Quarterback Blitz

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Quarterback Blitz Page 10

by Frances Stockton

  Wanting him, she scooted her leg up more, exposing herself. Long, thick fingers pressed into her tight hole, his thumb finding her clit. Kyran rubbed slowly, seeming to know she needed him to be careful. He was so gentle her hips arched in search of an elusive orgasm that hovered so close, she almost screamed for it.

  “Touch me, Anna, please,” he whispered, the first time he said please. He could be dominant. She liked when he was. At the moment, they were sharing, equals in the pursuit of pleasure.

  Not wanting to deny him anything, Anna ran her palms over his biceps, magnificent abs and pecs. Knowing he needed more, she brushed her hand over his hips to his cock. Loving his size, she wrapped his glans with her hand.

  Slowly she caressed, focusing on the head, where he liked it around the rim. He hummed, pushing his hips up at her. His hand between her legs delved farther, his fingers thrusting in and out of her vagina. Pushing in farther, he crooked his middle finger in just the right way, finding her G-spot.

  Anna gushed immediately, her orgasm so deep and powerful, it flowed in waves of sweet juices. Crying softly because she could barely move, she was vaulted into another softer climax.

  She wanted to do something for him in return. She shifted to try to go down on him, but he caught her up against him.

  “Not this time, Anna,” he said.

  Kyran reached across to where he’d placed the box he’d taken from the bathroom. A full supply of condoms for a night of serious lovemaking, she saw. He took one out, opened the package and handed the thin latex to her. With a little help, she sheathed him.

  Once they were protected, he swept her to lie beneath him on the mattress, to take her in the most basic, simplest way. Parting her thighs and bending her knees, she placed her feet flat to the bed. His cock probed her entrance, his hips flexed. She arched to meet him, taking him slowly at first until he’d penetrated as far as he could.

  “God yes!” he groaned harshly. “Want to stay just like this, Anna, just like this.” His whole body shook, his arms on either side of her on the mattress trembled. Like all the times they’d had sex, his cock filled her to overflowing, stretching her labia and pussy as she gloved his girth.

  He didn’t stay still for long. As slowly as he’d filled her, he withdrew to the tip, slid back in, his eyes hooded, his muscles flexing. Repeating the sure but gentle surge, he made her heart pound, his lovemaking bringing her near to tears. Amazing, simply amazing, she thought, felt, knew as he rocked into her again.

  Together they found their rhythm, keeping their eyes on each other, following instinct. Every push of his pelvis and drag of his cock in and out of her caught her clit, giving her exactly what she needed. Orgasm rushed deep within the well of her body, flooding him, flooding her thighs. Kyran’s hands caught hers and he placed them high above her head.

  “Keep them there,” he told her, tucking them into the cushiony pillow.

  He rose up slightly so that only their sexes were touching, joined. He glanced down, she did too. It was incredibly erotic to see his cock piercing her center, his balls resting against her ass.

  “Would you look at that?” he murmured. “We fit.”

  “You’re crazy, Kyran,” she teased. “And if you don’t move, I’m going to hurt you.”

  “When a lady asks, a man delivers,” he agreed, mimicking the slow pace once again.

  There was some slight soreness from what they’d done before. Anna didn’t mind, it made her feel like she’d had sex four times, which they had. Aware that they were beyond sex now, she waited for him to nod at her arms. She could bring them down.

  Freed, she placed her hands about his neck, bringing him down to her. Kyran thrust again, harder this time, harder still. Wanting it, she lifted her legs, wrapping them tight about his hips. The angle of penetration deepened. There she crested, soaring in deep tension-releasing waves of indescribable pleasure.

  His hips jerked, his thrusts urgent, driving him toward climax. She lost count of how many times she cried out, how many times he grunted and groaned. But he kept thrusting, drawing her back to a soft orgasm when he shouted. His groans filled her with satisfaction while he came, his cock pulsing with the force of it.

  Kyran collapsed on top of her, heavy yet feeling perfect. Still holding him, she combed her hands through his hair then wiped the sweat from his shoulders.

