A No Risk Affair (Presents Plus)

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A No Risk Affair (Presents Plus) Page 8

by Carole Mortimer

  ‘So you’re going to become a reformed man where I’m concerned?’ she taunted.


  It was what she wanted, after all. And she had a feeling this man could be a very good friend.

  ‘Starting tomorrow,’ he murmured throatily.

  Robyn only just had time to register what he had said before his head lowered and he began to kiss her. She had been unprepared for the intimacy, her body arching up into his of its own volition as she returned the kiss with fervour, knowing that Sin would keep his word as from tomorrow, also knowing that at this moment she didn’t care whether he did or didn’t.

  Desire leapt through Sin’s body as she moved sensually against him, and he dragged his mouth away from hers with effort. ‘Do you want me to break all my good resolves?’ he gasped, a sheen of perspiration to his brow, pale beneath his tan.

  She moved away from him as she realised how wantonly she had been behaving. ‘I’m sorry—’

  ‘No—don’t be sorry.’ One long sensitive hand cupped the side of her face. ‘But don’t repeat it, not if you want me to remain the “nice man who lives next door”. I may have more control than I did at seventeen, but my hunger is more intense.’

  She couldn’t stop the heated wings of colour in her cheeks, moistening her lips nervously, tasting him there, her colour deepening even more as his gaze followed her enjoyment of the movement. ‘It’s late—’

  ‘And you must be tired,’ he nodded, stepping back from her. ‘I’m expecting you all to lunch tomorrow, by the way,’ he told her as he let himself out.

  From the amount of time he was choosing to spend with them she could only presume he meant it when he said Caroline was too young for him. How the other woman was going to love her for that!


  TRUE to his word Sin did become the ‘nice man next door’ during the next few. days; he also haunted her cottage as if it were his own, even turning up for breakfast one morning after claiming his fridge was empty. Not that she didn’t find his company stimulating intellectually, finding they had a lot of things in common, liking the same music and books, having lengthy discussions in the evenings about both.

  Only Sin’s work remained taboo between them, Sin himself keeping all talk on the subject to a minimum. Which was a pity, because after finding a copy of one of his latest paperbacks in the Colonel’s library she had taken it home to read and found that she couldn’t put it down until she got to the last page! After all that she had said about his work, and her initial aversion to reading the Colonel’s diaries, she was reluctant to admit how wrong she had been. The Colonel obviously had a story to tell from the diaries she had researched so far, and she knew from his writing that Sin was the man to tell it if anyone could.

  Caroline was being her usual unreasonable self, still furious with Robyn because of the tours she had to take around every afternoon; as if it had been Robyn’s suggestion that she do so! But as far as the younger woman was concerned Sin could do no wrong, her manner always sickeningly sweet whenever he was around. And Sin was around a lot, revelling in the younger woman’s attention, humour glittering in his twinkling blue eyes whenever he happened to catch Robyn’s gaze. She always looked away whenever he did that, uncomfortable with the feeling that they were sharing a moment of intimacy.

  In fact, she was uncomfortable with the whole situation, felt that the twins were coming to rely too much on Sin’s company, waiting up in the evenings so that they could spend time with him before going to bed. It would have been petty of her to deny them this treat, and when staying up to see Sin progressed to him helping her put them to bed she couldn’t protest at that either, not when it gave the children so much pleasure.

  But their growing affection for this likeable man worried her; what would happen when his time here ended and he was gone from all their lives for good? She knew he had to be intelligent enough, sensitive enough, to realise there would be problems when that did happen.

  ‘I’m loyal to my friends, Robyn,’ he told her when she mentioned it to him.

  It was Thursday evening, and after cooking them all a meal while Sin helped the twins get ready for bed, they were now on their own in the lounge, Kim and Andy settled down for the night. Sin looked relaxed, as he always did, a short-sleeved cream shirt tucked into the low waistband of his denims, his long legs stretched out in front of him as he almost lay in the armchair. Robyn couldn’t get over the way he always looked so totally relaxed, sure by the work he produced that he couldn’t always be this lazy.

