Girl of Mine

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Girl of Mine Page 9

by Taylor Dean

  Jill had hardly been able to grasp what had happened.

  She still couldn’t. His abrupt departure from her life left her reeling, gasping like a drowning woman. She still hadn’t caught her breath.

  Now he was back, saying he had to talk to her, to explain. He was kissing her, saying he loved her.

  Kidnapping her, handcuffing her.

  What the heck?

  The aroma of bacon wafted through the air, making her stomach growl. A few minutes later, Luke appeared at her doorway. He looked hesitant. “Hey.”

  He wore a white Henley t-shirt and perfect fitting jeans, making him look relaxed, like it was a lazy Saturday. The tension in his eyes told her otherwise.

  A myriad of reasons as to why he’d ended things between them—besides the fact that he’d been unexpectedly deployed—began to wander through her mind, making her imagination wander. Had he cheated on her? Maybe he’d fallen in love with someone else. Maybe it didn’t work out. Maybe he realized what he’d lost. Maybe that’s why he was back, wanting to explain and make amends.

  Or maybe he just couldn’t stand the idea of her and Troy being together. Was that what this was all about?

  “Hey.” Jill already regretted her actions last night. The way she’d kissed him, as if all was forgiven.

  Nothing was settled between them. And judging by Luke’s tense expression, he knew it.

  Luke unlocked the handcuffs and massaged her wrist.

  “Regrets?” he asked, reading her mind.

  “About a million of them.”

  He stepped away, putting space between them. “You’ll have all the answers you need today.”

  “Should I be worried?”

  “No. I’m the one who should be worried.”

  “Am I going to be mad at you?”


  “Is it something I can forgive?”

  Luke stared at the ground and shrugged his shoulders. “Not sure.”

  Her spirits plummeted. “My heart’s racing.”

  “Mine too. C’mon, breakfast is almost ready.”

  “I’ll be quick,” she said as she made a beeline for the bathroom, thankful to have privacy. She stripped and entered the shower, letting the hot spray pour over her skin. The room filled with steam and she felt herself relax. Jill closed her eyes and again thought about the first time she’d met Lucas Graham.


  Luke and Jill

  August 2002

  Eight Months Earlier

  Darkness had fallen and the party in Troy’s backyard had died down. The remaining guests lingered around the fire pit. They sat in a circle, each telling a story about their most embarrassing moment—which was always followed by raucous laughter.

  Luke and Jill sat on the outskirts, occasionally listening, but not participating with the group.

  “What’s your most embarrassing moment?” he asked with curiosity.

  “Probably the time I unlocked and opened the door of my neighbors’ house to feed their dog while they were on vacation, and realized I’d gotten the dates mixed up. They were still home. The TV played loudly over their surround sound. I quietly closed the door and they never knew I’d almost barged in on them unannounced. The ‘what ifs’ of that scenario have haunted me ever since.”

  “I don’t think that one counts,” Luke said, chuckling. “It was potentially embarrassing.”

  “That was enough, thank you.”

  “Aw, c’mon. You don’t have anything worse than that?”

  “Well, there was the time I peed in my desk chair in first grade. The teacher told us to not disturb her for anything and I couldn’t hold it any longer. It was during art and we were allowed to wander the classroom. When the other kids noticed the pee on my chair, I told them Phillip T. had sat in my chair and peed in it. I couldn’t admit to such a thing, it would’ve been social suicide. You know how first graders are.” Luke smiled at her wit. “I was wearing a dress and it hadn’t gotten wet in the process, but I distinctly remember rolling down my wet socks to my ankles and feeling very uncomfortable. It just so happens that it was the day our parents joined us at school for lunch. The moment I saw my mom and dad, I burst into tears. After explaining what had happened, my dad took me home to change and took me right back to school. The teacher apologetically told me I could always interrupt her for a restroom break. But she only said that because my parents were there. When she didn’t want to be disturbed, she refused to acknowledge us. I had restroom anxiety for the next few years of elementary school.”

