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Stages on Life’s Way Page 88

by Søren Kierkegaard

  Provincial Consultative Assemblies, 699

  Pryssing, 292

  psychical, the: and the sensual, 39, 42, 72

  Punch and Judy, 318

  punishment, 502, 662

  puppet, see analogy

  Putnam, Samuel, Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha, 731

  Pyramis, 78, 559, 692

  Pyrrhus, 356

  Pythagoras, Pythagorean, 301

  Quaedam, 737; beauty of, 221; develops Quídam, 473–74; and dialectic of desire, 238; differences from Quidam, 427–34, 631; and the esthetic, 420; and the ethical, 302; forgiveness and, 381–83, 615; as governess, 255, 581; happiness of, 222, 429–31; and immediacy, 421, 427–29, 431, 436; individuality of, 302, 336, 423; as ordinary, 243, 399–400, 456, 577, 621; pallor of, 199, 242, 425, 628; passion of, 349, pride of, 235, 243, 269, 271, 302, 504; and reflection, 216, 241, 431–32, 573, 576; and the religious, 304, 393; and religious presuppositions, 226, 236, 309, 399; and scream, 198, 264, 310, 395, 620; and suffering, 240, 246, 370–71, 432; and temporality, 239–40, 261–62, 302, 383; as unhappy lover, 466–67. See also imaginary construction

  Quidam, xi; actuality of, 422–23, 426, 580; character of, xii, 423; and the comic, 367–68, 421–22, 430, 620; and contradiction, 222–23, 243; confidential communication by, 245–46, 252, 254, 299, 303; deception by 195–96, 213, 219, 248, 332, 336, 338, 343–45, 372, 375, 378, 382, 404, 423, 433, 456, 467, 504, 631; deliberation of, 195; and demonic, 398, 426, 433, 436–37, 455, 484, 621; depression of, 195–96, 203, 211, 222, 225, 226, 262, 374, 376, 379, 390, 427, 429–31, 504, 570, 585, 606, 613, 614–15, 627; despair of, xii, 225; and dialectical, 436–37, 628–29; differences from Quaedam, 427–34, 631; and erotic love, 201–02, 216, 225, 240–41, 654–55; and the esthetic, 455–59; as ethical-dialectical, 432; ethicalness of, 436; and eternity, 261–62; and falling in love, 200–01, 221, 607; and God, 222, 225, 230, 235, 275, 374–75, 614; guilt of, 380–81, 391, 602; humiliation of, 314, 329, 345–46; and the idea, 225, 253, 322, 338, 346, 424, 431–32; ideality of, 422–23, 426, 627; individuality of, 195, 354, 381, 394, 423–24, 433; inclosing reserve of, 197, 218, 223, 241, 311, 314, 369, 373, 427–28, 611, 615, 621, 628, 631; jealousy of, 601; letter to Quaedam, 329–30; life-view of, xiii, 216, 394, 435, 602; and love, 226, 231, 291, 380; madness of, 225, 339–40, 385; and marriage, 195, 197, 222, 267–68, 304, 354–55, 375, 509, 615; and misrelation with Quaedam, 244, 256, 373, 378, 394, 421–22, 428, 435–46, 632; as murderer, 198, 212, 214, 219, 273, 370, 388; pain of, 198, 395, 606; passion of, 209, 218–19, 225, 457, 466, 595; and possibility, 205, 210, 228, 257, 264, 328–29, 627; and prayer, 206, 238–39; and recollection, 208, 263, 349–50; and reflection, 196, 202–03, 208, 120, 215, 225, 229, 231, 240–41, 248, 254, 270–71, 274, 365, 431–32, 571, 574; and the religious, 222, 235, 237, 240, 257–59, 261, 329, 398, 420, 426, 433, 484, 580; religious presuppositions of, 195, 430, 596, 622; repentance and, 261, 317, 345–46, 436; resolution of, 195, 207, 210, 225; as self-tormentor, 472–74; suffering of, 225, 265, 432, 454–57, 593, 610, 631, 654–55; and sympathy, 247, 432–34, 654–55; and third party, 207, 223–24; and the tragic, 421–22, 430, 467, 620; understanding of, 214, 225, 239, 424; as unhappy lover, 400–02, 572, 618–19, 620, 662; and wish, 247, 261, 310, 357. See also imaginary construction; wedding

