The Alpha's Temptation (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 4)

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The Alpha's Temptation (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 4) Page 10

by Martha Woods

  Cayden held his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright, beat me over the head with my peace offering then..."

  She laughed, a high rich sound that carried through the room. Her grin widened, her teeth gleaming in the light. "I'm sorry! To be honest Cayden... I still don't know for sure what I like. I spent so much time running, then fighting, then trying to feel normal that... I still haven't managed to work out just what it is that I would like to do, does that make sense?"

  "Believe me Farah, that makes more goddamn sense than half the things I've heard people say in the last few months."

  "What are some of the things that you like?" She picked up her fork, idly chewing pieces of her own filet mignon.

  "Me?" Cayden resumed his meal, pausing to think over a mouthful of steak. "I think I'm enjoying not having to run around all day and night worrying I'm going to be killed, and that means I can curl up on the couch and watch as many cooking shows as I want."

  "Cooking shows?" She giggled, "Really?"

  "Of course! The way that they can take just a regular cut of meat and turn it into a work of art, it's incredible! I can do a lot of things, I've fought werewolves, witches, I've seen things that would make people go insane! But the things those people can do in the kitchen... I think I'd wanna learn to be more like them."

  "Well... Perhaps I will have to watch one sometime." She paused to dab at the side of her mouth with her napkin, tongue flicking out to catch a stray bead of blood. Cayden swallowed.

  "If you wanted... We could go and watch one now, let you catch up on what you've been missing..."

  She looked at him, eyes searching his and her mouth curling into a smirk when she saw what was lurking there. "I happen to quite like my couch, perhaps we could watch it over at my apartment?"

  He nodded eagerly, too worked up to even be embarrassed at how obvious it was. They stood, Farah putting her coat on while Cayden left much more than what was needed to pay for the bill. When they walked out they were separate, out on the street, after a second of hesitation, Cayden took her hand in his.

  * * *

  "Aww cute, would you look at that?" Rick turned to Ted, "I think these two might be in the honeymoon period right now."

  Ted chuckled, watching Farah's hips sway with obvious interest. "How's this gonna work, you take him, I take her?"

  "We'll wait till they're done with each other, no need to ruin such a beautiful night so soon after all." He shrugged. "After that, you remember what the boss said. All of em, dead tonight."

  Chapter 6

  After their long, and frankly, exhausting talk, the group split into pairs around the house. Michael by Liam's side, both brothers wanting to know exactly how the other was coping with everything, while the two women retired to the bedroom, the long talk and an advanced pregnancy absolute hell on Skylar's body. It was there she lay, feet up in bed and a glass of water on the side table, while Hayley read from her new book peacefully by her side.

  "This witch that you went and saw..." Hayley looked over at Skylar, who had shuffled back on the bed until she was sat against the backboard. "What was she like?"

  Hayley chuckled, "At first she was... Ornery. I think even you might not have wanted to give her a chance." She traced a hand over the cover of the book. "But she's not as hard as she likes to present herself. That's not to say she's weak, far from it, but she seems more... Vulnerable when she lets her walls down. She actually seems kind of... nice. Well that's not one hundred percent true, she's still an asshole. But she seems like a less hostile asshole now."

  "Well, she's helping me, so I'm not going to judge her personality too harshly."

  "It didn't really take much to convince her in the end." She smiled. "I think she has a soft spot for kids."

  Sky shuffled over, trying to get a look at the book in Hayley's hands. "Lucky me." She traced a finger along her palm, feeling the tingling shooting through her body in response. "What exactly are these tests you need to do?"

  "From what I've been reading they're not... invasive or anything like that. All I need to do is..." Hayley reached out, dancing a hand along her arm. "Channel some energy, and that's that." Hayley sat down on the bed next to her, taking Skylar's hand in hers.

  "They might take a while, we don't have the time right now to find out what you are for sure... But we can find out if you are something at least, just to get that off our minds. It's up to you."

