Rise of the Carnelians (Europa)

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Rise of the Carnelians (Europa) Page 10

by Jason Gehlert

  “You should know about being a cock,” she shot back.

  “Touché.” Adrian also raised his glass. “To the best geologist on board the Abagail.”

  “Here, here.” The group clanged their forks against their glasses.

  “I want to study and learn Europa’s characteristics.” Gillian looked across the table. “I think each of us present unique talents that will contribute to a successful mission. If not for us, then for mankind.”

  “I’m tearing over here,” Adrian responded, playfully dabbing his eyes.

  Gillian glowered in Adrian’s direction and tightened her lips. “If you weren’t the builder of this ship, I’d flush you out with the rest of the turds.”

  “Play nice,” Philene interjected. “Mr. Blakely has given each of us a rare opportunity to flex our professional muscle and find a way to not only research and colonize Europa, but, like Gillian said, to save mankind in the process.”

  Gillian huffed and sat back down to a round of applause.

  “Eh, don’t let that pompous fool get to you, Jilly,” Kaspar leaned over and whispered to Gillian. “I don’t like him either. But, he does sign my checks.”

  “Lesser of two evils?” Gillian whispered back feeling like she had secured a new ally, even a new friend in the roguish commander.

  “My name is Dr. Philene Fanchon and I from the outskirts of Pairs, France. I am also like Miss Shea, a leader in my field of archeology and anthropology. I basically couldn’t make up my mind in college. I have some secretive tattoos and a killer taste for ancient rock, especially for AC/DC.

  Muted laughter circled the table.

  “I am thirty-two, I adore all of God’s creations, human and animal, and I tend to have a very addictive fascination to ancient relics and fossils, as well as a strong desire to study alien cultures, either primitive or advanced.”

  “Welcome aboard.” The crew again raised their glasses in toast.

  “Ever since I was a child, this has been my dream.” Philene sported a playful smile. “I love to research the origins of animals and people, and to see where they were going.”

  “I applaud your efforts in the field of science,” Adrian responded with a gentle touch of Philene’s right hand.

  She stirred with a comfortable shift of her body, gracefully allowing Adrian’s brazen advances.

  “I can’t wait to land on Europa and study her mountains and caves,” she informed the crew with an impish smile. “I’ve traveled the world, making trips to Giza, Stonehenge, Africa, Arizona, and even Canada. If it has a town on the sign and a mysterious history, I am there. I enjoy exploring towns that are off the map and finding ancient artifacts from previous cultures.”

  “Here’s to Philene!” Adrian lifted his glass again.

  “Philene!” The team member chimed in together. She sat down and rubbed her right hand over Adrian’s.

  “Well, President Forsythe has chosen each of us for a reason,” Seth said, rising to his feet. “We are all experts in our fields.” He adjusted his glasses and smiled at the group. “I guess I’ll go next. My name is Seth Padgett and I am a young, up and coming doctor in the medical field. I am a surgeon and have been on NASA’s payroll where I study the effects of space travel on the human body. I currently practice at Rollings Hospital in Rhode Island. I have been Mr. Blakely’s surgeon since I first started practicing. I am grateful that the president and Mr. Blakely decided to include me on this historic trip.”

  “Welcome Seth!” The team reverberated their hellos.

  “I am only in my early 20’s, but trust me, if any of you are suffering from any medical condition, I’m not too shabby with a bandage.”

  “I second that,” Adrian said, tapping his arm brace against the gray tiled floor. “If it were not for Mr. Padgett, then I wouldn’t be walking, let alone alive and kicking.”

  “Way to go, Seth.” Gillian called.

  “Thanks. I save lives. I don’t pre-determine who lives or who dies.” Seth took a sip from his drink iced tea with a twist of green honey.

  Angela gazed up at Seth with girlish admiration. Seth returned the smile warmly.

  “So, I am honored to be the first doctor to serve on the Abagail and be a part of the colonization of Europa.”

  “Welcome Seth!” They chorused together a warm welcome for the young doctor.

  Seth sat down and whispered something into Angela’s ear. She reacted through a girlish blush.