  That was when she saw the bruises on his shoulder. Bruises! “Kyran, you’re injured.”

  “I’m not,” he muttered into her shoulder.

  “You have bruises, right here.” She tapped the small crescent shapes with her fingertips, realizing exactly how they were made.

  They were the same shape as her nails.

  “Oh my god, did I do that to you?” she demanded, surprised.

  “You’re the only lover I’ve had for months, yeah,” he answered.

  He pulled out. She almost cried but didn’t stop him. After he’d deposited the condom in the trashcan by the bed, he looked at her, a smile on his face.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t be. I’m fine.” Kyran shifted to lie beside her, taking her back into his arms. “Anna, I’ve had the best sex of my life with you tonight. A few bruises and scratches are a fine price to pay.”

  “Scratches?” she gasped. She’d scratched him? When? Checking his body, she found small red marks on his rib cage. “Jeez, I don’t even remember doing that.”

  “Think they’re a result of backseat fucking. Now come here, rest.” Bringing her head to his chest, he brushed her hair with his fingers, spreading it over him.

  “If I get too comfortable, I’ll fall asleep.”

  “It’s okay, fall,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “I’m not going anywhere.” His hand kept brushing, his steady heartbeat lulling her to eyes to close.

  “Kyran, I’ll go on a date with you,” she murmured as sleep overcame her.


  Kyran woke to pale light breaking the darkness of his bedroom.

  Aware of the beautiful woman sleeping quietly beside him, he shifted to look down at her. He’d had her five times in one night. Reality was that didn’t happen often to any man his age. He might be thirty, but right then his body felt fifty, his knee was aching.

  Apparently pain didn’t affect his dick. His boner was ready to go, pre-cum wetting the head. All he had to do was reach over for the condoms, wake her and take her. Hell, he was close to being in love with her. That fast, she had him wrapped around her little pinkie. She didn’t even know it.

  The last time they’d made love, he awakened to her hot mouth on his cock. She’d gone under the covers, taken control. She’d worked him good with that sweet, sweet mouth, almost letting him come. He’d brought her out from the covers, put on a condom, then let her climb on top and take him for a long, slow ride instead.

  She was exactly what he’d thought she would be, perfect for him.

  He didn’t want to wake her too soon, but had promised breakfast in bed. That he could do, as much as his rebellious cock wanted otherwise.

  Carefully, he shifted out from under Anna and got out of bed. Replacing the covers over her, he treaded to the bathroom. A quick splash of cold water on his face helped some. He brushed his teeth and went back to semi-hard.

  His woman was still asleep on his bed. He could easily climb right back in. But she had to be sore. He was a little raw himself. Yeah, he needed a break. He’d look for some ibuprofen for Anna when she woke up.

  Cleaned up, he headed for the closet and dragged on a clean pair of jeans. In his room he saw Anna hadn’t moved. A quiet snore from the bed made him smile. He’d worn out his school teacher.

  In the kitchen, he felt twinges of soreness in his knee. Went with the territory, he’d told Anna last night. He was glad he’d overcome an injury that could have sidelined his career, but he wasn’t getting younger. He had bruises and aches in places that had nothing to do with sex. He had a season left in his contract with the Griffins. More
likely it’d be his last as a player. Plans were in the works for him to stay on with the team as a quarterback coach.

  He wanted to share that with Anna. He didn’t know if it was too soon to talk about that kind of future, but he knew he wanted one with her.

  Kyran decided on egg omelets with cheese, bacon and whole wheat toast for breakfast. He’d chucked his cell phone on the counter when they came home last night and picked it up to check messages.

  Alex Grant called eight times in the last hour. Getting out what he needed for breakfast, he listened to the calls.

  “Kyran, call me. It’s about Brenda Jamison,” Alex said.

  Next call worried him. “Kyran, seriously, she’s got photos. You need to call me.”

  He punched speed dial. “Alex, hey, got your messages, ‘sup?”

  “Don’t ‘sup me, my man,” his agent and one of his best friends said. “Don’t know what you’ve got going with a teacher, Kyran. You need to cool your jets. She’s a cougar, for god’s sake.”