  ‘Even five-year-old ones?’ she teased, although there was an underlying edge of seriousness.

  His gaze was steady, his mouth unsmiling. ‘All my friends,’ he told her quietly.

  ‘I know you mean to be kind, Sin—’

  ‘Kindness has never entered into my plans,’ he informed her hardly.

  ‘Plans?’ She eyed him nervously. ‘What plans?’

  ‘Private ones.’

  She flushed at the deliberate snub, having become used to the less than serious Sin the last few days, although she knew she probably deserved his coldness; she hadn’t liked his interference in her life. But Sin’s change in behaviour suddenly made him seem a threat again. ‘I didn’t mean to pry,’ she said stiffly. ‘I’m just worried how the twins will react once you leave here.’

  ‘There’s nothing to worry about.’


  ‘Do you think I would just forget about them once my work here is finished?’ There was an angry glitter to his eyes.

  ‘I know you wouldn’t mean to be cruel—’

  ‘You’re right, I wouldn’t,’ he bit out, the relaxation gone from his body now as he sat forward in his chair. ‘I happen to be very fond of Kim and Andy, I would never do anything that was going to hurt them.’

  She sighed, regretting this air of contention between them; she had come to rely on his company a little herself. ‘They’ve grown too fond of you.’

  ‘Too fond?’ he echoed softly.

  ‘Please don’t be offended, Sin,’ she pleaded. ‘You’ve been wonderful for them, but—’

  ‘You don’t want them to actually love me a little!’

  ’They love you a lot, that’s the trouble!’ She was angry too now at his deliberate lack of understanding. ‘The three of you have been making plans that can’t possibly come true.’

  ‘Name one,’ he bit out, his eyes narrowed.

  ‘The skiing trip you were talking of tonight for the new year, for one thing—’

  ‘The twins would love it.’

  ‘But they can’t go!’

  ‘I’m not stupid, Robyn, I realise we’ll have to fit it in with the school holidays.’

  ‘You’re missing my point completely,’ she told him frustratedly.

  ‘Maybe because I don’t understand the point being made!’ he snapped back.

  ‘There won’t be any holiday in Switzerland!’

  Sin became suddenly still, his elbows resting on his splayed knees as he clasped his hands in front of him. ‘Why not?’ he asked flatly.

  She stood up in her agitation, her denims moulded to the length of her legs and hips, the lemon cotton sun-top she wore resting on the waistband of the denims. She looked young and vulnerable at that moment, although she had no idea of that as she faced him across the room. ‘I have enough trouble finding the money to take them into town, let alone to Switzerland for skiing holidays!’

  ‘I wouldn’t ask you to pay for them—’

  ‘I wouldn’t let them go any other way!’

  ‘Why the hell not, if I want to take them?’ he demanded furiously, his mouth taut.

  ‘Don’t you see?’ She held up her hands appealingly. ‘Kim and Andy already have enough problems adjusting to one part-time father-figure, a second one would be just too much!’

  His head snapped back as if she had struck him, uncoiling his long length from the chair as he too stood up. ‘That isn’t my intention—’

sp; ‘I know you wouldn’t mean it to be like that,’ she sighed raggedly. ‘But surely you can see that’s how it will appear to the twins?’

  ‘Is that how it appears to you?’ He didn’t answer her question, his eyes narrowed.

  ‘Of course not—’

  ‘Then why the brush-off?’

  Her eyes widened. ‘I don’t know what you mean,’ she said slowly, her voice puzzled.

  ‘Of course you do, damn you!’ His hands were clenched at his sides. ‘Haven’t I behaved myself since Saturday?’

  ‘Yes,’ she frowned. ‘But—’

  ‘Is it because your ex-husband is coming tomorrow? Because I can assure you I have no intention of being difficult about that.’

  ‘Why should you be difficult about Brad wanting to see his children?’ she asked dazedly.

  ‘Because he’ll also be seeing you,’ Sin bit out grimly, his jaw rigid.

  Robyn tensed. ‘Why should that bother you?’ she asked quietly.

  ‘You know why.’

