Planet Kill

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Planet Kill Page 30

by Sebastian Wilde

  As he moaned and nearly stumbled back, she grabbed his tight ass and helped him down, so that he was at the edge of the pool and she was standing. She pressed her lips to his cock head. The dark red skin was so tight it was almost reflective. The dampness from the water made it look juicy. Now she tried to take it into her mouth, nearly choking as she did. Her eyes widened as she realized that was only the head.

  Fuck that, she thought. She’d taken on bigger challenges than this. Well, not “bigger.” Not in the same sense. She had conquered Fireshot’s army, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to back down from this one-eyed love snake.

  Preparing herself with a deep breath, she went for it, getting the head into her mouth and then going deep, one hand stroking the shaft while the other fondled his balls, caressing them and loving the feel of that soft skin against her hand.

  “I want you,” he moaned, eyes half-open, a shiver running through his body. “I want to feel what it’s like to be inside you, inside your wet pussy.”

  She pulled his cock from her mouth and rubbed it along her cheeks, kissing it again, then along her neck and breasts. She loved the feel of it, and as much as she knew it would hurt, she nodded, took his hands, and guided him into the waters with her.

  He lowered her onto the stairs, putting her legs up on his shoulders, and gently began to work the tip, first against her clit, gently teasing it, and then working it into her, one inch at a time.

  “Oh, fuck,” she said, eyes going wide. “OH FUCK! FUCK ME!”

  He was in her now, her whole body tensing with the sensation of bliss and being ripped apart at once, and then she was grinding on it, loving it, screaming out his name and tearing at his back with her fingernails. Blood dripped into the water, but he didn’t care. Hell, he was already beat to shit anyway, what was a little more?

  And then she was collapsing, reeling, pulling him and pushing him, moaning and climaxing, cumming harder than she ever had before.

  When he finally climaxed, she couldn’t even count the times she’d cum. All she could do was hang on tight, eyes closed and loving the way his cock throbbed in her, the way he had been a powerful beast of a man one minute, and now was like a helpless babe in her arms.

  He took a deep breath, pushed himself up with his good arm to simply gaze at her, and kissed her on the lips.

  She stared, dumbfounded. They weren’t supposed to do that. They all knew.

  For a moment, his eyes went wide too, and she thought he might pull out, run away, and apologize, but then he leaned in and did it again, longer this time. When she slowly opened her mouth and wrapped her tongue around his, she knew she’d made up her mind about this. It was happening, and she couldn’t fight it.

  Her body hurt, and yet she was in heaven. Her pussy was numb and likely would take a week to heal, if not for the healing effect of these waters. But her lips and tongue were taking him passionately, and his were taking her right back.

  When they finally pulled apart and sat curled up together, holding hands as the water steamed around them, he was worried.

  “Do you reward all your generals like that?”

  “Honestly, no.” She met his gaze, refusing to look away. “You know me, you must’ve heard what I do and don’t do.”

  He nodded, biting his lip. “It’s a shame, considering how amazing you are at both.”

  She bit her lip. “It might not be a one-time occurrence.”

  “Where does this leave us though?” he asked.

  “Us?” She felt a heaviness return to her heart. “It leaves us here, where half the universe likely just witnessed us, saw what we did while they touched themselves and called out our names as they jizzed on their couches. It leaves us with more killing to do, and more fucking. It—”

  “But where does it leave us.”

  “I know what you meant.” She stood now, moving to the edge. “If we were on a paradise planet, one of the many, I would gladly lie around all day, alternating between watching sunsets, drinking wine, and sucking that humongous cock of yours. But we aren’t, are we? Us… I’d like this to continue, as long as we remember where we are.”

  He nodded. “Understood. Agreed.”

  Letha thought he didn’t sound so certain. He might want her to himself, but he knew the world they lived on and the way it had to be. For now, at least.

  Redwood appeared with a towel, eyes going wide at the sight of Letha and then Trunk stepping out of the water behind her, his cock still mostly hard.

  “Oh…” was all Redwood could say as Letha took the towel and continued walking. They’d have fresh clothes waiting for her in her tent, and maybe she’d invite Aisha next time she had Trunk in her bed. She could already imagine the look in his eyes as the two of them devoured his cock with their tongues, or maybe one on his balls. It made her wet again, just thinking about it, even with the pain of walking.

  That would have to wait, however, because now it was time to get back to planning, to figuring out their next move. She was like a queen on this planet now, with Fireshot and many of his followers out of the way, and with Ulric destroyed.

  But her plans extended beyond this planet, and to ensure it all went according to those plans, she needed to be more than a queen. She needed to be an empress, no… a goddess.