  “A cougar?” he repeated, growling it. “Watch it, Alex. Whatever Brenda has on me, I can handle. If it’s on Anna, I want it canned, erased, removed, whatever. Make it happen. Anna’s not a cougar, she’s the team mascot. Won’t let this hurt her job, you get me?”

  “You know I’ll do my best,” Alex said. “Something’s already hit the papers.”

  “Jamison works fast.”

  “You might want to check the morning paper, claims a verifiable source at Griffins Nest Stadium has seen you and your latest fling together several times. I’m already doing what I can to get the Alexandria Journal to recant their story on ‘The Cougar’ and ‘The Rebel’.”

  “The Journal?” Kyran stopped breakfast prep and paid attention for real. “Brenda works for Sentinel Press.”

  “Journal bought out the Sentinel a few weeks ago. Sentinel is going all digital, online only. Journal is gradually changing its format to gain readership. Get your paper, then call me. Better yet, come down to my office by noon today. We’ve work to do.”

  “I’ll do my best,” he said, ending the call.

  “Kyran, what’s that you said about a cougar?” Anna asked behind him.

  “Hey, sugar,” he greeted, tossing the phone aside and going after her. Her face paled, her eyes narrowing.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “‘Course not, why aren’t you sleeping?” Noticing she wore a shirt from his closet, and nothing else, he thought she looked fantastic.

  Her wild, wavy hair was the result of all-night fucking. The skin beneath her eyes a little dark from the late night. Touching his finger to her chin, he tilted her head back.

  “I was hungry,” she said. “Thought I heard you talking to someone, so I came to see what was up or if you needed help with breakfast.”

  “How can I bring you breakfast in bed if you’re in the kitchen?” he asked.

  “You’re sweet to make breakfast for me. Eating it here is fine,” she insisted. “Can I help?”

  “Only if you want,” he agreed.

  “Sure.” She went in search of a skillet and plopped it on the gas burner.

  Anna helped him gather up ingredients for the eggs. He scrambled them up for the omelet. Getting used to having her near, he wanted to think about anything except Alex’s call. He wasn’t ready to deal with Brenda’s gossip. But he couldn’t lie to Anna. If he did, he’d hurt her.

  “So what’s the deal with the cougar? Isn’t there an expansion team with that name?”

  “In Nevada, but that’s not it, Anna. Alex called. Said something about Brenda running a story that showed up in the Journal,” he admitted.

  “You mean about us?”

  “Believe so.” He nodded, turning his attention on food. “We’ll check the paper after we eat. I have a meeting with Alex at noon.”

  “Kyran, maybe I should call a cab. I can take it straight home, shower, change and go to team practice.”

  “Not happening.”

  “Be reasonable,” she insisted. The stovetop was still off. She faced him, arms crossed over his button-down shirt.

  “I am being reasonable. I’m driving you,” he stated. There was no way he’d let her take a cab.

  “Think about it. By the time breakfast is done, we’ll be lucky to go to Alexandria, get my car and both of us reach our respective places by noon.”

  Kyran didn’t like it. “Tell you what. Let me at least drive you home to change. Then I’ll take you to your practice. From there, I’ll call Alex and rearrange our meeting for a little later.”

  “But my car is at the stadium.”

  “I could have someone tow it to your high school.”

  Anna smiled. “That just might work.”

  “‘Course it would,” he agreed. “Now that that’s settled, come here, beautiful.”

  Catching her up against him, he kissed her good morning. She’d brushed her teeth. She was fresh and sweet.

  She drew back. “Was the cougar thing in reference to me?”

  “Um, yeah,” he said.

  Anna arched her brow. “Me? A cougar?” she laughed. “I did scratch you, didn’t I?”

  “You can scratch me anytime,” he invited, kissing her again.

  With that things went south. Anna’s eyes fell to his erection and she helped unbutton his fly. He shucked his jeans in record time, flinging them to the side. Back at her, he lifted her up onto the island, pleased to see she wasn’t wearing underwear.

  Spreading her thighs wide, he was about to fuck her when Anna’s hand appeared in front of his face. A condom, she’d brought a condom with her. She must have put it in the front pocket.

