 5

  Mithraic religion, Ref 1

  Mommsen, Theodor, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Mona see Anglesey

  Monmouth, Geoffrey of see Geoffrey of Monmouth

  Montmorency, Anne, Duc de, Ref 1

  Montoro (poet), Ref 1

  Moors: Isabella drives from Spain, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Moraes, Dom, Ref 1

  Morant, Philip, Ref 1

  More, Sir Thomas, Ref 1

  Morrigan, the (Celtic figures), Ref 1

  mother-right see matriarchy

  motherhood, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Mountbatten of Burma, Admiral of the Fleet Louis, 1st Earl, Ref 1

  Mpororo people, Ref 1

  Muhammad the Prophet, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Mukumbu (Jinga’s sister), Ref 1

  Mulay Hassan, Nasrid King, Ref 1

  Munius Lupercus, Ref 1

  Mutlow, Mrs (of Jhansi), Ref 1

  Naidu, Sarojini, Ref 1

  Nana, Queen of Kartli, Ref 1

  Nana Sahib (Dhondu Pant), Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4

  Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French: and Queen Louise of Prussia, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4; on women in battle, Ref 5, Ref 6; assumes title of Emperor, Ref 7; conquests, Ref 8, Ref 9; meets Louise at Tilsit, Ref 10; Elba exile, Ref 11

  Nanny, wife of Old Cudjoe, chief of Maroons, Ref 1

  Ndongo (central West Africa), Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Neale, Sir John, Ref 1

  Nehru, Jawaharlal (Pandit), Ref 1

  Neill, Brigadier-General James George Smith, Ref 1

  Nelson, Vice-Admiral Horatio, Viscount, Ref 1

  Nelson, Thomas: The History of Islington, Ref 1

  Nemain (Celtic figure), Ref 1

  Nennius, Ref 1

  Nero, Roman Emperor, Ref 1

  Nerval, Gérard de, Ref 1

  New Statesman (journal), Ref 1

  Ngola Ari, Ref 1

  Nicetas, Ref 1

  Nicholas II, Pope, Ref 1

  Nicomachus, Ref 1

  Nino, St, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Ninus, King of Assyria, Ref 1

  Ninyas (son of Semiramis), Ref 1

  noble savage, Ref 1

  Norfolk, Emma, Countess of, Ref 1

  Norman, Dorothy, Ref 1

  Nzinga, Queen of Angola see Jinga

  Octavia (wife of Mark Antony), Ref 1

  Octavius, Gaius see Augustus

  Odainat (Septimius Odenaethus; husband of Zenobia), Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4; death, Ref 5; chariot, Ref 6

  Ogden, C. K., Ref 1

  Oliveira Cadornego, Antonio, Ref 1

  O’Malley, Grace, Ref 1

  Only-a-Weak-Woman Syndrome, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6

  Onslow, Richard William Alan Onslow, 5th Earl of, Ref 1

  Ordelaffi, Mario, Ref 1

  Orlov, Grigory, Ref 1

  Ornytus, Ref 1

  Orsi family, Ref 1

  Orsi, Andrea, Ref 1

  Ostorius Scapula, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Oudenarde, Battle of, 1708, Ref 1

  Oudh: annexed, Ref 1

  Pageant of Great Women, 1909, Ref 1

  Pain, Nesta, Ref 1

  Palgrave, William, Ref 1

  Palmyra, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4; see also Zenobia, Queen

  Paul, St, Ref 1

  Paul of Samosata, Bishop of Antioch, Ref 1

  Pembroke, Henry Herbert, 2nd Earl of, Ref 1

  Penthesilea: as Warrior Queen, Ref 1; leads Amazons, Ref 2; Eleanor of Aquitaine imitates, Ref 3; invoked for Matilda of Tuscany, Ref 4, Ref 5; Matilda compared with, Ref 6; Begum of Oudh compared with, Ref 7

nbsp; Peredur (Welsh hero), Ref 1

  Peter iii, Tsar of Russia (formerly Grand Duke), Ref 1, Ref 2

  Peter Martyr of Anghiera, Ref 1

  Petilius Cerialis, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4

  Philip I, King of France, Ref 1

  Philip the Fair of Flanders, Ref 1

  Philip II, King of Spain, Ref 1

  Philippi, Battle of, 42 BC, Ref 1

  Phung Thi Chinh, Ref 1

  Piers of Langtoft, Ref 1

  Plutarch, Ref 1

  Pocahontas, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Poenius Postumus, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Pole, Reginald, Cardinal, Ref 1

