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Frisk Page 5

by Viola Grace

  She could make out muscle and shadow as he moved toward her. His eyes glowed against the dark pigmentation that created a built-in mask for him. “I apologize again for getting you out of bed this early. I just like to cook to make myself feel at home.”

  He stepped closer to her, and she could smell the distinct aroma of his skin. She took a step toward him, and the heat from his body radiated out to warm her. “If you don’t get a call today, will there be training?”

  He put his hands on her hips and kissed her slowly, warming her skin from her lips downward. “Good morning, may the brightness of the day light your eyes.”

  She shivered, and he smiled as dawn cascaded over them, painting them both with golden-pink light. “That sounds lovely.”

  “It is the traditional greeting for a man to his mate.” He brushed her hair away from her cheek.

  “Presumptuous.” She leaned into his hand, belying her words.

  “You are mine. We are both aware of it. Why do you still put up resistance?” His fingers caressed her neck, and he rested his palm over her heart.

  She tried to keep her breathing calm. “It is my nature. Few males I have met would accept a woman if she simply welcomed him at first sight. Women who engage in that practice are not mate material, they are for one night at most.”

  She could see a darkening of his cheeks, and she knew that he was going over the memory of many such women.

  “You may have a point. Nothing worth having comes easily.” His hand spread warmth through her torso with that one little touch.

  She stepped toward him in the light of dawn, and she stroked her hands over his shoulders. “Sometimes, you just have to ask the right way.”

  In a flash, he wrapped his arms around her and launched them from the outer wall to an inner balcony.

  She was drawing breath to scream when he landed with her firmly in his grasp. Lera struck his shoulder with her fist.


  “What the hell was that?”

  He grinned and moved until his lips were almost touching hers. “That was me asking.”

  She whispered, “Remind me not to be around when you decide to demand.”

  “I will try, but since you will be under me at the time, I don’t think you will be able to retreat at that point.” Lance kissed her passionately until she was clinging to him

  He kicked his balcony door open and swept inside with her still tucked in his arms.

  Lera shivered as she realized that there was no going back, so it was a good thing she didn’t want to.

  Chapter Eight

  To her surprise, he got naked first, allowing her a full view of his body. She was already familiar with the breadth of his shoulders and the heavy musculature of his chest and abdomen. His thighs were thick columns that flexed as he let her take him in. His erection was a strange serpentine shape that caused her to stare. A muscle low in his belly flexed, and the length of him undulated as she watched.

  Lera licked her lips. “Nice trick.”

  He inclined his head. His shoulder-length hair swung forward against his bare skin. “Your turn.”

  She hesitated but decided that it was better to go in under her own power rather than hide behind seduction. Lera slipped out of her shoes and removed her trousers with a few tugs of the fabric sash that held them up.

  She kicked them aside, showing him the curves of her limbs from mid-thigh down. With her hands shaking, she unknotted the tie of her tunic, and once it was hanging loose, she whipped it over her head and to the side as quickly as she could.

  She closed her eyes as he stared at her, wearing nothing but daylight on her skin. She held her breath as she felt him come closer.

  “Open your eyes, Lera.”

  She opened one and exhaled as she saw that he wasn’t disgusted by the peachy tone of her skin. “I am sorry, no part of me moves independently.”

  He chuckled and used his fingertips to caress her neck, slowly moving downward. “That is not a necessary criteria for me. I merely want to touch every inch of this lovely body and then slowly stroke my cock into your heat.”

  The shiver that ran through her puckered her nipples as he watched. The temptation was too much apparently, he leaned forward and took her left nipple between his teeth, pulling before he covered her and sucked hard. Her knees buckled, but with his teeth working at her, she was not about to collapse.

  The surge of slick invitation between her thighs made her blush. She could smell her own heat, so it was a surety that he could. Instead of rushing things, he continued to stroke her skin, exploring on the way down. Her other breast was treated to the same attack and attention and a low moan emerged from her throat.

  His sucking and stroking was driving her to distraction. Her skin tingled and a fine veil of sweat coated her when he finally started stroking the slick folds between her thighs. She could hear how wet she was as his fingers moved around before delving inside.

  A furious blush ran through her skin as Lera experience the combination of humiliation and arousal at her own body’s responses.

  She swayed in his grip, and only his hand on her back kept her from falling over. His fingers slid over her clit, and she jolted as her body revelled in the electric shock. She saw his gaze flick to hers as he caught on to her uncontrollable responses.

  He stroked her clit again, and this time, she gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin. He rubbed against her until her gasping turned into low moans that caused her to shudder in his grip while he teased that tiny bud of sensation.

  The coil of arousal that he had twisted inside her snapped without warning, sending her to her knees. He caught her on the way down and laughed against her neck.

  She moaned low in her throat as he lifted her to his bed and moved over her. “My mate, now and beyond.”

  Lera looked up into his eyes, and the bright gold was blazing with more than heat. “Yours. Now and beyond.”

  “Good enough.” He fitted his cock to her, and it undulated in her wet heat, working into her with only light pressure from his hips.