  “Glad those years are over and I can pee whenever I want,” Luke said, hiding his grin.

  “I know, right? Seriously stressful stuff.” Then Jill added, “Your turn.”

  “I hate to make this all about the bathroom, but I did accidently use the women’s bathroom once or twice at work. And got caught.”

  “More details, please,” Jill said, giggling. She surmised this was going to be a whopper.

  “I had a summer job at Walmart. I was used to the Walmart my mom always shopped at. The restrooms were reversed at the Walmart I worked at and I would forget and saunter on in as if it was no big deal. Twice I ran into the same female elderly co-worker while in there. She gave me the strangest look, like I was some sort of pervert.”

  “Wait. Don’t the men’s and women’s restrooms look different from each other on the inside?” Had it been daytime, Jill was pretty sure she would’ve seen Luke’s face turn red.

  “I was preoccupied, okay? Don’t judge. Besides, have you noticed that all Walmarts practically look the same inside? It’s easy to get turned around when they go and switch it up a bit.”

  “I’m sure they do it on purpose, just to mess with their customers.” Jill couldn’t hide her laughter and he joined her. She liked that he could laugh at himself.

  Sitting apart from everyone, their conversation turned to other topics.

  “I attended the French Culinary Institute in New York City. I loved it there. I miss it,” Jill told him when he’d asked where she’d attended culinary school.

  “I’d love to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.”

  “It was so different from anything I’d ever experienced. Maybe that’s why I enjoyed it so much. It was a novelty and I knew I wouldn’t be there forever.”

  “Hey Luke, hey Jill, why don’t you pretend you like us and join the party,” Troy hollered and everyone snickered.

  Jill glanced at her watch and realized she and Luke had been sitting with their heads together, talking, for the last three hours. Three hours! The time had flown by. They’d spoken of everything, their likes and dislikes, their childhoods, college, jobs, parents, siblings—no stone had been left unturned. Jill didn’t want the evening to end. Luke was good company.

  “Jill?” Lacy approached. She’d met someone too and had spent the evening at his side. “Jeremy’s gonna give me a ride home. All right?”

  “Are you sure, Lacy? I can leave now if you need to get home.” In truth, she wasn’t ready to leave. She wasn’t quite ready to part with Lucas Graham, not after the amazing conversation they’d shared.

  “Don’t worry,” Luke said. “He’s a great guy. I’ll vouch for him. Your friend is safe.”

  “Am I?” Jill asked.

  “No ma’am, you are most definitely not. I hope you like danger.”

  She was certainly flirting with it. She’d just met Luke and she already liked him more than she should.

  “It’s okay, Jill. Jeremy doesn’t mind driving me. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, Lacy. Call me.”

  They exchanged a meaningful look that said, “Oh. My. Gosh.” Neither one had expected to stay long at this get-together, much less meet the possible men of their dreams.

  “Luke, will you help me clean up?” Troy asked.

  “Sure,” Luke replied. “No problem.” Then to her, he said, “Don’t leave yet?”

  So he felt the same. Her heart pitter-pattered in her chest

  Jill wondered at Luke and Troy’s relationship. Troy implied Luke was crashing his party, yet he didn’t have any qualms about asking for his help when it came to clean up. And Luke didn’t seem the slightest bit annoyed by the request.

  Must be a guy thing.

  Jill helped put away all of the food and finally had her chance to see the inside of the large home. The kitchen alone was a chef’s dream come true. Luke put chairs away and gathered all the trash while she washed and dried the serving platters. Troy sat down and put his feet up, resting his head and closing his eyes. Jill felt annoyed by his behavior and then felt guilty for thinking bad thoughts. Perhaps he was in pain.

  Mrs. Kelley joined them downstairs and they visited for a bit. Jill found her to be a sweet lady.

  When there didn’t seem to be anything left to do and it was nearing two in the morning, Jill said, “Troy, thanks for inviting me. I had a nice time.”

  His smile was genuine. “You bet. Thanks for coming.”

  When Luke joined them, Troy’s smile died.