  ‘No, I—’

  ‘Robyn,’ he warned softly. ‘You know why,’ he repeated with a firmness that brooked no argument.

  Did she? Hadn’t she known this past week, that even though he had been acting like a brother or platonic friend where she was concerned, that the attraction beneath them still lurked beneath the surface? Hadn’t she known that and shied away from it, as she shied away from it now!


  ‘You—do—know—why, Robyn,’ he said with slow control. ‘And because of your nervousness about relationships I’ve held off pressurising you this last week—’

  ‘Held off?’ she repeated furiously, glaring up at him. ‘You make it sound as if you had a choice!’

  ‘I did,’ he nodded confidently, still talking in that controlled voice.

  ‘Like hell you did!’ Robyn could never remember being so angry, shaking with it. ‘I—’ Whatever she had been about to say next was never uttered as one lean hand snaked out about her nape and Sin pulled her up on tiptoe to ruthlessly grind his mouth down on hers, as if pushed to the limit by this heated exchange.

  She felt her inner lip split under the pressure, knew the sweet taste of blood in her mouth even as she whimpered her pain. For a brief moment Sin still seemed determined to punish her, then a shudder wracked his body as he fought down his anger, aware of her pain now as the sensuous warmth of his tongue searched the ragged edge of her lip, moving like an erotic balm as deeper emotions than pain engulfed her.

  She stopped fighting him as desire possessed her, her body arching up to meet his even as her arms moved about his waist. This was what had lurked beneath the surface between them all week, this and all the other wild sensations she had to fight every time she saw him. She told herself she mustn’t care about him, certainly not become involved with him, that he was too much like Brad, that beneath his charm he had to be made of the same steel her husband had, that he cared for nothing and no one, and if she did let 98 him close to her he would walk away without a second glance when it suited him to.

  She told herself all that, had done so from the moment he had first kissed her, and yet each time he kissed her her resolve weakened. She wanted this man, and she knew that he wanted her in return.

  Her gasp was caught in his mouth as his hand curved possessively over her breast, bare beneath the cotton sun-top, her nipple surging tautly against his palm, a reaction he had to be aware of.

  ‘Touch me,’ she encouraged in a heated groan, knowing she would be devastated by her vocal need when she was alone later tonight. But right now she could only think and feel Sin, forgot everything but him as the buttons were released at the front of her top, the heavy weight of her breast captured in the warmth of his palm, his thumb caressing the throbbing tip.

  Sin’s mouth moved moistly from her mouth to her throat, caressing each creamy inch of it with slow thoroughness, allowing no respite from knowledgeable hands, holding her breasts now as he massaged them to pert firmness, the throbbing of his thigh evidence of his own need.

  Somehow they were no longer standing but pressed close together on the length of the sofa, Sin’s thighs partly over hers as his mouth claimed hers in the same erotic rhythm, tasting the nectar to be found there as one of his hands caressed her slowly from breast to thigh, and then back again.

  ‘I knew it would be like this for us,’ he murmured achingly as his head lowered and one taut nipple became the captive of the deep cavern of his mouth, the slight tugging movement exciting her even further.

  Robyn had known it would be like this too—and had feared it. They were like two parts of a whole suddenly finding each other, their bodies completely enmeshed despite the difference in their stature, every particle of them attuned to the other’s needs as she ran her hands beneath his unbuttoned shirt, his skin smooth and slightly damp to the touch, muscles rippling beneath her fingertips.

  ‘God, you’re lovely!’ he groaned raggedly against her breast. ‘Perfect,’ he muttered at her response to him.

  She shook her head. ‘Not perfect, Sin. I—I have marks—from when I carried the twins. They—’

  His gentle kiss stopped her halting admission. ‘They’re not something you should ever be ashamed of,’ he assured her. ‘They’re beautiful.’

  ‘Kim and Andy …?’

  He nodded. ‘And the changes in your body that gave you them.’ His eyes darkened to navy as he looked down at her. ‘I wish I could have been their father!’

  Robyn stiffened in his arms. ‘Sin …?’