  Sky ran a hand over her stomach, feeling the soft kicks of the tiny life growing within her. For a split second, a lance of fear almost made her say no, fear of what the magic could do to her unborn child overriding her reason.

  But she knew who Hayley was, she knew she wouldn't do this without her permission, and even then without knowing it was as safe as it could possibly be. Besides, the alternative was far, far worse.

  She nodded, exhaling roughly, "Ok. Ok let's do it. Should I... Should I do anything?"

  "You just have to not move too much, all I have to do is hold your hand and concentrate a bit." Hayley stroked a thumb over the back of her hand, leaning in. "Hey, it's going to be ok. We'll get this figured out then you'll be holding your healthy baby in no time."

  Sky nodded, leaning back and leaving herself in the more than capable hands of her friend. It wasn't long before she felt the steady thrum of energy pulsing through her, a not unpleasant ticklish feeling shooting up and down her arm. She resisted the urge to giggle, not wanting to disturb Hayley's focus.

  Hayley chuckled, "You can talk to me you know, I'm not going to suddenly lose my way just because you ask me a question."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Go ahead! I'm not going to get distracted."

  "Ok... um..." Sky smiled. "How are things going with you and Michael?"

  There was a pause before her answer, Hayley's cheeks blooming pink. "Don't ask me that, I'll get distracted."

  It was only through supreme force of will that Skylar didn't shake herself out of Hayley's hold from the force of her laughter. By this point her friend’s cheeks were a very deep shade of red, though a few fond chuckles still managed to force their way through her pouting lips. "You're awful, you know that?"

  "Yes, I am." Skylar sobered. "But seriously, how are you doing? You don't have to tell me if you really don't want to but... I do want you to be happy."

  For a time, there wasn't any sound in the room, just the two women sitting close, the tingle in Skylar's arm the only thing telling her that her friend was still there. Finally, she heard a small sigh, "Fine, but you can't tell anyone about this ok? I'm still trying to figure it out myself."

  "Of course! I won't even tell Liam."

  "Alright. Things are... Complicated." She adjusted her grip on Skylar's hand, the prolonged contact making her hands uncomfortably warm. "We're still working out where we stand with each other. Honestly I think we both know where this is going but... with everything surrounding it it's pretty intimidating to think about." She felt a tingling in her hand, a deep thrumming that was getting stronger and stronger. She winced, looking over at Skylar. "Do you feel that?"

  When she looked over Skylar wasn't looking back at her. Instead her gaze was firmly fixed on their interlinked hands, mute horror slowly dawning as thin tendrils of smoke started drifting languidly between their fingers.

  Hayley barely suppressed a terrified yelp as she snatched her hand back, their connection ending abruptly. As though they had been summoned, the smoke drifted back into Skylar's waiting palm, disappearing underneath her skin so flawlessly they were both unsure if they were even actually there in the first place.

  She looked over at Skylar, terror and awe written plain on both their faces. "D-did you see that?"

  "Y-yeah... I did." Sky looked down at her hands, trying and failing to stop them shaking. "W-w-what is this? What's happening?" She raised her head, her eyes filled with barely contained tears. "What the hell am I?"

  "I don't know. I-" Hayley breathed out, trying to calm her nerves. She slapped the sides of
her face, letting the sting bring her back down to earth. She walked over, gently reaching out and grasping Skylar's hands. "I don't know what you are, except for my friend. We are going to figure this out, understand? We're going to figure this out."

  Skylar was at a loss for words, the reality of her situation finally starting to sink in. All she could muster was a single nod of her head, and one lone word.


  * * *

  Farah's apartment loomed in front of them, her grip on Cayden's tight as the reality of what they were going to do dawned on her. She tried to keep her hand from shaking, but far too late for him to not notice.

  "Farah? What's wrong?" He watched her turn towards him, his worry increasing when she wouldn't look him in the eye. "Hey, come on, what's up?"

  "Nothing, I..." She shook her head, scoffing to herself, "It's stupid."