  She lifted her hips to his, pressing up against him, her channel wrapping around the invader and holding him tight.

  He groaned. “I thought you couldn’t do any tricks.”

  She laughed. “It is a reflex. Once you are inside, I want to either hold you there or expel you. Which one is up to you.”

  He nuzzled at her neck. “Birol.”


  “My name is Birol. I want to hear it on your lips when you surrender.” He smiled against her neck and shifted his hips while his cock continued its undulations inside her.

  Lera stroked her hands up his ribs and wrapped her arms around his back. “Birol. I am pleased to meet you.”

  “Not yet, but that is my goal.”

  He moved slowly against her and within her. Each thrust stroked the inner walls of her channel until she was staring blindly into his eyes and clutching at him desperately.

  His movements picked up ferocity as his own eyes showed that he was taken over by his body. He rocked into her with heavy beats, his hands clutched the bedding to either side of her head, and he started to shudder with every thrust.

  He shifted his weight and pressed his hand between their bodies, his fingers sought her clit with determined attention, and when he found it, she screamed, “Birol!”

  His name seemed to be his trigger. He shook violently as he plunged wildly into her over and over. He threw his head back, his neck corded with tension as he groaned, his cock bucking inside her.

  She felt the jerking of his cock, but the pleasant soreness of her channel was the only throbbing that she cared about. Lera ran a hand through his hair, stroking it from his face.

  He muttered against her neck, “Don’t think that this lets you out of blade training.”

  She yanked on a lock of hair. “This was your idea. I just wanted to know if training was still on the schedule.”

  He rolled, dislodg
ing from her but taking her with him. She ended up sprawled across his chest. “You seemed to enjoy yourself.”

  “I didn’t enjoy myself. I enjoyed you. There is a vast difference. When I enjoy myself, there is no one else in the room.” She smiled primly at him and propped her chin on one fist.

  He chuckled, and his cock twitched, coming alive once again.

  She smirked. “I am guessing that that idea met with your approval.”

  “I would enjoy seeing how you pleasure yourself. I might pick up a tip or two.” He ran a hand through her hair and down her back, cupping her buttock before giving it a light slap.

  “I will have to know you a lot better before you get to see that. Heck, I don’t even watch it myself, and I know what I am doing.”

  “Why do you pleasure yourself if it is embarrassing?”

  “To relieve stress mainly. It is also a way of getting in touch with my own body. It is difficult to be so far from home. I have to remember who and what I am now and then. The pleasure anchors me if that makes sense.”

  “It does. Sometimes, sex with a partner takes you out of yourself, you give yourself to them in a way and that piece is gone forever. With the right partner, you are more than you were before, not less.” He stroked his hand up and down her spine.

  She definitely felt like there was more to her now, but it was still so new that she was afraid to verbalize it. “It sounds nice.”

  “It will be. This was a first exercise, just as this afternoon will be our first time training. Its only purpose was to get some of the awkward newness out of our contact. After this, there will be less embarrassment and more enjoyment.”

  She looked into his features and saw that he was completely serious. “So, this was a throw away?”

  “No. I will always remember our first time, but next time, neither of us needs to be so careful with the other.”

  She took a mental inventory and realized that she wasn’t sporting any of the bruises that she thought would come with him in her bed or her in his bed. “That sounds fair. Is there anything off limits?”

  He winked. “Not on my body. Yours?”

  “I have some scars that you probably have spotted already, but aside from them, no. You have free rein on my body.”

  She felt the shudder that went through him.

  “You have no idea how happy I am you said that.”

  She glanced down at the erection that was weeping with eagerness. “I have a pretty good idea, but if you tire me out, I am not going to be able to play with you this afternoon.”

  He grunted. “I understand. We are not in a hurry, but expect me in your quarters this evening.”

  She laughed. “Fine. I think now I should get dressed and we should have a training session to work off the tension.”

  Lance sighed. “Are you sure?”

  “I am sure. Too much of a good thing just ends up with me chafed and you cut off for a few nights.”

  “Ouch. Fair enough. A quick shower, and then, you can return to your lackluster clothing.” He helped her stand and led her to his lav. His idea of a quick shower was to stroke every inch of her body with slick hands.

  By the time she was clean, she was also shaking with need and really resenting her determination that she needed fight practice. Lera wrapped herself in a towel and retreated to the bedroom where bots had folded her clothing. She slipped her tunic and trousers back into place, stepped into her slippers and tied her sashes. She was ready to go.

  Birol returned to his bedroom wearing nothing but damp skin and a smile. He pulled out a pair of those loose trousers and tucked them into boots before he wrapped a sash around his midsection.

  “That is all you are wearing?”

  He grinned and took a few flat pieces of metal from a drawer. “It is all I need at home. Now, come out to the practice area. I need to assess your competency.”

  Chapter Nine

  She lunged at him, grazing his ribs with the blade. It was the first contact she had made in the practice, and after one hour, she was ready to take her triumph.

  “Very nice. I was beginning to lose hope, but surprisingly, the more exhausted you are, the better your technique.” Lance blocked her next attack and turned her so that her back was pressed against his front. The loose trousers did not leave much to the imagination.