  Angela Nestor then rose, glowing from Seth’s warm remarks, and looked out over the crew. Angela had a soft complexion, brown hair tied back into a ponytail and gorgeous red painted fingernails. Her hazel eyes looked over the ransacked table of food.

  “My name is Angela Nestor, and I am a student at West Point in New York. I am a communications and media major. The President also requested my presence.” Angela rolled her fingers in and out of the napkin inside her hands making a paper sculpture in the process. “I am a bit on the shy side. And nervous, so please bear with me.”

  A shuffle of muffled laughter spread over the table like a game of telephone.

  “Actually, my father is the democratic Senator Waters Nestor from New Jersey, and I’m sure he’s been whispering my name into the president’s ear ever since I was born. I am around the same age as Seth and I welcome this challenge given to us by Mr. Blakely and the president.”

  “Welcome Angela!” Adrian shouted in delight. He was feeling the effects of his beer.

  Angela returned back to her seat and shot off a playful kick into Seth’s left ankle.

  Ulysses Tarrant rose and placed his aged fingers on the table. A series of veins crisscrossed his entire hand, pulsating with fresh blood pouring through their intricate maze. Tarrant face looked like it had weathered life’s storms and survived to tell the tale.

  Steel blue eyes stared out across the well fed crew, and his gray beard gripped his roving jaw line.

  “Ey,” his said, the word thick with his Russian accent.

  “Ey!” The crew members ehoed back.

  “I am Ulysses Tarrant.” His wrinkled face contorted, almost as if he were grimacing.

  “Are you a pilot?” Seth asked.

  “I was born in Russia and my bloodline is steeped in engineering and piloting. My family immigrated to the United States during the early 1800’s, looking for work on the railroads. In the winter of 1911, my great-grandfather helped complete work on the Titanic R.M.S., earning him a trip on board the vessel’s maiden voyage. Upon hearing that a possible war was threatening the world, he sent his twin brother Sergei in his place on the Titanic and decided to take the family back to Russia where he enlisted in the Russian Army. ”

  “Cool.” Seth nodded his head.

  Ulysses smiled when Seth uttered that one word.

  “I was named for the great Union General Ulysses S. Grant. My parents loved America and found that the Civil War period was one of the greatest in your history. The industrial boom that came after that period has led to many great inventions. My bloodline worked on the Trans-Continental Railroad, and one of my great-great-great grandfathers somewhere down the family tree actually was one of the engineers that built the train that carried Mr. Lincoln to Gettysburg.”

  “Wow, definitely cool,” Seth said.

  “I have a wife, many children, and I love my job. My best friend is the man to my left, Commander Thaddeus Kaspar. Mr. Blakely hired me to build Abagail’s engines and I want to personally thank him for that. I now relish the chance to build on Europa and the space station, starting our own Industrial Revolution, just like my family did over 200 years ago.”

  “Welcome Ulysses!” The crew cheered for their new friend.

  Adrian withdrew one of his prized cigars and started to prepare his delicious hobby.

  “Also, like this fiery red-head over here,” Ulysses added, pointing to Gillian. “I too am very vocal and opinionated, so be warned.” A tight grin creased the corner of his mouth before he sat back down and gave the spo
tlight to his best friend.

  Commander Thaddeus Kaspar rose and raised his glass. “Russia makes good vodka!” He expertly downed the rest of the powerful drink. The rugged, fully red-bearded pilot enjoyed every last drop of his precious drink. His dashing blue eyes watched the tiny trickle of vodka land inside his mouth, before he used the sleeve of his jumpsuit to wipe away the remaining alcohol from the corner.

  “My name is Thaddeus Kaspar, and I, too, am Russian. I am divorced, in my 40’s, and have three sons who adore me to death. I am a pilot to the bitter end, and my boys also have that same desire. I love your roast beef and potatoes, and Russian vodka. I will not leave any man, woman, or child behind. I adhered to that credo when I served in the Russian Army, piloting many aircrafts across the gorgeous Russian landscape. I was hired by Mr. Blakely to fly his ship to Europa and I want to thank him for the opportunity to do just that.”

  “Welcome, Commander!” the team shouted as they looked up to their leader.

