Sex on the Beach [Libertine Island 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Sex on the Beach [Libertine Island 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Diane Leyne

  He needed a haircut, too. His thick, dark hair curled over his ears and nearly reached his shoulders. His eyes were dark, too, and piercing. She was sure that they had never met before, but he also seemed strangely familiar. She’d definitely have remembered him, even if it was just in passing. He wasn’t the kind of man one forgot easily. But there was something about Mal Reynolds. Something familiar, but she was pretty sure she’d never met him before. Mal. Hmmm. Mal and Mike. He’d mentioned someone named Mike was back at the island. Mike. That was it. It came to her in a flash. Late July, she’d trained a guy named Mike who, now that she thought about it, looked like a younger version of Mal. He was a little shorter, maybe five ten, and had more of a lean runner’s body, but there was definitely a family resemblance. Mike had attended one of her yoga classes. He was very flexible, and it definitely wasn’t his first class. Unlike Mal, Mike had been funny and personable and charming.

  He’d ended up having several personal training sessions with her before he disappeared from her life as quickly as he’d come into it. He was sweet and hot, and they’d flirted and even gone out for coffee a few times. He’d kissed her a couple of times, but always very sweetly. She didn’t have relationships with her clients, and made it clear that their relationship wouldn’t go beyond that, and he’d accepted the limitation gracefully.

  In hindsight, he was probably checking her out for Libertine Island. If she remembered correctly, she’d gotten the e-mail about the interview the day after his last session. They would have to have a little chat when she got there, but in the meantime, she had big brother to deal with. She remembered the feeling his mouth on her, his hard cock pressing against her. If he wasn’t such a jerk, she’d be attracted to him. But he was probably used to most women falling all over themselves to attract his attention. He was about to find that Rebecca was in a category all her own.

  She looked up and saw him walking toward her, his shorts now hanging in such a way that it was clear he’d taken care of things in the bathroom. She met his gaze and smiled, causing him to stop in his tracks. She dropped her gaze to his crotch, making sure he knew where she was looking. Then she stood up and deliberately turned her back on him, throwing her beach bag over her shoulder and grabbing the handles of her two large suitcases. She turned and wheeled the cases over to where he was standing. He waited for her, his face expressionless but his eyes devouring her as she approached.

  When she reached him, they just looked into each other’s eyes for a moment before he moved, taking the handles of the bags from her without saying a word. She wanted to argue that the bags weren’t heavy and she could manage, but something about the expression in his eyes made her hold her tongue and let him take them. He smiled when she gave in and let him have his way. Something in his smile made a shiver go down her spine and her nipples harden.

  Rebecca felt that a subtle power shift had happened when he took the handles from her without a word, and while one part of her was annoyed, another part of her was turned on, and she felt a fluttering in her pussy at his small act of dominance. She’d done some reading, okay, a lot of reading, since the meeting with Michelle. Mal was definitely a Dom, and he was asserting his authority over her in this small way. The suitcases weren't a big deal, and it shouldn’t matter that he won the battle. But it shouldn’t even have been a battle. Most men, out of politeness, would have offered to take her bags, but Mal didn’t offer. He didn’t even demand. He just did. And she let him. This time.

  “Follow me.” He turned and walked away with her bags, not waiting to find out if she obeyed or not. Rebecca wanted to refuse, but found herself trailing after him obediently. She didn’t really have a choice since he was her ride to the island, but if he thought she was going to be a pushover in other things, he was in for a big surprise.

  Chapter Four

  Malcolm got to the boat and found he was actually worried that Rebecca hadn’t followed, but he refused to turn around until he got to the boat. She had to learn that he was in charge and she was required to obey. He hefted her suitcases on board before turning around and was relieved to see her standing on the pier waiting to board. He reached out and took her beach bag, motioning for her to wait as he put her bags in the cabin.

