More Than Lies

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More Than Lies Page 12

by N. E. Henderson

  I think I need to find the quickest way to my room. That bath is definitely more appealing. I’m starting to feel dirty, now.

  “Matt tells me you’re an English major like he is.” Why on earth is Matt talking about me with this guy? I’ve never seen him before and Matt doesn’t make friends that easily. He’s a lot like me in that regard so I don’t understand how I’d even come up in a conversation.

  “You need a drink, here.” I take the black solo cup that Amanda hands me. Seriously she is freaking me out here. I turn back to the guy whose name I don’t even know. Nor care to know.

  “I am.” He smiles and it’s even more of a turn off. I take a sip of the beer that is clearly draft and definitely not Corona.

  “Derrick here,” Matt says, tipping up his own cup before finishing. “Is a sophomore this year.” I stop hearing Matt at that point because frankly I don’t care. I want my bath and I want to remember the feel of warm lips on my skin. I take a large gulp of beer on that thought.

  I don’t know what I could have done differently for him to continue. He seemed really into it and heck he’s the one that grab me and slammed me into the door. I don’t think I’ve ever been more turned on than in Mac’s office. I love being man handled and Jared knows how to handle my body to get me off, but Shawn wasn’t even attempting to grant me a release and I was on the edge. A minute more of his erection pressed into me and I would have come.

  I come out of my thought when my empty cup is being taken from my hand and a full one being replaced by whom I now know as Derrick. I force a smile to thank him even if I didn’t want another drink; at least not what’s in my cup. I have plenty of my own beer in the fridge and even tequila sitting on the counter. Those options would taste better, but I don’t complain. Instead I bring the cup to my lips and sip. Maybe the more I drink the more I’ll stop questioning what happened back at Mac’s.

  Did I do something wrong or turn him off?

  Should I have done something differently or felt him up the way he was doing me?

  I don’t know. It all happens so fast and in a blink of the eye it all stopped.

  I look around the kitchen when I take another pull of liquid into my mouth. Unease settles into my gut. Matt and Amanda are no longer around us nor even in the room. No one is, it’s just Derrick and me. The back door is open and I hear voices coming from the deck area. It’s only the middle of November so it’s not exactly cold. Cool maybe, but not even close to being cold. There is always a house full of people here on most weekends so I’m sure there are plenty of bodies in the living room.

  I look down at my cup that is still half full. Shoot. Screw it. I lift it to my lips and tilt the cup all the way back, letting the beer flow into my mouth and down my throat, drinking it like it’s a shot of tequila.

  Definitely, not the same.

  I breathe out and then wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

  I shake my head to clear the dizziness that I’m sure is caused by gulping down half a cup of beer. I blink and offer him a smile.

  “Well—” He doesn’t let me finish. Derrick shoves another cup into my hand and latches onto my elbow. He’s touching me and my skin is crawling so much that I want to rip it from his grasp and scratch the area.

  What is wrong with me? Why am I being so…judgmental?

  Hell, I don’t know. I just want to go lie down. I really need to lie down.

  “You can’t call it a night yet. We haven’t gotten to know each other and I want to get to know you, Taralynn.”

  I take a quick sip, maybe more than a sip and sit the plastic cup onto the granite countertop of the island in the center of the kitchen. I offer another smile.

  “I’m really tired.” His fingers press into my skin. “I’m sure I’ll see you again. My roommates have people over on the weekends often.” He’s digging into my skin now and my eyes start to get hazy. That feeling in my gut is increasing. My fight or flight instincts kick in and I can tell you now I don’t have a whole lot of fight.

  Which is why I yank away from his grip and take off in the direction of the living room going to find Matt or even Mason.

  I don’t feel right and I don’t know why, but I have a very bad feeling.

  I’m scared even though I don’t know what’s wrong, but I do know something isn’t right.