  “God, I think I love you,” he confessed, freezing an instant before grabbing the protection and putting it in place.

  Moving back between her legs, he brought her hips forward, making her rely on his strength to hold her open and waiting. It was going to be fantastic to be inside her again.

  “Put me inside you,” he told her.

  Anna grabbed his cock and stroked him hard. Fuck, he loved when she did that little pump and twist action.

  Bold as you please, she brought him to her wet, hot pink pussy, letting him in. Water-based lubricant from the condom and her moisture took him further. He thrust hard.

  She cringed. Her thighs squeezed shut, preventing him from going deeper. She was too sore for this. He felt like a jerk.

  “Oh shit, Anna, I’m sorry,” he growled at himself.

  “Kyran, please don’t stop.”

  “I’m hurting you,” he said, resting his forehead against hers.

  “It’s okay. I’m a little sore. I’ll recover. I can take it.” With more desperation, she jerked him against her, taking his cock to the hilt, but wincing again.

  “Don’t ask me to do this when it hurts you,” he warned, stilling her efforts.

  “But you’re hard and beautiful. Why waste a perfect erection?” She tried to play even as he pulled out slowly. His erection softening fast, her eyes locked in on the evidence.

  Her whole face changed. From wanton to worried, she hopped off the counter.

  “Don’t be mad.”

  “Not mad,” she said softly, too softly. “Like I said, that erection is going to waste. Let me work you out again.”

  With that, she dropped to her knees in front of him. “Don’t, Anna.”

  She didn’t listen. She grabbed his cock, condom and all, kissing the tip. Lubricant had to taste bad, she swallowed anyway. She got him hard in an instant, but he wasn’t that much of an ass. He took her by the shoulders to bring her to her feet.

  “I want to make you come, Kyran.”

  He kissed her for it. Something was wrong here and it was more than her being sore. Yeah, he’d taken her real hard a few times. But he felt her slight tremor, she was nervous again, too tense to relax and enjoy sex. “Everything’s all right with us, you get me?”

  “If I were younger I could take you.”

  That was it
. The cougar tag made a hit. Making sure she was listening, he stared into her eyes. “If you were younger, you wouldn’t be my Anna.”

  “Does that mean we have a date tonight?”

  “Wild horses and piranhas wouldn’t keep me away,” he promised.

  “Okay then, let’s make breakfast.”

  “Coming right up,” he said, removing the condom and buttoning his jeans.

  They worked side by side. He cooked the omelet. She put the bacon in the microwave and fixed the toast. He had juice in the fridge, pouring some for both.

  Breakfast was good. They drank juice instead of coffee. But Kyran knew she was preoccupied. Every time she looked away, blushing, he was certain that she was real close to bolting. He hadn’t convinced her that he was in this with her for the long haul.

  To make amends, he went to find a warm washcloth and some ibuprofen. He brought it back to where she sat at the kitchen bar. “I’ve got something that can help,” he said.

  “Think all I need is another soak in your bathtub,” she said. “But that’s not possible. A shower should be fine.”

  “This will do for now.” Holding up the washcloth, he gestured for her to face him.

  “You’re a nice man.”

  “Thanks, sugar,” he said.

  She stiffened, like he’d hurt her again. What’d he do this time?

  “Hey now, Anna, you’re getting all tense. Relax, okay?”

  “I’m trying.”


  Anna let him kneel down and part her knees. Her vulva was still red and a little swollen. Placing the warm cloth to her folds, he pressed so the warmth would seep into her clit and labia.

  “Take these,” he offered.

  “What is it?”

  He handed her the two pills. “Ibuprofen, it’ll reduce the swelling.”

  “Oh my god, who’d have thought I’d be sore after a night of sex with you?” she asked herself, laughing. “Amazing.”

  “To be sore?” he clarified.

  “Yes! Since I lost my virginity, I’d wanted to have the kind of sex that’s so good I was sore for days afterward. Think we did that last night.”

  “We went at it pretty good. For the record, I intend to fuck you again later. Better get used to that with me.”


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