  Quod felix sit faustumque, 31

  Rachel, 215

  Rackham, H., Cicero De natura deorum, Academica, 747

  Radbodus (king of Frisians), 713

  Rahbek, Knud Lyne, 716

  Rammel, Else, and Frithiof Brandt, Søren Kierkegaard og Pengene, xvii

  Ramsey, G. G., Juvenal and Persius, 700

  Raspe, Rudolph Erich, Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen, 701

  Ratcatcher, 587

  reading aloud, 4

  Realitet, 133, 146, 174, 175

  reason: and faith, 718; and immediacy, 718

  recollection, xv, 214, 676; blessing of, 17; and childhood, 9; contrast aids, 13, 15–16, 532; and the essential, 12; and the eternal, 523; and experience, 9, 14, 15; and forgetting, 9, 12–13, 21, 518–21; and guilt, 520–21; and ideality, 10, 14; and immortality, 10, 522; and love, 521, 523–34; vs. memory, 9–15, 21, 518–22, 524–25; and mood, 21, 534; old person’s, 10, 12; and productivity, 14; and reflection, 13, 14; and sin, 520–21; and solitude, 14–15, 525–33

  reduplication, 65, 630

  reflection, x, 104, 127; and the beautiful, 141; and doubt, 540; and the erotic, 120; and erotic love, 33–34, 40–41, 46, 121–23; and faith, 162; and falling in love, 152, 156, 158, 162–63; and finitude, 162; and freedom, 414; and ideality, 160; and illusion, 521; and immediacy, 123, 157, 162, 412, 414; and intoxication, 556–57; and marriage, 64, 94–95; and prayer, 348; and recollection, 13, 14; and the religious, 162, 167; and resolution, 152, 157, 160–63; to the second power, 13; and self-love, 432; as third party, 33–34; women and, 51, 64, 67, 69, 91, 166, 270–71, 303, 306. See also Quidam

  Reitzel, Carl Andreas, 190, 499, 705

  religion, the religious, x, 152, 169, 476, 658; and abstraction, 659–60; and actuality, 428; and aridity, 501; believers in, 452–53; and childhood, 152, 630; and the comic, 259; and concretion, 172, 659; contradiction in, 171–72; danger of, 469–71; and the demonic, 231, 398; difficulty of, 398, 622; equality in, 168, 235, 239, 305, 315, 488, 576, 604; and erotic love, 163, 167, 623; and the esthetic, 423, 439, 441, 462–63, 466–68, 470–71, 477, 486; and the ethical, 162, 442, 486; and falling in love, 178; fear and compassion in, 461–65; and Hamlet, 452–54, 635; and the historical, 486, 642; and immediacy, 162, 166–67, 169, 172, 415, 422, 440; and the individual, 486; and intelligence, 153; and the internal, 441–42, 454, 468, 476; joy and, 470, 477, 638–39, 640; and knowledge, 479; and love, 175, 414; and marrriage, 172; and metaphysical, 486; and the negative, 642; and passion, 646; and repetition, 172; and resolution, 162; and result, 442–43, 634; and suffering, 458–61, 467, 469, 640, 652; and the system, 454–53; and unity of comic and tragic, 440, 486–87; and women, 166–67

  religiousness A, x

  religiousness B, x

  remembering, see memory

  Remnant, Peter, and Jonathan Bennett, New Essays on Human Understanding, 733

  repentance, 12, 49, 181, 476–77; and deliberation, 476; and the dialectical, 478–79; and existence-spheres, 476–77; and forgiveness, 482, 644; of nothing, 474–75, 643; and love, 164; as recollection of guilt, 14; Solomon’s, 508; and sympathy, 478–79, 643, 653

