A Ring for Vincenzo's Heir

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A Ring for Vincenzo's Heir Page 8

by Jennie Lucas

  “Forgive me for interrupting your party. If I’d known—”

  “Vincenzo, having you here is the best engagement present in the world! Did you see Papà’s face? He’s prayed for this. When we sent you the invitation, we never dreamed you would accept.”

  Vin hadn’t gotten the invitation, because he’d instructed his assistant to toss anything from the Borgia family straight into the trash. “Um...”

  “And now you are engaged as well, and expecting a child,” Maria said, her eyes shining. “Our family is growing!”

  Beneath the fairy lights of the large courtyard, guests were dancing to the music of a small band. It didn’t even feel cold, with the heat lamps. A beautiful evening party, with a panoramic view of the moon-swept Tuscan countryside.

  He looked back at Scarlett, already sitting at a table near the dinner buffet, a plate of food in front of her as she talked to Giuseppe and Joanne. Amid all the elegant suits and gowns, she was still wearing the same casual clothes she’d worn on her morning walk in Gstaad. But it didn’t matter. Just looking at her, Vin felt a flash of heat that blocked out all other thoughts and feelings. A welcome distraction.

  As if she felt his stare, Scarlett turned. Their eyes locked across the crowd, and electricity thrummed through him, as if they were the only two people in the world.

  Then his stepmother rose from the table, gesturing her to follow. Finishing a last bite of dinner, Scarlett rose. Lifting her eyebrow at him with a mysterious smile, she turned and disappeared inside the villa.

  It was as if clouds suddenly covered the moonlight. Clearing his throat, Vin turned back to Maria, trying to remember what they’d been saying. “Ah...I hope you’ll both be very happy.”

  “You, too, brother.” Her smile broadened. “But since you’re in love, getting married and having a baby, something tells me you’re about to be happier than you can even imagine.”

  * * *

  Ten minutes later, Scarlett was staring at herself in the full-length mirror.

  “Thank you,” she breathed, looking at herself in the borrowed floaty knee-length dress with charming bell sleeves. “Oh, thank you so much!”

  Vin’s stepmother, Joanne, beamed back at her. “It’s vintage, darling. Haven’t worn it in years. I’m just glad I had a dress with an empire waist!” She glanced fondly at Scarlett’s belly. “How wonderful it will be—” she sighed happily “—to have a new baby in the family. Now I don’t even have to pressure Maria about children for a while, because you’re making me a grandmother!”

  From the moment Scarlett had met Vin’s parents, they’d treated her like family. While talking with them in the courtyard, Scarlett had shyly mentioned she felt woefully underdressed for the party, in wrinkled khakis.

  “Your bodyguards just brought in your suitcase,” Joanne had said helpfully, but Scarlett shook her head, looking down at her casual clothes with regret.

  “All my clothes look like this.”

  “Don’t worry!” Joanne had said suddenly. “I know just the thing!”

  Scarlett had immediately liked the dark-haired British woman, with her obviously kind heart. Now, blinking back tears, she reached out and impulsively hugged her. “I’m so glad we’re going to be family.”

  “Me, too, darling.” Joanne smiled as she drew back, her eyes glistening with tears. “I can’t remember the last time I saw Giuseppe so happy. You’ve put our family back together and added years to my husband’s life. Now—” she shook her head briskly, wiping her eyes “—we just need to find you better shoes. I think Maria has some sparkly sandals about your size...”

  After Scarlett was dressed, she brushed out her red hair and put on a bit of lipstick. Feeling nervous as Cinderella, Scarlett went back out to the noisy courtyard to join the party.

  She’d hoped for a family reconciliation, but she’d never imagined a family like Vin’s—so loving, so warm, so ready to welcome Scarlett and their coming baby with open arms!

  Vin’s father, Giuseppe, smiled at her as she returned to the festive tables on the edge of the courtyard. He said in accented English, “I’m glad you’re here. I can see the love between you and my son.”

  Scarlett blushed and let the remark pass. She could hardly tell Giuseppe that she and Vin had gotten pregnant by accident. They didn’t love each other.

  But she wanted to love him.