  Polemo, King of Pontus, Ref 1

  Polirone monastery, near Mantua, Ref 1

  Polish partition, 1772, Ref 1

  Polyclitus, Ref 1

  Polydore Virgil see Vergil, Polydore

  Poniatowski, Stanislaus, Ref 1

  Potemkin, Grigory, Ref 1

  Powell, Enoch, Ref 1

  Pragmatic Sanction, 1713, Ref 1

  Prasutagus, King of the Iceni, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5

  Prescott, W. H., Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Primrose, Lady Diana, Ref 1

  Probus, General, Ref 1

  Proops, Marjorie, Ref 1

  Propertius, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Ptolemy XII Auletes, Pharaoh, Ref 1

  Ptolemy XIII, Ref 1

  Ptolemy XIV, Ref 1

  Ptolemy XV Caesar (Cleopatra’s son), Ref 1, Ref 2

  Ptolemy Philadelphus (Cleopatra’s son), Ref 1

  Publius Petronius Turpillanus, Ref 1

  Purcell, Henry, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Radziwill, Princess Anton (Princess Louise of Prussia), Ref 1, Ref 2

  Raju, R. Sundara see Sundara Raju, R.

  Ramachandra Rao, Maharajah, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Ramirez, Don Francisco (El Artillero), Ref 1

  Rangerius, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Rao Sahib (Pandurang Rao), Ref 1

  Raphael, Adam, Ref 1

  Reagan, Ronald, Ref 1

  Reconquista (Spain), Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Reynolds, Robert: Boadicea: A Tragedy of War, Ref 1

  Rhiannon (Welsh goddess), Ref 1

  Rhine, Confederation of the, Ref 1

  Riario, Girolamo, Ref 1

  Richard III, King of England, Ref 1

  Richardson, Mrs Charles, Ref 1

  Richmond, I. A., Ref 1

  Rigantona, ‘Queen of the Demons’ (Celtic), Ref 1

  Robert Curthose, Ref 1

  Robert, Earl of Gloucester, Ref 1

  Roberts, Field-Marshal Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl, Ref 1

  Rochester, John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of, Ref 1

  Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, Ref 1

  Rolfe, John, Ref 1

  Rose, Sir Hugh, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio: Semiramide, Ref 1

  Rudolf of Swabia, King of Germany, Ref 1

  Rum, Sultan of, Ref 1

  Ruskin, John, Ref 1

  Russell, William Howard, Ref 1

  Rustaveli, Shota: The Knight in Panther’s Skin, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Rusudani, Princess (Tamara’s aunt), Ref 1

  Rusudani, Princess (Tamara’s daughter), Ref 1, Ref 2

  Rutland, Edward Manners, 3rd Earl of, Ref 1

  Sá, Salvador de, Ref 1

  Salamis, Battle of, 480 BC, Ref 1

  Salic Law, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Sammes, Aylett: Britannia Antiqua Illustrata, Ref 1

  Samsi, Queen, Ref 1

  Samtzkhe, Ref 1

  Santon hoard (Norfolk), Ref 1

  Sapor I, King of Persia, Ref 1

  Sargis Mkhargrdzeli, Ref 1

  Sarmatia, Ref 1

  Sarraounia (film), Ref 1

  Sassanids, Ref 1

  Satara (Indian state), Ref 1

  Savage, Richard, Ref 1

  Savile, Sir Henry, Ref 1

  Scathach (Irish woman warrior), Ref 1

  Schiller, J. C. Friedrich von, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Scribonius, Ref 1

  Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Segal, Lynne: Is the Future Female?, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Ségur, Louis Philippe, Comte de, Ref 1

  Seljuk Turks, Ref 1

  Sen Surendra Nath: 1857, Ref 1

  Semiramis: as Warrior Queen, Ref 1; identified with Astarte, Ref 2; historical origins and later writings on, Ref 3, Ref 4; sexual voracity, Ref 5, Ref 6; Zenobia and, Ref 7

  Septimius Severus, Roman Emperor, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Seven Years’ War, 1756–63, Ref 1

  sexual licence see Voracity Syndrome Sforza, Caterina: abused by Cesare Borgia, Ref 1, Ref 2; and Isabella, Ref 3, Ref 4; licentiousness, Ref 5, Ref 6, Ref 7; background and life, Ref 8; cruelty, Ref 9; appearance, Ref 10; fighting and campaigning, Ref 11; death, Ref 12; pose as ‘Only-a-Weak-Woman’, Ref 13

  Sforza, Galeazza Maria, Duke of Milan, Ref 1

  Sforza, Ludovico, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Shakespeare, William: on Cleopatra, Ref 1, Ref 2; uses Holinshed, Ref 3; Henry VI, Ref 4; Titus Andronicus, Ref 5

  Shame Syndrome: and Warrior Queens, Ref 1, Ref 2; Boudica and, Ref 3; Cyrus the Great and, Ref 4; Xerxes and, Ref 5; and Zenobia, Ref 6, Ref 7; Aurelian and, Ref 8; Isabella exploits, Ref 9; Queen Victoria and, Ref 10

  Shamsi-Adad v, Assyrian King, Ref 1

  Sharp, Leonel, Ref 1

  Shastri, Lal Bahadour, Ref 1

  Sheba, Queen of, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Shenstone, William, Ref 1

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Ref 1

  Sidney, Sir Henry, Ref 1

  Silures (Welsh tribe), Ref 1

  Sixtus IV, Pope, Ref 1

  Sixtus V, Pope, Ref 1

  Skene, Captain Alexander, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Sleeman, Sir William, Ref 1

  Smith, John, Ref 1

  Snettisham Treasure, Ref 1

  Society of Antiquaries, London, Ref 1

  Society of Roman Knights, Ref 1

  Solomon, King of Israel, Ref 1

  Soraya, Sultana, Ref 1

  Sorbara, Battle of, 1084, Ref 1n, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Sousa, Correira de, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Spanish Armada, Ref 1

  Spare Rib (magazine), Ref 1, Ref 2

  Spargapises (son of Tomyris), Ref 1

  Spence, Lewis: Boadicea, Ref 1

  Spenser, Edmund: The Faerie Queene, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6, Ref 7

  Staël, Germaine, Baronne de, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Stanley, Sir Henry Morton, Ref 1

  Steel, David, Ref 1

  Steinem, Gloria, Ref 1

  Stephen IX, Pope, Ref 1

  Stephen (of Blois), King of England: struggle with Maud for English crown, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6; coronation, Ref 7; character, Ref 8, Ref 9; captured and imprisoned, Ref 10; freed, Ref 11; death, Ref 12

  Stonehenge, III, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Strabo: Geographica, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Strickland, Agnes: Lives of the Queens of England, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Strong, Sir Roy, Ref 1

  Stukeley, Frances, Ref 1

  Stukeley, William, Ref 1

  Suetonius Paulinus: and Iceni revolt, Ref 1; on Mona (Anglesey), Ref 2, Ref 3; dash for Londinium, Ref 4, Ref 5; abandons Londinium, Ref 6, Ref 7; and Verulamium, Ref 8; Boudica fails to surprise, Ref 9; gathers reinforcements, Ref 10; battle and defeat of Boudica, Ref 11, Ref 12, Ref 13, Ref 14; vengeance against Britons, Ref 15