  Then when he returned, he felt surprisingly relieved that she’d obeyed. He’d started the day convinced that there was no way a vanilla was going to be able to stand working for not one but two Doms, but when he looked up at her waiting patiently on the dock, he wondered if maybe she was trainable. For all of her assertiveness, she had a streak of submissiveness that he might be able to draw out and nurture. And his hand was itching to spank the delectable ass of hers before he fucked her silly. Maybe it might work out. It might be fun trying, he decided.

  Finally he walked back over to her and held out a hand to her. He could see that she didn’t want to take it, but there was no polite way to avoid it. He put her off balance by placing her hand on his shoulder and gripping her waist. Easily, he lifted her onto the boat and slowly set her down, letting her body slide down his until her face was level with his. Leaning forward, he kissed her softly, his lips barely touching hers.

  Putting her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his waist, Rebecca kissed him back, her impatient tongue demanding entrance.

  He let her take the lead. It was actually a novel experience for him. Mal had realized at a very early age that he was meant to be a Dom, and all the women he’d dated since then had known and understood his needs, catered to them, really. It had been a long time since he’d had to work to tame a woman, to train her to submit. Oh, he’d trained subs before, but they already understand what it meant to submit. He just trained them to please him.

  Rebecca would be different. She would battle both in and out of bed. He had a feeling that training her would be a challenge, and he was suddenly in the mood for a good challenge.

  He decided it was time to take charge of the kiss. He slid his arms down her body, his hands gripping her ass cheeks and squeezing gently, at first. He heard her moan and increased the pressure as his tongue demanded entrance to her mouth as he pulled her more tightly against his body. Feeling her capitulation, he moved on in triumph, kissing his way across her cheek and moving is mouth down her neck, nibbling as he went, using his teeth lightly to nip at her tender skin. Feeling her body respond to the tiny bites of pain, he paused where her neck met her shoulder. Biting down just a little bit harder and sucking lightly to mark her fair skin, Mal could feel her body responding to his touch and he could hear her moan of pleasure.

  He was just debating whether the small bedroom in the cabin was big enough for what he wanted to do to her when the sound of a male voice penetrated his lust-fogged brain.

  “I guess you two got acquainted?”

  Reluctantly Mal detached his mouth from Rebecca’s neck. He’d been putting his mark on her when they were interrupted. His eyes narrowed. How had his brother gotten here?

  Rebecca moved to detach herself, but Mal merely shifted her weight so she was perched on his left hip, the heat from her pussy scorching his hip. He moved his left arm around her lower back to hold her in place.

  “Mike, this is Rebecca. Rebecca, this is my baby brother Mike, who was supposed to be back on the island.”

  Mal could feel the change in Rebecca when she looked up and saw his brother. She'd tensed at the interruption, but now she was grinning broadly and ignoring the hand that Mike was holding out and pulling out of Mal's grip to hug his younger brother. Mal could feel a jolt of jealousy shoot through him and he didn't like it at all. He and Mike had never had a problem over a woman, but her reaction to seeing Mike was far different than how she'd reacted when she met him. Of course, Mal admitted to himself, part of it might have been his own cold attitude. Besides, why should he even care. He wasn't actually interested in her, regardless of the fact that he'd just felt compelled to mark her neck and his dick had been trying to burst through his zipper.

  “We’ve ac
tually met before. If you recall, Mal, I was the one to do the screening for Michelle, and as for being here, yeah, well, just after you cast off, JJ stopped by to drop off that wave runner he was working on. I grabbed a ride over with him. I couldn’t wait to see Rebecca again and see how you two were getting along.”

  “I knew it. When they told me ‘Mike’ was picking me up, I didn’t make the connection. It’s a common name. But as soon as I saw Mal, I put two and two together. I totally knew he was your brother. You jerk. Acting like an asshole and then kissing me. Were you just trying to make your brother jealous or what?"

  “No, just hitting on you. I wanted to get into your yoga pants from the moment I set eyes on you.”

  * * * *

  Mike grinned, and Rebecca found herself grinning back as she clung to his brother’s hard frame. Mike was so cute and eager like a puppy, a big, sexy, overgrown puppy.