  ‘Oh don’t worry,’ he gave a harsh laugh. ‘I’m not eaten up with jealousy because you had another man’s children, that happened long before I met you.’ His arms tightened about her painfully. ‘But if you became involved with another man now it would be a different matter.’

  ‘Another man?’

  His eyes were as hard as the bright jewels they resembled. ‘Yes!’

  ‘You mean Brad?’ Something in his expression told her that was exactly who he meant!

  Sin drew in a ragged breath. ‘You never did tell me how you felt about seeing him tomorrow.’

  Robyn was still beneath him, suddenly finding his weight intolerable. ‘I told you how I felt about my marriage,’ she reminded him stiffly.

  ‘That was years ago—’

  ‘Brad hasn’t changed—’

  ‘But you have,’ Sin grated. ‘You’ve matured, grown up.’

  ‘Not that much.’ She pushed past him and stood up, her hands shaking as she rebuttoned her top. ‘I think you had better go,’ her voice trembled with emotion, suppressed anger mainly, although there was some hurt there too.


  ‘Before I say something we’ll both regret,’ she finished between tight lips.

  Sin watched her between narrowed lids, making no effort to rebutton his own clothing, his chest darkly golden. ‘Say it,’ he invited softly.

  Her mouth tightened. ‘I don’t think there’s any need to, I’m sure you’re well aware of my feelings. Now would you please leave.’

  He stood up in lithe movements. ‘If you have nothing to say then I do,’ he grated. ‘I know what you thought was going to happen here tonight—’

  ‘What do you mean?’ she demanded sharply, her face suddenly pale.

  ‘You wanted to go to bed with me—’

  ‘No!’ her protest came out as a strangulated cry.

  ‘You wanted to go to bed with me,’ he repeated hardly. ‘But only on your terms. And no matter how aroused I may have seemed to you just now I would never have let it go that far.’

  ‘The experience of your added maturity?’ she was stung into replying.

  The quirk to his mouth was completely devoid of humour as he shook his head. ‘The need for a real response from you—’

  ‘And what happened just now wasn’t real?’ she accused in heated disbelief.

  ‘It was very real,’ he nodded. ‘In a physical sense. Did your mind even acknowledge I was
the man making love to you?’

  Robyn’s face was ashen now, her gasp pained. ‘Of course I knew it was you!’

  ‘Did you?’ he derided bitterly. ‘I don’t think so. But don’t think I’m going to make any of this easier for you,’ he warned grimly. ‘If I had made love to you just now you would have been able to console yourself with the fact that I had seduced you, that you had no choice. What you want from me is a no risk affair, a brief sexual encounter where you don’t have to be involved in any other way. But before I’ve finished with you, you’ll be involved right up to your beautiful neck,’ he promised harshly.

  ‘You’re insane! I have no idea what you’re talking about—’

  ‘Oh, you know, Robyn,’ he contradicted softly. ‘You just aren’t willing to admit it yet, to yourself or me. But just remember that I’m the one you want when you see your ex-husband tomorrow. I would hate you to mistake the feelings I’m arousing as a renewed desire for him,’ the threat in his voice couldn’t be mistaken for anything else.

  ‘That’s a disgusting thing to say!’

  He shook his head. ‘That’s a fact of life. And with him you definitely know there would be no more involved than a night of sex.’

  Her mouth turned back with distaste. ‘You and Caroline have the same disgusting minds.’

  ’If she realised the same thing could happen then we have more in common than I first thought.’

  ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have an affair with her?’ she scorned.

  ‘I’m not going to have an affair with anyone,’ Sin told her hardly. ‘And I’m warning you now that you hadn’t better either.’

  ‘Warning me?’ this time her gasp was of outrage. ‘You have no right to warn me about anything! How dare you threaten me?’

  ‘When an animal is being cornered it turns and attacks,’ he told her calmly. ‘Take care, Robyn, because that’s exactly what you’re doing.’ He walked over to the door. ‘And when I attack back you’ll know that you’ve lost.’

  The room was suddenly empty as he left, the cottage door closing softly seconds later. And in the ensuing minutes Robyn realised that the strange noise she could hear was her own choked sobbing.


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