  Yes, Vin was ruthless. But he was also honorable, determined to do the best he could—as he saw it—for their baby, and for Scarlett, too. He’d repeatedly put her needs in front of his. Agreeing to drive, instead of fly. Agreeing to introduce her to his family. Most of all, agreeing to marry her without a pre-nup! She could only imagine how his shark lawyers would have their heads blown off at that one.

  “When is your wedding?” Giuseppe asked.

  “I’m not exactly sure. Sometime soon in Rome. We haven’t really planned it yet. But I do hope you’ll all be able to come...”

  Her voice trailed off as Vin saw her across the courtyard. He started pushing through the crowd toward her.

  Her body felt the rhythm of the music, the beat of the dancers’ pounding feet against the flagstones. But she was unable to move, unable to even breathe, captured in his dark hungry gaze.

  He was breathtakingly handsome. His muscled legs were barely contained by well-tailored black trousers and his broad shoulders seemed to expand the sharp white shirt with the top button undone. But it wasn’t the broadness of his shoulders or sharp line of his jaw or even the intensity of his black eyes that shook her. His sex appeal was obvious to anyone with eyes.

  This was more.

  Scarlett felt like she knew a secret. Something no other woman had been privileged to see. Something he hid from the world and would deny to the death if ever accused of it.

  Beneath the layers of slick designer suits and hard brutal muscle, Vin secretly had a good heart.

  “Scusi,” he said now to his father, who smiled indulgently.

  “But of course, you want to be with your future bride.”

  Reaching out, Vin pulled Scarlett away. Beneath his touch, her body flashed hot, then cold. As they stood together on the crowded dance floor of the villa’s courtyard, as the fairy lights swayed above them in the moonlit night, her heart was pounding.

  She suddenly couldn’t meet his eyes. She focused on the curve of his neck. On the hair-dusted forearms casually revealed by his rolled-up sleeves. The hard edge of his unshaven jawline. The upturn of his cruelly sensual lips.

  Blood was suddenly rushing in her ears. Her knees felt weak. What was happening to her?

  “Cara,” he said softly. “You look so beautiful in that dress.” He pulled her into his arms. “Dance with me.”

  The slow dance was pure torture for Scarlett as she felt his hard, powerful body brush against hers. His muscles moved against her breasts and belly, and his hands slowly traced down her back.

  Her full breasts felt heavy, her nipples tightening, aching to be touched. Even the barest brush of him against her was almost too much—and yet not nearly enough. Agonized desire flowed through her, twisting deep, deep inside her. She ached for him to kiss her, to stroke her naked skin, to thrust inside her, fill her fully, stretch her wide—

  Her breaths came in gasps. She tried to hide her desire. She couldn’t let him know that such an innocent slow dance, while surrounded by his family and friends at an engagement party, was making her insane with need. How could she be so wanton? What was wrong with her?

  The song finished, and she exhaled. “Um, thanks...”

  But as she tried to leave the dance floor, he held her tight, murmuring, “Don’t go.”

  His large hands moved slowly from her hips to her lower back. He pulled her back against his body, crushing her breasts against his hard chest. Dizzy with need, she looked up at him.

  He smiled down at her. Powerful. Sure of himself.

  There was a lull in the music. His expression changed, became dark. Hot. His lips slowly lowered
toward hers—


  They turned as Giuseppe’s voice called across the courtyard. Vin’s father beamed at them, his arm around his wife’s shoulders, with Maria smiling beside them.

  “My son,” he announced, “there is no sense in you getting married in Rome, with strangers.” He gesticulated wildly. “We have decided you and Scarlett should be married right here.”

  “Say yes,” Maria begged.

  “It would make us so happy,” Joanne added warmly. “What do you say?”

  Having her wedding at this beautiful Tuscan villa, surrounded by Vin’s family? Scarlett wanted it instantly. Holding her breath, she looked hopefully at Vin.

  But his expression was strangely shut down. Scarlett didn’t understand why he seemed so tense at the idea. But whatever the reason, she knew he didn’t want to do it. She sensed he’d been pushed as far as he’d be pushed. But he remained stubbornly silent, forcing Scarlett to be the one to give his family the bad news.