  “Ready?” Luke said to her. It was obvious they were leaving together.

  “Actually, I’ve been dying to explore the tree house all evening. Do you mind if I take a peek, Troy?”

  “Be my guest.” Troy turned and went upstairs without another word.

  Jill cast a puzzled expression toward Luke. “Did I make him angry?”

  “Nah, he’s just being Troy. C’mon, the tree house awaits.”

  The tree house was magical, lit up as it was with strings of lights. Jill and Luke climbed to the highest level, looking out at the view. The world seemed peaceful from the lofty height. Crickets chirped in an otherwise silent night. The windows in the houses surrounding them were all dark. The world slept while they were wide awake, giddy with the first heart racing feelings that accompany a budding romance.

  She knew it and she knew he knew it.

  Suddenly the lights blinked and went black. It startled her and she grabbed for Luke’s hand.

  Luke chuckled. “That’s Troy telling us it’s time to go home.”

  With the lights off, the stars were now highlighted and seemed to glimmer brighter than ever.

  “Wow,” Jill said as she tipped her head back. “It’s so beautiful.”

  Luke surprised her when he laid down flat on the deck. “Best view in the world. Right here.” He patted the spot next to him.

  She joined him willingly. They lay side by side, staring at the night sky visible through the huge breaks in the branches of the tree. Luke took her hand in his.

  “Troy and I used to haul sleeping bags up here and camp out. I’ve spent many summer nights sleeping right here. It seemed a lot softer when I was ten.”

  “It’s a shame Troy was injured while building the tree house. I wonder if it’s a constant reminder to him.”

  Luke said nothing. It was probably a sore subject.

  Several minutes had passed when Luke said, “Is this weird? Me and you? We only just met.”

  Jill stretched her arms without releasing Luke’s hand. “It doesn’t feel weird. I feel like I’ve known you for a very long time. Like we’ve met before. That’s what is weird.”

  “Doesn’t happen very often.”

  “No, it doesn’t. Every once in awhile life surprises you and you meet someone and you just . . .”

  “Click,” Luke finished.

  “Yeah, we click.”

  Luke squeezed her hand. “How’d you meet Troy?”

  “At Chateau. One minute he was asking about French cooking and the next inviting me to a party at his house. I worried he was some sort of pervert.”

  “But . . . the two of you weren’t . . .”

  “No,” Jill stated emphatically.

  “Just checking. Troy’s been seeing Joni for quite some time now. I think they’re pretty serious. Yet he seemed upset this evening.”

  So, he had noticed. “If it was because of me, he was assuming a lot. We only just met.”

  Luke turned onto his side and faced her. “So have we.”

  Jill faced him too. “No, I’ve known you all my life.”

  Luke didn’t laugh at her statement, he simply stared at her and she stared right back. “It does feel that way, doesn’t it?”


  “So, how many children do you want to have?” One side of his mouth curved into a half smile.

  “Oh . . . five or six.” Now they were both assuming a lot. The weird thing was she could picture herself married to this man. It didn’t take much of a stretch of the imagination.

  His eyebrows flew halfway up his forehead. “That’s ambitious.” Then he said, “Aw, what the heck, I’m in.”

  “Twisted your arm, did I?”

  “No twisting needed. I’m willing. Shall we name each child with the same first letter?”

  “Yes, something really annoying that sounds like a cheerleading squad, like Talia, Tatum, and Tawny.”

  “All girls, huh?”

  “Okay, we’ll also have a Tristan, Trent, and Trace too.”

  “Let’s nix the idea. My tongue is twisted just thinking about it.”

  “Along with your arm?”

  Luke’s laugh was low and throaty. “This is crazy.”

  “We haven’t done anything crazy yet.”

  “No, but I thought about it.”

  “Me too.” The lateness of the hour and the peacefulness of the tree house overcame Jill. “I’m sorry. All of a sudden, I can barely keep my eyes open.”

  “Should I feel insulted?” Luke asked, grinning.

  “No. You should feel flattered. I feel safe with you. I feel . . . calm, like everything is right with the world.”