  She turned to Mal.

  “You can let me down now, you big lummox!”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Meekly, Mal lowered her to the ground, setting her carefully on her feet but not before making sure her body slid down along his, letting her feel his hard cock straining against his shorts again.

  Rebecca stared suspiciously at him, but his expression was bland, She got distracted when Mike scooped her up into his arms and planted a big wet kiss on her lips before settling onto the bench seat with Rebecca stretched out across his lap where she could feel his hard cock beneath her. What was it with the Reynolds brothers’ libido?

  “Sure you’re not secretly a Domme? I’ve never seen my brother so meek.”

  The brothers grinned at each other, and the resemblance was uncanny. Mal was close to a decade older and a bit bigger, but it was still clear that they were related. It was more than just looks. They had identical expressions before Mal finished casting off and then started the engine, carefully pulling away from the dock.

  Rebecca watched him for a few moments. His movements were all graceful and economical as he got the boat underway.

  She turned back to Mike. “He wasn’t meek earlier. And you saw him manhandling me when we came aboard.”

  “I was not manhandling you” Mal declared. “I’m a Dom. We take charge of our women. And besides, you liked it.”

  “Never said I didn’t. But while you may be a Dom, you are not my Dom.”

  Mal started to reply, but Mike spoke first.

  “But you need one. Here me out. You’ll be dealing with some pretty hard-core Doms in your job. You need to understand the protocols, the nuances, the whole Dom/sub dynamic. In fact, you need some hands-on experience, so to speak, and I hereby volunteer myself and my brother to help you out.”

  “Besides,” Rebecca continued, ignoring Mike’s interruption, “Wouldn’t we all get in trouble if we fooled around? I know Michelle said it was okay, but it's never been okay anywhere else I've ever worked. I wouldn’t want to lose my job for inappropriate behavior. I haven’t even started it yet.”

  “No worries on that score. As we are both your boss and both Doms, we get to decide what is inappropriate and what is appropriate. I can’t speak for Mal, but I think that fooling around will just draw us closer together. In fact, as your superior, I recommend frequent sex with the both of us, the kinkier the better.” He pulled Rebecca close and kissed her lightly on the mouth, his hands wandering down with his right one attempting to burrow down the back of her shorts.

  “Naughty, naughty.” Rebecca slapped his hand, and he just laughed, pulling it out, and gripped her ass over the shorts, giving her cheek a squeeze. “Just think what it would be like.” His voice was low and seductive in her ear, and he squeezed again. “If you were our sub, Mal would stop the boat at a deserted inlet and we’d swim over to the empty beach. Once on shore, I’d peel your bra off to reveal your exquisite tits before slowly pushing these cute little shorts down inch by inch. And then…”

  Moving quickly, he flipped her over his knee so that she was lying across his lap. He pressed his left hand down on the small of her back to hold her in place. Rebecca looked up and saw Mal glancing over as he kept one eye on the water and one eye on her. He caught her eye and winked, and then she felt the boat start to slow.

  “And then I’d spank your ass until it was bright red.” Rebecca was so surprised that she didn’t react until she felt his hand come down hard on her still-covered ass. Slap, slap, slap, slap. Four times he struck her butt, twice on each cheek before rubbing and squeezing, and then when she relaxed, he repeated the sequence.

  “Now let me just slide these down and repeat the process so you can compare the sensations…”

  She felt his hands on the waistband of her shorts and decided that it was time end things, at least for now, so she slid off his lap, only a bit disappointed when he let her.

  It took her a moment to realize that Mal had brought the boat to a stop.

  “You may not be our sub—”

  “Yet,” Mike interjected.

  “But I thought spending some time on a quiet beach sounded like a good idea, and if I’m not mistaken, my impetuous brother has packed a picnic lunch, so the three of us can take a swim, eat, and then talk and get acquainted before you get swept up in the hubbub at the resort.”

  “I aim to please.” Mike looked quite pleased with himself.