  About the Authors

  Sebastian Wilde

  After working as a spook and traveling the world, Sebastian Wilde decided to settle down and write fun, quirky, and sexy pulp science fiction spy thrillers, lite-gamelit, and superhero stories.

  It all started when Sebastian was seven, creating locked room and escape room stories for his family. Now the stories have evolved, but they capture that same level of fun. Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as the author loved writing them!

  Jamie Hawke

  After working on Marvel properties and traveling the world, Jamie Hawke decided to settle down and write fun, quirky, and sexy pulp science fiction and superhero books. Are they all harem? Oh yeah. Oh yeahhhh.

  It all started when Jamie was eleven, creating nude superhero comics with his best friend. What perverts! But hey, they were fun and provided good fodder for jokes up into their adult years. Now the stories have evolved, but they capture that same level of fun. Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as the author loved writing them!

  Author Ramblings


  The Purge, Hunger Games, Battle Royale, The Walk, Mortal Kombat, and Happy Death Day — all stories that cause us to ask questions, arouse our adrenal glands, and stimulate the senses, right? I couldn’t help but feel the same sensory overload of questions and curiosity when I discovered the attempt to protect endangered wildlife through the legalized licensing of trophy hunting that in turn is meant to pay for the remaining wildlife animals’ protection, safety, and food. What if, in a fictional world, society were to implement the same strategy for humans?

  Is it working? Is it morally wrong? I don’t have the qualifications to answer either question. What I do know is that I want to explore how it might feel to be placed into that situation as a person, at least through story anyway. The real experience can be harrowing for any living creature. Hence, the desire to create a story that explores the possibility of someone in the future attempting to deal with overpopulation, extinction threats, and limited resources through an incentive and disincentive merit-based system that provides and plays off of an outlet for our basest urges.

  That’s it, folks.

  I’m not going to tell anyone what’s right or wrong. What I am going to do is create a story that explores what it might be like to go through these types of experiences if they were to be put in place.

  My hope is that you enjoyed the experience, felt uneasy at times, and asked a few questions about the world we live in along the way. Whatever conclusions, feelings, and opinions you came away with are potentially cool with me, as long as you were stimulated to feel something, even if it’s different from what I or s
omeone else may feel or believe. I’m happy if you came away with an experience.

  The thought that kept coming back to me as we were creating this story was, “What does it say about us that we can write this story without ever batting an eye?” I think it says that we worked relentlessly to inject our compassion and hope for people and want to see the best in everyone. Our characters’ motivations reflect that ‘save the cat’ mentality, I HOPE, and grow as a result.

  All The Best,

  Sebastian Wilde

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  What to say… Sex. Battle Royale. Hunger Games. All fun, right? This is a dream come true—a wet dream! Lol. Being able to write what we love and enjoy every step of the way, it’s what this is all about. That, and being able to interact with you all. We hope you will follow us on Facebook and interact. Post some thoughts, shoot us questions. Whatever you want.

  And if you enjoyed this book, would you consider leaving a review on Amazon and Goodreads? It would help us so much! That’s also how we know you like the series, so if it’s hitting the right chord with you, we know to keep it going forever. We already have book two written (Happy Hunting) and know you’re going to love it. Book three is outlined, so we hope you’re as excited as we are!

  I’d like to give a couple quick shout-outs to some of the books and authors we’ve loved in this genre. Have you read these? Harmon Cooper’s Cherry Blossom Girls, Zack Archer’s Fiasco Heights (coming soon, but we got to check it out), J.A. Hunter and Aaron Crash’s War God’s Mantle, Noah Barnett’s Gun Meister Online, Randi Darren’s Wild Wastes, William D. Arrand’s Super Sales on Super Heroes, and more and more. These are some amazing books, and we have a harem group for readers to discuss. Actually, if you join, there’s a poll of what harem books you like the most. Can you vote for ours? Thanks! You also might want to check it out the Harem Lit page.

  Please give a pat on the back to Stacy Schonhardt and Tracey Byrnes if you ever meet them. Stacey edited the book in full, and Tracey did a final copy edit. We couldn’t have done it without them!

  What’s next? Aside from Planet Kill, I have a sci-fi superhero harem book coming soon! It’s sort of in the Planet Kill universe (you’ll see what I mean). I’m super excited and hope you’ll follow me on Facebook and Amazon (Click here and then ‘Follow’ under my name/pic). That way, you won’t miss it! It’s probably my best work ever.

  Thank you again, and I look forward to hearing from you!

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  "They've taken Mortal Kombat meets Hunger Games and thrown a layer of debauchery on it. Brilliant!"

  More blood, sex and death as one man fights against a deathly conspiracy—and one woman seeks justice.

