The Red Man through White Eyes

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by Sierra St. Francis

The Red Man Through White Eyes

  Copyright 2011 Sierra St. Francis

  Table of Contents

  1. Circle of Life

  2. Oh! Mother Earth

  3. The Medicine man

  4. The Buffalo

  5. The Chief and His Search

  6. My Flight with the Creator

  7. The Vision

  8. Wemtompatitea (Come my Brother)

  9. Little River

  10. Scared Buffalo

  11. Spirit of the Wolf

  12. The Love Flute

  13. The Red Tailed Hawk

  14. What is Music?

  15. The Bow

  16. Grandfather Drum

  17. Wabanang (Eastern Star/Morning Star)

  18. The Winged Gifts

  19. The Ceremonial Dance

  20. The Teepee

  Circle of Life

  In the beginning there is but a star.

  Held deep inside the soul of an unborn child.

  Lit, it grows and now can be seen from afar.

  Blessed by the Creator, free and wild.

  The stars blossom and grow brighter.

  The unborn child now grows within the womb.

  Life in its tiny hand is grasped and embraced tighter.

  Challenges and tragedies on the outside wait and loom.

  The star explodes into the night sky

  The child breathes its first breath.

  The mother's heart races and like an eagle flies.

  She holds the child and places it to her breast.

  The star and child are now one

  Growing and learning the Creator’s way.

  The circle of life has begun

  To weave memories that will forever stay.

  Oh Mother Earth

  Oh Mother Earth

  The tears you cry over the people.

  We have strayed from your way.

  Oh Mother Earth

  Can you find it in your soul?

  To forgive your wandering children?

  Oh Mother Earth

  Please teach us once again

  The path of our ancestors.

  Oh Mother Earth

  Allow Father Sun to warm us

  And bring light into our darkened hearts.

  Oh Mother Earth

  Please Forgive us and cry no more.

  For we are your children.

  The People and human.

  The Medicine Man

  Elder and Grandfather of all.

  Keeper of stories yet to be told.

  His heart flows like the waterfall.

  And his spirit is free and bold.

  Gentle with his touch and healing.

  His knowledge told to him in whispers.

  Secretive in his dealings,

  Except with the spirit keepers.

  He listens with his whole heart.

  To what the animals shall say.

  Life and death is he part

  They make of him each day.

  Praying and gathering herbs of life.

  To teach us all wrong and right.

  His wit is as sharp as a knife

  And as bright as the full moon's light.

  The medicine man of yesterday.

  Where have you gone?

  Are you where the Eagle's play

  Or in the notes of our children's songs?

  The Buffalo

  The fog and dew stretch over the land.

  The Grandfather holds time in his hands.

  Rays from the sun shear the darkness.

  I look upon the prairies with fondness.

  Great and mighty woolen beast,

  You will feed my family in a feast.

  Their spirits; Mystic, Noble, and Strong.

  Forever wandering this land they belong.

  My hunter steed beneath me heavily breathes.

  Tension of the chase is an invisible sheath.

  His eyes spy me; yet he does not flee.

  He sends an eerie message to me.

  "Come and take my heart and release my soul,

  Say a prayer and we will be one and whole."

  His words speak to me true.

  And now the sky is a deep deep blue.

  The chase begins, all our hearts beat as one.

  My arrows fly true, and the ritual has begun.

  The mighty beast lay at my feet.

  For the second time our eyes meet.

  He takes his final breathe and forever rests.

  I plunge my knife and release his soul upon his request.

  I carve his flesh, pound by pound.

  To help feed the village that lay abound.

  This is my first kill, The Mighty Buffalo

  And we are one soul to soul.

  The Chief and His Search

  The distant thunder crackles dangerously.

  The four winds collide to cleanse Mother Earth.

  The chief walks upon the land cautiously

  The spirits play life's drum and he goes forth.

  He will travel the highest mountains or smallest creeks.

  He shall harbor all pain and strife.

  For his heart flies, so he may seek.

  Who is to be his partner in life


  For this horse must be the best of all creatures.

  Blessed by Mother Earth and Father Sky.

  He will be a friend as well as a teacher.

  Walking forever with each other, even when they die.

  They will lead the People to hope and freedom.

  Across blinding snowstorms or lands that are barren.

  They must find peace in the new Kingdom.

  Or all hopes for a new life shall be forbidden.