  Walking in the front door, I exhale the breath I’ve been holding, then push it closed behind me. The scream of Five Finger Death Punch hits me as I start kicking out of my boots. Not even good music can settle my nerves at this point. I didn’t make it past the parking lot at Level before I turned the ignition back on and then headed back to the bar only to learn Tara went home early.

  I don’t know what I’m going to say to her or how to excuse my behavior from less than an hour ago. Running my palm through my hair, I take a deep breath and force my legs to move so I can go find her. Her car is here, but that doesn’t mean anything. She could be at Jared’s for all I know. I don’t want to prolong this and I don’t want her to be at that jackass’s house.

  When I enter the living room, there is an array of people sitting around. Mason and a few guys are standing in front of the flat screen, drinking beer, watching a basketball game and shooting the shit. Amanda and two other chicks, which I’m sure she brought with her from Starkville, are on the couch chatting. Matt’s walking off from her, but pauses when he sees me heading his way. He’s got a scowl on his face and looks highly irritated. Amanda can do that to people. Why he’s still with her, I haven’t a clue. He’s been dating that bitch since sophomore year of school. Pretty sure that’s the only piece of ass he’s ever had.

  “Hey, man, what’s happening? You’re home earlier than usual.”

  “Yeah, I suppose I am.” I don’t want him to know that I’m looking for Tara. Not that it’ll be odd, but then maybe it will. It’s time to face the music and get this over with. “Hey, you seen—” I don’t get to finish asking where she is and there’s no need. She comes running into the room from the kitchen.

  “Matt.” Her voice is breathless and her eyes shine with panic. I don’t like this. “Something’s not ri—” She grasps onto his biceps, but seems to need to catch her breath, not finishing her sentence. Looking to my left I see a guy waltzing in from the same room Tara came running from. The irritation on Matt’s face intensifies before shaking out of Tara’s grasp. His eyes pin the guy that comes up behind Tara with a hard look. I already don’t like this guy even though I’ve never seen him before tonight.

  “What the fuck, Derrick?” Matt almost yells it in his direction. “Do I need to take her upstairs and fuck her for you too?”

  My eyes widen at his words and I’m close to ripping him a new one. Tara stumbles a step backwards. Her expression looks as though he’s slapped her across the face with his words. “No worries, man, I got this.” Derrick, as I now know his name to be, oozes sleaze ball. I can immediately see why Tara wants nothing to do with him. He latches onto her elbow and then pulls her into his chest with a hard yank. “Just point me in the direction.” He laughs.

  Oh I don’t fucking think so. What the hell is Matt’s problem, anyhow? He’s supposed to be Tara’s best friend. Instead, he just threw her to the wolves. Tara snatches her arm out of his hold, but then stumbles forward. Something is way off here. She looks drunk, but I know that’s not possible. She was sober less than an hour ago. When he reaches for her again I step toward her, wrapping my hand around her waist and pulling her front flush with my front. With both hands she grabs onto my t-shirt like she’ll never release me again. Part of me doesn’t want her to, but I need to put that out of my head so I can figure this situation out.

  “Taralynn.” Matt voice booms throughout the room as all eyes turn our way. If I didn’t have her standing in front of me right now I would have dropped him on his ass already. I place my hand around Tara’s lower back, pulling her as close to me as possible.

  “Dude, what’s your deal? Are you trying to cock block me?
” This guy is a joke. I don’t have cock block anyone, let alone this dipshit loser. “Not cool, man.”

  Before I can address this freak and kick him out my house, Tara calls my name. I almost don’t hear her, but when I realize her hands are loosening from around me I look down. When I do, time freezes for a split second. I witness Tara’s eyes start to roll to the back of her head and her body starts to fall backwards. After shaking myself back to the present I tighten my arms around her just as she goes completely limp on me. I’m shocked for a small amount of time. I look up to see the same shocked expression on Matt’s face. My head snaps over to Derrick who’s got that flight look in his eyes. The moment it registers, he flees, running for the door.