  repetition, 25, 172

  requirement, 476

  reserve, see inclosing reserve

  resolution, 42, 73, 104; and abstraction, 114–15; and autopathy, 112; and concretion, 114–15; and danger, 163; and deliberation, 102; demonic, 148–49; and divine dispensation, 115; equality of, 169; and erotic love, 110–11, 161, 164–66, 176; and eternity, 110–12; and the ethical, 111, 122, 149, 162; and faith, 164; and falling in love, 102, 109, 111, 116–17, 148–50, 152, 156–57, 162–63; and freedom, 111, 115, 161; and genius, 147–48; and God, 110, 164; and humility, 115–16; and ideality, 107–10, 112, 114, 160; and the immediate, 102, 147, 162; and individuality, 109, 171; and marriage, 95, 105, 109–12, 114–17, 147–48, 156, 166–67; and married man, 105, 170; and passion, 163; positive and negative, 107–09, 111–12, 157; and probability, 110; and reflection, 152, 157, 160–63; and the religious, 162–63; and spirit, 171; and sympathy, 112–13; and temporality, 111–12; at third hand, 108

  result, 11, 12; esthetic, 441–634; ethical, 441; and finitude, 110; religious, 442–43, 634; and resolution, 110

  review(s), 244, 441, 647–51

  rhetoric, 735

  Rhodes, 94

  Richard III, 257, 352, 549, 606

  Richter, Antonius, P. Ovidii Nasonis quae supersunt, 678

  Richter, Johann Paul Friednch, see Jean Paul

  Rigsdaler, 711, 716

  Riisbrigh, Børge, Diogen Laërtses filosofiske Historie, 687

  rix-dollar(s), xvii, 6

  Roat, Christian, 7

  Rogers, Benjamin Bickley, Aristophanes, 686

  Roland, 210

  Rolfe, J. C, Suetonius, 678

  Rome, Roman, 173

  Romeo, 167–68, 227, 407–08, 625

  Roth, Friedrich, and G. A. Wiener, Hamann’s Schriften, 696

  Rothfischer, Gregor, 190

  Rötscher, Heinrich Theodor, 453, 635; Cyclus dramatischer Charaktere, 737; Kunst der dramatischen Darstellung, 737, 743

  Rudelbach, Andres Gottlob, 685

  rural life, 13, 41

  saint, 601; yodelling, 581, 582

  Sargeaunt, John, Lady of Andros, Terence, 690

  Schaeffer, Charles F., True Christianity, 710

  Schaldemose, Frederik, Peter Schlemihl’s forunderlige Historie, 725

  Scharling, Carl Emil, 742

  Scheherazade, 289

  Schenck, Frederic, see Campbell

  Schlegel, August Wilhelm v., and Ludwig Tieck, Shakspeare’s dramatische Werke, 686

  Schlegel, Friedrich, 458; Lucinde, 637, 738

  Schlegel, Johan Frederik, 713

  Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst, 479; Über die Religion. Reden an die Gebildeten unter ihren Verächtrn, 740

  Schmieder, M. Benedict Friedrich, and Friedrich Schmieder, P. Terentii Afri comodeiae sex, 690

  scholarship, 12, 639–40

  Schønheyder, Johan Henrik, Virgils Aeneide, 694

  Schröder, Friedrich Ludwig, Ringen, No. 1 and No. 2, 691

  Schwartz, Friderich, Ringen eller Det af Delicatesse ulykkelige Ægteskab, 691

  Schythe, Jørgen Christian, 748

  scientific investigation, see analogy

  scream, 514

  Scribe, Augustin-Eugène, 292, 317–18, 408, 598; Brahma og Bay aderen, 685; Cameraderie, 409; First Love, 717; Et Glas Vand eller Liden Tue kan Vælte stort Læs, 745; Oscar, 720; Verden vil bedrages, 724

  Scripture, Holy, 214, 316. See also BIBLE

  Scylla, 696

  secret, secrecy, 9, 245, 503, 518; recollection and, 14

  seducer, seduction, 64, 70, 75, 79–80, 152, 559; and demonic, 148–49; and erotic love, 123–24; and falling in love, 103, 148–49; and immediacy, 104; and knight, 103; reduplication of, 552–53; and unhappy love, 552

  Seidelin, Andreas, Visebog indeholdende udvalgte danske Selskabssange, 680, 743, 747