  Biting her lip, she forced herself to say apologetically, “Thank you, but we want to be wed as quickly as possible—”

  “All the more reason to do it here,” Joanne pointed out. “What is the point of getting married in Rome? It will just take longer to get all the paperwork done. Here, it will be quicker because Giuseppe is mayor—”

  “Sì, mayor,” he repeated proudly.

  “And he’ll make sure all the necessary documentation is completed as fast as humanly possible. You’re both American citizens now—” Joanne glanced humorously at her stepson, as if to say What a fool you were to trade away this beautiful country “—so no banns are necessary.”

  “Please!” Maria clutched Scarlett’s hands. “I’ll arrange a beautiful wedding for you. It’ll be good practice for planning my own. Why shouldn’t you get married here? It’s your home now, too, Scarlett!”

  Put that way, it was impossible to refuse. Scarlett looked desperately at Vin.

  He scowled. “I have connections in Rome. It can be done quickly enough.”

  Giuseppe snorted. “Amid strangers! What about your family? What about your bride?”

  Vin’s jaw tightened. “I don’t—”

  “Please,” Scarlett whispered.

  He stared at her for a long moment, then sighed.

  “Va bene.” His shoulders looked tense. “We will have our wedding here, since my bride wishes it.” As Maria clapped her hands together with joy, he added fiercely, “But I must be in Rome within five days.”

  “No problem!” Joanne said.

  “Easy!” Giuseppe said.

  “You will see,” Maria chortled. “I bet we can do it in three!”

  Vin’s expression said he feared three days would last an eternity. Why? Scarlett wondered. What could possibly be making him so tense? Was it cold feet? Had he changed his mind about wanting to marry her? The thought caused a shiver of nervousness to go through her. Because she was starting to not hate the idea of marrying him.

  “Perhaps it’s not an entirely bad idea,” Vin murmured, looking down at her. His arms tightened. “If we’re staying, that means no more driving tonight. Which means,” he whispered, “I can take you to bed now.”

  Fire flashed through her, and she almost tottered on her borrowed strappy sandals. Her heart was pounding so hard and fast she felt light-headed.

  Her whole world shrank down to the sensation of his body near hers, his hand supporting her arm. Did he intend to seduce her? No, surely not. She was eight and a half months pregnant. Not exactly a sexpot. She wanted him. Definitely. But she was surely imagining the dark fierce smolder in his eyes.

  And part of her was afraid of what would happen if he made love to her. How much of her soul he might take, along with her body...

  “My fiancée is tired,” he said abruptly. “I am sorry, but we must cut our night short.”

  “Of course, of course,” came the chorus around them in English and Italian. Everyone looked at her belly and smiled. Everyone loved a pregnant woman.

  “Where can I take her to rest?”

  “Follow me,” his father said, waving them along. He took them through the beautiful villa, up the sweeping stairs to the quieter second floor, then triumphantly through double doors to a huge, luxurious bedroom.

  “But there’s only one bed,” Scarlett whispered to Vin in consternation. His father heard her and chuckled.

  “There is no reason for you to pretend you do not share a bedroom,” he said with a laugh, eyeing her belly. “We are not so old-fashioned as to need that deception. Or so stupid as to believe it! Do not be embarrassed. We wish you only to be comfortable.”

  Refusing to meet Vin’s eyes, Scarlett said stiltedly, “Perhaps other rooms could be found—”

  “Yes, of course.” His father nodded, but before she could sigh with relief, he finished, “The villa is full of party guests, but we did find rooms for your bodyguards. I appreciate your concern for them,” he said approvingly. “You’ve chosen the right woman, Vincenzo. So thoughtful and kind. Look.” He nodded toward her duffel bag and his sleek designer suitcase, stacked neatly on the closet floor. “Our staff already unpacked your clothes for you. We were hoping to convince you to stay. So now there is nothing—” his eyebrows wiggled suggestively “—to prevent you both from having a good night’s sleep.”

  Giuseppe left, shutting the double doors behind him.

  Alone in the shadowy bedroom, standing next to the enormous bed, Scarlett and Vin looked at each other.