  He stepped in front of her, placing his other hand on her cheek. He ran his thumb softly along the skin, his light touches the only thing she could think off. When he placed two fingers underneath her chin and tilted her head up, she could do nothing but obey and stare into his eyes, so alight with worry.

  "You know we don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can wait until you're ready."

  She chuckled, "And if I never was ready?" To her surprise, he simply shrugged.

  "Honestly? If you still just wanted to be with me, that'd be enough."

  "But, what about... isn't sex important?"

  Cayden laughed to himself, "I don't know what you've heard, but there are more important things to relationships than sex. Chief among them being that you actually like the person when you aren't getting down together. Do you like me?"

  She arched an eyebrow. "Of course I do, you're funny, interesting, you're caring. Who wouldn't like you?"

  "Well there you go, I like you quite a bit as well. That'd be enough for me personally, just... Being able to be with someone as incredible as you, to form a connection with someone I can just... be with."

  She didn't look at him as he finished speaking, her head ducking and her hand swiping at the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as she looked back up at him, smiling. "While that is incredibly touching, it's not like actually that. I do want you, I do but... I'm scared. I've never done this before." She looked away again. "I told you it's stupid."

  "I don't think it's stupid. Actually..." He ran a hand through his hair as he continued sheepishly, "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared too."

  Farah's eyes widened in surprise. "You? But... Why are you scared?"

  "I told you that the life of a hunter is a lonely one. There's not really any time or want to form connections so... The best you get is an occasional roll around after a few drinks before you both get going in the morning." He huffed a laugh, "So here I am, twenty-seven years old and this is the first genuine connection I've ever made with someone. Why the fuck wouldn't I be scared?"

  They were both quiet, their silence only being broken as they started shaking, their laughter at first silent but rapidly increasing in volume, until they were all but bent over cackling outside her front door. Farah recovered first, placing her hand on Cayden's bicep as she wiped away her tears. "Well, looks like we're both absolutely clueless, doesn't it?"

  "Looks that way, doesn't it?" He held out his hand. "You wanna go figure it out together?"

  Not a second passed before she grabbed on and tugged him towards her, their lips meeting with an eagerness that surprised even them. She pulled back reluctantly, her eyes filled with the promise of what was to come.

  "More than anything."

  * * *

  Cayden's jacket was the first thing to go, thrown carelessly into some corner where it would likely lie forgotten long after he had left. Farah pawed at his chest, their mouth pushing fervently against each other as they blinded headed towards the bedroom. He reached up and tugged his tie off harshly, tossing it next to the door as they shouldered their way through, his hands coming to cup her behind as he lifted her up, turning and dropping them both onto the waiting bed.

  She giggled as he shuffled on top of her, muffled chuckles and groans issuing forth as he cups both sides of her face and leaned in, hoping to explore her mouth even a little deeper. She threaded her hands through his hair, gasping as his hand found her breast. He leaned back, his breath ghosting her lips as he asked, "Is this ok?"

  She nodded, groaning as he squeezed down, her supple skin molding underneath his exploratory touch. His fingers worked their way into her shirt, gently pinching at her nipple as she all but keened into his mouth. "Please..." She panted, "More."

  He slid down her body, pressing kissed to whatever skin he could find, pausing between her legs. He squeezed her thigh, his eyes asking a question that he was desperate for her to answer. She nodded, shivering as he unbuttoned her jeans in response. He pulled her jeans down slowly, the tips of his fingers ghosting against her skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake. He touched his lips to her still covered form, her thighs reflexively closing in on him at the surprising pleasure of his touch. He ran his hand down her leg, his fingers dancing calming patterns along the skin.

  "It's ok... Do you trust me?"

  Her reply was breathless, "Yes."

  "Then trust me, I'll make you feel good." He ran his tongue in a strip from bottom to top, her eyes rolling back as he pulled her underwear away. "You can tell me to stop anytime you want."

  She still had the state of mind to chuckle, "God, please don't do that!"

