New Dawn (Divine War Book 1)

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New Dawn (Divine War Book 1) Page 13

by Tor, Magus

  Lucia followed as closely as she could, cursing herself for not bringing a tranquiliser dart. But there was little she could do as she saw Benho turn towards a large, metal door and slam into it, bursting it open. All she could do was stand back in the shadows, waiting to see if Benho would need help, if there would be a way to rescue him and get him off the ship before the damn thing blew to pieces.

  The metal of the door bruised his shoulder as he banged it open, but his eyes immediately locked on the man standing on the bridge. Tall, elegant, and familiar, he was flanked by two Black Knights who raised their blasters as the boy stepped onto the bridge.

  “Stop,” said Hansola, holding up his hands to the guards. “He's mine.”

  Hansola was furious. His blood was boiling in his veins, anger throbbing through his fingers. He didn't know what the hell was going on in his ship, but someone was going to pay. And this young stripling seemed like just the ticket. He needed to vent his anger, and this boy would do nicely.

  “Hansola!” cried Benho, sliding his dagger out of his belt and jumping forwards in a catlike attack.

  The Magi Lord was surprised that the intruder knew his name, and hr delayed unsheathing his sword for a split second. But he managed to heft his weapon just in time to parry the boy's attack.

  “Think you can kill a Magi Lord with that puny little thing?” he taunted as Benho withdrew to prepare another attack.

  Benho ignored him, coming in again, slashing and jabbing in his own signature combat style.

  Hansola parried, but something in the back of his mind was preventing him from launching a full-force attack on this boy. Though he still brandished his sword, a vague familiarity was growing over him. There was something here, something in the way the boy moved, the way he fought. It was, for all the world, like he was playing with a child, a very angry child. And then he knew.


  Benho sneered. “I'm glad you remember me. I am here only to avenge my mother.” He sprang into another attack, dagger hand flying so fast it was almost a blur.

  Frowning and barely considering his defence, Hansola stepped to one side. “We need to speak. Stop this, Benjamin!”

  The boy continued in his frenzied attack, and losing patience, Hansola lifted his sword and slammed the flat of his blade onto Benho's shoulder. The boy collapsed, groaning, onto the floor. Freed from the effort of defending himself, Hansola took a breath before speaking.

  “I did not kill your mother willingly, as you well know,” he said, his voice more gentle than any of the Black Knights had ever heard it. “I was forced to.”

  “You should have fought for her life!” spat Benho, trying to control his pain enough to stand and failing.

  “I could not defy the Supreme Emperor!” Hansola's face was dark and strange.

  “We could all have died together if need be,” Benho said. “But instead you chose to be the Emperor's dog.”

  Lucia, seeing that her time had come, silently withdrew her dagger. She needed to end this, though she didn't know what was happening. She only knew that this ship was going to blow any minute and she needed to get Benho out. With a flick of her wrist, she threw the knife at Hansola, who, catching the movement in the corner of his eye, twisted to avoid it.

  But that movement was enough. Gathering all his remaining strength, Benho forced his arm upwards, thrusting his dagger deep into the heart of Lord Hansola.

  “Benjamin...” said Hansola, slowly sinking to the floor. Blood bubbled from his mouth. “My son...”

  The two Black Knights, who had watched impassively, not believing a child could cut down their leader, stepped forward, blasters raised, fingers on triggers. Hansola shakily lifted a hand and with the utmost effort caused flames to jet from his fingertips, blasting the guards backwards.

  “Go, my son,” said Hansola with his dying breath.

  Just as Lucia dragged the sobbing Benho across the bridge to the Argoni, the Orion began to blow. The Argoni was barely afloat, but the others had prepared the life capsule, and it was sitting on the deck, ready to receive them. As the small, transparent globe loaded with their little company began to float away, the Orion blazed. There was a huge roar, and slowly, slowly, the great dreadnought started to sink into the waves, dragging the burning Argoni with it.

  The first sun began to rise. On the horizon, the Freedom slowly approached the life capsule.