  “You mean you are a switch?” Rebecca teased.

  Mal laughed. “She’s got you there.”

  “Would you like me to be a switch? For you, I just might give it a try, if you are willing to pay the price.” Mike grinned wickedly her.

  “Would you like to spank me?” He turned and lowered his shorts so that his muscular rear end was exposed. Looking over his shoulder, he continued, “You want to put your hands on my ass? Come on, baby. You spank mine and I’ll spank yours.”

  Rebecca laughed.

  “Maybe later. First, I’d love a swim. The water looks heavenly.” They were moored about a hundred yards off shore on what looked like a private beach set into a small cove. The water was the most amazing shade of blue-green that it didn’t look real. “Is this it? Libertine Island?”

  “It’s the west side. These are all private beaches. The island has about a dozen private homes on it. The resort in on the east side and covers about a quarter of the island. They don’t even use a quarter of that right now, but it leaves plenty of room for expansion. We’re going to have a picnic in the inlet there. The house just up from the beach is empty, and we know the owner. It’s cool for us to be there, and we thought it might be a good idea to have some privacy to talk before you get thrown into the deep end, so to speak.”

  “It looks beautiful. And if you are sure we can use the beach…”

  “One hundred percent certain, sweetie. No problems and total privacy. What more could we ask for?”

  “Great. Is there somewhere I can change?”

  “No need to be modest, baby. We’re all friends.”

  Mal smacked him on the side of the head and rolled his eyes. Mike stuck out his tongue at his big brother, and Rebecca suddenly had a vision of teenaged Mal doing to same thing to a much younger and annoying little brother.

  “Yeah, door’s unlocked.” He gestured to the back of the boat. Rebecca opened her gym bag. She’d packed her favorite swimsuit in her carry-on so it would be handy. It was a rich royal-blue bikini, and it was tiny. It wasn’t quite a thong, but it also didn’t do much to cover her butt. She hesitated for a second. Should she get a one-piece out of her luggage? But then she decided, what the hell. Today was the first day of her most excellent beach adventure full of hot sex and no regrets. Time to start as she meant to go on.

  She grabbed the suit and fled through the door Mal indicated. It only took a moment to change, but then she hesitated. There was a full-length mirror. She studied her reflection. She looked good. She’d always been athletic, and even though she was no longer competing, she still kept in shape. She needed it as a trainer. But she’d never worn a suit this skimpy before. It exposed
a hell of a lot in the chest area, and she felt like her ass was hanging out. It wasn’t a thong exactly, but it didn’t fully cover her cheeks either. Her friends back home would be shocked.

  Last chance, Bec. She looked into the mirror. She looked different. The woman looking back wasn’t a boring, workaholic academic. She was hot and sexy and had not one but two hot and sexy men waiting for her. And they wanted her. It was like a fantasy come true. She’d been attracted to Mike when she’d trained him. He was hot, but he was nice, too. Even though he was a couple of years younger than her, if she hadn’t been his trainer, she’d have been tempted to have a fling with him. But then again, the academic Bec was boring and staid, at least according to her ex. But island Bec was going to be adventurous and live without regrets. She was going to have stories to tell when she was old and gray.

  Mal was more of a mystery to her. He seemed seriously grumpy at times, but she knew he was attracted to her and that his kiss had nearly blown the top of her head off with its passion.

  She wouldn’t want to have to make a choice, and based on what Mike had said, maybe she wouldn’t have to. She’d go with the flow and see where it led, hopefully to many, many orgasms. She grinned and then grabbed her clothes. She could hear Mike yelling for her to hurry up.

  She took one more look in the mirror. Showtime.

  Chapter Five

  Mal slid into the water beside the small inflatable raft and held it steady while Mike lowered the picnic cooler into it. It wasn’t fancy, and he would have to swim and tow, but it would get the job done.

  What the hell had his brother packed? The thing was big enough to hold dinner for eight, and it was packed full. It was heavy, too. The raft was riding low in the water.


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