  Cayden smiled, his teeth glinting almost predatorily in the light. He ran his finger through her folds, delighting in each of the twitches that jolted her body before he found the sensitive button of nerves at the top of her womanhood. "No arguments here."

  As soon as his finger stroked over it was like lightning shot through her entire body. Her eyes rolled back in her head, a tiny whimper falling from her lips, desperately resisting the urge to slam her legs shut from the sudden overload of feeling. He stroked his thumb up and down her entrance, prodding at her gently with two confident fingers. She shuddered, nodding to an unasked question as he pushed his way in, her walls squeezing down around his digits.

  Cayden gasped at the feeling of her, his fingers pumping in and out of her slowly to get her used to the feeling. For her part, she was adapting fast, her hips already pushing back against his hand in an attempt to drive his fingers deeper into her. Smirking to himself, he leaned in, her body freezing when he closed his lips around her clit. When he sucked down, her entire form arched, her mouth freezing in a silent scream as she felt the world drop out from underneath her, her head completely emptying of everything but the sensation of overwhelming pleasure.

  He continued pumping his fingers, not for a second neglecting his attentions with his mouth as she writhed underneath him. He spread her open, his tongue collecting each drop of her sweet nectar that flowed freely past her lips. Farah dug a hand into his hair, pulling him roughly against her as she started to grind against his face, almost ravenous for even the slightest bit more contact. When he pulled back she almost wailed in despair, but one look at his glistening smirk and she couldn't find it in herself to say anything at all.

  "This is the point of no return." He was trying to remain calm and collected, but the obvious tent straining his pants greatly undermined him. "We can still stop if you wa-"

  His words were cut off as she grabbed hold of him and pulled him down, flipping them so that she was straddling his hips. Cayden looked up at her, a mildly shocked smile gracing his features. "I'm guessing you don't want to stop?"

  "Non. Je te veux..." She dug at his belt, almost ripping it apart in her hast to free him. He groaned as she grabbed hold of his length through his pants, the anticipation building in his body as she undid his fly. She almost yelped as he sprung free, his hardness suddenly standing tall and proud in front of her.

  Tentatively, she stroked a finger from the base to th
e tip, surprised at how much delight she felt at seeing him thrust into the air. Taking him in hand, she brought him closer, grinding herself slowly against his length, certain that he must be in pain with how hard he had gotten. "Do you want me?" She moaned into the open air, grinning at his frantic nod. "How much do you want me?"

  Cayden threw his head back in a moan as she dragged him through her folds once more. "Jesus... I could die happy right now." He ran his hands along her thighs. "I've seen so many beautiful things in my life, but Christ... none of them can even hold a candle to you. You're like a fucking goddess."

  Farah blushed, but for the first time that night it wasn't from some sort of self-deprecating embarrassment. No, this time she felt a bolt of white hot desire lance through her being, wasting no time in lining him up with her entrance.

  Cayden watched with wide eyes as she lowered herself inch by inch, his length disappearing bit by bit until their bodies were flush with each other and she could barely breath. "Are you alright?" He ran a hand up her side, gasping when she placed a hand on his chest and began to move.

  "It feels... incredible." She began to rise and fall slowly upon him, any remnants of pain swiftly being replaced by pure pleasure. She squeezed around him tightly, slamming her hips down onto him with a grunt, his fingers digging into her thighs as she sought whatever pleasure she could get. He was all too happy to oblige.

  Cayden reached up, cupping Farah's face and pulling her down, their lips meeting in a hungry clash of lips and teeth, neither having the frame of mind to treat each other delicately. He hooked his arms around her hips, rolling over and trapping her underneath him. She giggled as he peppered open mouthed kisses across her breasts, his hands latching onto her behind as he began thrusting himself to the hilt.

  "Oh my god, yes! Don't stop!" Farah dragged her nails down his back, the sting driving him mad with lust, the meeting of their bodies echoing off the walls of her bedroom. "Please Cayden!"


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