  Pinning her to his body seemed to be his favourite way to chastise her as he whispered into her ear. It was also distracting enough that she was amazed she hadn’t stabbed him by accident.

  “That happens sometimes. I get better aim. My question is why don’t I see any of your blades as weapons until you shape them?”

  He held out a flat piece of metal, and it extended into a graceful and glossy blade. “Like that?”


  “Because until I use my talent, there isn’t a weapon. Just metal. No potential to be anything else.”

  “Ah, well, can you get your erection out of my spine so we can continue?”

  He pressed his hips against her. “As your instructor, it is my duty to make you uncomfortable.”

  She turned in his arms and wrapped one arm around his neck while the other fondled him through his clothing. She kissed him, nipping at his lips until he frantically pressed his mouth to hers. “Turnabout is fair play. Now, either instruct me or let me get some lunch.”

  His body shook at her bold caresses. He deliberately moved her hands away from him with a sigh of regret. “Lunch it is. Afternoon has been given to Shatter, so be on your best behaviour and do not use this technique to distract him or it will cause a problem.”

  Lance pinned her hands behind her and pressed a kiss to her neck. It was her turn to shudder as he used his teeth gently on her skin.

  “I didn’t mean you could eat me.” Her whispered words made him chuckle.

  He sighed and pulled away from her. “Too bad. I will have to save that for dessert this evening.”

  A harsh beeping stilled what she would have said next.

  Lance stiffened and sighed. “It seems playtime is over. Don’t get into trouble while you are alone here.” He left her and leapt to his balcony.

  A moment later, she saw the gathering of Guardians in their work gear, meeting in the dining room. She walked toward them, but they ran past her with regretful smiles.

  The skimmer took off, and they were away.

  “Well, hell. That sucks.”

  She made herself some lunch, unpacked her bags and did some light exercises in the gym. Her body was humming pleasantly with exertion when she heard someone clearing their throat behind her.

  She paused and set the weight pack down. “Rhoda?”

  “Hello, Lera. Sorry to have come early, but Charm has created a new engine configuration, and he was only too delighted to get an early start with it.” The pale human entered the gym with a smile. Her gown spoke of grace and wealth. Neither of which Rhoda cared about.

  Lera grabbed a towel. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower?”

  “Please. I will wait for you in the dining room.”

  “You will wait? Where is Charm?”

  “Helping out with the three-block arson fire in one of your cities. He took the personal transport and dropped out the back of the shuttle. It is a damned good thing that it has comprehensive autopilot.” Rhoda sighed and shook her head.

  Rhoda winked. “See you in a few.”

  Two hours later, Lera determined that Charm would only need to make changes to her bodysuits. Everything else was well fitted and draped wonderfully.

  “I still don’t know why I need a new wardrobe to do this job.”

  Rhoda was sipping at her caf and grinning. “Because, you are the ambassador of the Guardians by your job description. You will smooth over any problems they have with local government, including damage done by a rescue effort. It happens. Well, not on Yaccaro, but it happens elsewhere in the imperium.”

  Lera twisted from side to side in the fluttering clothing that Rhoda swore was a res
pectable day gown by Jennila standards. Her shoulders were bared, the sides of her waist were exposed by the fluttering charmeuse-type fabric. “It feels weird.”

  “Yes, but you have seen highborn and business people wearing them. You have to appear to be one of them. Each gown is marked with an area that it is suitable to wear it in. You can’t very well go shopping in each area when you have your first assignment there. This is just a starter kit, if you will.”

  Lera wrinkled her nose and sat carefully. “Thank you, and thank your husband and brother-in-law.”

  “Kebril enjoys it. Now that Meena is finally there, he can only create so many outfits for her before she complains that she is not his Barbie-doll. After that, she has to explain what that is and the whole thing falls apart.” Rhoda chuckled. “Did you want to see the portraits?”


  “Stay there.” Rhoda got to her feet, and her gown pressed against her abdomen for a moment.

  “You are pregnant.” Lera was surprised. She knew that Alliance species could mate with Terrans under ideal conditions, but she had never thought about the imperium races.

  “I am. There is a reason that he doesn’t let me out of his sight.” Rhoda smiled, and it was the soft smile of someone whose attention was turned inward.

  “Wow. I didn’t think…”

  “Well, the Genarans are a little different than most races. They create their match via nanites. It hurts like hell at first, but once they are in, it is fine. Technically, I could make the adjustments to your clothing, but Charm is thinking of me as a delicate ecosystem at the moment, and he would tan my hide if I exerted myself in any way.”

  As she spoke, Rhoda popped the case of the portraits and hefted them one by one until they were lined up against the wall. “Sorry that I kept going, but I had no idea what I was going to paint next.”

  Hot colour moved up Lera’s cheeks. “Six of them?”

  “You two were fascinating. I had to find out what happened next.” Rhoda smiled.

  The first image was the moment that they were on the dance floor. That was the one Lera had requested. She wanted to know her perfect man, and the image of her in his arms had haunted her since Rhoda scanned it and sent it to her.


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