  Seiler, Ernst Edward, Longi pastoralia graece & latine, 683

  self: and ideal, 653; and individual, 342–45

  self-torment, self-tormentor, 470–71, 642–43; as comic, 465–68; as sin, 468

  semaphor, see analogy

  Seneca: “On Proividence,” 680

  Sennacherib, 432

  sensuality, the sensual, 72, 79, 513; demonic inspiration of, 167; and imagination, 508; and intellect, 508; and the psychical, 39, 42, 72; and spirituality, 170, 180; and will, 508

  sermon(s), 463–65, 641; historicizing, 640–42; speculative, 638–40

  70,000 fathoms, 444, 470, 477

  Seven Wise Men of Greece, 703, 729

  Seven Years’ War, 190, 567

  Shakespeare, 50, 140, 220–21, 321, 423, 625, 628; Cymbeline, 220–21, 709; Hamlet, 452–54, 635; Henry IV, I, 717, 725, 745; Henry IV, II, 726; King John, 733; King Lear, 714; Macbeth, 711; Much Ado about Nothing, 267, 585, 715; Othello, 140, 686, 700; Richard III, 713, 725, 745; Romeo and Juliet, 407, 721

  Shalmaneser, 432

  shower, see analogy

  Shrovetide, 72

  Simon leprosus, 232, 234

  Simon Stylites, 253

  Simonides of Ceos, 677

  sin(s): forgiveness of, 481–84; and memory, 520–21; as particular, 481; radical, 482; and recollection, 520–21; seven deadly, 501

  Sjælland, 187, 242, 675, 716

  Skanderborg, 242

  skin, 163

  Slesvig, 93, 695

  Sletdaler, 711

  Smith, William, The Vocation of Man, The Popular Works of Johann Gottlieb Fichte, 740

  Søborg Castle, 187

  Søborg Lake, 187, 189–90

  Socrates, 56, 221, 690, 724; death of, 418; and Diotima, 681; on eloquence, 440; on illusion, 316; irony of, 156, 473; on marriage, 156–57, 160; on misunderstanding, 416; and politics, 692; says same thing, 415, 698; and teaching, 482–83; as unity of comic and tragic, 365–66; and Xanthippe, 50, 53, 418, 473, 545, 687

  solitude, 16–19, 28; and intruders, 529–33; of nature, 19; and recollection, 525–33; of Zerlina, 19, 531, 533

  Solomon, 156, 346, 508; dream of, 250–52, 580

  Solon, 736

  sophist(s), sophistry, 646; and the religious, 485–87

  Sophocles: Antigone, 715; Oedipus, 458; Philoctetes, 458, 638

  Sotion, 722

  speaker, religious, 463–65, 469–71, 477–78, 642

  spectator: and the idea, 461; and tragedy, 460

  speculation, 170, 230, 625

  sphere(s), x, 485; existence-, 476–77, 660

  spirit, the spiritual, 169, 248, 341, 422; and contradiction, 366; and the divine, 182; and the erotic, 100; humans as, 637; and immediacy, 65; and individuality, 171; and lack of spirit, 440, 634; procreancy of, 681; and resolution, 171; and sensuality, 170, 180; and unmarried person, 260

  spleen, 501

  Sponheim, Paul, xv

  stage(s), x, 689. See also esthetics; ethics; religion; sphere

  statistics, 478–81, 487, 644

  Steffens, Henrich: Caricaturen des Heiligsten, 744;; Was ich erlebte. Aus der Erinnerung niedergeschrieben, 747

  Stephanie, Gottlieb, Apothekeren og Doktoren, 712

  Stieglitz, Charlotte, 321, 721

  Stieglitz, Heinrich, 721

  Stobaeus, Johannes, Florilegium, 722

  Stoics, 733

  street inspector, xiii, 456, 470, 657

  strength: for break, 559–60; and suffering, 467; and weakness, 143–44

  Sturluson, Snorri, The Prose Edda, 678

  sudden, the, 18, 269, 328

  Suetonius: “The Deified Augustus,” 678, 703; “Vespasian,” 742; Lives of the Caesars, 678