  “I have no problem being in charge, so if you need anything you ask me or Ulysses, okay?” Kaspar’s friendly Russian accent flowed effortlessly over the table.

  “Okay,” their voices churned in agreement as the commander sat back down.

  Adrian then shifted in his seat and rose, cigar in his left hand, and a drink in his right. He scanned the table and placed the empty glass back on the table, inserting the glowing cigar into his mouth. After a few short puffs, Adrian blew a mesmerizing cloud of smoke into the air, briefly shielding his tired face.

  “I see you’re into theatrics, as well,” Gillian noted and the quirky billionaire emanated a slick grin.

  “My name is Adrian Blakely, and I am the wealthiest man alive.”

  “Oh boy,” muttered Gillian as she leaned closer to Kaspar.

  “My company has a monopoly on the world’s steel, materials, and anything else they can think of.”

  “Here we go.” Gillian folded her arms and the crew laughed. He ignored the gibe and continued.

  “I have everything.” Adrian again took a deep huff on his cigar. “Except time.”

  They all lost their smiles. He had them..

  “I have a rare genetic disorder that’s causing irreversible havoc on my body. So, when my best friend, Jackson Forsythe, came to me with a chance at leaving a legacy of my own, I jumped at it. I recruited Mr. Tarrant, along with other engineers to build my ship. Mr. Kaspar was hired to fly my precious Abagail.”

  “That’s some story,” Gillian said.

  “It sounds like a movie of the week doesn’t it?” Adrian’s retorted with his usual cocky flair.

  “Yeah, a crappy sci-fi movie of the week.” Gillian giggled to herself.

  “Anyway, as I near the half-century mark in my disease-riddled life, I want to leave a legacy that, in a hundred years from now, our children will remember. They will know not only my name, but yours as well.”

  “If we can colonize Europa. Otherwise, no one will remember anyone,” Gillian piped up.

  “But we will. I have the best and brightest aboard this ship. And there is another team already in place aboard Europa’s space station.”

  “Another team?” Angela asked.

  “The President sent a team up there over six months ago to prepare the space station and the colonization process for our arrival. We will be able to enhance our mission’s goals once we team up with them.”

  “I like this.” Kaspar nodded. “Sounds like a good plan.”

  “Yeah, so far,” Gillian whispered to Kaspar.

  “I will succeed in this attempt at re-creating our culture on Europa.” Adrian was almost finished with his cigar. “Earth as we know it, no longer exists. I’m sorry if you have lost loved ones back home, but if we didn’t embark on this mission, then our future wouldn’t be secured.”

  “Amen to that,” the team said together.

  Kaspar had fleeting thoughts about his ex-wife and sons, while Seth and Angela thought of their own family. Gillian thought of her mother and grandparents. Philene had quiet memories of her family and friends back in France, and Ulysses thought of his wife of thirty-five years back in Virginia.

  Adrian had a sentimental moment of clarity that wasn’t fueled by money or power. “We’ve lost so much,” he said quietly. “Let that empower us to make Europa our new home, our new Earth, our new chance at survival.” Adrian raised his cigar in recognition of their loved ones. “Godspeed to each and every one of you.” He placed the cigar back into his mouth and rolled it around before he sat back down to a raucous round of applause.


  “Now, for the next step,” Adrian said while he buried his dying cigar into the palm of his right hand completely extinguishing the cigar’s unhealthy contents.

  “Which is?” Gillian said to him. She had actually softened a bit on Adrian after his poignant speech moments before at the dinner table.

  “Well, as most of you realize, this trip will be a lengthy one.”

  “Eight years travel time,” Gillian replied.

  “Yes. But, I’ve tinkered here and there with the Abagail’s capabilities,” Adrian said with a sly face.

  “Like?” Gillian asked.

  “Like, ever see the television show Stargate?” Adrian asked the crew. “It’s been a highly successful franchise, like Star Trek.”

  “Oh, I love the late Richard Dean Anderson.” Philene shrugged in a romantic gesture. “He can save me any day of the week. I enjoy him in the reruns.”