  My Flight with the Creator

  As I lay fast asleep

  Restless dreams came to me.

  I heard not even a peep,

  But visions were all I could see.

  The colors charged into my mind.

  Brilliant shades of greens and blues.

  I wasn't sure what I would find

  Or exactly what to do.

  The first sound I hear

  Is that of an eagle's cry.

  I tried to show no fear.

  As I looked up into the sky.

  I looked into his eyes

  And saw what I needed to see.

  For I knew he would tell me no lies.

  And that he believed in me.

  As he landed next to me

  His mighty wings he did beat.

  The fear inside me grew

  As he settled near my feet.

  When he spoke his voice

  Was low and wise.

  "You must make a choice,

  You have many things to decide."

  "Child, Please come with me.

  "Climb upon my back,

  Where you can be free

  And knowledge you will not lack."

  Up in the sky.

  With it a beautiful crystal blue.

  I had tears in my eyes

  And also in his too.

  We talked of life and love.

  And of many pleasures and heartaches.

  As we travelled above.

  Deciding my fate.

  We landed upon a mountain top.

  For the first time I really felt free.

  And didn't want it to stop.

  It was then I began to believe.

  I can do anything

  If I want it bad enough.

  For my heart will sing

  And is filled with unconditional love.

  The Vision

  The wind speaks of a time

  Not so long ago.

  The drum beats in rhythmic
al whispers

  Upon the Earth's lips.

  I look on and see a mirage

  Of time before me.

  Men, women, children gathered

  As one in the circle of life.

  The medicine man in the center

  Is praying to the Creator.

  The smoke from the fire swirls

  In a circle, the sun beats down.

  My heart skips and races

  Like the hare being chased.

  My feet stay firmly planted

  Like the oaks and pines.

  The hawk calls out, I close my eyes

  In hopes he will take me there.

  The medicine man chants to Father Sky,

  To Mother Earth and to all relations.

  As I am about to be lost

  In this wonder, the thunder cracks.

  I come back to who I was,

  Knowing I will not be the same again.


  (Let us Make Friends)

  Come my brother, Wetompatitea!

  Judge them not by their ignorance

  They must learn and grow like

  The grass after a long winter.

  Come my brother, Wetompatitea!

  Let them judge us not

  For our color and ways of life.

  But embrace them as our own.

  Come my brother, Wetompatitea!

  Gather our families and endure a life that is to come.

  Our new brother must see how

  We have free spirits like our brother the Eagle.

  Come my brother, Wetompatitea!

  Pass the scared pipe and embrace our new brothers.

  Forgive them of the pain they have caused.

  For we are one and they are family.

  Come my brother, Wetopatitea!

  Little River

  Freely and with great might.

  Take my troubled heart and

  Let it flow over the rocks and fallen trees.

  So I can again know

  The meaning of freedom and oneness with Mother Earth.

  Sacred Buffalo

  Nobel great gift of the Creator.

  Bless us with our strength.

  In our time of need.

  Unite us as one people

  But yet again.

  To bring Peace and Harmony

  Among us.

  We ask you for your wisdom.

  To re teach us the old ways.

  Guiding us with Father Sky

  And Mother Earth.

  Let your courage show us

  To the right path.

  Evermore leading us to one spirit.

  One People, The People

  Oh! Scared Buffalo

  Spirit of the Wolf

  In the mist ridden forest below.

  I watch with anticipation for you.

  Four legged Spirits of my soul.

  I am honored bound, like so few.

  Your eyes snap like lightning

  And stare at me with Death's intent.

  I feel I should flee.

  But instead stay with much content.

  I fear you not, anymore.

  I walk beside you, hunter to hunter.

  Guiding, teaching, creating as one.

  Until I become the Warrior.

  Oh! My brother awaken me.

  On a full moon's night.

  So we may challenge the spirits

  Of life and proclaim our rights.

  You are my guardian and spirit.

  Within my soul I carry your light.

  To sheer the darkness upon those

  Who still stand in the night.

  The Love Flute

  Sweet sweet music that I hear

  Travelling to me through the wind.

  Its from the man I love and fear

  I hope shall never end.

  The song is sweeter than the Chickadee's song.

  The melody that pulls at my heart.

  Tempting me to go where I belong.

  To even make me listen is a great art.

  Closer and closer still

  Is the tune of my love.

  His gentle song bends my strong will.