  suffering, xv; and Christianity, 460; and the comic, 245–46; and the esthetic, 457–59, 461; and the idea, 457–59; and joy, 640; and men, 306; and poetry, 638; religious, 458–61, 468–69, 638, 652; repentance and, 476; and strength, 467; sympathetic, 265; in temporality, 374; and women, 306

  suicide, 298, 321, 593; statistics on, in Paris, 480–81, 487

  Sulla, 703

  summers: and winters, 263

  Sutton, E. W., Cicero De Oratore, 677

  Sværmer, 403

  swearing: by God, 236–37, 238, 576, 658

  Swift, Jonathan, 199–200, 512; Gulliver’s Travels, 419, 626; Satyrische und ernsthafte Schriften, 732, 743

  sympathy: and autopathy, 112; and the dialectical, 478–79; and repentance, 478–79, 643; and resolution, 112–13

  system, 120, 173, 231, 259, 291, 483, 486, 635–36; completion of, 444, 634; and the individuality, 436

  Tacitus, Annals, 737

  talents: and will, 259

  Talleyrand, 339, 601

  Tankeexperiment, xi

  Tantalus, 74

  Tartarus, 336

  Taylor, Bayard, Faust, 680

  τέλεια, 101

  τέλειος, 101; married man as, 106

  τέλος: individuality and, 101; marriage as, 101–02, 106

  teaching, accepting money for, 443, 471, 603, 739

  Terence: Andria, 690; Phormio, 204, 707, 718; Self-Tormentor, 727, 739

  terrible, the, 374–75

  Tetens, Stephan, Plutark’s Levnetsbeskrivelser, 677

  Thales, 123, 157, 688

  theater, 13, 29, 562–63; critics of, 131–32

  Themistocles, 13, 521, 677

  Thespis, 736

  Thiele, Just Matthias, Danske Folkesagn, 701

  Thieme, Karl August, Xenophontis opera graece et latine, 709

  Thisbe, 692

  Thor, 12, 533, 678

  Thornley, George, and j. M.
Edmonds, Daphnis & Chloe, 684

  thought, xv; language vs. 415

  thought-experiment, xi. See also imaginary construction

  Thrasybolus, 482

  Thrasymachus, 741

  Thyboe, Jacob v., 367

  Tice, Terrence N., On Religion: Address in Response to Its Cultured Critics, 740

  Tieck, Ludwig, 57, 469, 686; Alte vom Berge, 739; Fortunat, 729; gesammelte Novellen, 739; gestiefelte Kater, 688; Leben des berühmten Kaisers Abraham Tonelli, 688; sämmtliche Werke, 688

  Tilværelse, 43, 57, 89, 166

  time, temporality, 27, 45, 170, 173–74, 180; and abstraction, 174–75; and eternity, 111–12, 237, 302, 390; and marriage, 79–80, 117, 171; reality of, 175; and resolution, 111–12; strange power of, 150, 384; and suffering, 375; and transition, 386

  tontine, 404

  Tordenskjold, 240

  tragedy, the tragic, 50–51, 54; Aristotle on, 738; and comic, 36, 38, 50, 145–46, 366–67, 412, 415, 420, 626, 633, 693, 727; as deception, 119; and erotic love, 626; and the esthetic, 439, 633; and the ethical, 438; history and, 437–38; misunderstanding and, 416–17; and the spectator, 460; Thespis and, 736; and vaudeville, 150. See also Frater Taciturnus

  transition: from good to evil, 386

  trial(s), spiritual, 163, 182; and married man, 170

  tristitia, 44, 501, 542

  troll(s), 25

  Troy, 696

  Tübinger Literaturblatt, 738

  turtle meat, see analogy

  Twenty-eighth of May Society, 126

  umbrella, see analogy

  understanding: and erotic love, 122; and falling in love, 121; and misunderstanding, 416–17, 420–21

  unheimlich, 82

  Unlucky Enclosure, 16

  upbuilding, 464–65

  Uriah, 645

  Valborg, 407

  Valdemar Atterdag (king of Denmark), 744

  Valdemar I (king of Denmark), 527–695

  Valdemar II (king of Denmark), 741

  Valdemar IV (king of Denmark), 695

  Valhalla, 136

  Valkyries, 700

  Vartov, 743

  Velbekomme, 23


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