  He’s forming his harem and is now a major player on Planet Kill. As Pierce makes his moves to cement his hold on power here, he continues his mission to escort forced volunteers off planet. Only, along the way he discovers a much broader conspiracy: one which threatens the nature of humanity.

  She has her harem but is on the way up and out. She plans to ascend to Planet Paradise Fourteen, where she will finally have her revenge. If only this planet were everything it appeared to be on the surface, instead of the golden-framed and crystal-distorted mirror image of Planet Kill.

  WARNING: This book contains gratuitous violence and sex, harems, reverse harems, massively oversized members, breasts galore, and ample blood. You might cringe, you will laugh, and hell, you might even cry. We refuse to apologize for any of it.

  Book 2 Sample

  Chapter One: On Planet Kill

  Letha moved forward like a lion across the arid desert, the heat of this hell hole reminding her why she never came to this side of the planet. But today she had deemed it worthwhile, seen that this was her final move. Checkmate, after this.

  It wasn't just that this man had been the first of the warlords to betray her since taking down Fireshot, it was that he had taken so many others with him. The son of a bitch had been plotting it all along, and now he was on the run. There weren't many other options once you've tried to betray the most powerful woman around.

  Now she'd cornered him in this horrible place, in the caves of the hills to the east, her generals told her. Trapped, with no way out. That they knew about, anyway.

  Hyena, he called himself, because of the way he liked to laugh when fucking or killing. Sometimes those things were synonymous, he'd claimedf. If the number of men and women he'd fucked to death was to be believed, Hyena would've been personally responsible for the depopulation of Planet Kill. But here they were, survivors, champions of PK, and they'd never heard of a single actual case of that piece of shit actually fucking someone to death.

  What they did know of him was that he was a backstabbing, two-faced, conniving little bitch.

  "What're we dealing with?" Kale asked, standing at her side, assault rifle with its attached grenade launcher held at the ready.

  She liked this guy, with his dark skin almost purple in the setting sun, the white of his eyes out of place, like a spirit trapped in there, ready to get out. He wore full body armor, which stood out in stark contrast with the other general she'd brought along. Trunk stood three paces back with his bow and quiver of arrows--many of them of the explosive variety--slung over his mostly nude body. His only clothing was a loin cloth, which was now a mixture of red and grey from its use over the years. The thought of the beast beneath that cloth was enough to make her head spin, to pull her out of this moment and back to the baths of her home base where she'd tasted him for the first time only days before.

  With a squirm and lick of her lips, she returned her attention to the hills and checked her scanner. A green square of light fit over one eye, and through it she saw the grid in front of her, pink lines for the area in range, blue for those just out. The hills were lined pink, and after a moment several markers popped up, indicating where the fighters were who would be level ten or higher. With the intense rate of death on PK, being such a level was rare indeed. Letha, due to recent events with taking out Fireshot, was now level twenty-seven. Still, this wasn't a simple game where that meant she could rampage through the enemy without a worry. This was real, and that meant one knife to the throat and she was dead just like a level one fighter. Well, not exactly, since she'd geared up with a level ten shield, anti-fire and electricity shards, and a composite body-armor that could withstand most bullets when the shield failed.

  "Only three," she said, turning to scan the surrounding hills, but they came back with no results. "All clustered in that hill there," she added, pointing with her newly acquired sword. She also had a blaster pistol strapped to her thigh, her shocker glove on one side of her belt and the late Fireshot's fire-spraying glove on the other side, with a rifle slung over her shoulder.

  This kill wasn't about earning viewer favor or points. She was here for war, to teach the world a lesson. You betray Letha or anyone connected with her, you die.

  And yet, Trunk had a screen up, scrolling through bids.

  "You don't think I take care of you?" she asked.

  He glanced over. "Oh, you do wonders."

  She blushed at

  "Put that shit away," Kale growled to his fellow general. "You want someone in there getting a counter-bid and finding out what we're up to?"

  "I wouldn't worry about that," Letha said. "They know we're coming. The whole world knows we're coming."

  "Many worlds," Trunk said, then moved his display so they could see. "Extra credits if we run in clucking like chickens."

  "How many credits will they give me if I cut out your tongue and wear it as a necklace, I wonder?" Kale said, then glanced down at the loincloth. "Or, better yet…" A screen automatically popped up next to his head with viewers back home throwing in bids over which parts of Trunk to cut and wear, but Kale swiped it away and added, "Joking. Because we don't betray each other. But we also don't run into battle clucking like chickens."

  "How about you two…" She started, but then blinked, not understanding why her display had just shown a blip on the other side of Trunk. Words and numbers started appearing. level twenty one was the main takeaway there, followed by another word that stuck out as she saw the glimmer of the orange sunset and it all made sense--cloaking shield.


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