  Until my heart flies with the eagles above.

  Oh, Love Flute, The whispers in my ear.

  How can I resist you?

  You soothe my deepest fears

  And he who plays you wins my heart true.

  The Red Tailed Hawk

  The red tailed hawk glides gracefully.

  He dances in Father Sun's embrace.

  Mother Earth tickles him with the tips of pines.

  And Brother Sky stays open so he may race.

  His call reaches till the end of time.

  His brothers and sisters of all terrains

  Answer in their own special way.

  And they do not fall silent until the rains.

  His strength lies within his heart.

  Generations of warriors hold his soul.

  In a dream or in the light of day.

  His power is something to behold.

  What is Music?

  What is music Grandfather?

  Asked the little boy.

  Grandfather looks up into the sky and still farther.

  And gives a smile that is almost coy.

  His expression becomes serene and calm.

  The boy waits with respect and love

  As he slips his hand in Grandfather's palm.

  And awaits the answer from the Creator above.

  Music is everywhere and is everything.

  The wind that blows through the grass and trees.

  The birds, eagles, owls, together they sing.

  And the buffalo that run and give chase as they flee.

  Your heart is life's drum

  The breath within you is the melody

  of the note that has yet come.

  That is what music is.

  The Bow

  From a sapling you are made.

  To be used each and everyday.

  For nourishment and in war.

  To shoot straight and true forevermore.

  You are worshipped and feared.

  To bring victory with each pull.

  You bring down man, buffalo and deer.

  To keep the People safe and strong.

  You are my friend and partner in life.

  Counting coup upon my enemies.

  Leaving them with humiliation and strife.

  Till we fight no more.

  Grandfather Drum

  Dusk has fallen.

  The people gather and unite.

  But one has been chosen to standout.

  Though on one know not even she.

  Wild Wind watches closely.

  She sees the People dancing and praying.

  The children and their elders become one.

  With the sound of the drum.

  An overwhelming feeling comes over Wild Wind.

  She grabs at her chest and tear

  Flow down her face like a river.

  The air caught in her lungs.

  Out from the darkness

  Comes a Grandfather Spirit of the Drum.

  He places his fragile hand upon her shoulder and asked,

  "My child, Why do you weep?"

  Silence falls among the People.

  All eyes fall upon Wild Wind.

  She answers, "Grandfather Drum, I do not weep

  Because I am sad. I weep with joy that you have

  Brought us together as a People.”

  Wabanang (wah bah nahng)

  "Eastern Star/Morning Star"

  Father Sun! How you shine brightly upon this day.

  The rays of your light make everything sing.

  The grass' dance and the animals play.

  I hear the gentle sound of my heart ring.

  Father Sun! We honor you in ceremony.

  Grant us good hunting on this day.

  May our arrows and ponies ride in matrimon

  And our stealth, reward us with plenty.

  The Winged Gifts

  Eagles, owls, turkeys and hawks

  Bring us many gifts forever more.

  Healing, wishes and ceremony

  Envelopes them to their core.

  To chase away sickness

  Regain one’s health

  To help the mighty warrior

  Hunt with deadly stealth.

  The chief’s magnificent headdress.

  The medicine man’s healing caress.

  A warrior’s quiver of arrows

  And a bride’s ornamented dress.

  Beauty, strength and power

  Are encased in these treasures.

  A cherished gift from the Creator

  To teach us, guide us and bring us pleasure.

  Give thanks to the winged ones.

  Guardians and messengers to us all.

  For you have opened your hearts

  To hear their spirit’s call.

  The Ceremonial Dance

  As the sun sets

  Behind the mountains high.

  The People gather together

  In celebration of times gone by.

  Costumes, drums and rattles

  Are brought out, put on and played.

  Fires are started and chants begin

  As the dances are displayed.

  They dance for guidance and bounty.

  Praying to their ancestors.

  Customs passed down from each generation.

  Giving thanks to the Creator.

  Bright colors, furs and feathers

  Represent animals they require.

  They dance round and round

  The mighty ceremonial fire.

  The People’s hearts are as one

  As the morning begins to break.

  Nothing but joy and peace

  Remains in their wake.

  The Teepee

  Dawn breaks in the valley.

  Smoke whispers in the air.

  The dogs and horses stir quietly

  As quietly as they dare.

  The light dances gingerly

  Upon the tips of the teepees.

  Visions of battles and conquest


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