  Chapter Nine

  Both suns were high in the sky, burning through the glass panes of the cabin when Ausanne awoke and lazily stretched her lithe body. The bed was comfortable, far more comfortable than the one Hansola had provided. Gently she turned over, not wanting to wake the sleeping Niku. The Chamonkey chattered in her sleep, then nestled down into the crook of the princess's arm. Ausanne smiled. She was glad to be reunited with her beloved pet. She was considering closing her own eyes again for a few minutes when there was a knock at the door.

  She bade her visitors to enter, and the door slid open revealing a grinning Kabi and Maicee. She found it hard to believe that Kabi was her uncle. He must be at least sixty, she thought, but he looked no more than forty. And the doctor. Yes, the doctor. Smiling at him to check, she discovered that he still had a strange effect on her, though she didn't really know what it was.

  “I trust you slept well, Princess,” said Kabi.

  “Yes, Uncle, thank you. And you can just call me Ausa,” said the girl, turning her smile to Kabi for a moment.

  But then her eyes went back to Maicee, who shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. He was happy to see his long-lost sister—of course he was, though he wasn't allowed quite yet to acknowledge that she was his sister. But there was something about the way she smiled at him that made him feel very odd indeed. However, that could be because I’ve had so little experience around women, he thought, trying to be fair.

  “Ausa, then,” said Kabi, unaware of what was passing between the two sisters. “We are taking you home. It should take us about five sailing days, following the route we're currently on.”

  “Thank you,” said Ausanne again. Then, remembering who she was, she added: “I am sure that my father will be very pleased to have you once more in his court.”

  Kabi looked somewhat shifty at this, and he paced the short length of the cabin. “Princess,” he said. “Ausa. I made a promise to your mother that I would look out for you. Your father, on the other hand... Let us just say that there are issues between us. I believe that it would be best for now if you do not reveal our acquaintanceship to the King.”

  Ausanne looked surprised but bowed her head in acceptance.

  “Good,” said Kabi. “If you would like to prepare yourself, we'll be glad to welcome you for a very late breakfast.”

  He turned to leave the cabin, Maicee following, but was interrupted by the princess's voice.

  “Maicee, would you mind staying here for a moment? There is something that I would like to ask you.”

  Maicee looked at Kabi, who nodded, so he turned back to the princess.

  Kabi gently closed the door behind him as he left. He'd brought the two sisters back together. At least one of the things he needed to do had been done.


  Benho woke with a splitting headache, so bad that it blurred his vision. He sat upright, head in his hands, kneading at his temples, hoping that it would ease the pain, that it would relieve him of the memory of his father’s dying at his hand. He remembered nothing about leaving the Orion, only his father's blood soaking his skin, picking out the lines on his palms.

  Tears formed, and he didn't stop them. Hot, salty drops streamed down his face. He had loved his father. Once. But then revenge had become the only thing he'd wanted. Now that he had it, he couldn't believe that the heavy weight in his chest was still there. He'd honestly thought that killing Hansola would leave him free, would cut his ties to the past and enable him to live his own life. But all he felt was emptiness.

  “Ben, are you awake? Can I come in?”

  Sa-li's sweet voice came through a crack in the cabin door.

  Benho wiped his face on his sleeve and took a deep breath before unlocking the door to let the beautiful girl inside.

  “I was worried about you,” said Sa-li, simply.

  She took him by the hand and led him back to his bed, sitting behind him and holding him in her arms.

  “How are you feeling?” she whispered, her breath tickling his neck.

  The tears came again, but he made no attempt to hide them as he turned to face her.

  “I'll be fine,” he said.

  Sa-li delicately wiped his tears with her thumb. “I know.”

  He smiled at her, a token effort, one sided, but it was a start.

  “I'm sorry about your father,” Sa-li said, thinking that it was important that the words be said, that they didn't avoid the subject and let it come between them.

  “He deserved it,” said Benho, dully.