  “Mason,” I scream my best friend name. “Stop his ass, now.” He’s done something to Tara. I feel it in my fucking bones. Mason immediately high tails it after the motherfucker. Two of the guys he was standing around follow him out. I look to Matt. “What did you let him do to her?”

  “I...what the...Taralynn.” He can’t make full sentences. He’s floored and isn’t grasping what’s going on.

  “Get your ass out that door and find out what he did to her.” Matt’s eyes snap to mine. It’s registering and he stumbles before walking away from me. “Lawson,” I call out Matt’s last name. He turns. “Once you have an answer, beat that motherfucker within an inch of his life.” He nods, swings back around and leaves.

  “Tara, baby.” I call out to her as I gather her up, hooking an arm under her knees and hoisting her up. I take her over to the couch. “Move.” I demand from Amanda and her friends. They comply immediately even though I know Amanda has no care in the world for Tara’s wellbeing. After stretching her out onto the entire length of the couch, I push her hair out of the way. “Tara.” I call her name again, but there isn’t a response. I know I need to call an ambulance. My parents’ voices ring in my ears. They are both physician’s and taught my brother and I well.

  I’m scared shitless at this moment. I know I have to check for a pulse. I’m not medically trained, but I know the basics. Fumbling for her wrist, I secure my fingers around her. After a few seconds of concentrating on her pulse, I conclude it’s strong and steady.

  I turn my torso away from Tara scanning the room for Amanda. When my eyes land on her and I know she is looking at me, I instruct her on what I need. “Go get me a cool wet washcloth.” She crosses her arm and scrunches up her face. “Amanda,” I bit out. “You can go get me a goddamn wet washcloth or you can take your ass back to Starkville tonight. What’s it going to be?”

  She huffs, but spins on her six-inch heel and goes off to do as I requested. I turn my attention back to Tara. “Tara, please wake up.” I plead unsuccessfully. “Fuck.”

  A few minutes later, Amanda shows back up and hands me the rag. “You took your sweet ass time.”

  “You know, Shawn, she is probably just drunk. I doubt anything is wrong with her except blowing it with some guy that finally showed her the time of day.” This bitch needs to thank the stars my mom drilled it into me that a man never lays a hand on any woman in a bad way. I’ve never in my life wanted to strangle a female. Not even Holly, Amanda’s best friend, and I hate that bitch.

  “Tara.” I call out again knowing I’m not going to reach her. Pulling out my cell phone from my pocket, I start to unlock it, knowing I have no choice. I have to call an ambulance. The noise of people shuffling behind me catches my attention before I’m able to input 911 into the phone. When I twist, Mason’s body is drawn tight and his fists are clenched together at his sides. Matt follows in behind him. He’s sporting a busted lip, but that’s about the extent of the damage to him from what I can tell. A few more guys come in as well. More than the two people that went out with my friends. They are guys from the neighbor.

  “Rohypnol.” Mason states the word like it’s a bad taste in his mouth. The fuck? That’s the date rape drug.

  “He fed her a goddamn Roofie.” It’s not a question. I clearly heard what Mason said. I’m stunned. I had no idea people could still get that shit. I’ve been around the college scene as long as my friends have. Longer really since all of us used to come on weekends when my brother lived. I’ve never seen nor heard about anyone giving or receiving the date rape pill. This is blowing my mind, but I’ve got to get her to the hospital. I don’t know much about this. For all I know people could overdose and die from it. I look back down at my cell. The screen is back to black so I input my code again.

  “What are you doing?” It’s Matt that asks the question. I want to beat his ass so bad. He let this happen. I witnessed him push her onto that fucker.

  “I’m calling 911. What do you think I’m doing?”

  “You can’t.” Panic has set into his voice. I stop before entering the last ‘1’.

  “Excuse me? You fucking let that piece of shit drug her and now you don’t want to take her to the hospital. She could die.” What in God’s name is going through his head?

  “Oh, please!” Amanda’s voice is nails on a chalkboard. “Let her sleep it off. She’ll be fine.” Because she’d know, right? I don’t think so.