  “I feel it too,” he whispered. His eyes blinked heavily, then he leaned toward her and pressed his lips to hers ever so softly, a tentative kiss with just the merest hint of pressure. So light, yet so full. A whisper of contact, yet the hardest impact.

  And that was all.

  The feather light kiss slowly faded and the night blurred.

  When Jill awoke, the sun was a flicker in the night sky. Her skin was moist with morning dew and her ears were filled with the gentle rhythm of Luke’s heartbeat. Sensing she was awake, his arms tightened around her.

  “Let’s go to my house,” he whispered.

  Feeling a little dazed, Jill grasped onto Luke’s offered hand as they quietly crept to his house as if they were two teenagers worried about getting caught. They collapsed in his entryway and laughed as though they’d eluded discovery.

  Who or what they were running from, she had no idea. But she had a hunch that Luke didn’t want Troy to know they’d fallen asleep together in his tree house.

  Never in her life had she fallen asleep with her lips pressed against a man’s lips. It had been soft, slow, and romantic. It was as if the connection had brought peace to both of them and, knowing they were both where they were meant to be, they finally let sleep claim them. It had felt like the planets aligned and time stopped.

  The kiss that made time stop.

  Yeah, that’s how she’d always remember it. Maybe she was dreaming and was actually still snoozing away in the tree house. Was this really happening? Jill nonchalantly pinched her thigh between her index finger and thumb.

  Ouch. Yep, fully awake.

  “Nice place,” she remarked, letting her eyes wander his home. She ached to explore every inch of the two story dwelling, but didn’t ask to do so. An awkward silence ensued as if neither knew what to do or say now that they’d spent the night in each other’s arms. In reality, they hardly knew one another.

  Luke took her hand in his and pressed his lips to it, his eyes searching her face.

  In response, her breath ever so slightly whistled between her teeth.

  “You’re cold. C’mon, I’ll warm you up,” he said.

  Jill felt a moment of panic, wondering what he meant by that. As it turned out he meant hot chocolate and a blazing fire. They made themse
lves comfortable on the pillow laden hearth and Luke wrapped a blanket around them. The first sip of hot chocolate warmed her straight to the tip of her toes. She polished it off quickly and felt the last lingering remains of sleepiness vanish. Jill stared into the fire, feeling strangely refreshed and relaxed.

  “Are you busy tonight?” Luke whispered as he stared into the amber flames.


  “Would you like to get together after my shift ends?”

  “Yes, that would be nice.”

  Luke set his mug down and wrapped one arm around her, lightly caressing her shoulder. “We slept the night away on hard planks of wood, something I would never willingly choose to do, yet I feel good. Like I just had the best night’s sleep of my life. How’d that happen?”

  “I’m not sure, unless we’re both dreaming right now.”

  “Don’t wake me up.”

  Jill smiled. “My sentiments exactly.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. He turned and ran his lips over her forehead. Jill tilted her head up slightly and their eyes met and held for a brief moment. Silent communication passed between them, somehow signifying that they both knew exactly what they were doing, that they were both going in with their eyes wide open and knew what was happening between them. No doubts. No reservations. They were jumping in feet first. Both ready and willing. Without hesitation, their lips met in a kiss, equally as sweet and tender as the first, and appropriate to the early stage of their relationship. His lips were soft, simply moving over hers with a whisper of a caress. Absolute perfection.

  When it was over, they smiled at each other. Words didn’t seem to be necessary between them. They both knew.

  “Thanks for not falling asleep after that kiss. I think my ego would’ve been bruised.”

  Jill guffawed. “I still can’t believe I felt comfortable enough to fall asleep in your arms.”

  “There is that,” he agreed. “Major bonus points. I feel redeemed.”

  This was their beginning. Jill knew something had started between them and it couldn’t be undone. In her heart, she knew she’d always look upon last night as one of the best nights of her life. Nothing would ever compare.

  Magical moments can’t be forced or created. They just happen. That’s what makes them magical.


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