  Sulla, Ref 1

  Sundara Raju, R., Ref 1

  Sutri, Council of, 1059, Ref 1

  Swift, Jonathan, Ref 1

  Sybille, Countess of Flanders, Ref 1

  Sylvester, J. Henry, Ref 1

  Syme, Sir Ronald, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Tacitus: on Boudica, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6, Ref 7, Ref 8; on Germans, Ref 9; on Iceni, Ref 10; on Celts, Ref 11; on Caratacus, Ref 12; on Cartimandua, Ref 13; on female rule, Ref 14, Ref 15; on abuse of Boudica and daughters, Ref 16; on I
ceni rebellion, Ref 17, Ref 18, Ref 19; on Camulodunum, Ref 20, Ref 21; on Mona, Ref 22, Ref 23; on women in German tribes, Ref 24; on escape of Petilius, Ref 25; on Suetonius, Ref 26, Ref 27; on Londinium, Ref 28, Ref 29; on Roman revenge, Ref 30; on British atrocities and massacres, Ref 31; on Verulamium, Ref 32; on Suetonius’ final defeat of Boudica, Ref 33, Ref 34; on British casualties, Ref 35; on death of Boudica, Ref 36, Ref 37; on Julius Classicianus, Ref 38; English translations, Ref 39; as source for later writers, Ref 40, Ref 41; Agricola, Ref 42, Ref 43, Ref 44, Ref 45; Annals, Ref 46, Ref 47, Ref 48

  Talietzin, Captain (later Admiral) Ivan, Ref 1

  Tain, The (Celtic cycle), Ref 1

  Talleyrand, Charles Maurice, Ref 1

  Tamara (Thamar), Queen of Georgia: and Golden Age, Ref 1; daughterhood, Ref 2; reign, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5; legends and literature on, Ref 6, Ref 7; succeeds to throne, Ref 8, Ref 9, Ref 10; and Voracity Syndrome, Ref 11; character, Ref 12; titles, Ref 13; marriage and children, Ref 14; hunting, Ref 15; and revolts, Ref 16; campaigns and conquests, Ref 17; death, Ref 18; and Catherine the Great, Ref 19; austerity, Ref 20

  Tambe, Moropant, Ref 1

  Tanit (goddess), Ref 1

  Tasso, Torquato: Jerusalem Delivered, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Tatya Tope (pseud.), Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4

  Taylor, Lieutenant (of Jhansi), Ref 1

  Telemachus, Ref 1

  Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron: Boädicea, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Teresa, Queen of Portugal, Ref 1

  Terry, Ellen, Ref 1

  Tertullian, Ref 1

  Tetricus, Gallic Emperor, Ref 1n

  Thatcher, Margaret: as Boadicea, Ref 1, Ref 2; and Falklands War, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6, Ref 7, Ref 8; as honorary man, Ref 9, Ref 10, Ref 11, Ref 12; voice, Ref 13, Ref 14; denies debt to Women’s Movement, Ref 15; and Russian threat, Ref 16, Ref 17; premiership, Ref 18, Ref 19; as ‘iron lady’, Ref 20; femininity, Ref 21; disdains Women’s Liberation, Ref 22; antagonism to, Ref 23; supposed ‘bossiness’, Ref 24

  Theodoric the Goth, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Thomson, James, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Thornton, Deputy-Collector (Jhansi), Ref 1

  Thornycroft, Thomas: statue of Boadicea, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3

  Thurloe, John, Ref 1

  Tiflis (Tbilisi), Ref 1

  Tilbury: Elizabeth I at, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5

  Tilsit: Louise meets Napoleon at, Ref 1

  Titus, Roman Emperor, Ref 1

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, Ref 1

  Toledo, Ref 1

  Tomboy Syndrome: in Warrior Queens, Ref 1, Ref 2; Camilla exemplifies, Ref 3, Ref 4; in Matilda, Ref 5; and Caterina Sforza, Ref 6; in Rani of Jhansi, Ref 7

  Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetae, Ref 1, Ref 2

  Tondelli, Leone, Ref 1


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