  “Get that bitch away from me.” I point my index finger in her direction. She gasps and I want the throttle the fuck out of her.

  “Upstairs.” Matt orders his girlfriend. Amanda cuts her eyes to Matt, as she gives him her best, I hope you die look.

  “Lindsey, Trena, let’s go, we’re leaving.” Good. I’m not sorry to see her exit.

  “That goes for everyone in the house that doesn’t live here. Get out.” I eye everyone standing around to make sure they heed my words. They do, so I look back down at Tara before I put the last digit into my phone.

  “Shawn, I’m serious, you can’t. Think about it.”

  “Think about what? Making sure she lives through the night?” What in the flying fuck is wrong with him? Maybe Tara needs to rethink who she is friends with and maybe I need to rethink who I let live in my grandparents’ house.

  “She is Jacob Evan’s daughter.” Yeah I’m pretty sure I’ve known that longer than he has. “It won’t be, a local college girl was drugged. The media will pick that shit up and it’ll be, Jacob Evans’, well respected Tupelo lawyer, college daughter OD’ed at a party last night. That’s what will be on the news tomorrow morning. Tara will flip out.”

  “That’s insane.” It’s not really. In all honestly it’s something I can see happening. Our town loves gossip and who cares if it’s factual or not.

  “Her parents would disown her for sure. Her mother is waiting for her to screw up.”

  I have to get her checked out. I can’t sit here and play the waiting game. Not even if it’s not her life on the line. I don’t think it’s a serious enough drug to cause harm, but then I don’t know medical shit outside of how to take care of a tattoo wound.

  There is only one option I can think of and they’re going to kill me for letting this happen.

  I clear the keys on my phone and search for the contact in my favorite. When my eyes land on the number I have to call even though I’m dreading the conversation, I press the button to initiate the call.

  “Did you not hear a word I said?”

  “Yeah, I heard you,” I bark. “I’m calling my mom.” Matt relaxes and Mason walks over, placing his palm on my shoulder.

  “I’ll watch over her. You go call, Pam.”

  I stand, leaving Tara’s side to walk into the kitchen.

  The call is answered within a few rings. I’m sure I’m waking them. It’s after 11 pm as it is.

  “Shawn, baby, what’s wrong?” My mother has never grown out of calling me baby. I hated it as a kid, but now I kind of love it.

  What am I going to say?

  God, give me the strength I need to get this out.

  “Mom, I need you to come to the house.” I take a breath and finish. “Bring any medical supplies you have with you, please.”

  “Shawn, you’re scaring me.”

w fast can you be here?”

  “I’ll be there in forty, baby.” It’s an hour from my hometown to the place I’ve come to think of as my real home.

  “Tara?” I call out again. I can’t help myself. I know it’s no use, but I don’t stop calling her name in hopes she will eventually answer me. This isn’t how I envisioned tonight ending. Her angry I can handle. Tara upset and crying, I can deal with even though I wouldn’t like it, Tara lying on the couch unconscious, not so much. I’m holding on by a thin thread here.

  When is my mom going to get here?

  “Why do you continue to talk to her? You know nothing is going to change.” I’m about ready to handle Matt the best way I know how with my fist connecting with his face.

  I push off the floor and get in his face. He backs up and I advance.

  “This happened because you let it.” I point behind me in Tara’s direction.

  “Back off, Shawn.” Oh, he’s angry is he? Well, let me give him something to really be angry about. I grab the material of his polo, fisting it in both of my hands.

  “Make me, motherfucker.”

  “Shawn Douglas.” My mother’s voice calling me by not only my first name but also my middle name hits my eardrum causing me to release his shirt, but I don’t back off.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” My dad.

  Shit. She would bring him. I knew she would and I also knew he wouldn’t let her come alone. I don’t blame him. I’m sure if I had a wife I loved, I wouldn’t let her crawl out of bed in the middle of the night to run to her adult kid’s beck-in-call, alone either.


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