  “What now?” she whispered, shivering. “What should we—”

  Before she could finish her sentence, before she could even finish her thought, Vin pulled her roughly into his arms. Claiming her lips as his own, he twined his hands in her long red hair, kissing her with deep, ferocious hunger that could not be denied.


  VIN HADN’T FELT so emotionally out of control for a long, long time.

  All night, he’d been forced to endure feelings he’d ignored for twenty years, since he’d left Italy and closed the door marked “love and family” forever in his mind.

  But that door had been wrenched open. He was out of practice dealing with any feeling but anger, so staggered by conflicting emotions.

  Right now, there was only one thing he wanted to feel.

  This. Kissing Scarlett, Vin stroked his hands up her arms, feeling the silky fabric of her empire-waist dress slide beneath his fingertips. Feeling the warmth of her body beneath. He could be sure of this.

  And this. He deepened the kiss, teasing her with his tongue.

  Her sigh was soft in his mouth, like a whimper, but he felt the way she moved, her belly hard against his, her breasts swollen and soft.

  This was all he wanted to feel. What he could physically grasp. What he could hold.


  Distantly, he heard the raucous noise of the party downstairs in the courtyard. But here in the hush of the darkened bedroom it felt strangely private, even holy. This was a place out of time, belonging to them alone.

  Vin felt her tremble against him. Her lips parted beneath his, open and ripe for the taking. The rational part of his brain disappeared. It was like he’d never kissed anyone before.

  He caressed her cheek, running his hand down the back of her neck, through her long hair tumbling down her shoulders. He drew back, looking at her. She was so sexy. So impossibly desirable. Beneath the silk bodice of her dress, he could see the hard nipples of her swollen breasts.

  His body was screaming to take her now, take her hard and fast.

  He exhaled, forcing himself to stay in control. She was heavily pregnant with his child, so he’d have to be gentle. She would need to be on top. To set the rhythm.

  Plus, she was nervous. He felt that in her hesitation, in the way she’d shyly asked for separate rooms. She was afraid of what their lovemaking would start between them.

  She was right to be afraid.

  He intended to use every weapon he had
to make her fall in love with him. To make her acquiesce to his every desire, and give him total command.

  He needed to lure her slowly. Until she wanted him so badly that she was the one pushing him back roughly against the bed, and climbing on top of his naked body, easing her soft, wet core around him, driving him hard until they both screamed, clutching each other—

  He shuddered with need. Patience, though a virtue, wasn’t his strong point.

  But he was starting to suspect that the torture of wanting her, and waiting for her, would make this conquest the single most spectacular sexual event of his life. For that, it was worth a little self-control.

  If he could keep himself from losing it...

  He gentled his kiss, making his lips seductive and soft. She leaned her body against him, reaching up to twine her hands in his short dark hair, pulling his head down harder against hers. Her rough, savage kiss made him feel so, so good, his body taut, his blood rushing and pounding and spiraling with need—

  With a silent curse, Vin pulled away. She wouldn’t be able to resist now if he drew her to the bed. He saw that in her sweetly mesmerized face. She wasn’t the problem.

  He was.

  He couldn’t lose control. Not now. Not ever. He needed a new strategy to force himself to slow down.

  Scarlett’s big eyes gleamed in the shadowy room as she looked up at him, dazed with desire. Cupping her cheek, he said in a low voice, “You have had a long day, cara. You need some comfort. Let me take care of you.” Her forehead furrowed, then smoothed as he ran his hand gently along her shoulder. “I saw a marble tub in the en suite. Shall I start you a bath?”

  “A bath?” she said, sounding bewildered, and he couldn’t blame her.

  “A deliciously sensual bath.” He smiled. “One you’ll want to linger in.”

  “That would be lovely—if you’re sure you don’t mind?”

  She was already sighing in anticipation. She had had a stressful day, he thought. Considering she’d woken up that morning a single mother, a cook working in a Swiss chalet, and now was in Italy, Vin’s fiancée, the proven mother of his child, with a ten-carat diamond on her finger. She’d met his family and was about to share his bed. That was a lot of change for anyone. And more was soon to come.


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