  “In any case, their ships had the power and capability to skip across the galaxy through something they called hyper space.” Adrian surveyed the room.

  “And?” Gillian glared at him.

  “And, Miss Shea, I’ve made those corrections. The Abagail is now capable of entering hyper space, which cuts off four years from our journey.” Adrian smiled. “Now, how cool is that?”

  “Cool.” Commander Kaspar nudged Gillian with his elbow.

  She returned the favor with her own playful nudge.

  “In order to keep our youthful looks, I will freeze each one of you, including myself.” Adrian walked around the room with the support of his arm brace. “Especially you.” He leaned over Gillian and whispered into her ear. “I definitely want you to keep your charm and wit intact.”

  Gillian let off a huff underneath her breath.

  “Is it the same as in Stargate? The episode where they froze Jack?” Philene asked, pleased that Adrian was using components of her favorite show.

  “Actually, very much so.” Adrian walked back over to Philene. “Each of you will have your own pods, complete with Memory-Foam inside each pod.”

  “Not only do we get to ride on a space ship, but we can be comfortable doing it, too.” Seth held up his thumb.

  “You’re such an ass,” Angela said playfully to Seth.

  “I have already typed into the keypad the exact time of our arrival,” Adrian continued. “I will be pre-set five minutes prior to each of your times, that way I can monitor any potential issues that may arise. It’s best if we follow this system. Your pods will release one person from stasis every ten minutes.

  “You just want to be the first to see Europa,” Gillian responded tartly.

  “I’ve earned it.”

  “Hmmph,” Gillian muttered.

  “All of the blood, sweat, and tears I’ve put into building these pods. I know them inside and out. For you to survive and successfully defrost, so to speak, you will need me there to assist you. Like it or not, you are going to have to rely on me if you want to see Europa,” he paused, “with your bodies in one piece.”

  “I swear, it’s like sleeping with the devil,” Gillian whispered to Kaspar.

  “Your quarters are located just around the hall, and each room has your name on it. I will give you a short-period to gather your things and wrap up with the other members. Meet me back here in one hour.” Adrian walked past Philene and headed towards his own quarters.

  Seth had started to unpack
his belongings when he heard a knock on his door. He walked over and noticed through the small glass window in the center of the door that it was Angela.

  Opening the door a crack, he poked his head into the room. “Is everything ok?” he asked her.

  “Oh, yes.” She looked into his eyes. “May I come in?”

  “Sure, come on in,” he said, waving her into the room.

  “As you can probably figure out, the two of us are going to be partners.” Angela scanned the room. “Every room’s the same. I have the exact same layout in my room.”

  “Yes, but you don’t have the brand new Batman movie poster hanging from your wall.” Seth motioned over to the poster he had just put up.

  “Probably not. But I did enjoy the last installment where Batman battled Solomon Grundy. It kicked some serious ass!” Angela beamed.

  “So, we’re going to be buddies?” Seth moved closer to his poster sliding the magnet over the metal wall.


  Seth watched as Angela tried to move in closer to him. Seth noticed her shyness prohibited her from making her next move. The two had really hit it off back at the hotel, and he could feel some sparks flying between them. He really liked the way her voice sweetened up every time the two of them began a conversation.

  “I can tell from dinner and the hotel that you like me,” Seth said without even turning around.

  “Is it that obvious?” Her eyes rolled. She was trying to avoid the obvious attraction.

  “Somewhat. But, to be honest, I like you, as well. I find you very attractive and I do like the shy types. They say the shy ones have more fun.”

  “Really?” Angela asked as she snuck up behind Seth.

  Seth turned around to find Angela right there, gazing into his eyes. “Listen, I don’t know about you, but I can’t go four years without sex.”

  “You’re funny,” Angela replied with a girlish smile.

  “Seriously. Can you?”

  “I love sex,” Angela grinned. “I’m an addict of sorts.”

  “I told you, the shy ones have all the fun,” Seth said with a confident wink. “I say we test out these beds.” He grabbed her hand and led her over to his bed, playfully tossing her on to the mattress. He felt attracted to her on a whole new level. His own addiction to sex could finally have found an outlet with Angela’s uninhibited nature.


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