  Sa-li nodded, then took him into her arms. His voice was still hoarse from waking up, and she kept quiet, just holding him. All she could do was to keep him company, to be there for him and offer whatever comfort she could afford. After long minutes, Benho stirred and kissed her smooth white forehead, grateful that she didn't hate him for being the enemy's son.


  For once, the winds were perfect and the seas were calm. The next five days of sailing were as close to perfection as life on the ocean could ever be. Benho was slowly recovering with the help of Sa-li, and Ausanne and Maicee were rapidly becoming the best of friends.

  Lucia was standing at the railing of her ship, taking a rare pause in between her other duties to enjoy the soft tickle of the wind in her hair and the calming warmth of the sun on her skin. Not far away, Ausanne and Maicee were chattering happily. Lucia smiled indulgently but felt a pinch of jealousy. How nice it must be, she thought, to be so young and free of worries.

  “Something on your mind, Captain?” said Kabi, approaching Lucia and noticing how tired she looked.

  “Just tired of being old and lonely,” said Lucia, half in jest.

  Kabi shrugged. “Then why do you not find a good man and settle down? Maybe raise a few pirate children of your own?” he suggested.

  Lucia sighed, her deep green eyes looking out over the waves. “I would like to, KabiOnn. But there is so much to be done. So much injustice to right. No.” She shook her head, red locks dancing in the soft breeze. “I can't just retire. No matter how much I may want to.”

  She was quiet for a while. Then Ausanne laughed at a joke Maicee had told her, attracting the attention of both the captain and Kabi.

  “They make a nice couple, don't they?” said Lucia, trying to put her jealousy to one side.

  Kabi grunted. “If you knew what I knew, then you wouldn't think so,” he said. The princess's obvious flirting with Maicee was starting to worry him, and he hoped that Maicee knew what he was doing.

  “What do you mean?” asked Lucia, curiously.

  “They are siblings,” said Kabi, leaning in closer to whisper. “Keep it secret.”

  Lucia opened her mouth in surprise. “Does the princess know?”

  “No,” said Kabi, sighing. “It's complicated. Just promise me you'll tell no one. If anyone finds out, then Maicee's life could be in danger.”

  “Then why did you tell me?”

  “Because I trust you, Lucia,” said Kabi, smiling gently.

  Lucia blushed, and a strange, warm feeling filled her.


  The Freedom crossed into Britannian waters early the next morning. There were no markers, but all aboard knew as the vessel boomed her foghorn loud and clear. The authorities of Britannia were none too pleased to find an unknown ship in their waters, however.

  “Unknown battleship, you have entered the waters of His Sovereign Majesty of Britannia. Stand down and state your business. This is not a warning. Repeat. This is not a warning. We will fire if you proceed further. State your business.”

  “Happy to see us, aren't they?” commented Falorni, looking at the white-uniformed man who had appeared on the bridge com screen.

  “Stop engines,” ordered Lucia.

  “This is Captain Seagull of the battle cruiser Freedom,” she said, turning to face the screen. “We have Princess Ausanne on board and wish to proceed to port.”

  A look of shock came over the young defence officer's face. “Just a moment, ma'am, I'm patching you through to the Commander.”

  The screen flickered momentarily, and then a bored-looking older man's face appeared. “What is it?” he snapped.

  Lucia repeated her wishes, gratified that the bored expression fled from the man's face.

  “This is Captain Juntri of the Britannia Defence Corps. I will need to confirm that the princess is on board before I can allow you to proceed,” he said.

  Ausanne, who happened to walk onto the bridge at that moment, laughed and approached the com screen.

  “Your diligence has been noted, Captain,” she said. “But I am most certainly here. If you could give Captain Seagull any assistance she may require, I would be most grateful.”

  The man's eyes bulged. He hesitated, stuttered, then managed to spit out: “Welcome home, Princess. The people of Britannia will celebrate this night. Two escort ships will join you to lead you into harbour. The King will be pleased to know of your return.”

  The screen faded to black, and Ausanne grinned. She was happy to be home, finally. Maicee too smiled. He was also glad to see his homeland, though he remembered nothing of it.


  That afternoon the trumpets roared, and the people of Britannia cheered as the royal carriage passed through the central square to the cathedral for the ceremonial blessing of Princess Ausanne's safe return. The cobblestones hard under his feet, his nose filled with unfamiliar scents, Maicee stared in wonder. He marvelled at the two large dracos pulling the carriage. Dracos were unknown on Carooine, native to Britannia, and the large green reptiles were used as draft animals and food alike. Little did he know that later that evening, he'd be eating one of the animals.

  The palace rang with noisy fanfares and shrill voices. The evening's party was packed to the brim with all the rich and famous of Britannia, as well as a small group of unknown pirates. All attention was on the princess. As successor to the crown of Britannia, she was surrounded by suitors from all over Britannia, all trying their best to ply her with wine and impress her. But Ausanne's eyes were not for these wealthy men. Instead, they searched the huge hall continuously for someone else.

  With dinner finally over, Maicee went to the bar counter and got himself a glass of sweet wine. So many years he’d been away, but there was no sense of warm nostalgia here. He was greeted coldly, if at all, and felt distinctly uncomfortable in his homeland. He sipped at the wine, hoping that the alcohol would warm the coldness he felt inside.

  “This is certainly what you'd call the good life,” said Benho, stumbling over, his gait uneven and his face flushed with the wine he'd drunk. “You should try and talk to some of these girls. Maybe it'd cheer you up a little.”

  Maicee's nose wrinkled at the stench of alcohol on his friend's breath, but before he could reply, Sa-li appeared. He grinned at her.

  “Better take good care of him and stop him from drinking any more,” he whispered. Sa-li gently took Benho's arm and led him away.

  With a sigh, Maicee ascended the large, curved staircase and stepped out onto a balcony to escape the crowds of joyful people. He let his eyes drift over the horizon, seeing the dark sea and the outlines of ships, and the warm night air soothed him a little. He had seen the King. His father. From a distance, but he'd seen him, a tall and distinguished man. He shook his head sadly. Perhaps there is no going home, he thought. Perhaps this place wasn't for him.

  “Feeling all right?” asked a silvery voice.

  “Yes, yes,” he said quickly, turning to see the princess.

  She looked beautiful tonight, a long robe of pale pink havin
g replaced her military uniform, her long golden hair tied up elegantly.

  “You sure?” she asked doubtfully, surveying his sad face.

  “Absolutely,” he said, giving her a half-hearted grin. “And it seems like you've got a whole bunch of people awaiting your return to the party.” He changed the subject, pointing to a small group of young men who were peeking around the corner of the doorway to see where the princess had got to.

  Ausanne shook her head. “I'm a game piece to them,” she said bluntly. “A stepping stone to a great and glorious future. And I just can't be bothered with it all tonight. Besides,” she said as music started to play below, “I'm here to ask you for the first dance.”

  Before he could think of an excuse not to, he was being dragged by the hand back down the long staircase.

  “I... I don't even know how to dance,” he stuttered, once he was already standing in the middle of the floor.

  “I'll show you,” said Ausanne with authority, taking his hand and putting her other hand on his shoulder.

  Their dance caused the biggest scandal of the evening. Eligible bachelors fumed, and gossiping ladies speculated on the identity of the handsome young man dancing with their princess. Maicee tried as hard as he could not to embarrass himself, or the princess, nor to bring his body too close to hers. After an agonising ten minutes, the princess nodded in satisfaction.

  “Not bad,” she said. “Come, let me show you something.”

  And much to Maicee's relief, she led him off the dance floor and out into the garden through one of the tall glass doors, leaving the bustling, gossiping crowd behind them.


  “They caused quite the stir, don't you think?”

  “Indeed, Your Majesty,” said Kabi, dryly. He'd seen the whole affair from the railing of the mezzanine overlooking the hall. “It's nice to see you again,” he added.

  “Thank you for keeping her safe,” said the King, joining Kabi in surveying the dance floor.


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